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<br /> d�r pcopetty otherwtee+�fte� �etnuh�the Mo�fga�ee shall +�pply�at the time ot tl�e �ammencem�n� of su�h
<br /> � prtu�nRi, ar at the time the property is othetwise acquired� the amount then remaining to cte�it nt
<br /> Mortp�or unck� (a) ot paaQe+�ph 2 ptecedie�, aa p crcdit on :he interest accrucd and unpaid and the
<br /> balwce to the priacipai tUen �emainine unp�id on said no1e.
<br /> 4. The 1�M ot this initrun�ent shall retnain in full force and efI'ect durin�any postponement or exten•
<br /> sion o!the tiitie oi pnyment oi the ind�btcdnew or atiy p�rt thereof secured hereby,
<br /> m�5. HN�he w111 pay a11 sround reats. tuca, as�ment� water rues and other �overnmental or
<br /> upon t�n�qrt�p�•e� or impodNom� levied upan s�d prem�ses and thu�e/she will pay vl tues levied
<br /> ' c�ount f �Gi► ,or t�e dcbt secured thereby�to�ether with sny othec tue,�or s�uessmente which may bo
<br /> kvied under t w�of Nebraika a�the Mortts�ee, or the legal holder of said rInci
<br /> o thi�indebtalnesa.e�apt w psyment for sll auch items has ther�tofore ban made uncler(i)of
<br /> i �r�� 2�hte,�f�o�d he/she vrill promptly deUver the afficial raxipts therefor to the Mort�ec. In
<br /> def �ee m�y p�y the s�me.
<br /> 1 b. If he/ahe falls to pay any sum or keep any coven�nt provided for in this Mort�ge.the Mortgagee,
<br /> , at ita option,msy psiy or perform the same,stnd all eapenditures so m�dt shall be addod to the pdncipal sum
<br /> � cip�indebtedness unW p�id. ��W�hereby�and ahall beu iaterest�t the rate provided for in the prin-
<br /> � ?. Upon reque�t of the�[ �ee�Nortqa=or ahsll execute snd deliver A aupplemental note or notes
<br /> � ior the sum or w�t�s�1dv�nced b�ortga[�e for the alteration,moderniutinn�F l�F��etr,ertt tti�d2 dt L;�e
<br /> ? i[ort��r'a requ�E;or for�sintenance of aaid premiaea, or for taxes or aasea�ments againat the aame,
<br /> �nd for sny other purpo�e elsewhere authori:ed hereunder. S�aid note or notes sh�t� 6e secured hereby
<br /> � oa a parity with snd a�fully a�if the�dvance evidenced thereby were included in the aote first described
<br /> ; �bove. Ssid auppktrknbi note or notes ahsll bear interest at the rate pro�ided for in the prirccip�s,1 indebt-
<br /> 1 ednes�srd shall be ysyable in�pproximstelv equal monthly pny menta for such period as may be xgreed
<br /> • upon by the Mortsaree�nd�[ort�a�or. Failing to a�ree on the maturity the whole of the sum or suma
<br /> � so advanced�hali be due and psyabie thirty (30) dsya�fter demand by th�Mortgagee. ]n no e�ent ahall
<br /> � the msturity e�ctend beyond the nitimate maturity of the note�irat deacribed above.
<br /> ! 8. l�Ie/she hereby assigns,transfers and sets over to the Mortgagee.to be applied toward the payment
<br /> � of the note and all sums secnred hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of the terms and con-
<br /> ; ditiona of this 1[ort�are or the said note. sll the renta.revenuea and income to be derived from the mort- � -
<br /> ; �a�ed premisei durin�such time ua the mortgs�e indebtednea� shaU remain unpaid; and the Mortgagee �-
<br /> ___ ��� }��T@ nawer tn innnint anv �QQ11�_Ai Y�ojf�ra a! �a J ei:�::'�t'.^.:=.3Lv^y::i�fi.n,v i.�iCtt tit�t�.iC LAifIN iild ! _. •
<br /> collectin�the renta� revenues pnd income� and ii mAy �y out of asid incomea t�il nc�cesss►ry commi�siona ;:;;�
<br /> � and expenaes incurred in renting and managinp�the�xme und af collecting rentala therefrom;the bulance --
<br /> remainin��if any.tobe applitti toward the diacharge of said mortgage indebtedneas.
