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<br /> F� ':o• r I;i .a� t .�,i�,, ii•.��. al„ �t> ,�,h.E% ���k <v�: :r' .,�. ,.. ..�•l��: •�ii ;.F. r'. i�'
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<br /> . ; �. . - �.l _ ----,. ....�•rr,lt . .�.-_—r_.—.,•,�.�a,.� ,....,..__._ . ... .,,... .. , : _
<br /> -r..v.1t..r. rcs: .-�, .tt.tt�.^.`-tt. l � .f+r ,�.. :✓.,:r.i.t .��..�... —F='' ,-r'�:�:��-„n.pFi",•':;: ��, ` • ..��'.
<br /> 'i t.^ r�.l.S.I.�. ._�.�..i.i...a�. :s4�1.�•rf.,u�'2'=7� 'ltt ;l.�,x.f;.' :;Y..::"- I �r / 7''...i�.e .{
<br /> i. r:r_ .M.�uzriTRf_—,.N�.. ` ,5 r.1C .� . ''�_ a,,.. . f.. + r`r.%_�—r--.—..�,--�.��.�,—i' t 'f
<br /> r�: r���';,sv4t � ,�•,v?_ �n�t�ti_.i.¢,ae "+�!�[-.,'�38.:�.'.x, �1., Vj"��'--�`;�.,.�7, ,�.t�it:.Y1Ll;.v.uw:.t.sc�if,otnptacnya.l.,.a;,,aa,a , L,:�i,_� ,ci.
<br /> �d•,1� .X'�•,;i�Y{::�r :*t1: a!@t ��!� t .5 'U.l�� : ':{-� '�d.::i"� s �•• tL. �i �:-" ` t.• ,,t�..• -J-'`. �1.� f "'}lii�_"
<br /> �1��`:'4tis fi.a� �j� "� �nL�t��,4..4 tY SI; �li t:!� �'�' r.j, q "c4 c•-,� ss•:,�''1 __+}a,�1. ��� � !f vi•'"��i'•��43�� �� �.I��;i���Zi�'i� f r�r )t�q c.i�1G \
<br /> r:�1�4��F�}S"�ls+.k��Hsk4.����,tf�4��it�:{fp!S!f�►� '�',`,i`'�'G:�r��''��"� t ��������ayG�4�'�'t�.-,�Y x-F ��o:.Fr�- —— -- 3} ?31v+?�' '�:a'�tj �,.E'�t,, „ oi � � �' 1 -
<br /> s. �_h� �1G �:+J�A S�� a—'�.-�„S.v�✓v�•�� ��5c5s�:l����,F-.';�.{+��_f.l� _ --
<br /> � . . � --_
<br /> j�tt�t�t.l it�jFilwsl t`nvct4ajaTC Rn��s�wr�w�I wr�L��!��!it�!tf CC�V!`rpi!I°!tt!:o!e:°_..a�t����J!?��!rL*�"'� �lf�a7.,R, 2,T
<br /> 19, Arc�kratiar Re�edi�. Laier �11 �iTS wattce to l�or�owe� �rior to uceleration �ollowin� Borruwer'�
<br /> . M�au�ot�sy core�t or��t i�tli�SetYeity Iwtter�eat(Dyt�wt�Hor to a¢cekration unde�p�r�pr�ph�13 and 17
<br /> �1�y/Ntaiae I�w �o�iMt od�wi�e). Tre �otiee �Il�cif'y: (s)tlie default:(b1 t�� sctioa �ea�I�ed to cure the
<br /> �Mh�dt;[ei a iNe.�wt Iw s��3rD�sn her N�e�hte t�e�tke b aree tQ�rtowe�.A�w�i�b tre d�efi�Mlt�awat!re�un�l;
<br /> J IJ��L��LN_�_�� a►_ J.1_'_�� �. � • �� • �_
<br /> �tai iaac aaurse au c�rie ws�as�us fMt a's�iaoR iw�f�i!s�Ce�iRi ie iie�oiiss Iwiy�esYU ii iK'ce�etit9iu6 bi ii+r aiiaa
<br /> � s�e�ni i�r 4�S��Iq i�sat a�i sa�a ot tre gro�t�r.'i1�e�tiee srall i+��tlie�iNfor�Borrower ot twt ri�t to �
<br /> �h��ee�stiow ri t6� �t to Y�i�a co�rt aetba to awert the �-exlrteac� ot a deh�lt or�ay otMer
<br /> �e�f 8srroww�u aealKMla�Mi�M.[t the i�frW is�at cYni o�or ittore the i�te sMcifiei iR tie�otke.E.e�der
<br /> •t iq o�tN� �wr te�irs � Mr��t 1� hll at�11 aw wernN�r tMi�Ser�Nq► I�qr��t witbw�t futnlrer
<br /> iw��aNi�Y irrok�tMe Nwe�ot sd�a�i�r eH�er re�NiM�itte��r tMlic�bk law.I�tn�er�sll�e e�titkd to
<br /> aiiut �ii e=�M u�ewni a �rwl� tN ee�f� �roriiri is tbit MrMr� �y� i�ciYii�. iwt �ot ii�i�ed to.
