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<br />89-- 101222
<br />6 Eminent Oarnaln. Lender is hereby ass'gnad atcumpersarfon nansda-- d3mageSamt alt, re- way:i.2AF�ac r:entitiodaillso tocomm to e, ap -Ann viler .- , - - - ---
<br />Condemnationor otter taking Oi the Propertyor Pat IUiereat. or for conveyance Inlieuol Conde mhattOn LendersnailheenbilnectionwitpnloGO king Of .aMag* nand
<br />proSfCUq in it ;OwP name any action or pfOGealroS and 5ha1f &,sate anFd!sd to Take arty COmprornisa or sell,&men) in COnnechQn with WGh taking or damage In the
<br />!want any portion of the Property is so [often or damaged Lender sn011 have ms Option, ,n Its sore and absolute dttcf'stion to appty all such Proceeds. Otter deducting
<br />tharafrom oil Costs and axpenSas incufred by it in connection *nth such proicefd7 upon any indebtedneSS secured t+ffsby &nil in Such Ocder as Lander may determine Otto
<br />apply ad Such Proceeds. after Such cleductians to the n;Stolahon of the Propetty upon SuCh, Conditions as Lender may determine Any application of Proceeds to
<br />Indebtedness Shall not extend or postpone the due date of any payments under the Note, or cute any default thereunder Of hereunder
<br />T. perUrataeeeby Lender. In ins event at Borrowel,s tatlure to perform any of the covenants herein or mass a any pay monts requited hereby. or it any acts taken Or
<br />,age, prdG &&ding commen+ fit which materially affects lenders interest m the Property Lender may in its own discretion but without obligation to doso. and without nbtica
<br />too, demand uW " BOftO W er arld wdhoul releasing Bofrower from any obligttion. d0 any act wh rC h the Borrower h as agreed out tads tOdO and may also QO any other act d
<br />deemaneeaS;ary to protect the sectrnty heteof Borrower shall ,rnmed,ately upon demand therefor by Lender pay to Lender all Costs and expenses incurred and sums
<br />expanded byLenQf rtn connection with In* exercise by Lender of Iris loreg0tngrtghts together warn Interest lheleonatlit e rate pioi: idedin the Note. which snail be added to
<br />rile 1r1f72btfedit85S tRCufed tieteby Lender shall not incur any f eeSQ(rEl H89,t'Fy tweause at anything it maii 00 Of omit to do hereunder
<br />a Eyanb 01 DefaWL The following snail constitute an event of de'aull under this Deed of Trust
<br />(a) Failure So pay any installment of principal o interest of any Other sum secured hereby whenclue at failure to pay whendue any other indabtednessof
<br />Bollower to tender.
<br />(b) A breach of or default under any provision contained in the Ncile this Deed at Trust any document which secures the Note and any other
<br />eriCUmDrance upon the Property
<br />(e) Awr llofexecutionoratl achment of anys. mtlarprocessshal lbeenteredagaf nstBoif o, nerwnichshallbecomealienonthePropertyOfanyPortion
<br />thereof of Interest therein.
<br />(d) There shall be filed by or against Borrower an action under any present or future feaeraf state of other statute law or regulation relating to
<br />bankruptcy. Insolvency or olner relief for debtors, or there sha:I be appointed any trustee rut;,, -o ?r or liq utdater Of Bort0aef of of all or any pan of the Property. Of
<br />the rents.,ssuesor profits thereot, or Burrower snail rnakc• any genetat assgnment for ire tvn' -M of ctedstors
<br />(0) The sale. transfer, assignment. conveyance or turner encumbrance of all of any part of of any tnteresf ,rT L!te Property either voluntarily or
<br />mwownzamy; without the express whiten consent of Lender
<br />-Sf? It Borrower isnoran individual, the sale transfer. assignment conveyance or e4C,ntbtance0: Mcle than .__— percent Ot(daeorpOratlOn) its
<br />iss4ed and outstanding stack or pf a partnership) _ percent of partnership inteffsLS
<br />9 Ramedi" SCSalera llonUpors Default, ln the evenlof any Event atOefaull Lender may dez.le jeait indebtedness secured r- .ara'bucabe due and payable and Me;
<br />same shall thereug =!tecome due and payable with a,; r any presantment. demand protest or nonce of any kind it etetCrer Li .dam: naN. "
<br />(AI llemanif that Trusteeexerc,se••rt nOWER OF SALE granted heat, n and Trustee shall tnered'tevc'-�._r Eccaare -,'E rterest in the Property lobe sold .
