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r <br />L <br />• � M <br />i <br />Borrower read Leader covenant and agree as follows: <br />I- That Borrower will pay the indebtedness, as hereinbefore <br />Provided. Privilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole or in <br />part on any installment due date. <br />acquires the property otherwise after default, the Lender shall <br />apply, at the time of the commencement of such proceedings, or <br />at the time the property is otherwise acquired. the balance then <br />remaining in the funds accumulated under (a) of paragraph 2 <br />preceding, as a credit against the amount of principal then <br />remaining unpaid under said note. <br />2. That, together with, and in addition to, the monthly <br />payments iif principal and interest payable under the terms of <br />4. That the Brsrtawer will pay ground remits, taxes, <br />the note'Wured hereby, the Borrower will pay w die Lender. <br />assessments,. w,atxrates, and other governmental or municipal <br />on the first day of each month until the said now.. 9. fully paid, <br />cltargrs, fines, rrr. iit_positioas, for which provision has not been <br />the felIuMng sums: <br />made hcreinbcfor-t'::aird ire default thereof the Lender may pay <br />(a) A Rum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus <br />the same; and 1J k..the Borrower will promptly deliver the <br />official receipts,d)tr'efor to the Lender. <br />the prrm'sjttm that will next become due and payable on policies <br />of rlie. ;Mll 9ther hazard insurance covering the property, p1mi ;. <br />='q.. 8 assestsments next due on the property (all ar esrfrrurt t. <br />:.. . The Borrower will pay all taxes which may be levied upon <br />5y tr, :.-Emider) less all sums already paid therefor 'divided b hire::,.`,, <br />dre Lender's interest in said:rrai: estate and improvement's, and <br />numisecnf months to elapse before one (1) month prior to dst;:'• ;,: <br />taii ii may be levied upon this instrument tir.the debt secured <br />°.• •: <br />date w)scn s,tch ground rents, premiums, taxes and assessmeull ,' <br />tp—by (but only to the extent that such is nin prohibited by law <br />, <br />will become delinquent, such su>usvJ be. held by Lender in ii•ust <br />:::; a �i' only to the e4ts nt that such will not ;ce this loan <br />to pay said ground rr pt?:^��iiu-v,. ;Y; mss¢ectat <br />:- tsari „us), but escitiding any ii:xma tax. State or Federat, <br />assessments; and <br />itn}ttzd on Lenders. and aril' f3ie the official receipt shoving <br />such payment «irh the Lendec,. ( `pen violation of this <br />(b) All payments mentioned in. the preceding subsection of <br />undertaking, or if tfte, &r-+ --vas :s prohiMi2d by any law now or <br />this paragraph and all payments to he made under the note <br />hereafter existing fnnu ra -%iirg tie whale :9r aiy portion of the <br />secured •hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate <br />aforesaid taxes, or upen the rzideeng of any court decree <br />amount: thereof shall be paid by the Borrower eat month in a <br />prohibiting the payment: i ?f any such taxes, or <br />.'rtgLerpayment to be applied by the Lender t-3 the following <br />if such law or decree pro-,,,der t= ayy :mount so paid by the <br />items in: the order set forth: <br />Borrower shall be credited or die debt, the fJmder shall have <br />(I)'g -£mand rents, taxes, assessments, fire and other hazard <br />the right to give ninety days' written hatica tar the owner of the <br />premises, requiring the payment of the dear.. If suciz notice be <br />insurance. premiums; <br />given, the said debt shall become due, payable and collexible at <br />(11) interest on the note secured hereby; <br />the expiration of said ninety days. <br />(Ill) amortization of the principal of said note; and <br />(IV) late charges. <br />Any deficiency in the amount of• such aggregate monthly <br />payment shall, unless made good by the Borrower prior to the <br />due date of the next such payment, constitute an event of <br />default under this mortgage. The Lender may collect a "lattt <br />charge” not- to exceed four cents. (4e) for each dollar 131) of. <br />each pZymvnt more than fifteen (13) days in arrears to cover the <br />extra expense involved in handling delinquent payments. <br />3. That if the total of the payment! ti de bl the Borrower <br />under (a) of paragraph 2 preceding iltall the amount of <br />payments actually-ma-le by the Lender t'ar ground rents, taxes <br />and assessments or imt trance premiursts, as the case may be, <br />such excess, if the inn is current, at the option of the <br />Borrower, sha.1 be credited by the Lender on <ab jequent <br />payments ro be Wade by the Borrower, or refundspl to the <br />Borro %( - It, however, the monthly payments made by the <br />Bor*a,A-i wader (a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall not be <br />tuffi4 :rs-v to pay grotmd rents, taxes and assessments or <br />us�ir:.,r..:.e premiums, a Mir case may be, when the same shall <br />become du.: and payable, them the Brrrower shoal pay to the <br />Lender an) amount necessary to nuke up the deficiency, on or <br />before the, date when payment of sui h ground rents, taxes, <br />assessments, or insurance premiums shall be due. If at any time <br />the Borrower shall tender to the Lender, in accordance with the <br />provisions of the note secured hereby, full payment of the entire <br />indebtedness represented thereby, the Lender shall, in computing <br />the amount of such indebtedness, credit to the account of the <br />Borrower any balance remaining in the funds accumulated under <br />the provisions of (a) of paragraph 2 hereof. If there shall be a <br />default under any of the provisions of this instrument resulting <br />in a public sale of the premises covered hereby, or if the Lender <br />6., That should the Borrower fail to pay any sum or keep any <br />covenant provided for in this instrument, then the Lender, at its <br />option, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so <br />made shall be added to the principal sum owing on the said <br />note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest at the rate <br />set forth in the said note, until paid. <br />7. That the Borrower hereby assigns, transfers and sets over <br />to the Lender. to be applied towz:rd the paymcnt of the note <br />and all sums secured hereby in ,:a +_f a default in the <br />performance of any of the tern s- and conditions of thi> <br />instrument or the said note. a:1 the rents, revenues and income <br />to be derived from the said premises during such time as the <br />indebtedness shall remain unpaid, and the Lender shall have <br />power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the <br />Purpose of repairing said premises and of renting the same and <br />collecting the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay out of <br />said incomes all expenses of repairing said premises and <br />necessary commissions and cvpmses incurred in renting and <br />managing the saine and of c::;krcting rental therefrom; the <br />balance remaining, if any, ter Lc: applied toward the discharge of <br />said indebtedness. <br />g. That the 13orrowcr will keep the improvements now <br />existing or hereafter erected on the property, insured as may be <br />required from time_ to time by the Lender against loss by fire <br />and other hazards, casualties and contingencies in such amounts <br />and far such periods as may be required by the Lender and will <br />pay promptly. when due, any premiums on such insurance, <br />provision for payment of which has not been made <br />hereinbefore. All insurance shall be carried in companies <br />approved by the Lender and the policids and renewals thereof <br />shall be held by the Lender and have attached thereto loss <br />payable clauses in favor of and in form acceptable to the <br />Pago 2 of 5 <br />HUD 92143DT -/ <br />I <br />_1 <br />n�( <br />ct)( <br />