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<br /> � . 1. PAYME!!T OF PRINCII�A4. ANO INTEREST. Trustor shall prpmptly pay when dua tha pnnc�pal ot and inteiesl o� !he�ndeatednRSs
<br /> evidenced Dy the Note,and all pther charges and tees ae provided in the Nole,and Ihe pr�ncipal 01 and interesl on a�y Futuro Advances secured
<br /> by this Trust Daed.
<br /> . 2.WAIIRANTY OFTITLE.Trustor is lawtuity seized and possessedot goad and indeleas�ble title and eslate tothe Property hereby corneyed
<br /> and h�ls the riqhl to granl a�d convay tha Properiy:the Prope�ty is t�ee and clear pt all ligns and encumbrances except liens now of record;and �
<br /> T�ustor will wa�r�nt and detand the t�tle to the Property agalnst all claims and demands.
<br /> 3.MAINTENANCE AND COMPLIANCE WITM LAWB.Trustor shall keeplhe P�operty m goad repau and condilion and s�all not Comm�t wesle
<br /> i or p��mit impairment or deterioration ot ihe Property and shali camply with the provisions of any leasa�t th�s Trust Deed�s on a leasehotd.No
<br /> improvement now or hareatxer erected upon the Property shall be aftered,removedor demoUShed without the pnor wntten Consenlel Ben�hCiary
<br /> i Tru�tor shsll complywith all laws,ordinanCes,regulaUons,covenants,cond�tions and�estricUons affecting ihe PrOperty and not Comm�l,su(ler or
<br /> permlt any aci to be done in or upon the Properiy in viotation ot any law,ordi�a�ce,►egulation,covenant,Condition Or rH&inCtion TruSlor 9he11
<br /> compteta or restore promptty and in good workmantike manner any improvement on the Property wh�ch may be damayed ar d8siroyeA antl pay,
<br /> when due,atl claims tor labor pertormed and materials turnished therefor and tor any alterat�ons thereot.
<br /> 4.INSUAANCE.Truator,at iis expense,wlll maintain with insurors approved by Beneficiary,��suranca w�lh resRect to the�mprovements and
<br /> pe�son�l praperty,consti�uting the Property,againsl Iosa by fire,lightning,tornado,and other perils and hazards covered by standard extended
<br /> , coveraye Indorsement.in an amount equal to at least one huadred percent(100°io)of Ihe(ull replaceme�t value thereof and�nsurance against
<br /> ---- - s;:slta:lt�:!ts_wtL'�snQinauChamaan2aast�cq�tom8ri!;�srrts�b,�a:ne�ssndapsrwto��ol�ftndl3tprop:.:::a��:ua8�ttafieiarymayrar�uir�lvr
<br /> i its protection.Trustor will comply with such other requi�emenis as Beneficiary may lrom time to time request forthe protection by msurance of the
<br /> interestsof the respective pa►ties.All insurance poticies maintained pursuant tothisirusl0eed shall name Truslor and 8eneficiaryas insured,as
<br /> their respeCtive Inter�sts may appear,and providethat there be np cancellat�o�or modilication wilhoul at least 15 deys pnor written notification to
<br /> Trustee and BenBtiCiery may procure suah insuranCe in accordance with thep�ovlsionsot paragraph 6 hereOf.Trustot shalldel�verto Benefic�ary
<br /> theoriginalpoticiesolinsuranceandrenewalsthereoformemocopiesofsuchpoliciesandrenewa�sthereol Fail�retolurnlshsuchmsuranceby
<br /> T�usto�,or renewals as required hereunder shall,at the option ot Benefic�ary,constitute a delault.