<br /> � ewo�lf��t1��'1ws ri oNb�ttitk erilMes.
<br /> � tt tN MwK ot MM N I��Ie�i,Trwht�WI r�cari��otke of iehrlt i�aeM co��ty 1� w�kh a�y�t ot tMe
<br /> Pr�tr M I�at�i aM�M�II�i!cMiM ot srer�otke I�t�e iw�e��ea�iMr�y y'IkaNe taw to Borrowtr a�to tbe .
<br /> �Mr�!�M��IN�+�b�• Atbe t�e dwe nwin��y aMllealle Iaw.Tntt�r�lall si�e�blk�oticY or
<br /> MN M fIM���M Is tbe�er�pe*iMi�y�Ueatile law.?rwtee.witbart�sM o�BoROwer��all ull tlie
<br /> Pro�y st�Ilk sreNe�to tre�I�YMt�ii�er at tiie ti�e��I�ee�i�a�er die tenM dalp�atea ie tMe aotke ot�ale ta
<br /> - o�e or wKe Mrc�i�Mi h Mr o�ier Trwtee�cterni�a.T�stee■.y'o.t�o�e�e ot.��o�.�y p.nce�ot�ae�o�ercy►y
<br /> �Ilc a�o•�ce�e,�e�e ci�e a■d�tac�ot a.y Nreriorsly x��le��a1e.LeMer or ia destp�et iasy prrchase tl�e
<br /> � Pn�'tr st s�y�k.
<br /> i U� ncel�t ot MY�t ot tre Kke bir.Trwtee sMdl deli�er to die�rcYa�r•Tr�tec's deed con�eyin�tMe
<br /> • � Pro�erty.'I1K neihM i�tMe Trwtee•��eei iY�ll be �iw�tsck edde�ce of tre trrtM ot tl�e sbtewe�b�aie therein,
<br /> T�wM��dl sNly tMe�roceed�ot tMe�ale ie tre folbwiK o�tr.(al to�II e:�easa of the sak.i�elydtq.brt not lin�ited
<br /> to,Te��eds tecs a��it�e0 by�Ikarle I�R�M ea�o��We�ttonkys'fea;lb)to all wm�aecured by this Sec��ity
<br /> tMenw.�a.�cc�s�y e:ce�to tM'en�oe or�enas kpllr eRtitkd to i�
<br /> 20. Lender i� PoMeMio�. Upon accekr�tion under paraar�ph 19 or abandonment of the Property. Lender(in
<br /> penon.by ajent or by judicially appointed �eceiver)sMll be entitkd to enter upon. take possasion of and manxge the
<br /> � Property and to collect the rents of the Property including ehose past due. Any rents callected by Lender or the receiver
<br /> , shall be applied fint to p�yment of the costs of mana�ement of the Property and collection of�ts, includina, but not
<br /> limited to�raceiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds and reason�ble attorneys' fees,and then ta the sums secured by
<br /> � this Security lnstrument.
<br /> 21.Reco�•�ryaere.Upon psyment of alt sums secured by this Security lnstrument,Lcnder shall rcquest Trustec to
<br /> reconvey the Property snd shall surrender this Secunty Instrument and�II notes ev�dencing de�c secured by this Secunty
<br /> Instrament to Tru�tee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and w�thou�char6e ta the persan or persons
<br /> kplly entitled to it.Such person or persons sh�f l p�y a�y recordation costs.
