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<br />. UN�FCHtM CovENwhn's. �nrrow�r attd L,ettder cuve�ar�s sr��..ee�..�falr�;,;
<br /> � i. t'a�t of Pri�clM1�si I��ptyMy�t ai/Late C1u�. 8ot�a�ver sfuell
<br /> the prirncipRl af sn�inttrezt on ti�e drbc evidenccd by the Note and�ny prepayment�nd late ch�rges du�runderwi e No1c.ue
<br /> 2. ��1�7'�acN�roawa�ee. Subject to applicable 1�►w or to s written w�r�va t+y Lcnder.Bono+�re�sh�lt pay
<br /> tO�t+��he d�Y m�nthlY payment9 sre due under the Note.until the Note is paid in fuli.a sum("Funds")equal ta
<br /> a�rt�veMh ol: (a�yearly tasa and as�cssments�hich may aetai� priority avu this Security lnstrument; (b) ye�tty
<br /> 1ax1wW psyments or �round �rnts o� the Property. if anY: (¢I �t��ly h�ls��A lne�_��,=s �S::r:;:una; a��� t�f �c�eri�
<br /> -w�u�����premium:,ii any.7'h�St jtttrlS RiC GIICd'•esctoar items."Lender may atimste the Funds due on the
<br /> bais of current d�ta�d reawnabk atimates of future acrow items.
<br /> The Funcb►s,i�ii be held i�sn in�titution thedepeaits or acrounts oiwhich�re insured or�udranteed by a federnl or
<br /> uate yaicy(inciudinj Lender if Lender i�such an io�titutian)• 1.rnder�hall apply the FunQs to psy the escrow items.
<br /> �Le�der auy not chsrae tor holdins and apQlyio�the Funds,analyzinj the sccawnt ar verifyin�the acro�r items.unkss
<br /> p�!►s Bortciw�er intttat an Ihr Fund�and�pp�icabk l�M permit�I,ender to make such a clur�e. $orrower and
<br /> y astee in wrritin�that intrrat �full be paid on the Funds. Uoless an ��•eement is made o�applicabk I�w
<br /> ��1°k�a be P�• 1�ender shall nd be requircd to p�y Borrower�ny intere�� or arninp on the Fund:. Lender
<br /> . '�!1 pv�e ta 8cxro�rer.wit}wut chu�e.a�n a�nwl acrnuntin�oithe�unds ehow�nR cred�ti�nd Qebits to the Funds and tht
<br /> p�rpo�e fa w�hich each debit to thc Fund�was made The Funds are pkd�ed ss iddilional iecunty for Ihe sums secured by
<br /> tl�i�3ac�rity In�trument.
<br /> � «����unx°��he F�nds heb bY L�n�r,to�ether�th the futua manthly p�ymmts af�und�p�yabk pri�r to
<br /> tbe dre d�1a�d'the ac�ow�tem�,sh�1�exce�ed tht smoun��equired tu pay ihe escrow item�whm due,lhe eacess sh�ll be.
<br /> at dorronvet's oplion,ei�her.p�q�p�Jy��y��o garower or cred�ted to Bc►rrower an mon�hly p�ym�ents of Funds. IF the
<br /> , �rnount o�the Funds held by I.ender a not suAicienl to p�y the escraw urms when due. Borrawcr shall pay to Lendrr any
<br /> �mount neoc�suY to malce up Ihe dMciency in one ar more p�ymenu ts required by 1,ender.
<br /> UP�p�Y�1 in full of all sums secured by thi�Serunty leslruneent.L.rnder�hall p�omptly�efund to Bonower
<br /> any Funds held by Lender.If under para�raph 19 the property is sold ar acqnircd by I.ender. Lender shall appiy.no�ter
<br /> dun im�nadi�tely prior to t�e�tk of the P�optny or�ts acquis�nan by l.enQer,any Fund�hdd by I,ender at the time of
<br /> �PR��tion as�crodit s�ainst the wm�secured by this Secunty lnstrument.
