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<br />-103 2222
<br />11110111110011111INS 1111AD TM 11100114111 MiNtk - -- - - - - - - - - - - -
<br />SorrowersfTf ustor s) understandthatthildOcualenithstitu Borrowers or# aboutto execute ts lDeedefTruatandttatamortyeQean0lhattMpatye ►pttpteprovidtM
<br />fair In the Deed of Irnist provides Substantially different rights and obllgations to the 9arrowersthan a mortgage In the event of s deltutt or bfeech of obtlgatien under the
<br />Dow of Trust. including. but not limited to. the Lander'$ right to have the Real Property told by the Trustee without any judicial proceeding of f0roctoslim. BOrrotvers
<br />represent and agrrant that this acknoriMdg rMnt was executed by them before the execution of the Deed of Trust
<br />F x� (/'' Y
<br />1 r r�
<br />Roy > ' otny chrurgrtow@1,
<br />A IT ,_r JAI A it m LL�ti
<br />a 3. Schrunk Bolrbwet
<br />COMPLETE We pordw ONLY N this foal properly tkrettcled clan kle of "WIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND.
<br />It appikearle. csnieNRe-RULY faith e1Mwf A. P. w C.
<br />Tre6rrBrer', s)acknowledge that they ore about L(t'A' rte' �V la* r, gpeedofTrustupontherWeW.0? describedtherein .The Borower(s)•andeach01t hemfl:
<br />more ;l'(krt 4 re;ria tnreCidtsclsim their fight to designate 4Ttzm :stead pursuant thereto. No part of the Aa- a—Wead of either of theWrrower(s) is presently or*114athe,
<br />futt:(i real estate The Borrower is) a-iftrr!and that it either establishes a homestead onany part of said real estate during the time the QMldol' Trust
<br />�rora i3 3dttis 1
<br />upon Said foal estate. there shawbe no right to make a designation of homestead dt'lle e�S01.3 0 1.. aforectas ur0Oftrusteebsafe*1111respectto
<br />a. i&—AZ:
<br />T' Ytel�iaCwli( s) acknowledge that they are about to¢?! �ttetR3toiiowmg Deed nf Trust upon lhe •ea`£siafetlec'i'D=3 :71eretn The P•rrrower(n).endeaehottheln.'1:
<br />more Chan ty do hereby waive their ;tort to destanate a ticnestead ,-uTSuant thereto The Borrow? wsl .Uai93 -9 i2 1?r "t :hey have the right to make a designation all
<br />homesli ved" S that by executing this waiver, they are waiving, .c1`. a "arwtse available for the purpose n "2 z;8;riatCsr+t` : pportunityto retain their homestead inthe,
<br />event of a dltiault upon the Deed of Y rust.
<br />f4rs,.aat to IM Farm Homestead Protection Act (Seel,-.n a 5 et seq Revised Statutes of the S'svir t:sf Nebraska). the Borrower(s). do hereby designate the real
<br />proputV dr & -ibetl In the "Designation of Homestead" attached Ite Mcl aid incorporated herein by this+•efQtr:tce
<br />Borrower
<br />Borrower
<br />^^/' Timothy
<br />THIS GEED OF TRUST i, mile as of rho '%t.htay of :.arcYl tq �•� . by and among the Tnts!ar. :_ { -�� -
<br />Schr —nk _& _Debra S. S_chrunk, hnst'and & ,nrcr•manineaAdinsSlS lit. #1 Box 20Ay DoniAhan,
<br />Nebraska _ 01113 2
<br />therein Borrower ► tne�l j slPe > ' :L t 1 � U S �O r�. pCit�rt. _
<br />- 0 . G 'x ;+ 32
<br />whax mailing address is Sax . f n ar. Nu L r a ska
<br />(ii s� n °Trustee'1.
<br />and the Beneficiary. _ 3nk_0f„Donit phan.__ -. _ --
<br />whose mamngaddress is - �•0. l.t:r./`. '
<br />R, Doniph ?ri, .�braska 61 +11 __ -_.___ _(>'rt'aln "Lender ")
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. including the Indebtedness Idenfiled herein and Rust heroin dolled. the receipt of which is herebyacknaxtepaed. Borrower
<br />hereby Irrevocably giants. transfers conveys and assignstoIrustee INTRUST -tit iHPOUEnor sA LG. tot file benefit and security of Lender. under al.- d subject tothe
<br />terms and conditions hereinafter set forth• one teat properly described aq follows
<br />Lit T�'r� : :�J, ' "i �t ( :.51, t'�c :;t :,YaL'c :y.�`.divi. r��, Hall County,
<br />Ise L: "aska.
