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<br /> Qn`. 1�.�R��
<br /> �r.t���iu�or i�trciernia■oi iKit, vv �u
<br /> (�D lleQwk.Lender may,cxcept a�limited by retuliUam issucd bX the S��crelary in the caar of payntent dN�uU+,rcquirc
<br /> Immedi�te�yment in fuil af�Il sum�serured by ihi�Sa;urity Insuument if:
<br /> ({)lwrrowet cktaults i�y faltin�t�pay in fi0 any monthly�wymeAt required by ihis�urity insirument pilar to ai on
<br /> tht due date of the acxt monthl�n�vment,ar
<br /> � (ii)Borruwer defwlis by faflin�,fbr�pt�ind af ihi�ty days,lo�►etform�ny c►ther obl+�ati�iy�cont�incct in thi�tiecurily
<br /> Instrument.
<br /> (1)Sdc W Wwl Cie�M Appa��l.Lrnder ch�ll.if permilled b}r appiieabk 4w�nd witA the priar apprc�v�!of tAe Secrtary,ra�uiro
<br /> ��P�Ymeat in fu11 of aU tl�e ueau sacura!tsy tAls Socurity[s�auEnem if:
<br /> � (i)All or part of the Praperty u otl�erwise tnirufernd (other th�n by dc�ix or deueM)by the Eiartawer.aM
<br /> � (iil The P�operty i�eat oa�piod by the purchacr or�raiNOe aa hi�ac her m�ry ar seoaed�ry rrsi�koc�t,or tde purchs�er or
<br /> ' �,�1ee aoa�o avaqy a,e Properry but na or ckr ccedil n.r na eem in ucoraaroe w;an the royi,u,rnr+Y..of efie secrtuy.
<br /> �
<br /> � (e)N��Y�i�e.lf circumstances occu�th�t would permit Lendet to require immediate pavment in full,but Lende�does nat
<br /> � require fucb p��neat�.Lendet doa rtot w�lve its riahts with rapect to subseQuent eventa.
<br /> � (�)MpMli��/HUD t9uretwry.[n many circumstu�ce�resul�tio��iuued by the Secrotary wi11 limit l.eader's rights.in
<br /> � the case of p�yment delault�.to requ�te immediate p�yment in iuil and forecicne if not paid.This Security Iastrument does
<br /> � not�uthorize aaYlerntian or for losurc if not permltted by rqulations of ihe Secretary.
<br /> } 1�. �MrM1e�M. Borrowet ha� a djht to be refnsuted if Lendcr haa required immediate flsyment in ful) because of
<br /> 8ot�ow�er's f�Ilute to My an amount due under the Note or this Security Instrumeet. Thi�ri�ht applies even after foreclosure
<br /> , ! proccedinp�ue insti�uted.To reie�tate the Scr�rity Instrument.Burrower�hsll tender in�lump sum all�unounts requircd to
<br /> ; brin� 8otrower's�ccount current erscludin�. to ihe extent ahey are ablljatians af Bore�wer unQer this Security Instrument,
<br /> � torockxturc cat� �nd reuonabk snd custom�ry utomeh's fees and expenses pro�aly usaciated with the foreclosure
<br /> � ptuc�edin�.Upon reinstatemont b>8orrower.tAis Security I�s4rument and tht obli jitiar�z that it secures shall remain in effect as
<br /> if l.enda had not requireA immodiate p�yment in full.Howe.•er,Lender is�ot nquired ta permit reinst�tement if:(i)Lender has
<br /> aoceptsd rNnstateepttft after the comrt►encement oi iareclasure proceedin� within e�a }•eus immediately preceding the
<br /> camn�encement at a eurrent f'oreclosute proceed�n�, (iil rtinsatement will preclude foreclosute on different grounds i� the
<br /> futute.ot(iii)reinstuemrnt will�dversely afl'ect the prio�icy af the lien created by thic Security lnstrument.
<br /> It, /�wer NW N�eIeMN: f�e�n�ce�y iRNe� No! •W�Irq. Eatcnsion of the time af psyment ar modification of
<br /> amortin�ion of the sums securcd hy this 5ecuruy Instrument�nmed by�.en�dtr�o aoy auccessor in interest of Bonowes shall nUt
<br /> opewte to rekase tIx ii�bility af�ht ariainaT B.�rrower or Borrower's successc�r io interest. Lender shaQ not be re�uirM tu
<br /> cwntnetxe ptoceeQinss aaainst any succecsor in interest or refuse to ei�rnd same f.�r pay�a�ent or otherwise modify amortizat�on
<br />, of the sums tecured by this Secu�ity lasuument by rason of any demaad made by the ari�inal Barr�wer or Bauawer's
<br /> successote in interest. Any farbearance by l.ender in cxea�sing any ri�ht or remedy shall not be� w�ivot of or preclude the •
<br /> eaercise of sny ri�ht or remedy.
<br /> 12.5�ec��W A�le�a�rs l�i�t u/5e�en1 WrW/r. Gn•Sl��en.The ca�enants and aereements of this Securitv _ _ .
