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<br />O0 M1OwMEtiEADTNIi Eli011E SiON1l1�
<br />[ prrOtrNi( Trwlat►) unQeragndlhattfledacumenithattMBorrowtnsartaDouttoexecuUraa Deed atTrutt and ttata mortgage andthsttns rotakieprovided
<br />for fn tt+e DMOdtrWtprpvidas sirbstantiaNy d+Nerent riQhtsand obligations) tO the Borrowersjhana mortgagefn tMavent at a default orDrpctl lobilgation undniht
<br />�`� DNi}•01 Tryst. M¢hl0inp, tot not limited to. the Lenders right to have the Rear Property s6id * the Trustee with judiciatDtoeseding or to losure. Borrowed
<br />y nopilaeee dad wMtaet that this acknowledgement was exeeuled by them before the exeisution Litt the pe)?l
<br />Jac S. suer,
<br />By: BY
<br />is a F`n`; re dent IanzT
<br />COMPLETE itch rerliate ONLY It tale rest / "a llY reaerfbM esttMlMS of lMMOUALLV OPINED AoRICULTUMGI LAND.
<br />of appfto e, eanPMM ONLY ONE Nfhef A. S. or Q
<br />The eon ower(s) acknowledge that iney are about to executa the following Deed of Trust upon the real estate described therein. The Borrower(*). andse4h of them it'
<br />MOM then one. do hereby disclaim their right to designate a homestead pursuant thereto No part of the homestead of either of the Borrower(s) Is presently or will in tft
<br />futuralbesit uatedupon said rea4state. TheSorrower( s) understandtha titeitherestabl ishesehomesteadonanypar tof said realestate during thellmettlea wofTryst
<br />remains unaatisfiedanda lien upon sa;d real estate. thereshall beno right to make a designation of homestead inthe event of a foreclosureor trustse'asalaw ith respe of to
<br />said Dead of Trust
<br />13 8. wAMYEII of nw4T To DEsiGmTE NowwvE11D:
<br />The Borrower (s)al:knowledgethattheyateabout taexecute thefollowing Dead of Trust uponthe realestatedescribed therein.The Borrower(is). alidepeholitlemif
<br />.more than one. do hereby waive their right to designatea homestead pursuant thereto, The Borrowers) understand that they have the right to makeirdasignation; 61- -
<br />homesteadandthaibyexecuWgi this waivili.,beir am waiving rights otherwise avaimble for ilia purpose of affording them the opportunity to retain thelifiOnnestendin fh� .:
<br />event of a defauft upon the Deed of Trust.
<br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead Protection Act (Section 79 -1901 of seq. Revises StEtutes of the State of Nebraska). the Borrowr0(e), do he illby defigtratethe real
<br />property described in tha "Resignation of htomestead- nifached hereto and incorporcr .- mmin by this reference.
<br />• 9orrnwer
<br />r
<br />Borrower
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST. is made as of the 14. d,y. orFebruary . 1M_- . try and among tho Trustor. — Neby- taglka
<br />..._Wwhosemailingaddressis 1-80 E U. S. Highway #281,
<br />GlTi�){t I{ - NF—merem"Sorrower ") the Trustee. Charles_D.- Maattxalgs, Attorn t —at -1 ayle_� _
<br />whoLerrafing 8darossisR4t�R1 ". 202. - .City -- National- Qan.k. lit! fg--- $.QO.W._3rd__St.�_�hStingS, NE �ora:n6890e..t
<br />andtheganeficiary. Clty NaMonat -Rank.and "Trust k�.a� _
<br />whovi�r+railingaddressis800 W.•- 3rd_- 4t.i._'P. U Box 349,_ Hastimgs, hlebraska 68902'
<br />(herein "Lender').
