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<br /> � _..--..--.
<br />_ .f 9Q-. i��915
<br /> �et ��.»T�i ci�. h� 11.eK4� o.Ml
<br /> ' DEED OF TI�UST �
<br /> TN13 I�ED p�'TRUST 1"3KwMtr laitrun�nt"I la mad�oa July 3 `
<br /> ' l� gp .TIw trwtar is Michelle K. Haubold. a single person �
<br /> 1"8oerow�t"1. TM� trwtN i�A11�11011.rAACK�MINMy 1"?rwtN"1.
<br /> . TM b�Ael�e�► b lIOM! �OtlrAL. iAVM10� IIMO�OAN ANOC�ATIOl1 OI�ORAMO MLANO.NlMAfKA. Mh1e1 is
<br /> Kp�iN/�M�sNNa�u�tIM law�01 NlMAlKA���d whoM�idnM i��!1 �wM�Loo��N�O�M�MN�w. N�MMk�
<br /> ����.
<br /> � �ona�oMai.e�dertbepriecipslwmo� Eighteen Thousand Twq Nimdred and no/100--�-_-_._
<br /> -------•---------------------�o�ilut(V.S.: 18.200.00 ).Thi�debt aevidenced by Botrow�er•snote
<br /> dWd t�e wae d�te�thi�Sec,writy Irotruaiau t"Notd'),�rhich ptovides for monthiy,payrt�t�wnth the fl�U debt.i�not
<br /> � �Id w�liu,dMt a�d p�yable on Auc�ust 1� 2010
<br /> Thi�S�curity tmcrwnau�ura to l.eeder.(�)�he rep�ymau of�he�b evidencat by �he Nae�aith interat,snd�II
<br /> e+w�vaM.�eteMio�s�nd modi�ations:(b)the psynKnt d'all othet sums,writh interat.advanced under puasraph 7 to
<br /> pa�ct t1e�ecwrity dchi�Security Ins�rument;and tc)tlre perform�nc�e o�8otrower's coveeanuand ajr,eanents.For tAis
<br /> purpow,Horro+uer irrovocably�nnu�nd conveys to Trustee.in trwt.�ith po�rer of�ak.tbe followia�aqcribed property -
<br /> ioeat�d in Ha 11 Cnuetv.M�ra.�a: - �
<br /> �•
<br /> The Southerly Fffty Six feet {�6' } of 4he Northerly Sixty Four (fiu) Feet of
<br /> ; th� Iriesterly pne Faurth ( W 1/4) af the Svu�herly One Half �S 1/2) of 62ock -
<br /> � Nine (9), i� Windolph's Addition t� the City of Grand Island, Ha�l County�
<br /> �
<br /> Nebraska, Excepting � certain tract therefrom as recorde� in Quit C2aim t�eed
<br /> „ in 800k 12Q� page 251 . —
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> � ' � —
<br /> w�hicbhasebeaddros�of 6�5 Sauth l.incoln A+renue Gran� Islar:d
<br /> tu""� � tc.n�l '
<br /> NebnWca 6B�di (..Property Address"). . `-__-___
<br /> lt�a toa.� �
<br /> T0c3ETHE1! WITH all S#se improvrcnents no� or hereafter ercctaf an the property, and aU easements, nghts,
<br /> appvstenances. rents� royalties, m�neral. oj! and 6ss r►�Ats and �eo6is, witer nghts and slocic aad ari �r,�tures now or
<br /> F�era�ter a p�rt oithe propert�.A�l replscements and�at�ons shall dso be cu�ere,d by th�s Secunty Instrument.All of the �
<br /> tor�oing is referrrd to in this Secunty Is�stsumens xs the"Pruperty." �
<br /> � HORROwER CovEt��l�TS that F3orrower is l�wfully seised of the estste hereby cor��cyrd and has the nghc to grant
<br /> and convey the Proptrty:nd that the Prc�perty is unentumbered,txcept for estcumarances af rerord.Barrower warrants .,� "
<br /> a.nd will defrnd genenity the titie to the Property agai�st all claims�nd demands,s.ubjec! to any encumbr�ttces of rrcord r�
<br /> 7NIS csECL'RIY'1' �N5TRt;MFh� f�i�nhifZ�, L'!2lffllTl� CJ3C(1L:ets f�r r�ati�r�al use ar� I�uf�-ut�i(utrn covrnants with ��t
<br /> lim�ted vAnstions by�unsciici�on to constet«te a un�form secunty instruntent covenng real propercy
<br /> NEBRASKA�-s�r,giu iamdy__iNlMA/CHLMC UNIiORM INSTRUMENT i arm 3U16 12�B3
<br /> F 't�;e'itw� •.^e•
<br /> c• , �y.. .._�_�
<br />