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200106440 <br />the west line of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S1 /2, NE1 /4); thence <br />N00 °16'41 "E, parallel with and Forty (40.0) feet east of (measured perpendicular to) <br />the west line of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S1 /2, NE 1/4), a distance <br />of Two Hundred Forty Four and Seventy Seven Hundredths (244.77) feet to a point <br />on the south line of Lot Thirteen (13), Westwood Park Second Subdivision, said <br />point being Forty (40.0) feet east of the southwest corner of said Lot Thirteen (13), <br />Westwood Park Second Subdivision; thence S89 °08'09 "E, along and upon a south <br />line of said Westwood Park Second Subdivision and a south line of Westwood Park <br />Third Subdivision, a distance of Five Hundred Five and Sixty Seven Hundredths <br />(505.67) feet to the southeast corner of Lot Ten (10), said Westwood Park Third <br />Subdivision, said point also being on a curve of the westerly line of Norwood Drive; <br />thence running southerly, along and upon the arc of a curve to the left whose radius <br />is 160 feet, and also being along and upon the westerly line of said Norwood Drive, <br />a distance of Sixty Four Hundredths (0.64) feet (long chord distance = 0.64'— long <br />chord bearing = SO4 °24'27 "W) to a point of tangency, said point also being a corner <br />of said Westwood Park Third Subdivision; thence S89 °42'12 "E, along and upon a <br />south line of said Westwood Park Third Subdivision, a distance of Sixty (60.0) feet <br />to a point on the easterly line of said Norwood Drive, said point also being the <br />southwest corner of Lot Eleven (11), said Westwood Park Third Subdivision; thence <br />S89 °04'24 "E, along and upon the south line of said Lot Eleven (11), Westwood Park <br />Third Subdivision, a distance of Ninety Nine and Ninety Four Hundredths (99.94) <br />feet to the northwest corner of Lot Eight (8), Westwood Park Fifth Subdivision; <br />thence S00 °02'06 "W, along and upon a west line of said Westwood Park Fifth <br />Subdivision, a distance of Two Hundred Eighty Three and Seventy Nine Hundredths <br />(283.79) feet to the southwest corner of Lot Nine (9), said Westwood Park Fifth <br />Subdivision; thence S70 °21'29 "E, along and upon a southwesterly line of said <br />Westwood Park Fifth Subdivision, a distance of Two Hundred Thirty Nine and Sixty <br />Two Hundredths (239.62) feet to the northwest corner of Lot Sixteen (16), Westwood <br />Park Fourth Subdivision; thence S35 °56'10 "W, along and upon the northwesterly line <br />of said Lot Sixteen (16), Westwood Park Fourth Subdivision, a distance of One <br />Hundred Fifty Five (155.0) feet to the point of beginning and containing 4.689 acres, <br />more or less. <br />Total acres of Tract No. 1 and Tract No. 2 = 9.143 acres, more or less; <br />desire to have subdivided as a subdivision the foregoing tract of land located within the corporate <br />limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and hereby submit to the City Council of such City for <br />acceptance as provided by law an accurate map and plat of such proposed subdivision, to be known <br />as WESTWOOD PARK SIXTH SUBDIVISION, designating explicitly the land to be laid out and <br />-3- <br />