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1 <br />r , <br />• ADDITIONAL TERMS v <br />p ,�g',q�t��tCCRL'ALOFTHE y r., CECH1�tGE :l : +enthough6lt* sorb ;+ crop; yn++ rrthanthereguttr+ chedutedml +nthtvpt;;lnert.lha+rthearge <br />to yy I eIND,ACowingtoOyFinfutfatan tithe grin anfromtimetot+ ma. If the TcrtdmFinaituunnorbangthatbuys mycontractcampusesthefinancecharge <br />dady.l irrinw my Ftnane� charge will be (essif 1 a +ske an early paymem• and it will ha ttJgher if 1 psy Iste. l also recogmre that any adjutttttent to my total finance <br />charge will be reftexted to my final bill: }also know [hat the a Punts shownon the trverse side for the Finance Charge. Total oFPaymenu.)Total Safe <br />t'riae ateest figured on the <br />mates b ctrl snthe assumption that yqu will receive each of tlme ayttlents exact) on its due date: and 1 know that there will t►e no refund if 1 e because there is rtothin <br />to refund if l am ehaproged on a deity ba:d .. �f the tending does t►o! compute the finance charge daily. and if t peep »! the wyhole amount, you will refund the <br />scheduled dstestand amounts of mynmonthl p ymentsnd hat on the actuald:ues and mount. of the prepayments thatt I pay to you. +l know ;that arefund of tes +ti+an 51 00 <br />will notbemade. <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: OF MERCHANTA- <br />(a Ws as SELLER HERESY OISCLAIV,,ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, <br />BI ANO FITNESS FOR A PARTi_CULAhFI:PI` RPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVIC£S.UNLESS SELLER FUR- <br />NISHES 13UYER WITH A SEPARATir' :- WRIZTEN UMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CON'iRACT MADE 6Y SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICK'IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />16)Ihave read. indetail. the . awe:- I0- VEARL%lTrFDWARRANT5i"+shick. ifmade.accompaniesthfrcisn tract. it explains the conditions and circumstances <br />in which the manufactured product:w Jtbe rpaired or replaced. I take notice of the limit itions an the warrenty, and 1 pirtigoarly recognize that any implied wwmnty which <br />applies to the- =3.-% nlyasiangastliewarrantyorservicecontrtct. <br />tct 1 ha%c read. in detail, the separate -LiMITED iNSTALLATION WARRA� TY" which if made. accnm ;hies, thJtrirnlrtct. It explains the cotttlltions sad cis <br />cumstancesinwhich the install ationofthe siding will be redone- I take notice of the limitations onthewarran ty. and } p. Jticiri arlyq'ricognize that any implied Wfimtywhich i <br />applies to the installation asZson yastongasthewarratm.:orservicecontrt.t. <br />SPFCIAi,.ORDER GOODS: I know that you ha nr asured my house and its openings so that you can make the prrn�iilm. to fit my particular house. I take notice that the <br />goods that are manufactured for my specific house pmbabl}- will not fit any other houses. and under such conditions. I kiiew that 1 cannot cancel this contract at any time <br />ifterthr. period of t rm o per- tome- by law, inwhic s to cancel. After that legal period of time, l know that 1 have the obligation topavyou in full the amount owed_ <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAiNING TO PROPERTY I%SLRANCE AND %IV REAL ESTATE.: 1. 1 promise to keep my Aow ' in good repair and w krnp till ur d for <br />at leapt 80% of its replacement value by buying a rice andextended coverage insurance policy. The insurance compariv must be a edby you, and Ile policy must have <br />a beneficiary douse v~lr�ch says that you are to be paid if there is a ims. The insucrnv compan} must agree that it �vifl not carce)!ny policy wits out first telling you. l au- <br />thorize the insurarcetainppany to pay you directly for any loss. You can choose to u- !his insurance pay merit to cites: reply any amounts I sm ;e y'�a or to repair my house. <br />!have the option of p ysiding prd er:� insurance through an existing policy or through a policy independently obtainedand paid fartr1 me. Z:`k rl, az promise that 1 will not <br />allow anyone else to Place am l-, era my real estate without your written permission. 