FHA C890 W
<br />Stf,tg of Nebraska
<br />Dead of Trust
<br />.11 10=
<br />Tlkb Deed of Tram. ("Security Instrument") is made an
<br />19 r1c. trustor is Ei
<br />(•'Borrower,). The trustee is (,,Trwtee9 1). The beneficiary is
<br />CENTRAL 11GREGAUE CORPORATION which is organized and existing
<br />isnda tine 4ws of THE STATE OF NICHLGAN and whose address is 36800 GRATIOT, KY. CLEOENS, M1 Q043 (44 Lendee')
<br />.
<br />=Ulcd and created. and the slim of One Dollar
<br />Witusaft, That the Borrower in consideration of the debt tiod trust hereinafter doss
<br />(SI), to him in hand paid by the Trustee. the receipt
<br />of which is hereby acknowledged,:d.,iti by-these presents grant. bargain and Sell. convey
<br />iatd confirm, unto the Trustee, forever, all of the following described reW.1�.fftAtd,,,A=ted lying and being in the County Of
<br />HALL „and State of -Nebraska., ta-mdt; "'
<br />UT 1111RTY.-TV0. (32) IN CASTLE ESTATES 511911191101H, HALL COUNTY, NEURS,
<br />which has the address of 44,Sft PALACE DRIVE GRAND ISLAND
<br />(street)
<br />Nebraska 68803 (►lisroptrty Address");
<br />trip Code)
<br />premises above described, with all the appur. . =a . rces therermr, gnnncluding all heating. ;Uwnbing
<br />To Have ad To Hold the pre after attached tia or used is connection -vitk, re;�:?t6tate unto rrustee, and to its
<br />sa wd- failures and equipmewl: 'rain or here resents to, am.t f.ovtnants with, the Trustee, that :he Borrower has Lp:id right to sell and
<br />rrower represents C4,:. ixd assigns. forever. TI-w. 13�
<br />jr d th^. Z.-c free from encumbrance; and that the Borrower will warrant and defend the same against the lawful
<br />premises; �= .
<br />r; and ibti said Bcrrvwer hereby relinquishes all lights of homestead, and all marital rights, either in law
<br />:Ialmsof a persons whornsIeVe and to the above-described premises, tNa intention being to convey hereby
<br />or In equft sr
<br />,-.:rests and all other contingent. `-.rests of:rje Borrower in a
<br />an absolave title, in fee simple, ire4e.L!: . g all rights of homestead. ,zher rights and itittrests as aforesaid.
<br />Provided Always, and these presents are c,%tnuted and delivered unto -,he Trustee. in. trust, however for the f:.j'.'lcwins purposes:
<br />witeren, the Barra iver on the 11 th day of (larch 19 borrowed from Under
<br />the sum of Forty Nine Thousmid, Eight llundred i-ifty a►,.d NO/100ths ------------------------------------------ -------------
<br />D,,:lars (S 49,950.00 ), for which
<br />rivi -re-t at the rate of
<br />sum the Borrower has executed and delivered to the Lender 5:rrower's prom, --of even date, bearing
<br />Ten per cent urn 4 pc7 z-"num on the unpaid balance until
<br />p. aid. aid. The said principal and interest shall be payable at the office of
<br />in 3A
<br />or at such ooier place as the holder of the note
<br />_AG0 GRATIOT, MI. CLUU� , 11 48043
<br />may designate in writing. in monthly installments of
<br />Four Hundred Thirty -Steen and ------------------------------------- -------------- — ---------
<br />). commencing on the first day of may • 19 89 and on the first day
<br />Dollars (S 437.47 1 sooner
<br />of each month thereafter until the principal and interest are fully paid, except that the final payment of principal and interest, if no 0
<br />paid. shall be due and payable on the first day of Alai, • 20 19 g Sections 203(b) and lo) which e"
<br />This form is used In connection with, mortgages insured under the one•to fouf•fami[V progtam;of the National mousing Act (in c(udin
<br />roWiro a One-Time mortgage insurance Premium payment in accordance with the irequistions for those programs- form HUD-92143-OT-1 13-89 Ution)
<br />Page I of 5
<br />VMP MORTGAGE FORMS • (313)293 8100 • 4800J52l 7291 24CFA 203 171al
<br />• L
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<br />2.
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