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i <br />,7 <br />CONPLETENFSSOFTHISCONTRACT ':Thisconttact only be gedifbothyouandlagrceiawriting. <br />The foliawiag notice britiv to my anavion th ' there I hav even when this contract is sold to a financial institution era bank, andl should notice that the imps <br />tattceofthis provision is stressed by its appearance intea Point. boldf type: NOTICE 89-•- 100890 <br />This credit c tmftact Anances a purchase. All 1Nga1 rights which the Buyer has against the SttllieE anteing <br />out W this transaction, Including ail claims and deftess, are also valid aeatnst any holder of t'al" canbuL <br />The right to recover money from the holder under this provision is limited to the amount paid by the buyer <br />under this contract. <br />A claim Is a legally valid reason for suing the Seiler. A dehrlse i.a a legally valid reason Rw not prying <br />the Seller. A holdw is anyone trying to collect for the purchase. <br />INSURANCE CANCELLAITON:If f have requested insurance inthispurchase, l may cancel such request for insurance for any reason within fifteen (15) dayafrom the <br />dui of this contract by notifying you or the holder of this contract in writing. I know that the cancellation of my coverage will be arranged with the insuattc ciin 3(s) and <br />afuUmfwtdofmypren m(s) together with applicable finance charge will be credited to this contract. <br />PLEASE NOTE: If i have requested insurance in this p�cbase. l will receive within thirty (30) days acertificate of insurance two fully describing the insumcecovemse. <br />I know that if there is an conflict in the coverage or the language of thecertifreate of insurance and the following Notice of Proposed insurance that I am covered.only to <br />the extent stated in the following Notice ofPtvpasvilnsurance. I also k-r :, v that) have insurance coverage only if l have been charged for it. <br />NOTICE OF PFIQPOSED INSURANCE <br />i take notice that eitberCrCditf *j or'(: _JJA Actident and Fimfhii lnsuraboa, cr both, will lit_ applicable to this Sates Cw5fi a cn the reverse side oni�if &ft s=R:dvav . _. <br />it by signing the request forstuh iokwgm :">? rs assurance will or:ly rnverthe person signingffir-nNuest atthecostfnreacb tfjx6frasutanceshown. SubW.WD <br />by the insurance company. the iarurzrt+�e w%;. t ¢ffective as of today and <br />Ill ody ttirtite number, of months atur site effective dit equal to the <br />monthly payments. I understand that this pattioll r. insurance may riot provide coverage for my last few pay use and that during that pe»i cf time I will aat Have ang ° ` ` <br />incLmnce covetsge- All benefits and proceeds Gt the in wiT16e paid to you or to a fntatrcial instituUOSr r:F u:h..iak if it purrhaus the Wesr_mtract to the extent of itb. <br />interests and any balance will be pay 'a� a tome. -i_ti initial amount of Credit Life Insurance is the amount req imL'to repay the Trxal of Pay -[m tt!ereaRer, the insnrarMe <br />decreases by the amount of each monthly payment on a scheduled 30 day basis. If I am ointly obligated on the Sales Contract with a Co-BuyK; and we have both signed <br />thet�equ�tforCmilit Life insurance, death benefits will be payable only with respect fo the first one of us to die. lubject to exclusions, eliminations or waiting period stand <br />int3e insurance policy orcertificate,Credit Accident and Health Insurance is forthe benefit amount of 1 /30thof each month'spaymentforeach daythat lamtoW lydisabled <br />dme to an injury or sickness white I owe any payment to you; however, I understand that 1 have to be vented , 'yam working due to such total disability for more than four - <br />t (14) consecutive days before the insurance benefit ispasd back to the first day of my total disability. I aim kaow that I cannot obtain itttyttt�anoe &0M yon (f I <br />amo"I yatrsofagetadry :71ft pcovidedtotnetnsy000tainamazimamamoaato [co><etagiwbicbsrill aotpn some es, the e ] tirs eta e t that Joe. Dee to the muimum emotmt of cavtstated in the insurance policy, l know that any unpaid amoumin excess of the ylnsuranee <br />erage will ill have to be pa the Saks Contract is prepaid in full prior to titer last payment date, any unearned insurance pr miums will be rdfnnded ra ;w! in the man - <br />prcscnbey law. 130) days. [ will receive the certificate of fntum•.ace more fully describing my insurance coverage. U the insurn:e' is rent accepted by <br />th imuraricecompany . l will neeeaveatefundafthe insurartcepiemiums l havepa4 <br />BUYER: The nexttwoparagFai tscontainwarrantiesrel tivetothissalegiitarbi,"ioiw lnancial institutionorbankinorderfarittobuythiscontract. <br />SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT Qrr INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT AND UORTGAGE <br />FOR VALUE RECEIVED. Seller hereby sells, assigns, onveys, transfers and delivers to <br />(Assignee) all of its rights, title and interest in and to the installm_it Sates Contract and Mortgage, together with all liens existing to secure its payment, and the property <br />encumbered hereby. Assignee is hereby substituted as Mortgageeuader the Mortgage provisions of this contract.. Seller warrants and represents; (1 It has theright to make <br />this assignment; (2) All statements 5,( figures in th�hd ontract era - in the Buyer's statement are materially true and correct; (3) This contract arose free the bona fide sale <br />of the goods and services described en; (41 The ownpayment shown in this contract was actually paid by Buyer and no part of said downpayment was loaned di- <br />�Jly Seilg BuyS) Each H uys legally co mpetent to contract (6) This contract is not and will not be subj&t to any claim, defense. demand or right <br />of offset, e eectiothis conand nderling sales sation giving rise Veneto did rat violate any federal or state law, directive rule or regulation rout effec the event i ulying transion is subject to a right of rescission or cancellation b_y the Bu er, sucheacisaion or canceller nperiodhaseparidtherthesatenorthiscontracthasbecncanalt edorrcscinded. THIS CONTRACTIS SOLD IYSEI I.ERIIITil01R ECOUESE. <br />iN TESTIMONY WI•IEREOr, die undersig is an authorized representative of the Seller and has signed below a behalf of N Seller on this <br />day of .19 <br />The forgoing instrument wzasarinrowledged ore me on _ THE PACESETMV CORE <br />14- ..� By <br />by the authori741aA_*nt of Seller who is <br />My commission expires: •` <br />IVotdr�'Pabli: 'T�;�1 <br />r <br />Alt�. <br />� �. <br />($Hiw) <br />ku'd =a uNias trot ClAonv 33rd[ SM.1 <br />M <br />7 <br />Y. <br />try} <br />
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