<br /> ?___ __ _ �.�1Wt�te Tc�tst�e.Iac�der.at its�ntiaa.mav from time to time remove Trustee and anaoint a succ�s�r trustee _ _ t �-
<br /> _ . _ _. . .. _ . _ _ _
<br /> • � to�ny Tnutrc appointed l�rr�undet by m instrr��rnt rtwrded in thrcounty in whicfi this Srcuri�b Mstrumrnt is recorded. �"
<br /> Wishaut Conveyance otthe Property, the successor trusta shall succeod ta all the title, power ar.d duties conferred upon • ..
<br /> Trustce htrein and by appli:.�bie law. _
<br /> 23. Ra�est for Notlea. Barrowe� requats ihat copies of the notices of defaulc and sale be sent to Borr�wer's -
<br /> sddress wHich is the Praperty Address.
<br /> 24.Ridert to tMb S�t�ity I�str�e�t.If one ar more riders irc executod by Horrower and recordcd tosether with
<br /> thii Security inicrument,the coverunts and agrsements of each such nder shaU be mcarponted into and shsil amend a�d
<br /> supplement the covensnts and s;reements of this Secunty Instrurreent as �f the nder(s► were a part of th�s Security
<br /> In�trument.[Check applicsbk box(es)) -
<br /> _. (,�cAdjuslable Rate Rider r" Condom�nium Rider '� 2-�i Fam�ly Reder ,_
<br /> ❑ Gradwted Payment Rider ` Plannod Unit Devdopmrnt Rider
<br /> �x cOther(s) [spocifyJ Acknowledgement �-
<br /> � BY StaNlNCl BEl.ow. Borrower accepts and a6rees td the terms and covenants cent��ned in th�s Security —
<br /> inst�vment and in any rider(s)executed b} Bc:rrower and recorded�►nth u. "—
<br /> ..................................................... .... ... .... .... . �. . ` . „�''_�_' . ..--Ho..o«,
<br /> michelle K. Haubold
<br /> . ....... ..................................................... ....
<br /> .............. ..
<br /> .. ..... ........ ....... .. . ....... . ................. ... .... ....... .. ....( 1
<br /> . —a�,��,;.::
<br /> StAtE OF NEBRASK�. ���z1 t�uunt� ti�:
<br /> I
<br /> On this 3 duy� ui July . 19 90, befurc me, thr undersignrd, a vvtar► t'uhl�.
<br /> dulycommissionedandyualified f�ar said rounty,personatly rame �lichelle K. Naubold, a
<br /> si��}e �er�s�n . �o rtte known t<�be �he
<br /> iden i per on s whose narrie(s► are «eb�cribed to the foregoir,� �nsuum�ent anc9 ackna�vle�i�ed rhe erc�eitu�n . - —
<br /> thereof to be her voluntar� act and dced.
<br /> Witncss my hand and nota��a! rral a[ Grand Island. tJebraska �n�a�d ,.��ur�n, �he
<br /> date aforesaicf.
<br /> �ty C nicsic�t� c+cp'src�: /�• �� �_� ��f
<br /> I ��TEYE�If�1� . .. . . ...��
<br /> . .i.. k'..�
<br /> �ds�� (2E.(ll;f tit Ft)R RE('(�ti�'E 1'•1`"( ! �
<br /> �T<.�7 Rt tiif E �t�
<br /> ■�n
<br /> �flt 1111C�fTSICIII'c� It (�1C�1O�l�t� t�� l►1C IlI�rCUf Ilt�le� •l'.Ilit'(� f+� '�;1. �)'.'C.1 ��t {r�i ' �. .1 '�� • • �i • . , .'. {1�1�
<br /> u�th.sll��thcr andrbic�nc.,,i•:i�rr�1+� tlu� [)e�U"t 1::��t.f�a:c h�:n �-•.��,f�i, •�,!i 1� :� .r. ��, . . .:� , • , ", ., ��"
<br /> (1(��C 17T I1l1lCS .11ll.f Ifll� �).C'�1 �1� 1f11�1. t6�ll.�{ S!C l�l! �lh'i� fiCt'.'f��, .�(i•} '�' '.. 'i7..�, .��.� .,.�: .. . � � � ' - � �i
<br /> ui�.► h�ld h� �,m �m.fer rtu� Oecc! ut liu�t i�• �r�r �•� .,•n •i �•ir.�:ii- „•: . .� ;�.�. .s <<��
<br /> L)ate.
<br /> .. .��..�
<br />