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1 - <br />89-- <br />fees shall not in the aggregate exceed the sum of Five Hundred and <br />no /100ths Dollars ($500.00) plus 1/2 of 1% of the amount secured <br />hereby and remaining unpaid and then to•the items set forth in sub- <br />paragraph (c) of this paragraph FIFTH in the order therein stated. <br />(c) After paying the items specified in subparagraph (b) of this <br />paragraph FIFTH, if the sale is by Trustee, or the proper court and <br />other costs of foreclosure and sale if sale is pursuant to judicial <br />foreclosure, the proceeds of sale shall be applied in the order stated <br />below to the payment of <br />(1) Cost of air evidence of title procured ir..connection with,. <br />such sale and of any revenue r.equired to be paid;-`. <br />..: (2) A11 erns .:; T; ten. sew _ ed. hereby- : . <br />d3 any, to trhe person ©r .iversoms .lee-a-4 <br />"entitled theret_©. <br />Each of the parties to tl-cis Deed of Trust hereby requests thal.a copy of <br />any Notice of Default and a copy of any Notice of Sale provided for herein - <br />above be mailed to each such party at his post office address set forth <br />herein. Upon the occurrence of any default hereunder, Beneficiary shall <br />have the option to foreclose this Deed of Trust in the manner provided by <br />law for the foreclosure of mortgages on real property. <br />SIXTH: Trustor specifically agrees that (a) Trustor, at its ex- <br />­Mll <br />pense, execute and deliver to Beneficiary, promptly upon request, such <br />security instruments as may be required by Beneficiary, in a form and <br />substance satisfactory to Beneficiary, covering any of the Property con- <br />veyed by this Deed of Trust which security instruments shall be additional <br />security for Trustor's faithful performance of all of the terms, covenants <br />and conditions of this Deed of Trust, the Note and indebtedness secured <br />" <br />hereby, and any other security instruments executed in connection with the <br />indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust; and all such instruments shall <br />' <br />be filed and recorded at Trustor's expense; (b) Beneficiary may, from time <br />'• <br />to time, by written instrument executed and acknowledged by Beneficiary, <br />mailed to Trustor and recorded in the county or counties in which the <br />Property is located and by otherwise complying with the provisions of the. <br />applicable laws of the State of 'avebraska, substitute a successor or succes- <br />sors to the Trustee named herein or acting hereunder; (c) although the <br />� <br />Trustee, or his successor or successors, may be an agent of, or attorney <br />for, or otherwise connected with the Beneficiary, such fact shall not be <br />construed to disqualify him to act as such Trustee, nor shall such fact <br />s <br />prevent the Trustee or Beneficiary from bidding at a sale and baying any <br />part or all of the Property at any sale hereunder; (d) that if it should be <br />necessary or appropriate for the protection of the security hereby corrveyqpd <br />or enforcement of the debt hereby secured, for the Trustee or the Benefi- <br />ciary to institute or become a party to any proceeding or suit in•a court <br />of bankruptcy or probate or other court of general or limited jurisdiction, <br />all expenses and costs properly incurred by said Trustee or said Benefi- <br />ciary (including reasonable attorneys' fees) paid or incurred by said <br />Trustee or Beneficiary in maintaining, prosecuting or defending such <br />proceeding or protecting their respective rights hereunder shall be an <br />additional debt secured by this Deed of Trust in like manner with the <br />principal debt herein described; (e) Beneficiary, or its agents, represen- <br />tatives or workmen, are authorized to enter at any reasonable time upon or <br />in any part of the Property for the purpose of inspecting the same and for <br />� - -- <br />the ; .urpcse of performing any of the acts it is authorized to perform under <br />the. t-er -me of this Deed of Trust; (f) any forbearance ;acreficiary or <br />Trustee iii exercising any right or remedy hereu der, or other i:se afforded; <br />appAi fable -I �v, shall nai: rte a waiver of or p'recludle the exercise of any <br />such riri -2:t. or remedy hereunder; simiiarly, the waiver by Benefici :_rye or <br />' <br />Trustee;t.fif, any default of Trustor under this Deed c.:. Trust shall teat be <br />L deemed a waiver of any other or similar defaults sL.Ls'equently occr::ring; <br />(g) extension of the time for payment or modification, or amortizati -nn o;: <br />the sums secured by this Deed of Trust granted by Be::?ficiu.�ry to a-_y <br />successor in interest of Trustor shall not operate tcs release, in any <br />manner the liability of the original Trustor and Trustor's suc- c_ -essor in <br />interest. Beneficiary shall not be required to commence procTeedings <br />►_ <br />against such successor or refuse to ext( -In i the t fot- pavrwilt or (M-1te'r — <br />wise modify tMort4. _-Rion of the sums 7rYCi irrcicEtteciriE ":.�: �c- c•ur.cri t�� t h;.:: trr E .t <br />