<br />6 Eatprent Domain. Lender is hereby assigned all compensation awards. damages and other payments or tercet (neteinafter "Proceedei in Connection with
<br />condemnation or Other taking of the Property of Pon thereof, ar for conveyance in lieu o fCondemnation Lender shall be entitled at its optiohto commence. appear inand
<br />prosecute in its awn name any action or proceedings. and shall alsobeanbtledtomakeahycompromiseatsetunn? eH tinconnectionwithsuchtaktngordamage Intho
<br />¢rent any portion of the Property is so taken or damaged, Lender shall have the option to its s5te and absetute ^aiitrerion, to apply all suctt AraC2eds, after deducting
<br />therefrom $freest$ andexpensas incurred by it in Fonnecuon with such pnoCetels, upon any indebtedness secured ^►tieby and i n such order ast. antler maydetermine. or to
<br />apply all such Praeeefft, after such tiMue(ions. to the restoration of tht Property upon such conditions an W, der may determine Ar+y appt'LatiQn of Proceeds to
<br />indebtedness shag not extend or postpone the due date of any payrttents under the Note, or cure any.defaufl thereunder or hereunder
<br />7. Perloormance byLeadow. In the event of Sorrowectfailtufe to Perform any of ithecovanantshateirs at make any p;yments required hereby or if any act istakonor
<br />legal proceeding eammaneed whtell mstenally affects Lendo,'s rnter"I m the Property. Lender may !nitsown dis :relion.trut without obligation todo so. and without nol.8e
<br />fear demand upon Borrower and without releasing Borrower from any obligation. do any act'ryhiatt ilia Bgpawer has agreed but fails to do and may also do any other Ral it
<br />deems necessary to protect the security hereof. Borrower shall, immediately upon demand therefor by Lendiar, pay to Lender all costs and expenses incurred and'iumf:
<br />expended by lender in connectionwith theexercise by Lender of the foregoing rights. togetherwth mlareat thereon tat :he cate provided in the Note. whichshall beedded to
<br />M4 indebtedness secured hereby Lender shau not incur any personal hatlahty because of anything it may do of omit to do hereunder
<br />eQD 8. Eaatlt$ ot DeIALK The following shall constitute an event of default under this Oeed of Trust
<br />^w� (al Failure to pay any installment of principal or interestaranyothersumsecuredherebywhendue. atfailuretopaywfierdueranyothenndabtednessof
<br />Borrower to Lender:
<br />O (b) A breach of or default under any provision contained in the Nate. this Deed of Trust, any document which secures the Note, and any other
<br />encumbrance upon the Property:
<br />(c) Awrito lexecutionofattachmentoranysimil arprocasssbatlbeenterredagainstBorrowerwhichshallbecome alienontheProperryoranyportion
<br />thereof of interest therein.
<br />�f (d) There shall be filed by or against Borrower an action under any present or future federal. state or other statute. law or regulition ro :atrng to
<br />bankruptcy. insolvency or other rellelfor debtors, or thereshall beappointedany trustee, receiver or liquidator ot8arrower ur of allot anypare of the Property. or
<br />ltierEris, issues or profits thereof, or Borrower shall make any general assignment for the benefit of creditors.
<br />Qi (e) The sale, transfer, assignment. conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any pan of or any interest• in the Property, either votuntirrdy or
<br />co invoturrtardy. without the express written consent of tender.
<br />(f) It Borrower is not an individual, the safe. transfer. assignment. conveyance or encumbrance at morethan _._ percent at (it a corpatation) its
<br />i issued and outstanding stock or (it a partnership) percent of partnership p ihferosts.
