�. ; -��---°-- --- -- _-�-:_�� _� .�.� .�Pf 4.-�5 � - -- _-- - Iwkt���:�'�ir4�itr.'�xcfi�,l° ---- - r
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<br /> r� -�
<br /> anw ���t�l���
<br /> Nt�N•UN�EoRM Cuv�N�HTS.�iorrower and I.endcr further covcnant sad agree as follows:
<br /> � 19. AecekraHoa; Re�eita. I,�nde� dul� �,(�e nott�e to BoROwe� prlo� to acctlerattoA rouowi�o Borrawtc•s
<br /> M'Me�ot+uy co�e�t tx at�,rue�s�t ia eMt�Sec�rity IMt�ua�ent Ibut n�t prio�to�cc�lention u�der p�raQsphs 13 and 17
<br /> ���--r���!=r r�='-��Mhf 4r1lCt��'ete eevu£Y -seJNi i�R�li�: iai tae dsia�it; te)ti�e�ction reaaircd ta cure the
<br /> i�hrlh te)�d�M.�ot 1�Niu 3Q d�ys fram the dat�ti�ooElce b�t�e+�to Borro+�r.by nhkh th�dehalt mutt be c�sed;
<br /> �� �i t,)el�t hit�e to cMre tl�e iehdt os or be�are tMe date t�eciAed i�tlk�oUa au�y rauit in�ceekntio�o�t�e san�s
<br /> wcw�i�y t�SKwrity I�e�t a�i We ot t�e Pro'erty.�IIONlE f�tll �II�l�IA�OMI�ORONN fi�t1l�M�1<<Q
<br /> ������t�w a�i d� thMt to bM�t�curet aetloe to a�ert tAe non-est�tence ot� default ar aay other
<br /> �����'�o�aai s�le.il tre dehMlt b�ot cured a+or befon tbe d�te�eciAed la thr noNce,l,.t�der
<br /> �t �b o�tlo� �q►reqwire tMwediate My�e�t i�hll af�ll ��a�ectired by thh SeceNty Instrueste! �►ithont Mrt6Fs
<br /> i�a�i aN�ar ueoice Nre'owee ot wle aM�y otrer remedke pennitted by s�licai►k I�w.Le�der�all be euNtkd to
<br /> �'°�� ��� �� l� M��i � �eiia Proil�ed is trh pant�nrh 1!� taclwliAs; lut aot limited to.
<br /> n..o�.we.ttaroeys he.oM caa otatse er+ie�ce.
<br /> � lf t��o�ot sve b h�ok�i,Trwt�e twll record a uuNce ot deh�lt iA ac�co�fy i�K61c6 a�y�wtt ot the
<br /> Pro�ty i�bate�a�i�lall w�tl co�iec otac��otke IA t6e eu�eqe�prperlbed by�p�8p6k law to Borrower aad to t6e
<br /> � °�M�'�M'�*���r�l�lic�bk bw.After t6e b(u�e nqw(red by a�licabk Iaw,1'�u�ta slull�fye pubik notia of
<br /> , ��°����d i�d�e�nuur Kescribed by appiipble law.Tr�stee�without den��d on 8orroRer�ahall sell the
<br /> � . �!�*tY�t Mblie arctio�to tl�e 6i�est bidder at t�e time and place�d pnde�the ten+a dalgnated in t6e Nbdce ot sale in
<br /> o�e a'�ore Mrceh a�i In�ay order Tnatee dete�taa.'hustee msy patpone iaie at ap or any parcel of the Property bY
<br /> wtiuc a.�o.wce.e.e at�e ctwe a�u Nsce ot a�y pre.tou�y scueaukd aak. Leede�or ita desi�nee may purch�e the
<br /> , Pro�ty at iwy ak.
<br /> j U�a e+�cel�t ot Mywe�t ot tYe prlce hid,Tnutee siuti! delire�to the purchaser Trustse's deed conreying the
<br /> Pro�tY. 7Le recitda i�tLe Tnatee s deed tlu�ll be prtma facle eridence ot th�truth of t!!e statrnlent�macle thrrtin.
<br /> ��«'����NY H��If'at!!d�0��II!�IC�A t�C�OIIOI�lIs O�'dlr.t�)to all e:oeasa ot the sale,includiag,but not Ilmited
<br /> : to,7'nwtee'�fea�n�ittei 6y y�IlcRbk law and rea�o�abk attorneys'fees;(b)to all sum�secured by thts Sec�rity
<br /> ; I��h awd(c)aay ex�oesr to dk peaoe or person�Ieg���y enNtkd ta it.