<br />and the c.:aceeds to be disttibuted. all in the manner prri Ivdf:1 m the Netri::Ita Trust Deeds Act
<br />(b) Either in person or by agent won or wNnoutbte -ring any at: I or procr:ed -r-4 ut ny a rece• ter appomle2 bil eecourt and without regardta the
<br />adequacy of its security enter upon and take possession of 1w,Propefty ,t'a'r.pafII!1ctear •r, lsov,nnamconnthename"a: "re Trustee.anddodnyactsrh'a�.
<br />it deems necessary Of desirable to preserve the value. manketabildy tr'rr3r.S;rCittty Of rt. _ 'r�•S:�ny Of part thereof or interest merem. increase the itICO.Tre
<br />therefrom of protect the security hereof and witnor without taking or c lherwise collect the rents, issues and pfdfitslhefe0f.
<br />mdudmgthosepastdueandunpaid andapplytnesame le5scustsara, i:- wa' Cis otape r;" s:.:,; s,,awlleaI(inincludingattorneys "tees uponanymdebtedness
<br />secured hereby all in such order as L ender may detarmme Tho cntenr.g ..D -i and taft,n ; '::: es,on of the Properly the coilection of such rents issues and
<br />profits and Ina applicattwl drtsfeof as aforesaid shall not osrre of pit any oefawl of oi;u C;c ,!' •]etdwli hereunder Uf msdl tdale any act clone io fBSpOn50fO Such
<br />dislaull or pursuant to %'zcn r,;bce of default and nutw,fh :, owing the c(,otinudnt.e In p 1'.br on of If rte Pr,,peny or Ine u.:!e ,on, receipt and application of
<br />rents. issuesor proillS. °rV�a'e or Lender snau be enlitlEi(b)l-'. °ices! ewe," uyfit pr >. use J Oar ,n any of the Loan Instlunlc df.Cp law upon occurenceof stly
<br />event of default including One light to exerr.,se the puwt. !t ;; ire and
<br />(c). Commence an action to fore rr >c Islas Deed 61 Trust as a mortgage appu os a receiver us ,nsc- ,bq'alty en!nre any of the covenants hereof.
<br />htctrrtfedyfti ofre(*„+ r! ofreouponofteser vedtoTrus :eeofJOrdertsrntendedtobeeics• i. eotanyatherr( ntedv7urr:: r*• srUV, awpruiidedarpefmdte ,7buteaehsna,IDe
<br />cum,7lif)ve. shat •:.e:n adddfon to every lithe( remedy given hereunder Ur t:Ow or 11Cfeattcr (•+.sing at law, f m cgmty Of fly 51diatu aed may be exarci5ed concurrently
<br />inQegefrdentiy or successively
<br />to Trustee. The Trustee may resign at any time w,thnul cause and Lender aria" at any bon' anti wd1-iu"1 rouse dpt,onu a:.ticf eSSOr or snbsblule Trustee TieVee
<br />Shall not be 11,01316 fcy any loss OI damage unless due to actionable negligence of vvdlfni n1,St6ndu:.1, and Sndll 1 ",ot tic iequtu:d lu take any action ct tOnnection with Ina
<br />enforcement 01 itimCced of Trust unless indemnd ed in wnbng tar air costs compensation of o penses ionic n mar be ass'ai. +led Inerewdh in a4lbliti'y Trustee may
<br />become apurChas .e'"at any safe of the Property lurdI crab( undeftnepowerol sale ofanted"retm pustu <, lit• tht• sr+ ieotall uf anipul t, unulr tteprJPu1(f,s_prov:dedbytaw.
