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<br /> 4b Nsvs AHn To Hot,a tha same unb thH�art��c, au herein pr�vided. 1Hort�agor repreaer�ta to�
<br /> . snd�a+red�4 v�ilh.tt�Yor#Ra�ee.that tht�artpgor h�rood rlrht to aeli�►nd�or�vey asid premisc�;
<br /> r ��Y+►re fr'°�lrom�acumbr�nea.except aa herein otherwise reclted;that the 11tor Pz
<br /> Md�{��� tr�ur will w�rrant
<br /> j �s+��ut the la�tul elaim�o!sll penana whomsoever, liort�r hereby relInqqjshes
<br /> alI rishts o!hane�taad, all nuirital ri�hts�either in law or In e�uity�and wll ather conrtin�ent intet+e�ts of
<br /> t�a liortp�pr jA+u�d ta tha abova-sk�cribed prem9�es.
<br /> P�OYID�D A�.wAYB, and these pra�nta ue executcd u►d deliverea upon the folbwin� conditiors�,
<br /> ta wtt:
<br /> � Yortsa�wr atreca t4 p�y to th�MoMp�.�or ober. the aforessid principal aum with intereat from
<br /> ; tkte at the rate ot Ten � per centqm ( 10 �6) per�nnum on the unp�id bslance
<br /> ; uptil paid. The asic� princ�psl �nd interest ah�il be psyable st the oflice of the Loan Gnsrsnty Oflicer.
<br /> Veterana.� Affairs �ionslOAloe,Lincoln. Nebrasks, or st auch other plsce aa the holder oi the
<br /> mte msY desi�nate in writiuE delivered or tnailed to the Mortgag�or� in monthly in�tallmenta of �
<br /> Two Hundred Nineteen and 40/100--------
<br /> Dollars(S219.40 ),commencing on the first ! "
<br /> day of September �, 19 90 ,and conanuing on the First day of each month thetsaher until said
<br /> --- _ 11�QLC1S EIIllV Ozl[�.cxCrnF t}aai�:f r.�s�;..,:.��Ya��,�RC€ina4 paymerit oi pnncipal and interest shall be due and . - -- - ` '
<br /> p yable an the fir$t �ay of August , 2020; all according ro the terms of a cenain pro- � �-�
<br /> missory note of even date herewich oxecuted by the said Mongagor.
<br /> .t-�
<br /> " The�[orttaror further a�rea: � =—
<br /> l. He/she will psy the indebtednesst as herelnbefore provided. Privilege is reserved to r .
<br /> time,without pranium or fa the rntirc�ndebtedness or aa P �paY at any
<br /> inst�llmeat,or one hundred d'allars(lpp,pp�� Whichever is 1 p p�hereof not lrss th�a the amount of one
<br /> due received, putial prop�y ment,othcr than on an installment due�date�n�nott be�credtbted until�t h e n e x t
<br /> followl n�inst a W n e n t d u e d�t e o r t h i r t y d a y s a ft e r s u c h prepaymrnt,w�ichever is earlier.
<br /> 2. Togethet with, and in addidnn to, the monthly payments of principal and interest payabte under �
<br /> the tecros of the note secured hereby. Mortgagor will pay to Mongagee, ea trustee (under the terms of �
<br /> this tn�st as hereinafter stated) on We i�stallment due date of each month antil said note is fully paid:
<br /> (a) A tum equal to the�round renta.if sny�next due. plus the premiuma that wil)next become due �
<br /> and payable on policiea of fire�nd other haz�rd inaurance covering the mortgsged pro rt
<br /> plue taxea and aaseasmenta next due on the mortgaged property (sll aa eatimated by the Mort- y
<br /> S'aQee,�nd of which the HortQagor ia notified) leas a1)aums afready pitid therefor divided by . �-�
<br /> the number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date whep such ground rents.
<br /> �� Pr���� ���d�asesannenta will become delinquent,such aums to be held by Mortgagee
<br /> �n trt:st to pay s�id�round rents, prert�iuma.taxes and special asses�ments. ,� .
<br /> (b) The�re�ate of the amounts payable pursu�nt ta aubparagraph (a) and those psyable on the
<br /> note secured hereby.ahsll be paid in a single p�yment each month,to he aDplied to the follow.
<br /> � i�items in the order ststed:
<br /> (t) �round rents. tiucea,asaes,smenta.fire�tnd other liszerd insurance premiums;
<br /> (tt) interest on 4he note aecurea hereby;and
<br /> (�tt) amortizstion oi the princips!of aaid note.
<br /> Any deficiency in the sumount of any auch aggregate monthly payment shall, unless made good
<br /> by the Mort�ag�or prior to the due date of the next auch psyment,constitute an event of default
<br /> under thia mort�e. At 3�ortgagee's option, Mortgagor will pay a'•late charge"not exceed�
<br /> in� four per centum (4%} og�y ;netsliment when paid more than fifteen (ib)daya after the
<br /> due date thereof to cover the extra txpena�involved in handling delinquent payments,but such
<br /> "Iate char�+e"ahall rtot be psyable out of the proceeds of any sale made to satisfy the indebted- A
<br /> ness aecured hereby,unless such proceeda sre sufficient tQ discharge the entire indebtednes�and
<br /> all proper coata and expenaes secured hereby.
<br /> 3. If ttie Lotal af the payments made by the Mortga�or under (a) ot paragraph 2 preceding shall
<br /> exceed the amount of paymeiits actually made hy the Mort�agee as hustee for ground rents, taxes and
<br /> assessments or insuranc� premi��ms,as tht case may be, such exress shall be c�edited by the Mottgagee S
<br /> on subsequent payments to be made by the Mortgagor for such items or, at Mortgagee's option, shall be �
<br /> 1 refunded to Mortgagor. if, however, sach monthly� payments shall not be suff�cient to pay surh items
<br /> L when the same shai! become due and paypble, then the Mortgagor shall pay to ihe Nlortgagee ac tnlstee `�
<br /> as�� a„-�ou�t necrssary fo make up the deFiciency within thirty (30) days after written notice from the � �i
<br /> Mortgagee statin� the amaunt of the deficiency, which noiice may bc �iv�n hy mail If at any time the� ��t
<br /> Mortgagor shail tend�r to the Nloriga�ee, in arcutda�ce rv�th the provis�ons of the note secured F�ereby, �
<br /> fu1.1 pt�yment of the entire indebtedoess represented thereby,ihe Mnrt�agee as tru�te�� shal I, in comput�ng.
<br /> the amount of su�h indebte•�inc�ss, rred'tt to the �c('o12[�t of !he Mottv,��ot at�y r-rNri�t ►.�I_;;,•;. �,;�t•;;;��:l,e;r;
<br /> undcr tne prov�s�ons o((ap of paru�r:��th 2 hr�te�i. [f there� shall be a defau�t undc�r anp of tl�e• prci�is��ny
<br /> oF thit mc�rtgage> resulhc��; ta a p�iblir �ale of the prc•meses cnverc�c! hF�rc�by. c,r �t thr 'durt�;uKe��• ,x yuire� ��
<br />