<br /> , 2S. Ltwder in Puttesdou, Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 ar abandonment of the Propeny. Lender (in
<br /> . person,by agent or by judicially�ppointed receiver)shall be entitled to cnter upan, take possession of and manage the
<br /> Propecty and to callect the rents of the Propeny inctuding ihase put due.Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver
<br /> shall be applied Arst to p�yment of the costs of management of the Property and callection of rents. including. but not
<br /> limited ta,receivtr's fees.premiums on rectiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys'fees,and then to the sums secured by
<br /> this Security lnstrument. � :
<br /> 21•Reco��eyasce.Upan payment oPall sums secured by Rhis Security Instrument,Lender shall rcquest Trustee to '
<br /> reconvey the Property and sh�ll surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt securod by this Security
<br /> Instrument to Trusta.Truster shap reconvey the Property without warranty and without chargc to the person or persons , '. �
<br /> � legally entitlod to it.Such persan or persons shal!pay any recordatian costs. �
<br /> ZZ.SM1�Ni�fe Trnntee.I.ender,at its option.rnay from tmie to time rcmave Trustee and appaint a successor trusta f
<br /> to any Tnsstee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the caunty i�which this Security(nstrument is recorded. ;
<br /> Without conveyance of the Property.trie sucassor trustee shall succeed to all the title.power and duties conferred upon
<br /> ?nutee henin and by applicable law.
<br /> 23. Rtq�ett for 1�oticea. Borrowcr requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's
<br /> � �ddress which is thc Property Address.
<br /> ?�.Riden to t6b Secntlty Instrua�ent.If one or more riders are executed by Banower and recorded together wiih �
<br /> this Security Instrument.the covenants and agr�ements of each such rider shall be incorporated i�to and shall amend and
<br /> suppkment the covensnts and agraments of this Secarity Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security
<br /> lnstrument.(Check appficable box(es)J
<br /> .— ❑ Adjustable Rate Rider � Condominium Ridcr � 2-4 Family Rider _
<br /> f ❑ Graduated Payment Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider
<br /> ❑ Other(s) [spccify] ��
<br /> Bv SIl3NING BElAW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security ���s
<br /> Instrument and in any rider(s)executed by Bonower And recorded with it. �
<br /> ........................................................................................ . . ... .�.. ...��.-�....................
<br /> .... . .. ..
<br /> Jerry . Ross --so����
<br /> .............................................................. ......................... .................................................................................... .(Seal)
<br /> -8orrower
<br /> STA7EOF NEDR:15Kn. H821 (�ounl� s�:
<br /> �n this 13th da� ot� July . 1990 , hctorc mc. �hc un�l�r.igmu. a Niitary Pu[�hr
<br /> duly commissianed and qualificd for�ai�i�ounty.nertion:�Ny can,c Jerry G. Ross, an unmarried person �_°--__=-
<br /> , t�� mc knc>�tiu tu hc thc
<br /> identical persan(s) �shotie namcl�l arr tiuhticribcd ti� th�� f��rc�ninR �ntitnimrnt ancl ail�nc���lcd�cd thc c�c�uu�m
<br /> ther"eof ro be his �oluntary act and dcrd.
<br /> Witncss my hand and nutarial �cal at f;rand Island, `Jebraska �n .�u�i cc,unr ti, �hc
<br /> datc aforesaid. '
<br /> ;Ny C 'o,� �,.�. !/ < . ,; � - �
<br /> L i�+Gl��'�e�I��1 I .:�_,�c�.� ` , . �L�.t''�_Z�[....�. . . . .. . �
<br /> AI.OHI `
<br /> � .,:.,,. I•����. h
<br /> �ffCa�afiv►IU��1lN ttt�CrL�t:yl l uR Itt.c c�ti��f ti ,�tic 6
<br /> tq
<br /> 'Tr�j�{t.S1� 4 �t
<br /> Ihe �iuder.i�tncd i� Ihc hnlcici ul rhi n�+lr ��r m�tc. •c.urrJ h� ihi� I),�.! :�.i li � .i. ��n�i n"�� ••� i� �„�. :��:•�il��� r' �
<br /> �i�th�tll i,tl�c� inc9cht�•�1nc.�.e.enrif h� �h�.1)cc�l�,t t in•i. I�.n� hc� i���.�:.1 �n I��II 1•�n,,:, lu„•h� ,1��..�,�!i:,..��.., i ..� J
<br /> ni,tc ��r n�,ti� �u��t Itu. I).•r�l i,t I iu,l. �th�.l� �i�r :I:Iniii,i la,.��� . .ini; r�. ���.,�,.,�, .
<br /> •.�li� ,��' ..��t.u•:.. �II !S�•. . •i.�r�
<br /> nnu hi'Icl 4i� ti�i� n��cl�t it��t 17�i�1 ,,� i t:i.I }�� tlii `:i.,�n . .
<br /> I ' ��,t, ,�,. I ill. :� ��I„I � ,� .
<br /> I?s:c �
<br />