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<br /> ti Yar Ttauury lndrx•R�te Capa)
<br /> 7'Hi5 ADJUS7Al11.�RATB RIUE'R{�mMfe thif ._., 3r�ci�►yoF �.._ JuIY ..��,14 9� .
<br /> :tw:�'._....�'r:^�...T"..:.��. jS3iC«.""�..s!t�l�b�'�!!!'�!!�! !4!.!!!�!� �r.i �u:n^�"�w'-r� !1!!'�In!!:'�w� 11�wrf nf T(uy, tr Crn�rily I1Md !1M '!�uifV
<br /> � i�r�ut'9 erI t�e�reae�e Fvwr b7 t�+e�d�aslp�d te�r"�arrv�a.•i ta�cu�rt lkxres�ee'f A+dluttabk ttua�Nat(the"Na1e'�to i,�
<br /> � � (tki!���..11ldlf���Q(t�IC/�IM�At!�Ili�COVIf{!!:t!1!'
<br /> �fOpft�I�MC!'�id t8 t1k SKli�t�L1Wlt�1l11t�Ytf{Oa1�/0�Itt:
<br /> „_,_ �fi1 K arn��h 1 i rrnl n A�ien��e_ C;ranri I���,�bra�ka ��L �
<br /> ' (Praeectg Addreul ... -- . ----
<br /> 'I
<br /> � 7UY � e��hlr �.i�MM �wl� hr eM�u 1� � Inwt+�1 �M�N� ���IMIy
<br /> . �ywM1�.7'W MM MN M�Ib tM MsMM y i�Mrwl rsh e�eYM/e�t��IiM�N
<br /> aY�IMt�idw��Mi Iw wo�M��rM�i�1 pq.
<br /> AD�D[f'10NA1.COVSNAM'S. In�fCiitlon to the coYen�nb tnd yreeme�q m�Qe in the S:c��ity imetument.Bo�rawer u�d l.endet �
<br /> r�telwr coru.�.�a.�ree M roaow�:
<br /> ; �
<br /> A. 1N'T�'RAIE ANO MOM'N1.Y lAYMF.N'['CHANG!'8
<br /> � 'flN Nolt porWee[ot a ioiti�!�tetat nte oi �•7�L �lY.Sectlon I of the Nae provides tor cAan�e�in the interesl�te and tAe
<br /> , � uoatYp p��e�et��tdlo�n:
<br /> ! �. IM�87t6ST RATE AtYD JifiON7'HL Y PA YMENT CHANGE'S
<br /> ,
<br /> � (� Cr�e O�M�
<br /> ' 71N iaklat rste 1 wiU pay a�ay chan�e ae the tint day of A���c� . 19_.9,1,—.and on thu d�Y every
<br /> _ #y��,yp roontlu therattrr.Each dste on wAich my intaat r�te could chary�e is called�••C1wn�e Q�te."
<br /> i (N 71�IM�s �
<br /> �witb t6e fir:t 4'b�Me qte.my interat r�te will be b�xd an an Index.The"lndac"i�the weckty avera�e yieW oo United Sata
<br /> ' 'Trawry senuitla sdju�tM eo�ronstant nNC�ety of 1 ya�t.as m�de availabk by the Feder�l Resmm Bcwd.The most recrnt Ir�t'�urc
<br /> ` avai{�bk as of the due 1S d�ys before cach C�u�e D�te is aikd tlne"Current 1nQex."
<br /> ( U the loda�e i�no lotier availabk.the Nae Halder will c!►oose a new indea which is based upon comparaMe intorm�tion.The Note
<br /> Hat�fe�w�iU/ivt me notia ot this c�oice.
<br /> ,
<br /> t� C�M.iMw�CY�� '
<br /> _ - - Bt[ore e�e!►C7�e D�ce�tAe Nae Hdder will c�kulate my neM inteceRt r�te by addin� two and one/ha l f p��� ''.-
<br /> ----------���==1_c--=_ --;.��v�;.ri:u�iii;dcx.narw�i�iv"snc�iie'inariw.zuo7e�ttvine���ln��ivR�(tno�io� - _ __.:..-._._---_ �
<br /> 7W rounded aaouat MiU be m��c+r intera�rate until the next Cha�e Date.
<br /> ' The Note Holdet wil!theQ detetmiae the arnount of the monthly psyrtsent that wou{d be sufticient to rep�y En fufl the ptinrip�!i itm -
<br /> ' eapected to orre on that D�te In substantiall
<br /> ChanRe y equal p�yntents by the maturity date at my new iaterest ate.Ttse rault of this cslculation
<br /> � wiu be tix eew�artwunt or tny monthlp D�Y��.
