(a) A sum equat to the ground rents. if any. next due. plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on
<br />- - -- -- pok= ier_ -..5 ft.Fe— and other hazard insunime- covering the txop; rty, plus tau. -and assessments -next due on the property (utt -- — — - as estimated bti the Lender) less all sums already paid therefor divided by the number of months to elapse before one (1)
<br />month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and assessments will become delinquent, such sums to
<br />be held by Lender in trust to pay said ground'rents, premiums, taxes and special assessments: and
<br />1
<br />� (b) All payments mentioned in the preceding subsection of this paragraph and all payments to be made under the note
<br />secured hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Borrower each month in a
<br />single payment to be applied by the Lender to the following items in the order set forth:
<br />(1) ground rents, taxes, assessments, fire and other hazard insurance premiums,
<br />(II) interest on the note secured hereby: and
<br />(111) amortization of the principal of said. note.
<br />Any di 'ti envy in the amount c" such aggregate monzHAY, payment shall. unless made good -by the Borrower prior to
<br />the due date of the next such pa }•t>rtaN. as an event of default under this mortgage, Fite Leaner may collect a "late
<br />charge" not to excee! fvt;r cents i�i_l.;fbT each,ktar ($I) of each payment more than fineen (M days in arrears to cover
<br />the extra dense ins`3Sv in han4^ g delinquent payments.
<br />3. T7,v ;.if the total of the payments madtr by the Borrotc * mide'r CA', '31F! paragraph 2 preceding;`Ali exceed -fite'amount
<br />Qaym hts actually made by the Lender for ground rents, taxes and ass- scents or insurance premiums, as the case may
<br />be. such•ct.cess, if the loan is current, at the option of the Borrower, shall bi:- 4rddited by the Lender on subsequent payments
<br />to be meae by the Borrower, or refunded to the Borrower. If. however. the morztly payments made by the Borrower under
<br />(a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall not be sufficient to pay ground rents, taxes. add sY��ments or insurance premiums, as
<br />the case may be, when the same shall become due and payable. then the Borrow.e7 sha2 paN to the Lender any amount necessary
<br />to make up the deficiency, on or before the date when payment of such ground i rills. E~ati. assessments, or insurance premiums
<br />shall be due. If at any time the Borrower shall tender to the lender, in accarriance provisions of the note secured
<br />hereby, thou payment of the entire indebtedness represented, t er:eby, the Lender shall: Ph computing the amount of such in-
<br />debtednes,-,. credit to the account of the Borrower any ball io-., remaining in. the funds accumulated under the provisions of
<br />(a) of paragraph 2 hereof. If there shall be a default under any of the provisions of this instrument resulting in a public sale
<br />of the premises covered hereby, or if the Lender acquires the property otherwise after default, the Lender shall apply, at
<br />the time of the commencement of such proceedings, or at the time the property is otherwise acquired; the balance then re-
<br />maining ic.the funds accumulated under (a) of paragraph 2 preceding, as a credit against the amount of principal then remain -
<br />ing unpaid: under said note.
<br />4. 1T.mxt the Borrower will pay ground rents. taxes, assessments, water rates, and other governmental or municipal charges,
<br />fines. or irsgositions, for which provision has not been made hereinbefore, and in default thereof thr Lender ay pay the
<br />same: aau that the Borrower will promptly deliver the official receipts therefor to the Lender.
<br />S. The Borrower will pay all taxes which may be levied upon the Lender's interest in said real and improvements,
<br />and which may he levied upon this imtrument or the debt secured hereby (but only to the extent that such is net prohibited
<br />by law an& only to the extent that finch will not make this loan usurious), but excluding e,r,y income tax. State ,e: Federal,
<br />imposed .so. Lender, and will file the official receipt showing such payment with the Lend:::. Upon violation of tf: undertak-
<br />ing, or if the Borrower is prohibited by any law now or hereafter existing from paying the whole or any portion of the aforesaid
<br />taxes, or upon the rendering of any court decree prohibiting the payment by the Borrower of any such taxes, or is such law
<br />or decree provides that any amount so paid by the Borrower shall he credited on dre6t, the Lender shall ha,,; the right
<br />to give ninety days' written notice to the owner of the premises, requiring the payme :e ri''the debt. if such notic:' ,. given,
<br />the said dltl;tt shall become due, payable and collectible at the cxpriatio,7 of said ninety days.
<br />6. That should the Borrower fail to pay any %urn or keep any coverage provided for in this t_s Lender,
<br />at its ogdon, may pay or perform the same. and all expenditures so m_ l..: -Ball he added to the principal sum t', wr,y on the
<br />above 1t,ni„ ;hall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest at rh: r:;�1: :a forth in thv szid note, until paid.
<br />7. That the Borrtr:l.L-r hereby assigns, trinsfcrs and sets over to th,_ Un.;lcr, to he applied toward the payment of the
<br />note and all sums securai h-,.m2by in case of a default in the perfurmance of of the terms and conditions of this instrument
<br />or the said note, all the re _'s. and income to be derived from the said premises during such time as the indebtedness
<br />shall remain unpaid, and the l cn S!.< shall have power to appoint any agent or agents it r, iy desire for the purpose cif repairing
<br />said premises and of -ru Ling the same and collecting the rents, revenues and incon:e....ad it may pay out of said incomes
<br />all expenses of repxiling said premises and necessary commissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same
<br />and of collecting rentals therefrom. the balance remaining, if any, to be applied tow4 d. the discharge of said indebtedness-
<br />S. ilia.►; the Borrower will keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erc=—d en the property, insured as may
<br />Ix- required from time ti► tittle by the Lender against loss by fire and other haiards, casualties and contingencies in such
<br />amounts and for such periods as may be required by the Lender and will pay promptly, when due, any premiums on such
<br />insurance provision for payment of which has not been made hercinbefore. All insurance shall be carried in companies ap-
<br />proved by the Lender and the policies and renewals thereof shall he held by the Lender and have attached thereto loss payable
<br />clause-, in favor of and in fi►rit, ncicptaLlr to the Lender. In event of fors Borrower will give unntcdiate notice by mail to
<br />the Lender,wh t ntay make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. and each insurance company concerned is licrchy
<br />authorized and directed io make payment for such loss directly to the Lender instead of to the Burrower and the Lender
<br />jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or any part thereof, may b-- applied by the Lender at its option either to the reductuin
<br />of the indebtedness hereby secured or h► the restorattnn or repair of the property danug -ed ht c%cnt tit forcclo,ure tit ill,,.
<br />instrument cirother transfcroi title u►tho tiairtgagcd projivrty in extmgut,hment t4thc indchtcdncss,ccurcd hereby. all wht.
<br />WV
<br />title and Interest fit, the Mirrower in and it) any insurance lhih c5 then in fork %hall pass a• the pnrthat cr of r mtc".
<br />t•'.' ,Ti i) ihat as ;ufllittiinal a1tlt .t•tiat.ral sckutity for the payo,cnr of tilt: n„tc tic,c7tt+,•It..1r.11 .11t .um, to title in,.lrr
<br />` • dw. ,eraru,,:cnl the liot(kctier hcrch ,
<br />.... „ . a „if.Re h. the I c•Cdt•t all pPAits. TC'.i't1;1•;,, t,.ti.lN,;;.. t►sh„ anti h:12Ch1' .ntrRln:• V.
<br />- -- - $tit' tt:ah1.1-tr to-rtil,r ARV aml .ill :.,1 it-A �.t, 1ka"c” on Said j�rei3il,Cti. tvo l the 11.14 t• r�- ctvlti•.- .11M iekcil•- t;,i tt;.. 11.:1
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