<br />or sell the Property as a whole of in separate parcels ur ,tits
<br />0 Futures Advances. Upon 'feluesiDO But fower ler•derrnae atdsopbun trakeitf4dlnnill i1c,fa,111-1.esandrCfdv6u1_ tnBorrower Swhadvancp5and
<br />reaC+anGes. with nitereslthereon. Brill besecufed by Inis Decd of Tr „'.1 At f in lanre sn.rr� V'C,nine fr,•.,e,_s��t „or4 i ,i tht: mde•br.:dn�., /i1 -yard ny this Ueed N T rust,nul +n•
<br />eluding sums advAnced to protect the Security of It. IS Deed of T rust exceedtryO anrqussi par cc,pdi nrrw::r:f si.+lvd ru:rem of ?i
<br />whichever is
<br />greater
<br />12 Mlscldf•'rtpa;;aProvisions
<br />(a, Borrower MalBetautOl I- i,uns,can of It:e time f;,I payment of m.MiI'Lalion of amurII Ids at n of the sums se..+rnd by Ihas Decd of Trust granted by
<br />Lender to any su4cesscr n "ntefesl cf Boll( —CI shdll riot opt•rdic to reiedse la' nn y ❑tanner nee 1'dodsty of late ungihal t3c.''i,,%el dnd Borrower ssuccossats in
<br />interest Lender shall nc1 ov required to cummunce pruceed'ngsaga,nst slat. n S,tcreSSUr or tehrseto exserid lime for pay:ra:lti Of otherwise modify ammbtation
<br />of the t+;!r`3 secured by tmS Deed of 1 R10 by teasun of any demands made r,y the unginel Barrover nnA Borrowers •�ueee:lspfS ui inleWS1
<br />tai Landat'a Powers Wishout affeLtiny p'eladbudyuf any Pinerpufu,n ndblefor One pdyn' en tol anyubi, gdtmn hen•n rnenttun£"7 and without aliee ling
<br />the Iiet`cl::harge WINS Deed Of Trust upon any !,Union of tfie WOpOrr y "'.1 "'f.en of Il,ereloture relldSCd ds se6unty for the fads an'oult -.f.31f or."¢a,d ObhgdIlOfIS
<br />Lender may from time to lame and wdhOut rtubce (,a release any pens yl— .•able !nl!■Tend Uir• wul linty ur dllef any pt Ina te(n:!.f,t:t r :.:.tr; 3bl'gahonp. (III)
<br />grant oche /indulgences (ivlreleaseurfecunvey Jfca:,F.r tO GU teal' &Sail U /rtcuWeyet`r•:f nyhrncdt lerfdc'ISUphons any pc•',t' Gf•r. -' '.r k:a� Ge Pr, EIi
<br />(v) lakeot release any other Or additional sec only, rut c'},;t 'y.lpGnhelem irt•nbuneA ,.' •.,n,akclt,nipu; dun's Or olhorL ia'gerr c:,•.t >ai,il'9ettta e. •: ",a uaon
<br />InOretO
<br />iG, Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Art, `'sr5eafance by I. endefIn exefc,sfrtg anyr,9"1 of remedy hereunder of tither( +. Sr: '•: " =dd by fi,;Ii,cdDte
<br />law 1+• "ill'fol boa Waiver of Of precluot'fe t%efcfse of any such fight Or remedy Theprucurf:lnertt of,nsurdnce or flee payment of taxes G:':' is OenS LiGnarge9
<br />by L/S:a7U" (`all not be a waive( Of Len ;stt,5 nyM (4 fBV.ttefate the inatufdy of the indebtedness Set tired by this Deed of 1I usi .