<br /> 3' �M��°�Pa�'�ts. Unkss�pplicabk I�+v provides atherrsise.a11 paymrnts receoved by Lender under
<br /> Pir�raph�1 and 2 sha11 be sppl�td:flnt,to late char�e�due under�he Note;secorW,to Drep�yment char�es due under the
<br /> Note;thir+d,to�mounts qyabk under p�r��raph�;fourth,to�ntercst due;�nd I�st,to pnruip�l due.
<br /> �• �f�1.lew. 6orruwrer shiU p�y a0 caxes.ass�umen�s.ch�r6cs, Ac�and imposnicros attributable to the
<br /> Pr+�erty �hich may attain prionty over tAu Secunty Inurumrnt, and kaxhold paymen��or around rrnts. if any.
<br /> �ro�'K sha1�P�y tbcse oblij�tiona in the mantur ptovidod in�+araanph 2,ar�f nw psid�n thtt m�nner. Bnrrorrer,h�l�
<br /> _- __-. wy tbem nn ei,ne�f��.,M��s�:��:-�;...:.:���i• �rra�ve►sitali promptly furnish[fl Lender s!!notices af imount� �_
<br /> �__.,�
<br /> � ����������0�• ���°�'n malca the�e paymeets directly, Barrower sh�ll promptty furnish to Lrnder
<br /> P� s P�Yments. .
<br /> 8orrower s�Wl pnomptly disclur�e ary lirn which has pnonty over this Secunty Instrument unless$orroMer.(al
<br /> f�i�th the liee b�j�.or defe�nd� t otthe abliption x+curod by tbe IKn tn�manner acceptable�a i�ender:tb)contats�n�ood
<br /> asai�nst enforcemeet of the Irer�in,kpt proccedinss�rhich in the I.er:der's opinian aperate[u
<br /> prevent the enfor�cemeat oi the ben or ror{nture of any part of the property;or(c)socures fram the holder of�hr lien an '
<br /> ajreertknt s�tisfactory to Lendet subordinatinj the I�en ta th�s Security Insttument. If Ler�der determma tlut any p�rt at' �
<br /> ��Prop�e*tY�s s�ble�ct to�1�en which may atta�n pnority aver th�s Secnnty Instrumrnt.Lender m�y�rve 8orrower a
<br /> notice idc�ntifyina tbt lien•gorrow�er shall�atufy the tien or talce one ar more of�he act�ons set fonh abave within 10 days
<br /> of the pven j af not�ce.
<br /> s. H�a�+�l�a�ct• 9orrower shaU keep�he�mprovemrnts now ea�st�na or herafter erected on the Property
<br /> �nw�ed ap�est la�s by 6tt.ha2ards mcluded�v�th�n the term"eatendod co�ert�e"and any other haz�tds for which Lendex
<br /> �'e9�����ut�t�ca This insurance sha11 De maiauaned �n the amaunts and for thr penods �hat 1.er�det re�qu�res. 'tEee
<br /> • ��nnee cuner pravidin=ttu�nsunnce shsll be chosen by 13arro�ver xus�ect to Lender's�pproval which shall r�ot be
<br /> uar�a�onabiy withheld. r,
<br /> �� ����P��� �nd �meWal�+ha�1 be+�ecrptable to Lender anQ shall �nclude• sundud mort�aae clause. �
<br /> Lee�der shal)have the ri�ht to hdld the polk�p and tenewals. If 1.ender«qwrrs,l3orrower shall promp�ly��ve tn Lender
<br /> ����P�f�pud premivau and trnewal not�cp In the even�crf Ioss,Horrowe��hall Rrve prompt nat�ce to the�nsurance
<br /> rarrier and l.rnder,t,etufer may make proofaf Ioss�f not made promptly by Horrower.
