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<br /> � � 90--�o�o�r�
<br /> � IF G�adrr rtqeiired mart�aRe iasue.�ace �.c a canditinr� of niakinR th� loan scrured by this 5rrurit} lnstrumrnt,
<br /> fk�rrnwer sh�ll�y�he p�emiums rGqulred ta mxintain the insurance in effrct until such time as the requiremrnt for the
<br /> � insurance termin�tes in�ccArdence with Honaw•er'a and Lcnder's written agrecment or applicable law.
<br /> � a. taMeetlu�. Lender or its��ent may mske reasonab[e entries upan and inspcctians of tDe Prcperty. Lender �
<br /> I sh�ll gi�•e 8orr�wer nnti�x�t the timt of or prior to an ins�+ectiao specifying reasonable cause for the iuspection.
<br /> 9. Condemaation. The proceed�af any award or claim for clamages,direct or consequential,in connection with
<br /> � +�ny condemnation or ather taking of any purt of the Property,or for com�eyance in lieu af c�ndemnatian. are hereby
<br /> � assiancd and shsll be psid to�.ender. �
<br /> In the event of a tota! taking ot the Arapeny. the pracceds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security
<br /> lnstrument,whether ur�ot then due.with any excess paid to Bartawer. !n Ihe event of a partial taking oithe Praperty�
<br /> unless Borrawer�nd Lender utherwise�gee in writing,the sums secutcd by this Security lastrument shall be reduced by
<br /> the amou�t af the proceed� multiplied by the fallowing fraction:(a)the total amou�t of the sums secured immediately
<br /> � before the taking,divided by(b)the Pair markct value aP thc Property immcdiately before the tnking.Any balance shall be
<br /> � paid to 8onower.
<br /> � If the Propony is abandoned by Barrower,or if,after notice by Lender to Bonow•er that the condemnor offtrs to
<br /> mske an s►ward or settle a claim for damsges,Borrower fails to respc�nd to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice i�
<br /> • given,Lender is autharized to collect and apply the praceeds,at its optian,either to restoratian or repair of the Fraperty or
<br /> � j to the sums secured by this Secur�t�lnstrument,whethcr or nat then due.
<br /> 1 Unless Lend�r and Bonowc�atherwise agra in writin�.any applicatian of proceeds ta principal shall nat e�tend or
<br /> j pastpane the due dAte af the monthly payments referred to in parag�aphs 1 und 2 or change thc amount of such payments.
<br /> � 10. Horwwe► �iot Rekased; Forbd�nn�e 8y ixndqt Not � Wdrer. ��tcnsion of the time for payment or
<br /> ' modification of amortit.�tion oi the sums secured by this S�curity Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in
<br /> � interest of Borrower shall not opesate to relesse the liabil�ty of thc ariginal Bormv►er or Banower's successors in interest.
<br /> i Lender shall not be rcquired so com�ncnce procecdings against any succ�ssor in inter�st or refuse tv cxtend time for
<br /> payment or otherwix modity amortiution of c[�e sums sec:u►ed by this Security In�trument by reaccm uf any demand made
<br /> � by the oriEin�l Borrower or Bottower's successors in interest.Any forbearance by I.cnder in eiercising any right ar remedy
<br /> shal!�at fae�wsiver af or prrclude t�.e raercise of any righr Et�aemedy.
<br /> �I, SaCCewors asd A�ti�Bound;Joint and Sefen�l I.iablllty;Casigners. The ca��enants and a�tcnme�ts of '
<br /> this Security Instrument shall bind and bencfit the successurs and assigns uf l.en�tcr and Rorrower,subject to the pravisions �
<br /> of paragt�ph IT.Bo�rower's co��enants and agreernents shall be joint and seti•erai.An�&►rrawer who casigns this Securitp
<br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note:(ai is casegning this Sccunty instrument only to mongage.grant and convey '_
<br /> Ihat Botrawer's intetest in Ohe ProExciy uaelCr the lern�s i►f tfi�Se�:ur�ty lns�rument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay —
<br /> .. _ L_ JL. L•.n. • .t__."'_'__. .�s_♦ L_. • J'�'_J L'�fl'���.." d - . ,...-. .
<br /> --- -- inc surrii RtiiiFcu vy iui��i;asiiji tttattnm�n;iaitu I�/agfm i�mt ui�uc� anu oiy vi��c� anntvwci tituy s�icc t'v c"nicitar�
<br /> modify,forbar or makn any accammcxtations with regard to the tcrmc of'thi�Secunty Instrument or the Note without •
<br /> that Borrowcr's consent.