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERA M.Qt1 Irdijoih3 the indebtedness -denti f red herein and trust t18r1* n c-tated, the receipt of which Is illereby acknowledged. Borrower
<br />hereby irrevocablygrants. transfers. ca yey e.r,4 - imigns to Trustee. INTRUST. WITH POWER OF SALE tpr thpbenetit and security of Lender. under and subject to the
<br />terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, ftfe :5ur; p4ripany described as follows
<br />i
<br />(Exhibits A f; BY
<br />r•
<br />Together with altbuitdmgs. improvements, hxtdoro" streets alts' /•`- Fassagest+art n.;zements tights privileges and appurtenances located thereon or in anywise
<br />s pertaining thehfto;6l,.11 the rents. issues and profits. reversions and remainders thereof. ,ncludin but not limited to. hestai
<br />g. g and cooling equipment and such personal
<br />property that it+idUlClindto the improvements so as to constrtutea fixture. and I agelhe , with the homestead or marital interests. if any. which interests are hereby releay d
<br />and *Owed; 41101 wprClu including replacements and addihonstherato. is hereby declared to bee part of the realestate secured by the lion of this Deed of Trustand all of the
<br />foregoing berg rddged to herein as the -property"
<br />This Deed of Ttuttshall secure (a) the payment of the principal sum and interest e4 +dented by Borrower's note and'Or credit agreement dated ::eb=arrV
<br />_ ltd, 1999 . hainng a matunty date of F9bLrUar 1x.___1.994 in the Original principal amount of $ 4001Q0d. 00 and any any all
<br />modifications. extensionsand renewals thereof or thereto and any and all future advances and readvances hereunder pursuant to one or more promissory notes Or VOCrf
<br />agreements therein called'•Nole 1.(b) the payment of other Sums advanced by Lender to protect the set u fityOf lRe Note ( althopertormaneeaticovenanisardagreement
<br />of Botrower set forth Herein: and (d) all indebtedness and obligations of Borrower to Lender whether direct. indirect. absolute or contingent and whether arising by note
<br />guaranty owrdrah of othe ot"
<br />BOffOwef, TO ptotecl the security of this Deed of Trusr. Covenants and agrees with Lender as foito Ms
<br />I fto"MMllMdvidaildbift t Borr ower$ hal 1promptlypaywhenduethtsprint, palofandrntereston .andanyfeesatchargesprovidedin theNotednnthis
<br />Deed of Trull
<br />2 Tees. Borrow@'istheoNnerof the Property has the r. ghtan9arrthontytacorrreytheproperty and warraatsthP the lien Created hereby isahrstard prior lien on
<br />the Property. except as may otherwise be set forth herein, a rdl the executton and delivery of this Deed of Trust does not ii.ofare any contract or Other ot1'.!gahon to wh:01
<br />80rrdwat ii Sub)etl.
<br />3 Vessel, Aseenmelit f. To Stay wRen due all taxes. spec:at"Assessmen! S and a',e itherc Haig" a3a:nsttrePruC-eftyanJ uponwnttender•andbyLender topayto
<br />Lef:dN t:r_h amount as maybe suff ,rent to enable 416 Lender to pay such taxav assessments or olner Charges as irtey become due
<br />4 eaWtallse. TOkeep the PfCpftrtif inSuredaga: n3tdaii:a3•'!bjrGte ha£a!94 mt'��ed WdhiT t "etc:r•+ edged ^_•1Cb:0'a3e and SUGh Gtner ^31atd5 aS Lert92r r+af
<br />rC Jse in alTx'lUri!SarKf wah COmpanieS aCC!ptaDle tO LQ ^del, and wi fh rOis patyab:e to the Le ^•der incase of `ossurr Yet s't_i` VT C!e3 the Lender •7 aa'nar,ped Eli d.7i.3[
<br />co4'CStandcon+promisa all ctai mstnenvundet *no sha 'shavetheopt.on Clapp, y.rga'Iof part offhel1 'sa!a-cep•oC(-s7sr i >�a�- �, „1eb7 ?d eS9Se urr rnretrapdfnt ,.�
<br />Ord4ttastot+dettnaydefe /mine I�eir0lrtfiflttOMerf accused{ pf( h4rCp:. en: re ; +•7rat,;'r0 +lr!CF[opertfC'i.: rt�tari{ Utt.: n- ��: poSlatOL ;F_ts3'st3Cf�tYlitLe`3P'
<br />witR-it dfre_tirv, "le l'en oftr''s Deed of Trust for roe f;J;.a.r..aunl secc:trrtt:erP7y"fz)fe S`;Lh e. }tliar; nyn: ez]t C•SL� AnY BL`�S _1t �. ,`.•C':i ^n�:!,!,. ,r..!_Hi2d'2�s ir'3:r
<br />n-'! 414'4x3 V volvx0fle the die d3'e of any payrrrac.19 umder Ir 6N7.0 Cr C !C e^ / d^_f3L•i! 1 ^e•eu: l 7, C. •¢ e „
<br />•"✓'t0 e"e-•
<br />at'm sMlws�le
<br />1111106 all Can"Ok o wd1A laws. f? ^,rrnaa! A'< keep tr.8 pruce•l, ; .'; s ..:. • • s, r i, ,-a . • t �. - .:,c' i,..: - -,
<br />avtedarnt ;,t3urdes.r; lied shat =n.t'ccmt •Icrpe,rn,to^fa.lsfe, ;,ia,r� ; n •• ;fi,eF. _ • „ ,i.
<br />rt'k0lR•'., err,: *: rrE�' tnr3anthePf-- D*fty'C "Iw11CO+!`^-1,d•riirLs n,!r!as.: -,.^r' .. ' i,- +.i'•r'�.
<br />C r'aC't }F1e47 ^eu:;r,_ _rirr.eP�_�GEh _a[. •,t.r•,'.:en`...1• ., •i,.r r".
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