<br /> Unless Ler�der and Bortuwer�thennse agrce m w�nting,tnsunnce proceeds shall be applttd to testoratscx�or rep�r
<br /> of t1�e Ptoperty damagcd,tf the rcstoration or repAir is economually feas�ble anC Lender's sec�my �s not lessened if the
<br /> ratontion nr repa�r is not econom�calJy feas�ble or Lender's scrunty would Ae lessened, ehe insurance proceeds shall be
<br /> applied to the c���s�ured by t.h�s Secunty Instrumcnt, whether or not then dut,weth as�y e�ctss pat��g $�rroxcr. if
<br /> 8arrowtr:ba�r+dor�z ttst propextyt or�in�c��� z�y�=��;==�s�����,,��nUfice from �.en�er that the insunnce camer has
<br /> o�eted to setde a cfa�m,then l.,en8er m�y colloct thr insurance proccrcfe Ler,der may use the pracee�is to repau or restore
<br /> �he Property or to p�y sums securcd by th�s Secunty lnstrument, whether�r nnt then due The a(l-day penod wi���g��
<br /> when the nptke+s�ivere.
<br /> Unks�L.ender�rtd Hnrrower otl�erw�se agree m w•nt�ng,any Applicat�on c,f pr��ceecis to prsnc�pal shall not e�tend or
<br /> postpont the due date of the manthly payments reterred to�n paragraphs 1 and� or change theamount of lhe payr�scnts. IE
<br /> under p�traE��ph 19 the Property is acyuired by L.cnder, Botrower's nghl tc�any insurance pol�ctes and prc�cceds resulnng
<br /> f�om damsae tu the Property pnor to Ihe acqu�sihnn shsll�ass to l.ender tn t he extent of the sums u�ured by th�s Secunty �.-..-_r.._-
<br /> Instrument�mmed�ytdy pROt to�heac�u�s�Uon
<br /> 6• Pe�e►�'�tio�ud Mai�teaaeee otPra�t�;L���}�_ Knrrow•er chal!not clntroy,da�mage nr substantialt}
<br /> ehan�e the Properta, allovv Ihe F'roperty to e�eienurate or commit Nacte U thrs Secunt� Instcument �s on a lwsehald.
<br /> t3orrower shall c�mply w�th the prov�s�ons of the lease,an�J if Fk�rruwer�cyu�rn fee titEe to the Pro�►erty,the leaseh�ld and
<br /> fec atk�hall not merqc untess Lender agrees to the merger�n wnting
<br /> 9. i'rotectlw� ot fi.ender'� Ri�hts in the Property. 4lortgtge Ieuuttaet If F�arrower fails to Ysrrform the ��
<br /> eavenantsar�i��greements c:unta�nrd en Ih�4 Secunly lnstsumeni,c�r there�s a legaf�rorted�ng thal may significanUy afle.t
<br /> � Lender's nghts �n the Propetly (such :ss a pri.see.iing in bankruptcy, prc�bate, f��r cundemnat�cm c�r in enfr.rcc lawe or �`t
<br /> regulatiotis),then Lender mayd�and pay for a hate�er�c necess�ry te��rotcct the Lalue�+f�he Prc�=xrty and Le��der'ti nght� ��t
<br /> in �hc Property. 4nde�'s acu��na may �nclude �a�ing any sums secured h� a hen wh��h ha��riur�ty e��er thiti Secunty ^
<br /> Irtstrumen�,dppcanng�n court. p�}inG tea�s�nat�le utturney ti'fec�c and cntcru►�or: the pr�� ��
<br /> L.[rt[I[t Ma}ta4n a._r!f`!:;;�:�+:rt�:�s tzarar;rnph"'. i rn�icr dnes not ha� � �tt��c�rna�e re��air. q!►h�.��h ��.�
<br /> Arn� arnounts di�bur�crA ht t rnder uu,ier th���•arat;raph'�hall he�„ni�a,l�l,i,;,na��ic►+t ��I ti.�ir,.µcr.r�titcd hy thrti �
<br /> 5tCUnty Inetsunieut l�nle.�HntrnHer and 1 rn,icr;s�teel��u�her tcrm4��f�+e�r�icr.t tne.a.an�..uur�tih.e�l ne�� ,r.tcr�wt h��rn
<br /> Ihe date t�f dttihur�iiner�( <et th� 1���ic� c.�te ,�n:i �h�lf he ��.irahlr. u�th ���tc-e;i ,,��,.i, n.,t�.•� Ir n, i cn�t�•r r• E;,.�t,•wer
<br /> :Ct�uc:tmg r,��rnr.nt
<br /> gt
<br /> .,J
<br />