<br />89.._ 101241
<br />of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original Trustor and Trustor's
<br />successors in interest; (h) without affecting the liability of the Trustor
<br />or any other person liable for the payment of the obligations and indebted-
<br />ness secured by this Deed of Trust, and without affecting the lien or
<br />charge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or
<br />theretofore released as security for the full amount of all unpaid obliga-
<br />tions, Beneficiary may, from time to time and without notice (i) release
<br />any.person so liable,. (ii) extend the maturity or alter any of the terms`cf
<br />any such obligation, (iii), grant other indulgences, ( iv) release or recd-,:=
<br />vey, or ca-use to be released or reconveye4 at any time at .Be�efil�iary'*'_; ..;
<br />option any parcel, portion or all. of the —Property, cir L z�, se ark.
<br />other or ~addi'tibnal security for, ariy 'dbligatlon or 1ndentedvess her
<br />tntloned, or J ai) .mhk-e corpositidni; or other arrair4' ,tents Tiith dbbtora' :tr_ •
<br />telati.an thereto;., (i }_. in addition to the ri hts amd ewers ;
<br />Trgsre6 p' give:o. th_.'
<br />'ciar'y.:.herein,
<br />: -and Benef -the Beneficiary shall have all such' other
<br />rights.hoth in law and equity for collection of the indebtedness secured
<br />:h-ereby as "it would have but for this deed of Trust; (j) all covenants and
<br />agreements of Trustor set forth in this Deed of Trust shall be joint and
<br />several; (?s). this Deed of Trust shall be governed by the laws of the State
<br />of Nebraska; (1) in the event any one or more of the provisions contained
<br />in this Deed of Trust, or the Note or any other security instrument given
<br />in connection with the indebtedness hereby secured shall for any reason be
<br />held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidi-
<br />ty, illegality, or unenforceability shall, at the option of Beneficiary,
<br />not affect any other provision of this Deed of Trust, but this Deed of
<br />Trust shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable
<br />provision had ;:ever been contained herein or therein. If the lien of this
<br />Deed of Trust :'.0 invalid or unenforceable as to any part of the indebted-
<br />ness hereby secured or evidenced by the Note, or if the lien is invalid or
<br />unenforceable as to any part of the Property, the unsecured or partially
<br />secured portion of such indebtedness shall be completely paid prior to the
<br />payment of the remaining and secured or partially secured portion of such
<br />indebtedness, and all payments made on such indebtedness, whether voluntary
<br />or under foreclosure or other enforcement action or rocedure shall P , 1 be
<br />considered to have been first paid on and applied to the full payntent of
<br />that portion of such indebtedness which is not secured or tot fv4lly secured
<br />by the Lien of this Deed of Trust; and (m) the covenants and agreements
<br />—
<br />contained in this Deed of Trust shall bind, and the benefits and advantages
<br />hereof shall inure to the respective heirs, executors, administrators,
<br />successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Wherever used herein, the
<br />singular number shall include the plural and conversely, and the use of any
<br />gender shall be applicable to all genders. Wherever the term "Beneficiary"
<br />is used herein, it shall include the legal holder or holders of the Note or
<br />the indebtedness secured hereby.
<br />SEVENTH: Upon written request of Beneficiary stating that all amounts
<br />and inde tedness secured hereby have been paid, and upon surrender of this
<br />Deed of Trust and the Note to Trustee for the cancellation and retention
<br />and upon payment by Trustor of Trustee's fees, Trustee shall reconvey to
<br />Trustor, or the person or persons legally entitled thereto, without war-
<br />ranty, any portion of the Property then held by Trustee hereunder. The
<br />recitals in such reconveyance of any matters or facts shall be conclusive
<br />proof of the truthfulness thereof. The grantee of any reconveyance may be
<br />described as "the person or persons legally entitled thereto."
<br />EIGHTH: Except for any notices, demands, requests or other communica-
<br />tions required under applicable law to be giver, it another manner, whenever _
<br />Beneficiary, Trustor or Trustee gives or serves any notice (including,
<br />without l,initation, notice of default and notice of sale), demands, re-
<br />quests oz other corm-tun ications with respect to this Deed of Trust, each
<br />such notice, demand, request or other communication shall he in writing and
<br />shall be e: fecUve onl;i if the same is delivered by personal sezty ice or
<br />trailed by cerrta €ied mail, postage p: ep :nd, return recelp4• requested,
<br />tole,
<br />addressed to the address of 'he party to %vii .m mailed as set forth at the
<br />end oa this Deed of Tru-*t . A y party may at any t ::e change its address
<br />for such notices by 6etIvering or ma.l.i_rg to the o4:her parties hereto, as
<br />aforesaid, a notice o1 such cha: ge. my notic-e hereunder shall be deer-f7d j
<br />to have been given to Trustor or Beneficiary when given in the' manner
<br />desi <;nated herein. r
<br />n
<br />