<br />9. RemildimAccalwallonlIpm0ap^ to tneeventOf any Event Of Wifult Le.ndair declare at) indebtedness secured hereby to bodiusand payable and the
<br />i
<br />some shall thi; wflan become dire and payabitewsihout any presentment dehtsnd; protest or rrWic* of air' k,4o_+, Thereafter Lender may:
<br />(.a) Demand thatTrustrise at.4misb1fie POWER OF SALE grantedlivisin,andTrutme str4fit;6 m
<br />ffOr Cs use Borrower's intemml in the Property to be sold
<br />andifrp proceeds to be distrtbuted;ai(inilia mariner provided in the Nebraska Trutt Mm -1. :-
<br />(b) Either in.pyron or by agent, with or.wittiout bringing any action at prrsrrLv,!i %ir ��ti arereLar anpoi. -:er1. try a mini nail withoul r Fnyta (ho
<br />—_ —_ "S
<br />adequacy Enter uP0g7ffJtakepassessianof the Property. orany� art kg,Y' ;; .4.h yr r�mearrrltrer ;im atthoTrustee.anddoanyarJSUVhich
<br />it daeihs necessarypl ;r}asirabie.tuptetsetve the vacua. marketability, or rentabrltfKctteas Piugesigf,!s: span there&-& irrerest therein. increase the income
<br />thernfrum orprotecithe security ft mf and. wnh or witho ut taking pszassion Of the Property. sue ttr,; i otherwise cc (I.,i the rents. issues and pro(dsthereot,
<br />inc+Wingthosepast due and unpaitf aridapplytheSame. tesscas teardeipensesofoperationandCollectionincludingd; torneys 'fees,uponanyindebtedness
<br />secured hereby, all in such order AS L.t3tder may determine. The entering upon and raking possession of the Property; the collection of such rents, issues and
<br />profile and theapplicalion thereof as aforesaid, shall not cure or waive any default crrciice of default hereunderaciriii:jdate anyactdone in response to such
<br />default or pursuant to such 'lobee of default and, notwithstanding the continuance m possession of the Preperry at the collection. receipt and application of
<br />rents, issues orprolila,.Trustee or Lender shall be entitled to exercise every right provided for in any of the Loan Instruments or by taw upon occurence of any
<br />event at default, including "he rlghf f*e%6rcrse the power of sale. am-4,
<br />[ty Commence an action to foso- ose this Deed of Trust as a.rm rtgage, appoint a receiver. or specifically enforce any at tfsr: covenants hereof:
<br />iuq remedy heitin conferred upon or reserveditsTrusrc - a or Lender is intersedl•o,trt exclusive of any other remedy hereon or by taw provided or permlled. but each shall be
<br />„ rssln utative, chAl lbeinaddillbntbSvery other rerrr: V4S- ren hereunder or now or hereafter eng} n, atlawonn equity orbystatule . and maybe exercised concurrently.
<br />i". Pendently or successt(tiir.
<br />10. TruMe. The Truiift may resign at anytime withou! r rise . and Lender may at any, lime and without cause appoint a s:ccessor orsubstitute TNstdtn Tres :ee
<br />shall not be habit for any loss or damage unless due to actionable negligence or willful miso;,- 7A ;et. and shall not be required to take any action in connection with the
<br />enforcement of litit Deed of Trust unless indemnified, in writing, for all costs. compensation or expenses which may be associated therewith. In addition, Trustee may
<br />becomenpufflimeratanysateotthe Property (judicial or under the powerof sale granted her2o.l. postpone the sate of allor any portion of theproperty. asprovided by law:
<br />or so',] 11e Property as a whole, or in separate parcels or tots
<br />M • RabaeAdrrrees, UPon request of Borrower. Lender rrap, at its option. make aadrt..;al and future advances and readvances to Borrower Such advances and
<br />rea1rances. with interest Ifirmon, shall be secured by this Met rf. Trust At no time shall the principal amount of the indebtedness secured by this Deedot Trust, not in•
<br />cladingsumsa dvancedto protect th esecurtyof this Deed of Trust oxceed the ongmal principal amount stated herein. orE..l��y_8�, whichever is
<br />greater.
<br />12. iNaullalraoua hOYNiena. , .
<br />(a) Rorroorw Not Released. F:i?L7 :elan of nlg nme for payment or modific0o, of amortization of trio sums, s ?cured by this Deed of Trust granted by
<br />l Lender to any Successor in interest gill3:;rrower sPall nt.? operate to release. in any Mariner, the liability of the afiginhl ktr_trower and Borrower's successors in
<br />interest. Lendersh0 act be require +sto commence csicceedmgs against such sue ct o3r or refuse to exte rid time for 1 :ayment or othorwiss modify amortization
<br />of the sums secured by this Deed at-TruSt by reason of any demands made by the original Borrower and Borrowers successors in interest.