3. 1 promise to pay all taxes. assessments rod a :hA hs eL Vn my real estate when <br />due. 4.1 promise to trmay m ce:jii t =;r ?cots on my prior loans secured by my real estate. 1 also pramts0 that 1 will not extend. r!n c +�' ?�'- or loans without our <br />written permission. S. If 1 do nest+ s a!rr: any house yr t"ulfill my other obligation to my real estate. then) can do it for me if you a. -- X+xit pi +jI -not have to). if you do <br />pay, any of these obligations for ma.'ia°_Weto pay y'oubzCk on demand plus interest at the highest lawful eoptractr'# of interest. l r, :d t i a , rc +t hack. these amounts will <br />be added to my debt to y ou which is secured by rmt nmil ;:state and house. t know that if you decide to buy insur. =-f,&r sue that you do noT- 1za++en-) natain any homeowner <br />or liability insurance. <br />SALF OF NY HOUSE: I pram ise not to sell, lease org:ve my huu: t:o anyone until I haw fully repaid my debt to irk_' '. <br />DEFAULT: I will be in default under this contract if: <br />1. I don't make a payment ai6en due; or <br />Z. a breaka--y promise I made to you in thismntract;or <br />3.. Ss�h+ gelse happens which causcolaL to believe in good faith that [do not intend to pay you as prmrut d• r <br />4, .I �` auttanany obligations for which I 'mr - -sing myhvtraeascollttteral ;or <br />5.• Something happens tomyhnm which a.:z.`nsyclarriglus.ifany.init. <br />1T 1 AIM IN DEFAULT :1 uiidersr.x ti ut viz l,. pe ire right to f inclose the ga III g• to yore d have my house sold to repay any amounts I owe you if i <br />Amin default under this contract. ge:bm!r, bu rt i�, you will doe verythin att law r tics. if y hire an attorney to resist you to sell and house, or, a sue tied <br />or, to protect your rip; ,,I, I agree to pay y, : for Gast• masonable attorneys fees for r r tired ea s suet as court costs, ti <br />searches and tnaney you expended <br />to protect my house, it you am allowed tocoliect's;j.*ameunts by law. <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose not to enforce a:y' .:�f the rights under this co t o n as we t without rising them. Or. we can delay enforcing any of the rights <br />without losing them. We can alsouse any rights now orit5thefuturejf ,, sbyI <br />DELAYS:1 know that you will use your best efforts too in ti,+}i tf w"uts 1 putt ing on house. but I also understaaiLtlsit in some sitmtions YOU May encounter <br />delays that are caused by strikes, weather condit+cas, tie's;; s s ;tu)j�a: ! 2n obtai ng terials, or other reasons that are bt}rut3 your control. 1 understand that you wig <br />not be liable forstiditdelays. 1 <br />ASAITRATIM tff t havers dispute or claim wcS yycw cer .iA die utility or rfomrance of the product;. l understand that arf dii lMm may be submitted to ' <br />and settled according to the mediation - arbitration rc: y;^ar., " t'ave dere in m community. !also know that any decision rtudeb3 M1U'a[fsitraloa(e) would be en- <br />teredinthecourthavingJurisdicdonovermeandyos , <br />SALVAGE VALUE: 1 know that the windows. w+V-dw•ork, ric Mother aterials this have to he removed by you f,�r oiis installation have NO salvage value. <br />When you reprove them.) oucan have them for ui•ia+tver purpose y au a <br />SFWAL SITUATIONS: Dueto the uniqueness of'some of the Prod that yo sell, l understand that in i.pmO situations that Your Regional Office may have to review <br />and accept this contract. l also understand that this sale occurred in home a that you and 1 may not have hrui at) the correct Information important to this transaction <br />a tourfrngedips; I give you my consent tocorfect any obviouserrors tmayh eowurred when theblanksinth6 ,zrzact were completed, <br />iNVALi91 t!]1 51RIf an�r provision of this cawractvi�o theta is unenforceable, the rest of the contract will bevalid. U any VWofdes contractregW= . <br />navm�n►stf i han Air aw Permits. then you will onl avethe ' Ito collect front me the amount ofinterestwhiehdat l6w allows you tocollect. <br />0 <br />1•:: Y. <br />•i: <br />ro <br />J- <br />