<br /> � Itusrumtnt sha!!bind tttd bestefit the successors and asssEm ui I.rndrr acssi E3ortowrr,xu�jrtt to tht�rovisions of parsRraph 4.b. --
<br /> BortowePs oovenant�and a=teemeets ahali he�oint and several. 1ny Hnrrower wh�cn-s�ans this Security Instrument but daes -
<br /> not ex�cute the Noie:(s)i�ca•sunins this Securi�y Instrumrnt c+n .to martgage, grant and convey that Hoxrower's interest m -
<br /> ihe Property under the terms o!thi�Security Instrumeni;�hi n r. a pers�,»aUy abli�ated io p�y�he sums xecurtd by�Aic Cecuriiy
<br /> fe�lrument: tnd (c) yrea thal Lender and yny othcr 43��«�•�+►er ��ay a�tee to cxtcnd, mc�dify, forbear ur makc any
<br /> •eeommodstlons with re�ud to the�erm of�hic Securicy In�: . ��:m�„ ��e Note without that Borrawer's cansent. -
<br /> 1�.N�dea.Any notice to Barrax•er prov�ded tar m this Securny Inatrwntrit shall tx given by drlherina�t nr by ma�ling it by
<br /> firtt elasl mal)unks�applica6k!�w tequira ust of anothet rncthcx�.The notice shall bt ditected tn the Proptriy Addreas or any °
<br /> other�ddres�Hortower�iesi�nztcs by notice to I.ender. Any r,,��:i,.c ta I cnAer shall be g��•en Dy first clsss mail to Lendcr's address
<br /> suted herein or any�ddress LenQer claignates by notice�o R;:rr.+t�,,.1�y nuti�Y proWded far m this Secunty Instrument shall �
<br /> be deemed to hare been`iven to Horrowcr or l.ender when b,.cn ac pro�ided in this para�raph.
<br /> 11.Goxt�lf�I.�w:Se�er�t).This Secun�y Instrumcn �-all be go�cmed by Fedcral l�w and the law of the�un�,ilcuon�n
<br /> which the Property i�Iocated. Ia the evrnt that any provis��•� ��clauce�f th�s Secunty trstrument or the Note con(tires with ep�
<br /> plieibk Iaw.suCA conllict shall nat affect other provis�on+ �F this Securitv Instrumees �r the Note Nhich czn be g�ven efPect y
<br /> without the conflictie,� provixion. To this ertd the pruvisiam of th�s 4r.�anty Instrvmem and +he Nou are drelared ro he
<br /> severabk.
<br /> ir.
<br /> 1S.1ltMOwtr'�Cop. Borrowr� shall Ix gi�en one canf� -nti���PY nl Ihi+ Sccurct. [:-strument. �
<br /> K.A�I��ninl ot�e�b.l3orrower uncvnditi�nally assig.is xnd transfcrs t�l.endcr a'.�she ren►ti and re�•enueti ot the Prn�xrty
<br /> Borrower authorize�Len�er ar Lender's rigents to collect�h:rents�nd re.rnun and heceb►d�rect�cach tenant of the Praprrty
<br /> to p�y 1he rents to l.rnder or Lender's a�cnts Howe.er,pnc►s to Lender'�rt�.;i:�t tQ Rurrawcr ai Uorruwcr's bre�ch uf auy�o.c-
<br /> nant ar adreement in the Secunty Itutrument.Botrower shai�coller:t nnd tecei�e nl�rents and re��enues c�f ehe I'raperey ss tructee
<br /> for thr t►enefit of Lender and Rotrower.This as�ignment uf r;nts consututc�an absolutc asngnmenc aud nnt an ass�gnmrnt (ur
<br /> addilional security oniy.
<br /> _�LC'EiCfi gi�s.S(idil�c vS bic�Cri i6�i�a'�if�iMCi.(a}nI�fciii�tcz rirctl i+y Nivrti�wcT a�,�il 1��nctu'ry Fi��rr�.w�er aa frustee fc+r i+enefii
<br /> of l.rnder anly,i0 bC IAp1/1iCd t0�he S11i11�StCUrec1 b>tht SC�urily Irlchutfl!ol:l:�I l.ender shall be entuted to collcct anti retave aD
<br /> ot the rent�uf the Praperty;and(c1 eath tenarit a(�he Proprrly shall pay Yil rrmti duc and u�pa�d tcr l.tr�dcr or lcnder's agent
<br /> on l,enQei s wcitten dem�nd�n the trnant.
<br /> Borr.nwer has not�xeci�ted any preor asaignmer�t of the r,:r.;c and has ne�t and Nill m�t pertc�rm an>au that wuuld pre�ent
<br /> Lendts ftom exercising its righis i�ndcr�his Caragraph 16.
<br /> l.ender shdll not he reyuited to ente� u�x�n,rtikr rontriil of a►ma�rtain thc f'ro�eerty hetorc ot a[��r ���ng natue�+!hrta.h to
<br /> fiotroµer.Howcver,[.cndcr nr a�udi.�ally appointcd rercirer may do�z+nt vny iisne thcre i�a hrea�h Any appS�.at�or�of rctic.
<br /> shal)not cute ot wai+�any defdula or imal�dsle au} olher s.Qht re reme:t}of i en:ltr 7his a�;�gp�nent uf rentti c+f ihe !'roperty
<br /> shall ternurtlte when tha deb� aerare.i hy ihr tiecun�} In�trc:rnem n{�aiJ in lull ' '�" � -
<br /> ��
<br />• ' �
<br /> �'-�
<br /> rn.
<br /> I��
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<br />