<br />(b) LanierS rorwra. Withoutaffectingtheliabilityofanyotherpersonliableforthepaymentofanyobtrgationhereinmentrorscd .andwithoutaffecting
<br />the lien or charge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or theretofore released as security for the full amours.tii all unpaid obligations,
<br />Lender may. from time totime and without notice it) release any person so liable. (u) extend the maturity or after any of the terms of any such obligations. (nt)
<br />grant other indulgences. (iv) release or reconvey, or cause to be released or reconvoyed of any lime at Lender's optionsany parcel. portion or all of the Property.
<br />(v) take or release any other or additional security for any obliTitlon herein mentioned, or (vi) make compositions or c luei arrangements with debtors in felatior
<br />thereto.
<br />(c) FortlaaralteellyLembrNotawafrer. Any forbearance ty Lender mexercismg any nghtavie-t edy hereunder. orolhervi%w40011!odbyapplicable
<br />i Mw, shall not bell waiver of or preclude the exercise of any suchnghtq# le5Aedy Tneprocurementolin: faranceorthepaymentOffar .rnvrrfh,?rlionsofcharges
<br />by Lender shall not be el waiver of Lenders right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust
<br />(d) 86CCINIaora aid Aaeigna Round; Joint and Seeat t Liability: Captions. Tr,e rjvenants and agreements herein contained ir.;dl bind. and ilia rights
<br />hereunder shall ntins to, the respective successors and assigns of lender and 8orrcwer. subject to the provisions of paragraph (e) hereof. All wa=rrants and
<br />Agreements of 6011twershall be joint and several The captions and headings oft he paragraphs of this Deed of Trust are tot convenience only and ave not to be
<br />used to Interpretor define the provisions hereof.
<br />lei flfagwatforNatlees. Thepatiesherebyrequestthatacopyofanynoticeofdefaulthereutwerandacopyofanynoticeofsateherounderbemailed10
<br />ea-.b patty to this Dead of Trust at the addresssel forth above in the manner Prescribed by applicable Wit Except tot any other nobeerequ ired Under applicable
<br />law to be given inanother manner, any notice provided for in this Deed Of Trust shah be given by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to the other
<br />parties. at the address set forth above
<br />Any notice provided tot in this Deed of Ttust Shall be deemed to have been given to P,nrrower or Lender when giK- n is the manner designated herein
<br />(f) InWallon. Lender may make of CauStatio be made reasonatle eriffles lipimand inSpecti Ong of the Pro petty, pfairteleer that Leridershaligive Borrower
<br />notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable Cause the: odor related 141 Lenders interest in the Property
<br />(9) RaeaewY MUe. Uponpaymentota! lsumssecuredbythi sDeedoflria: t. Le ndershallrequestTrusteetoreconveythePropertyandshallaunender
<br />this Deed of Trust and all notes evidneing indebtedness secured by this Deed cf •rmsittoTrustee Trustee shall reconvoythePrcpertyw itnoatwarrantyand
<br />without charge to the person or persons legally enbtted thereto Suth person or shall pay all costs of recordation• it any
<br />(h) ►areentsillita . SaeudryASratmontAsaddt ti onatseeuti tyforthepaymentoftheNoteall f ,.tures. equipment. and otherpersona!prop3rtyused
<br />in connection with the reatestateot improvements located thereon. and not otherwise dec laredor deemed to bit a part of the real e91a :e secured hereby. sha! l be
<br />subiee tto2" CuntymterastintaroroftheLendertindertheNebraskaUniformCommercialCode This mstrumont shall becon strutdasa Sec untyAgreement
<br />under said Code, and the Lender snail have all the rights and re ned:e3 of a secured party under said Cade in add,bo n to the rghts and remedies created under
<br />andaccoided the Leader pursuant to this Deed of Trust
<br />(r) Eeerti10if In the event that any provision ofthis Deed of Trust conflict with applicable law or are declared in +aodofotherwseune rorceable.such
<br />conflict of invalidity shall not affect the other rzovisiors of th q Deed of Trust or the Note Which can be given effent without the con f6c ring prow, andlothis
<br />end the provisions oft" Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be severable '
<br />Borrower has executed this Deed of Trust the date written above
<br />By:f� _ i t C
<br />Michael 0. Milhon, President
<br />