<br /> 12. Loan Cha�ge�. lf the loan secured by this Security In�trument is suhjcct to a law•which scts maximum loan :�
<br /> � chArges, and that law is flnally intery►retetf sa that t�:e interest �r other loan chargev c�ltected or to be c�llected in -
<br /> ' connection with the Ic�sin eareed th� permitted limits, then: (a)a*�y� �uch loan charge chall t+e reduced by ahe amount �
<br /> • nceessar}r to reduce the chargn to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collccted fram Borrawer which exceeded —
<br /> ; permitted limits wiil be refundai to Borrawer. [,rnder may chcx►se to rnake this refund hy reducing the principal oweai
<br /> under the Note or by making a direct paymtnt to Horrowrr 1P a refund reduces pnnc�pal,the�c�3uc:tinn will be treatrd as s �
<br /> partial pre�yment without any propayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 13, I.t�fsUtiop ARecN�g Ltoder's Rights. If cnactment or expirat�on uf spphcable law�s has thc effect of
<br /> renderiag any provision of the Note or this Security Instrumer�t unenforccable according t�►its terms.l.ender,at its opUun.
<br /> may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured bv th�ti Se�:unty In�trument and rnay �ncoke any remedies
<br /> permitteci by paragraph 19.If Lender exerases this option.Lender shall take the steps s{�ecifitd�n the second paragrap�of
<br /> ' parng�aph 17. ��
<br /> � 1�. Nutices. Any n�tirc to�rrowc�ptovulcd fi*r m th�t Secur�ty intiti umrnt shall bc gn•en by deli�erzng�t or by �=�
<br /> mailing it by&rst class mail unlr•s applicable law•requues use uf another meth�xi. The notice�hall i+e directed to the ��
<br /> Property Address or any oth�r ad.iretis Bc�rrew•er desiRnates h}• nmuc t��l.e��der Any not�ce to t cnder shall be given�y
<br /> first class muil to Lcnder s address swted herct:�rT any vthcr�ddres�i.cndcr cic-rignatc�b� nr�ti�e tu Burrc•wer Any nrnice
<br /> provided for in this Sccurity lnstrument sh�tI Pe dcemcd t��haoc bcen gi�cn t�Rnrruucr�r I.endcr when��ven ati pra�ided
<br /> in this paragr;�ph.
<br /> ` 1S. Governing I.rw;Sererability. This Secunt� in�trumenl shall he�e��crned b� frderai law atid tt.c lar�of the
<br /> jurisdiction in whieh the Nroperty is tocated. In tne e�ent that a�ti}• rro��tiiun��r�lau>c��f�hiti Sec�ruy ln.trument or the
<br /> Note cunflicls with applicablc law,such conP.�ct shall not 7�'ert ��her pr��t��iom nf this Serur►t} imtrumenl ar the N�te
<br /> t�t!lC�3 tYil�!'�olYCtl P.�'.X'1 tY4s�tilJl �tte tatellicitng�ro�:�ion. !e�th►:�siti the prc�vf4!<arie c,�!tlz:s��LUr:t� l:tsisur�2ent a:id!t!�-
<br /> \iate are declared e�be se�erahlc
<br /> 16. l3oerower's Capy. Rcsar<�w•cr tihall t�e gi�en e�ne cunfiustied rur} ���'the'Vc�te and i+f�h�s Sccuns} In�trument
<br /> 17. T�ansfer ot thc Properiy or M Iieneficial Ieterest in Borro�cr. If alt �u any �art c�f the Prr�:rty ur any
<br /> interest in it ts sold ot trantiterr��tl(�r if a benefirtal intere�t in Nnrrc�t�er is�nW e�r trau.ferred ar�d Ht�rn�w er e�nut a na�urs!
<br /> rerson)tti-ithout Lender'�pnc�r«ritten coez,ent. I cndec may, at nti<�pium, re�u�re:innnrJ�ate p��nirnt �n f�ulf nf all tiui:��
<br /> cecurt�d by this 5ecunt} lnstrument. Hnwe�er, thn ��rti�tn�hafl ni�t hr exe�citrd hy� Lcndcr i(exrtcne �ti prt�hth�Ied b}
<br /> federal la�►•as af'ehe date of this 5rcur�ty Inst rument r-=-=--
<br />