<br /> 9. HNshe will continuously maintain h�zard insurance, of such type or types sind amounts as the —
<br /> Mortgs�a msy from time to time require,on the improvemeats now or hereafter on said premises,and ex- -
<br /> � cept whea p�yment for all such premrums hu thaetofore ban made under(a)of pAragaph 2 hereof,will
<br /> . � pay promptl when due any premiums therefor. Upon default therec�f.Mortgaga may ps�y the same.All in• •
<br /> suranoe s�be curied in companies approved by the Mortg�ga and thepoIicies and renewnls thereof shall �
<br /> � be held by t�e Mort�aget and have attachod thereto loss ps�yable clauses in f�vor of and in form
<br /> seceptable to the Mortgagee. In event of loss Mortgagor will ive immediate notice b�mail to the Mort-
<br /> Qa�ee. �vho may rnake proof of loss if not made promptly by�ortgagor, and each insurance company
<br /> conr.erned is hereby suthorized and directed to make payment for such loss directly to the Mortgagee
<br /> inatet�i of t�the Mort�s��g�or and the Mortga�ee jointly.and the insurance proceeds, or any part thereof,
<br /> msy be applied by the l+iort�sgee st its opt�on either to the reduction oi the indebtednesa hereb�aecured
<br /> or to fhe reatoration or repsir of the property damaged. tn event of foreclosure of this mortgage,or other
<br /> , tranafer of title to the �nortgaged property in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, all
<br /> ri�ht.title and interat of the Mortgagor in and to any inaurance policies then in torce sha11 pass to the
<br /> purchaser or�rantee.
<br /> ; '•��
<br /> 10. Ae additional and collateral aecurity for the payment of the note described,and all sums to become
<br /> ; due under thia mortgag�e.the Mortgagor hereby aasigns to the Mortgagee all lease bonuses.profits, reve- �
<br /> nuea, royaltiea, ri�hta s►nd other benefits accruing to the Mortgagor under any and all oil and gas leasea
<br /> ao�v, or durin�the life uf thia mortgage, executed�n suid premises,with the right to receive and receipt
<br />. for the aame snd spply them to aaid indebtedneas as �e11 befure as after default in the conditions of this
<br /> mort�a�e�and the l[ortgagee tnay demand.sue for and recover any such payments when due and payable.
<br /> but ahslt not be requEred ao to do. This as.siArtment is to terntinate and E�ecome m�il�nd void uFon reIeass
<br /> of thie murtga�e.
<br /> � 11. He/she shall not commit or permit waste;and shall maintain the property in as good condition as
<br /> at present, reasonable wear and tear oxce�ted. Upon any failure to so maintain, Mortgagee,at its option, �
<br /> may cause reasonable maintenarice work to be performsd at the cost of Mortga$or. Any amounts paid -
<br /> therefor by Mortgaga shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the princ�pal indebtedness, shap
<br /> thereupon become a part of the indebtedness secured by this instrument, ratably and on a parity with all
<br /> other indabtedness stcured hereby, and shall be payable thirty(30) days after demand.
<br /> 12. He/she will not execute or file�f record any instrument which impases a restriction up�n the sale
<br /> or occupancy of the property described herein on the basis of race, color or creed. -`--_-__-
<br /> 1S. 1f the premiaes�or any part thereof.be condemned under Lhe power of eminent domain,or acquired
<br /> for s publie uee, the dsmages awarded, the prceeeds for the taking of, or the consideration for such
<br /> acquisition, to the extent of the full amount of the rernaining unpaid indebtedneas secnred by th:s mort-
<br /> �age,are hereby sssigned to the Mortgagee,and sha31 be paid forthwith to esid Diortgagee, to iae a�pliQd
<br /> on�cxount of the latrt maturing inataliments of such indebtedness. �t
<br /> 14. Ii the Mortgagror fatils to make any payments when due,ar to confarm to asyr� comply u•ith any !T
<br /> L of the conditiona or agreements contained in this mortgage,or the notes wh�rh it seci,res, c�r if thc�Mort-
<br /> gagor be adjudics�ted bsnicrupt or made defendant in a bankruptcy or receivership procc�edinR,then thP �,
<br /> entire prineipal aum and accrued intereat shall at once become due and payable.at the electian of the Mort- n
<br /> gt�g^�e; snd this :n3rtg��-c m�;; thercupu:� isz fore�lased -i�'►ttlediatt�y fur fi�e wi�ule oi the in�iFbt�dness
<br /> hereby aecured�including the cost of extending Ehe t�bstract of title from the dat�of this murtRaR�to thr �ti�
<br /> time of commencing such ai�it.a reasonable attorney's lee,and any aums paid bg the Veterang .'�� ,.,i r-•:
<br /> on account of the gvaranty or insurance of the indebtedness sFCUred hc�rc�by, all ��f t,},�r?� tt��ll h<� .
<br /> included in the decree of fornciosure.
<br /> 15. 7Ytle 88 ZJrited States Code,snd the Itegulatione issue�i thereunder sh.all 6u��e•ri� t1�E r•ights,duties
<br /> a.n�i iiaAiiiiies oi ine pariies hereto,and nny provisions uf this or ather in::trvrnt•nt�t'%f'l'Ut1Y�IIl('I�IIRf`l tlliit
<br /> with �id indebtedness which are inconsistxnt with said Title Ur KPgulztirms �r�• h��r<�hy� r►me•n�i�i :1n�3 u�
<br /> supplemented to contorm thereto. I.
<br /> :;I:r•.t.i::,f'}IS I1. cu�'. 1 'ti1:1 ��:, ., .
<br /> . _ _ � � ..,��:�._�.:.1. . :�l:.i:'.
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