<br /> (0) iJ�M�M t�Mewt�it C1w�n
<br /> The ipterat rate 1 am required to pay as ehe first Chatue Date wiU nat br tre.ater than Tn.�_ illr or Iess than
<br /> �.;^_1b.TheraRar.my interat nte wiil neyer be incrtased or decrascd on av.�sinRle CRan je Date by marr ihsn �°n rcent
<br /> �,.,Q fran tAe rate of interat 1 have been p�yin�for the precedi�twelve moaths.The minimum interest rate on this lou�witl never be
<br /> iai th�a $�',75 �lr►and the ma�cimum intercst rate wil!ne�er be greater than._....1,3�_ry. _
<br /> • (q t7/ative DNe d Cr� �:
<br /> My new interat nte wiU ba�ome effective on tach Ctwat�e Date.I will pay the amcxiat of my new monthly p�ym.�nt besinnin�on the flrst �
<br /> a�oathly pRy�saet date after th�G'hat�e Oate uatil lhe u�:�unt of my monthty�yment chanjc��ain. —
<br /> i (i� N�I�ke ef CW� • �
<br /> ' The Nae Holder wiU mail or deliver to me s notice 6efore ach Chanae Date.The nWice w�ill advise me of:
<br /> ! (i) the new interat rate on my losn�u of the Chanae Date;
<br /> • (ii) the amounl of my monthly payment followin�ttx Clianse t?ate; �` '
<br /> C�) �Y�itional tnattera which the Note Hofder is required to disclose:and
<br /> ; (iv) tlfe addra�of ehe atsocistion you eoutd contact rc�ardins any questioni about the adjustmenc notia.
<br /> S, t�lA�I:L�S:I.lENS
<br /> , Uettom�Covenaat 4 ot the Secutity Instrument is amended to read oc foitoK��:
<br /> . �. C�;li�.Horcowrr shall py atl tues,assasments.and other chuges.�nes,and impa3itions zttriDutable to the Praperty which msy
<br /> attain a�xiority ova tttis Security Inttrument,and tetsehold paymentx oi ground rents,if any,in the manner pravided under par�raph 2 hereof
<br /> or.if oot paid in such rtuhnet�by Borrawer makina paf�ment,when due,dircctiy to the 1+ayee thereof.�orrower shall prompety furnisA Lender
<br /> all riotiea of amounts due under this parajraph.and in the ecent Borrowet shall tnake payment ciirectly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to
<br /> L,ender r�ceipcs evidnx�ins such paymrnts. Banow�er shall promptly dischu�e atfy lirn which hr►s�rioriry or�er this 5ecurity Instrument;
<br /> laweru. Barvwet shsl)not be tequired �o dischtrge any such lien sv lona as Borroxet: (�) shtll agree in vrrihr�to the paymsnt of ehe
<br /> obli�ation secuted by such lirn in the manner aa�eptable to Lt�n�er;(bl ahatl in goal faitA contest siich lien by,ot defenA against enForcement uf
<br /> � sueh lien in.(e�al proceedin;s which in Ihe opininn pf Lender operate to pre�ent the enforcemert of the lirn�r forfeiwre of the Praperry or any . _ _-_--
<br /> �+art theraof;or(c)shall secure ftom the holder of such lien an agrcement in a fcrm satisfactury to L.eoder subardin�ting such lien to this
<br /> 5ecvrity Instrument.
<br /> IP LenQer determines that all or xny part of the Property is subJect to a lien which may aua,n a priorny o�er this Se.urity Instrumen�,
<br /> !!..�dtr shall gitie Borrower a nutice identifying sucb lien. BorroMer shall satisfy sucb tien or iake ane or more uf the xctions ses torth aDooe �
<br /> vrithin ten days of thc giving of the notice.
<br /> � C. NOTrGF:
<br /> Uniform Covenant 14 uf�hc Security Instrument is amendecl to rcad as follows:
<br /> �
<br /> 14. Notke.Exeept far any notice�Cquired under applicable la� tu be g��c:n m ano;her rnanner,lai any r�u��;c�o 13i��ruuer psauded t��r n•��h�c ti
<br /> Secvrity tnsirument shali begiren�y deticering�t or by mad�ng it hy hnt ciass mael tn t3nrrouer at the Pri�perey Addre�..cv at tiu,h uthrr ad�ireti; ��
<br /> as Borrouer may clesignate by notire to Lender as pru�ided herein.anJ(b)any not:ce to 1 ender.hall hr g�cen ny f�n� ;ta�. ma,t r�� 1 rneter'+ ..
<br /> address stated herein ot to such other addre�,c as Len:ter may dr�ignate by ni�uee to t3,vro.�c r,s.p:��.ided here�r. 1n} n,+�i.e�c��ti�3cJ!��i m�h� �
<br /> Sccurily lnstrument shaN b:dremcd tu tea�•c he�n g��cri tu Hurrov.cr rn I cndcr«hcn z���cu in the ne.��ecr•.;r.�,.n,���,11 cr����
<br /> _��
<br /> ,�• ,. ., . ,.,�.__ _.s�� _ .-. .�....._�.�..._.,_._
<br />