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201704545 <br />FSA -2455 (09-16-16) Page -3 of 3 <br />7. INWITNESS WHEREOF, the Govemment has executed this subordinatioin by sigiiizig on <br />t h e (a) 3rd day of (i)) mhbb� July 2 0 7 <br />UN [TED STATES OF AMERICA <br />1J.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE <br />BY (d) <br />Donna R. Seitz <br />TITI-rE <br />S. ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />STATE OF NEBR-ASKA <br />G.S. <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />(e) <br />Farm Loan Manager <br />FARM SERVICE AGENCY <br />This foregoing instriiment was acknowledged before me this 3rd day of <br />July, 2017, by Donna R Seitz, lrznown to me to be the Farm Loan Manager, cf the Farm <br />Service Agency, United States Department of Agrr' ure. <br />OENERAL'NOTARY - State of Nebraska nera otary <br />SHELLEY K. SCHROEDER <br />�y fflMAXj).0C10ber5,2j18 <br />In 80wrdance dth Federal civil fights /a w and U. S. Depariment ofAgficufture (USDA) CIO/ lights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Aganafes, <br />offices, and emplayeas� aj7d hisfiluffons participatIng in -or administedng USDA Pmgrams are prohlWted from discriminating based on race, color, <br />n0fiOnfll -01f9in, r011910A si9x, gander ldc?Affly (including gender expmssion), sexual ofientallon, disabffij�4 ege, madMl status, familylpamnial ststus, <br />Income dedved from a public assistance progrern, P0110cal beflefsj or repHsel or retaflaiffon fOr Pdo-r cW dghts a cUvity, In any program or acftvi�y <br />conducted or funded by USDA (not a// bases applY tO Oil Programs). Remedies and compWnt Ming deadlines vary by ptogram or incident, <br />Persons with disabiliftss whorequire altsmafive means of commu-nicallon for program Informallon (e.g., Braille, large plint audlataps, ftedcan <br />Sign Language, eta) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA's TARGET Conler at (202) 720-2 600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA <br />Ihmugh the Federal R-91by SerWca of (900) 677-8339. Addiflonally, program infb"efion may be made available in languages othar then English. <br />To flis e program disc�dmlnsfion complaint, complete tha USDA Program Discriminalion Cornplaint Form, AD -3027, found online al http:11 <br />www. ascr. usda. govIcompleintfillnCoust. himl end at any 1JSDA office or w6to a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the leffar all of the <br />inkrmaf;on requested In the form, To request a cOPY of the complaint �bm, call (866) 632-9:992. S -00t your completed form or letter to USL)A by. <br />(1) mail., U.S. DepanIm-ent of Agricultum Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 14 00 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D, 0. <br />20250-9410, (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) -ornall,' USDA is an equel oPportuni�y provider, employer, and lender. <br />