<br />(d) Successors and Assigns Ooord: 1Ofnt &rid Gtsronl LIe0111ty: Captions Tne r.-;,venants arias agreements herein 6ontaned shall bind andre''tahts
<br />hereundershauinureto .therespectivesuccesscrs4',:a_ ,gnsutt.endurandBarrcfie''s ( bled tot tie pruv isionsofparagraph8(e)hereof Aucovera.° Nra
<br />agreements fit Bar (owe+ shall be joint and several It�e,:ap ions and head- nos ofthe phsbl this Deed ofIIuslare lot Lonvenrunceaniv and are ••SII•a : e
<br />lase:;✓W it' •erptef ur (301-t; *d V,UV,S,..uS he'eu!
<br />!e) R.aqua, for Notices. The parties hereby requeSt that 8GOptr to "t!t101rce31Oetdullheleun (lei anda Copy of any notice atsalunu beabddfo
<br />NCh„nh'ff'.a this Deed of Trust at the addfesssel tfttn abora in the mar,',( f; o' 8s6nbec b v dppic able tar. Except far any other trOOce'eq. V`ti •v "•Oar JD;.bcable
<br />law to be given in another manner. any notice prow.ded far m that- Dee(:: sr.a:' o•: divan by ma'kny such notice Ly, CprhheA (had aG �'bSSe1 lore other
<br />parties. at the address set 10fin above
<br />Any notice provided tot in this Deed of Trust shall be Teemed to have been given to ;ci' Swei of Lender when given ill the manner designated hererl.
<br />(f) inspection. Lender may make at cause lobe made reasonable entries upon and inspeclionsot the Property provided that Lender shall gt48BOfr0we►
<br />notice prior to any such inspection t:pecdytng reasonable cause therefor related to Lenders interest III the Propolly
<br />(p) IRaeerim Met. Upon payt'-Slr.: ofall sums Secured by this Deed of Tru §t. Lender snail reaziovlTrustee to reconvey trio Property and shall surrender
<br />this Dead of Trust and all notes evidencing mdebledfiesssecuredby this Deed OfTrusttoTrustee •i ± s: aeshallf econvey the Proponywnnout warranty and
<br />without chat" t0 the person or persons legally entitled thereto Such person or Pei s9ri;. Shall pay a8 COM (if McMdatOn it arty(
<br />(h) hrfanN► rotrerly, geeur) ryAgtNtnenLAsaddibonalsecurdy fur the pay ?�i �f' 's!et(os3a!lfixtures equipment. ando (hor personal prc{:fi^e..••sod
<br />InCOnneCtronwIth Ina real estate ofimprovementsf orstedlhefeon . and not otherwise G�i:(1 ': Gf »G f dlUbea pall oftherealestatesecuredileICC .c, 4: +life
<br />• Sublic)lOa security Interest in 118401 Of the Lender under Iraq Nebraska Urtifolm Comme rr;:d. G::de ~ 7o: li:,sirum tnt shall be LUnstr tied as a SOGUI'tit r',;!9firhent
<br />i.r- 601vaid Code. and the Lender Shall have all the tightsand femedleS of a secured party under s'J'r C.y3� in adddfoo to flat- tights and -C�rr�+os created under
<br />ryr� u:dorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trust
<br />(,), 8awruMry. tntneavemtrtotarryprfrvfsfonollt inf?cevvtin's;trrtlwt:: +tl app!: ce4! el3rte' rwrartarrarert�nvabdoruffer `tirrunantoteeabIf Such s
<br />cunfl+ci or fnrabddy shall not after, trio other pfOv,Sfou9 of lasts Deed of Trio slur the Note which r_antieq•ven CHOCt a:'tt`c�!I '.`.C6:,' +!t. _010w'S,Un end to this
<br />end the provafuns of the Deed of Trust ahtl the Nute are declared to to sh.erable
<br />(Borrower hasexeculeO this Uded ul Trust top doso written ebo"e � .• ,
<br />l ;
<br />•:•.(y•i ' lr'.�tt „•f��BC }:�•.l:.t: Hunuwer ` }`_ _
<br />