<br /> _ 5.TAXES,ASSESSMENTS AND CHAROES.Trustor shall pay a111axes,assessments and other charges,including,without I�m�tation,lmes
<br /> � end impdsitions ari�ibulable to the Property a�d leasehold payments or ground rents,�I any,betore the same b2come delinquent.Trustor shall
<br /> pramptlyturnishto beneficiary a11 notices of amounts due undorthis paragraph,and in the evenl Trustor sha11 make paymenldirectty,Trustorshall
<br /> promptly lurnish to Beneliciery receipts evidencing such payments.Trustor ;hall pay a11 taxes and assessments which may be levied upon • :
<br /> Bene}lciary'S Interest herein or upon this Trust Deed without regard to any lav►that may be enacted imposing payment ot the whote or any part
<br /> thereat upon the Be�eficiary. ' `��
<br /> � � . ;�
<br /> - o.wv��iiviiwi.iieii�,iiiu'rRvi'e��i�'r v��se'rirrici�Hii'��tcuRii"r.i rusior snan marce an payments ot�nterest antl principat ancl - .�__
<br /> payments ot any other charges,fees and expenses contracted to be paid to any ex�sting or subsequent I�enholder or beneficiary,under any � '
<br /> , ' existing or subsequent mOrtgage or trust deed betore the date they are delinqent or in default,and promptly pay and disCharge any and all other
<br /> � Iiens,ctaimsorchargeswhiChmayjeoperdizethesecuritygrantedherein.HTrustorfallstomakeanysuchpaymentorfai�9tope►fqrmanyofthe t��
<br /> CovenaMS and agreemenis aontained inthis T�ust Deed,or the Note re}erred to here�n,or�n any prior or subsequent trusl deed,or�f any action or
<br /> proCeeding is commenCed whiCh materially afieCts Beneticiary's interest�n the Property, mcluding,but npt limited to.eminent domain proceed-
<br /> ings,proceedings involving a decedent,notice ot sate by T�ustee,notice of default by Trustee,mortgage toreclosure actwn,or if Trustor fa�ls to :
<br /> pay Trustor's debts generalty as they become due,then Beneficiary,at Benefic�ary's option and without notice to or demand upon Trustor and
<br /> ' without�eleasingTrustorirom any obligatlon hereunder,may make such appearances,disburse such sums andtake su�h action as is necessary -
<br /> ' to protect Bene}iciary's interest, including, but not limited to, disbursement ot reasonable attorney's fees,payment, purchase. contest or �
<br /> Compromise ot any encumbrance,charge or lien,entry upon the Property to make repairs,or declaration of delault under this Trust Deed.tn the
<br /> � even!that Trustor shall fail to procure insurance or to pay taxes.assessments,or any other charges or to make any payments to any exist�ng or
<br /> { subsequent lienhotders or existing or subsequeni beneficiaries.8eneficiary may procure such�nsurance and make such payment,but shall not
<br /> � be obligated to do so.Any amounts disbursed by Beneficiary pursuant to this Paragraph 6 sha1l become add�uonal indebtedness ot Trustor
<br /> ` seCUret3 by this Trust Deed.Such amounts shall be payable upon noliCe trom Beneticiary to Trustor requesting payment thereof,and shall bear
<br /> • interesttrOmthedateoldisbursementattheratepayableiromtimetotimeonoutstandingpnncipalunderlheNoteunlesspaymentofmterestat
<br /> such rate woutd be contrary to applicable law,in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the h�ghest rate permiss�ble under appl�cable �
<br /> S law.Nothing contained in this Paragraph 6 shalt require Beneficiary to incur any expanse or take any action hereunder
<br /> I �.��
<br /> � 7.ASSIGNMEHT OF RENTS.Beneficiary shall have the right,power and authority dunng ihe continuance ot this Trust Deed to coiiect tne .__
<br /> rents,issues and profits otthe Praperiy and of any personal property located thereon with or wdhout takmg possession olthe property aftected � '�'-.
