—State of NebrasA - — - — DEED OF TRUST -- � �` ,� • - - - -, - -
<br />3211297483703 !
<br />220600868 89- 14126 5
<br />TMS DEED OF TRUST, ("Security Instrument—) is made on MARCH 8 .
<br />i 19 89. The trustor is JERRY L. SkWS AND ALETHE B. SANNES, HUSBAND AND WIFE
<br />1 (€ ("Borrower"). The trustee is -
<br />OCCIDENTAL NEBRASKA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK ( "Trustee "). lire beneficiary is
<br />OCCIDEWAL WBRASKA FEDM.L SAVnic-S BANK _ . which is oWized -and existing
<br />under the laws of NEBRASKA . and whose address is
<br />11704 W CENTER RD OMAHA, NEBRASKA ("Lender").
<br />i
<br />p I
<br />W1Qtessdh: That the Borrower in consideration of the debt and trust hereinafter described and created, and the sum i
<br />of One Dollar-($11). to him in'hand paid by the Trustee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, dae�.by.these presents
<br />grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm,,, unto the Trustee. forever. all of the following described real estate. situated j
<br />i IYrr� and being in the County of HALL , and State of Nebr, ka. to wit;
<br />t ;
<br />- >3Z§:,L - COIINTY, NEBRASKA. •; ,
<br />i
<br />' I
<br />i
<br />i ,.
<br />t
<br />which has the address of 2513 OLD MILL RIVER ROAD GRAND ISLAND
<br />tstrccl) (City)
<br />'ti�it -aska 68301 ( "Property Address—):
<br />`Lip cast
<br />To Have wid To Hold the premises above described. with all t�a appuneiznces thereunto belonging and includ Y,g 2>'t
<br />' heating, plumbing and lighting fixtures and equipment now or here ut4mwattached to or used in connection with said real a%t;;e
<br />unto the Trustee. and to its successors aat) -assigns. forever. The &4 -mwer represents to, and covenants with, the Trustee. .
<br />} that the Borrower has good � ght to sett and convey said premises; that they arc tree from encumbranrx..'a,W that the Bor-
<br />rower will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons %i' omsoever; and the sat; Borrower hereby j
<br />relenquishes all rights of homestead, ar 4;il;l marital rights, either it law. nr '- A,equily. and all other contingent interests of I
<br />the Borrower in and to the above- descrt eji premises, the intention t�ca t�? •air. :vy hereby an absolute title. in fee simple.
<br />including all rights of homestead, and other rights and interests as
<br />+ 1
<br />Provided Always, and thir�e? resents we execlizoi' rnd delivered 4nco :.e Trustee. in trust, however for the following
<br />purposes:
<br />1' Whereas. the Borrower on the 8TH , c�i ,.r 6f MARCH , 1989 . borrowrxt from the Lender
<br />! the sum of SIXTY THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY TWO AND 00 /100 ---- - - - - -- - - - - --
<br />j Dollars (S 63,232.00 ), for which sum the Borrower has executed and delivered to the lender j
<br />r Borrower's promissory note of even date. bearing interest at the rate of TEN I
<br />{ per centum (10.000 %) per annum on the unpaid balance until paid. The said principal and interest shall be payable at ({
<br />in OMAHA, NEBRASKA , or at such other place as the holder of the note. may
<br />designate in writing, in monthly installments of SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY NINE AND 49/100 ------- - - - - -- T
<br />Dollars (S 679.49 ), commencing on the first day of 14AY 1989.
<br />and on the first day of each month thereafter until the principal and interest are fully paid, exc>.pt that the final payment j
<br />of principal and interest, if not sooner paid. shall be due and payable on the first day ofApRIL' 2004 i
<br />Borrower and Under covettirni and agree as follows: r
<br />!T
<br />1. That Borrower will pay the indebtedness, as hereinbefore provided. Privilege is reserved to pay the debt in w'hule
<br />u or in part on any installment due date.
<br />2 That. together with. and in addition to, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable under the tern% Ott , •"+
<br />tltc tole secured hereby, the lt+trto%cr will pay to the Lender. u)i the first d,,y e,f each rrutnth until the satJ note t� tut! r <
<br />- ' patd, the follow•titg
<br />_-6 a
<br />Form HUB- 92143-DT Rov ?'88 ft1 -t
<br />V3144 t lot A '4171`4 4
<br />(IF 631 6fe8
<br />a
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