<br />Te+grther with all buildings. imprcve!rents fixtures streets, alloys, passageways ememenfl. nghts prrvttP.gos and appurtenances located thoreon or in anywise
<br />pertainrI%Ahereto. and the rents. issues at,.6 profits reversions and remainders [hereof including. but r, :t I mded to holding and tooting equipment and such personal
<br />property Iha1 is altache3 t01he mrprovarre •�'. s so as to constitute a ti xtur e. and together with the homestead at mardal interests, it any. which Interests at,- hereby released
<br />end waived. allotwh!cl,� including replacements andadditions thereto. is hereby declared to be a patt of the real estate secured by the lien of this Deed of TrLvT and all of the
<br />foregoing being referraG to herein as the 'property' t
<br />This Deed of Trust shall secure It Li i'f•1e payment of the pnncrpaatl sum and Inretes^t�evidenced by I1tilcower 9 note and/or credit agreement dated .':" .. `! ..
<br />hawrig.otnnfunly date of I'•.1) r ch 11, I Y 1 I to the original prmapal amnnM of 5 It "� it 0 )� - and any and M
<br />modiliCalions ,extenSions and ratio wats 1ereolortheretoandanyandall lu twead.ancesandtoad. ante, rrrrrunderp: rrsn, tnttoun0crrx ^'ttptom.s;arynotesorcrew:
<br />agreements (herein called Note') (b) the payment of other sums advanred by Lender to protect thespcurdynf the Note fc l the pertotmence all cove"'.rn and agreement
<br />of Borrower eel forth herein. and (d) all indebtedness and obligotionq of Borrower to Lender whether direct indnect absolute or contingent and whether arising by note.
<br />guaranty. Overdraft of otherwiSe
<br />Qorrower, to vtoteel the security e,iN ", -reed of Trust. covenants and agrees with Lender as foitoNq
<br />Y . Osymml el prwtvNend tntM4+ Lit ;Itfrrnwer Shall promptly pay ripen duo ire principal Of and,ntetesl on. and any fees or char yes pfov,ded ln• iheNoteor in this
<br />Deed C {`T1LS1
<br />v 'Tift. Borrow"? ip the Ow"ot of 'he Property. hall the right aril'a.1h,- city toconvrpthePrope r•,yarewarrantgrnhtIIOnlienefi• std ;dherebyisafirstandpriorlienon
<br />[r eF +'a,[itnfy. G it call ttt7ms ;• vi�e[wisairesoi lurtr, iterorn and the a rte :r .,rr and chli e1•t c• fnis Lye" 6+ i rust any ccn =act or other obttgation to whlcn
<br />Borrower is subject _
<br />:1l. ;1!109, AMPOW nM• TO pay when due all faxes. special asve tt merits and all other charges against the property and upon written demand by Lender, to pay In
<br />Lender sw v% amount as may as sutfic,rrit to enable fire Lendm to pay wa-N tMiie9. aaseaamenle or other crags; as they become due
<br />L ~anee. To keep the Property insured against damage by life haterds included within trio term "extended cover age', and such other hatarde as Lender mey
<br />r04Wre roam ounto and with companies acceptable td !sneer endw,th loss payable to trio Lender tneusol toss Witter turn policing. tne[ antler iseuthetltadtoadjust
<br />collects ridcOmptamise oil A farms theteundet and shall hnVeme option of applying allot part of the in,uiance proceeds f, t to any indebteanetssecuted hereby end in su6h
<br />nMel AS Lender (maydetermtrio, IiH to the Bohowor to be risen tot the le'pe'r or feslurd!,nn of iho rRbpetly or 1111) for eny nfher purpose N obit,! t SnfisfilCtnry to Lander
<br />"IIfioulaffeCbng file f•enOf this; Deed Oft rust for fnP tulle tfimlM ter utodhelOtlybefo ,OSuth pay me!rternr look pince Artynvpl :( abunof [ +tocced9toimlehle'1,eg4Shall
<br />net attend or pottoone il,e clue date Of hay payrllent9 uh:T(rr the U(Itn or (rita eny dofnidt theteundnr tit here uncle,
<br />S Malnleneec0 Repeits and Compitanes alibi two. f[ur•oaer sr:+➢ll keep the prcpeaty rn err fPp11(.P a•Iv
<br />imprnY,lml!ni "hiChmayGb dammed of des:futed ,hatIn A r (.h,nul t:I pow IIt shy wJtte hr def(II011IT,11 hi thnPrrpill! v Shn,i nnf •emn.n (/ernn� Rh - r r�bc,a++nnny mte,
<br />airy Gtlhe }rhpfbrl•!nen}gprtfheVMOtllty 11h Witlotts -rr„t S.itlor o, pot Ind any at fr,) re dolle tat br up ^n ttrrT pi, hOi'Ify,n tv JMmn- frny,arr r•rsl,na n; a nl rnryur�hun And
<br />rhell pay endptGR, piii, c, tt h4tgoat rir)ft,, an• ►,'Mxnrj,erpPnSP in, I.P1.OP.nC ...... I
<br />f �
<br />L
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