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201704545 <br />Exh i b it "A I I <br />A trac t o f Ian d - c orn pr i s j ng a part of the E a A Half o f th e N oirthwe st Q u arte r (F, 1/2 <br />N W1 /4), Of S cetion Twenty Two (22). 'I"Ownship Twe] ve (12) Northp Range Ten <br />(10) West 0-f-th ev 6th P. M., Hall Cc unly., Nebraska, more particul arly deserl bed as <br />B e gi nri ing at th e N orth we st e o r 11 0. r o f s a) d E ast 1-4 al f o f the North west <br />Q u arter (E'l /2 N W 1/4) th em ce rt mp D g <br />Southerly along the WeSt line of said <br />East Half of the Nor thwest Quarter (El/2 N W 114). on an Assumed Bearing of <br />Sou , th 01.'15'33" West, a distance of Forty-five (45) feet, to a point on the <br />Southerly right-of-way fille of One -R Road and to the ACTUAL point of <br />b e gi nn in g; th e nc e ru n il i ng So u th 8 815 T3 3 " F' ast, a] on g the So uthefly rigb t- o f - <br />way IMe of One -R Road, a distance of Nine Hundred Thirty Nine 'and Six <br />11undredths (939-06) feet; thence runiiing South 08'S8'31 " West, a distaixe of <br />Two H widred N i ne and Nmety-n Inc Hundredths (209.99) feet; thence r u n n I n g <br />S o udi 56'4 T28 " West, a distance of Three 14undred S ixty-eight and N inety-two <br />hundredths (3 6 9,92) feet; thenoe runn Ing South 4 7' 14' 13 " West, a distance of <br />On e 1 -fun dred N in efy-n 1 n e an d Th irty - fo ur Hun d re dths ( 19 9.3 4) fe et; th en c e <br />running South 32"3602" 'West, a distance of One Hundred Sixty-seven and <br />F ift een 14undre dth s ( 16 7.15) fe et; th oil ce r u n n�ng S o tj th 21 '02'3 7 " W est, a <br />distance of Two Hijiicked Fifty-two and Ninety-nine lAundredths (252.99) feet; <br />theiice running North 88'44'27" West, a distance of Fifty and Seventy-nine <br />Hundredths (50.79) feeL; thence running South 01'15'33" West, a d'(stance of <br />Ojie Thousand Two -Flandred Eighty-seven and Twenty tlundredtbs (1287.20) <br />feet; thouce running North 88'44'27" 'West, a distance of Two Huodred Forty <br />(240M) feet, to a point on the'West line of said East Half of the Northwest <br />Q.ivarter (EI/2 N W.1 /4): th ence- t u n n in'' 'g"" -Ko''rith 01 0 15'3 3 " &tst, a'] o ng " the' W�s t <br />line , o f s ai d East 14al f o f the N o rth we s t Q uarter (E 1 /2 N W 1 /4) a d i stance o f Two <br />Tbousand Two Hundred Nineteen and Eighty-four Ulundredths (2'219.84) feet5 <br />to the ACTUAL poflit of beginnjng. <br />