<br /> hereby,and Trustor hereby absolutety and uncanditionally assigns all such renis.�ssuesand protitsto Benef�ciary.Bene!iciary,howeve�.hereby ,
<br /> j consentsto the Trustor's collection and retention of such rents,issues and prof�ts astheyaccrue and become payable so long as Trustor�s not,at •
<br /> SuCh time,in def8ult witA respect to paymeni of any indebtednes&secured hereby,or in the performance ot any agreemenl hereunder.Upon any
<br /> � suchdefault,BeneflCiary mayat any fime,either in person,by agent,or by a rece�ver to be appointed by a court,w�ihout not�ce and w�thout regard �
<br /> tothe adequacy of any securityforthe indebtedness hereby secured.(a)enter upon and take possess�on ot the Property or any part thereol,and in
<br /> • its own namasue 1or a otherwisecolleci such rents,issuss and profiis,mclud�rtg thase past due and unpa�d,and applytne same.�ess costs ancl
<br /> , expenses o1 operation and col{ection, including reasonabte altprney's fees, upon any �ndebtedness secured hereby. and in sucn ortler as
<br /> � 8eneficiary may determine:(b)perform such acts o}repair or protection as may be necessary or properto conserve the value of the Property.�c)
<br /> lease the same or any part thereolfor such rentat,term,and upon such cond�t�ons as�ts judgment may d�ctate.or term�nate or ad�ustthe terms and
<br /> cond+tions ot existing teases.Unless Trustor and 8enetfciary thereof agree otheiw�se in wnUng,any apphcation of rents.�ssues or prol�ts to any
<br /> ; indebtedness secured hereby shail not extend or postpone the due date of the�nstallment payments as prov�ded on sa�d prom�ssory note or
<br /> � cha�getheamountoisuchinSt811m8n1s.TheentennguponandlakingpossessionoltheProperty.thecollectionofsuchrents.�ssuesandpro��ts
<br /> and the apptication thereof as afore�aid,shall not warve o►cure any dalault or notice o!detault hereunder or mval�date any act done pursuant to
<br /> suc h notice.Trustor also assignsto BenefiCiary,as�urther secuntyfor the perlormance ol the obhgat�uns secured hereby.ali prepa�d rents antl ai�
<br /> momes which may have been or may hereafter be deposited with sa�d Trustor by any lessee ot the Property.to secure the paymen�ot any rens or
<br /> damages,or upon defauli in the performance of any oi ihe prav�sions hereof. Tiustor agrees to del�ver such rents and depos�ts to Benet�c�ary
<br /> Det�veryofwnttennoticeofBenef�ciary'sexerciseoflherighlsgrantedherem,toanytenaMOCCUpymgsa�dprem�sesshallbesufhc�enttorequ�re ' —
<br /> sa�d tenant to pay rent to the Beneficiary unt�l turther not�ce. '
<br /> 8.COHDEIMNATIpN.It I�tle to any parl 01 the Property shall be taken�n condemnal�on proceed�ngs.by r�9ht o}em�nent dom��n or s�m�ia�
<br /> act�on,or shall be sald under threat of condemnation,all awards,damages ar.d pr�ceeds are hereby ass�gned and sha��be pa�d to Benet�c�ary ,
<br /> who shall apply such awards.damages and proceeds to the sum secured by th�s Trus1 Deed,w�th the excess.�f any. pa�d to Trusior II Trustor
<br /> recerves any noLCO or other mformation regardmg such acGOns or proceed�ngs.Trustor shau gwe prompt wnnen not�ce thereof to Benef�c�ary
<br /> Benaf�c�ary shatl be ent�tled.al�ts opt�on,to commence,appear�n and prosecute�n�ts ovin name any such act�on o�p�oceed•ngs a�d s�a��b� �
<br /> Lentitled to mpke any Comprom�se or settlement m connection wiih any such act�on or pruceed�ngs
<br /> 9-FUTURE AOVANCES. Upon request of Trustoc.Benet�t;�ary a1 8enehc�ary s opt�on pt�nr 1�rPfnn�nyanrp nf thE Prpp�rty�p T*�,stc•� ����i �
<br /> makefuture advances to Trustor Such tuture advances.wrth�nterest the•eon.shall be secu�ed by tn�s Trust Deed v�hen e•��denr.Pri bi,:o�r,s�c��v ~
<br /> notes stat�n that sa�d notes a�e secured hereb rov�dsd that a�no��me sne�i tne secu�ed r�n;� �
<br /> 9 Y P P P�,' 7nd future ativantes �•i•; �n��i,d�nq ;,,,,,� �
<br /> advanced to protett the seCUr�ly.exCeed two hundred perCent(200'�1 0�the Ur�gina!pnncipal�mounis se�u�ea rereDy ,� ,
<br /> �. ..
<br /> �
<br />