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200106440 <br />curvature; thence running northwesterly along and upon the arc of a curve to the left <br />whose radius is 200 feet, and also being along and upon a southwesterly line of said <br />Faidley Avenue, a distance of One Hundred Twenty Two and Three Tenths (122.30) <br />feet (long chord distance = 120.4l'— long chord bearing = N71 °34'58 "W) to a point <br />of tangency; thence N89 °06'05 "W, along and upon a south line of said Faidley <br />Avenue, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty Nine and Seventy Three Hundredths <br />(369.73) feet to a point which is Forty (40.0) feet east of (measured perpendicular to) <br />the west line of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S1 /2, NE1 /4); thence <br />S00 °16'41 "W, parallel with and Forty (40.0) feet east of (measured perpendicular to) <br />the west line of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S1 /2, NEl /4) and said <br />North Half of the Southeast Quarter (N1 /2, SE1 /4), a distance of Three Hundred <br />Fifteen (315.0) feet; thence S89 °06'05 "E, parallel with a south line of said Faidley <br />Avenue, a distance of One Hundred Thirty Six (136.0) feet; thence N76 °49'38 "E, a <br />distance of Sixty One and Sixty Nine Hundredths (61.69) feet; thence S89 °06'05 "E, <br />parallel with a south line of said Faidley Avenue, a distance of One Hundred Fifty <br />Five (155.0) feet; thence S00 °16'41 "W, parallel with the west line of said North Half <br />of the Southeast Quarter (N1 /2, SE 1/4), a distance of Fifteen and Two Tenths (15.20) <br />feet; thence S89 °06'05 "E, parallel with a south line of said Faidley Avenue, a distance <br />of One Hundred Fifty Five (155.0) feet; thence N78 °03'01 "E, a distance of Sixty One <br />and Thirty Nine Hundredths (61.39) feet; thence S89 °06'05 "E, parallel with a south <br />line of said Faidley Avenue, a distance of One Hundred Forty Seven and Eighty Five <br />Hundredths (147.85) feet to a northwesterly corner of said Lot Seventeen (17), <br />Westwood Park Fourth Subdivision; thence N35 °56'10 "E, along and upon the <br />northwesterly line of said Lot Seventeen (17), Westwood Park Fourth Subdivision, <br />a distance of Eighty Three and Ninety Five Hundredths (83.95) feet to the point of <br />beginning and containing 4.454 acres, more or less. <br />Tract No. 2: A tract of land comprising a part of the South Half of the Northeast <br />Quarter (S1 /2, NE 1/4) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br />Ten (10) West of the 6`" P.M., in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />and more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot Sixteen (16), Westwood Park Fourth <br />Subdivision, said point also being on a northeasterly line of Faidley Avenue; thence <br />N54 °03'50 "W, along and upon a northeasterly line of said Faidley Avenue, a distance <br />of Three Hundred Thirty Four and Twenty One Hundredths (334.21) feet to a point <br />of curvature; thence running northwesterly, along and upon the arc of a curve to the <br />left whose radius is 280 feet, and also being along and upon a northeasterly line of <br />said Faidley Avenue, a distance of One Hundred Seventy One and Twenty Three <br />Hundredths (171.23) feet (long chord distance = 168.57' — long chord bearing = <br />N71 °34'58 "W) to a point of tangency; thence N89 °06'05 "W, along and upon a north <br />line of said Faidley Avenue, a distance of Three Hundred Seventy and Six Tenths <br />(370.60) feet to a point which is Forty (40.0) feet east of (measured perpendicular to) <br />wa <br />