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<br /> l,lry�l of tt��eiosi,bMre�i�d Lalt Clune. Borrower shttl pay when due ihe principal of,and interese on, thc dcbt
<br /> aridenccd by the Nae and late char�es due unQee che Note.
<br /> 2.AIlwlii�ss7�w*R�i',t`a;w.a.w....:�w.«tY`..ei�`.arfei. rTiuriu�irci��'iat!lzi:iu,ie t,z ca:s m�,�th,`}fiaizn:at.t�;;.tli:r t:l:ls
<br /> tAe pdacip�i�ad iataat u det fotth in the Note and�ny late ch�r�e�.an in�t�itment ut.sny(a►t,ixes�nd speci�l rssessmen�s
<br /> kvied or ta be lavied yaitut the Propeny� (b)ka�chold payment�or�rourtd rents an the Property,�nd(c)premlumi for
<br /> inwrana�equired by Puynph 4.
<br /> �ach iaaathly lrt�t�ita►ent[o*item�(�).(A)and�c)shall equal one•lvrelfth ai the ennual amouots,as ressonably estimatect by
<br /> 4�uder�plw�n unuan�witicient to m�uint�ln�n�dditbn�l b�lance of not more�han anr•sf�th of the e�timat�d amounts.The
<br /> fuY u�wd�mouat tc�r each item aMll be accumul�ted by l.e�dler withfn �period endlns one month t�etore�n item wautd
<br /> b�came deliequent.Lea�ltr si�ail hold the smounu cotkc�ted Io trust to pdy item�is).(bl��d ic)beiore�hey i�ecome detinqum�.
<br /> ' It�t any eime the total of tAe p�yments Aeld by Lender far items(�),1 b).and(c).to�hcr with the futute monthty payments �
<br /> . tat�uch ittufi p�y�ele to Lsnder prbt to the due dasa at such item�.eaceed�by more than ane-sixth the eatim�teci�mount of
<br /> , payaaa�t�requirM to p�y such hems when due.and if paymmts on the Note are currcnt,then Lender sMl1 elther refund the
<br /> e�a�over oee-�7lth Of thC pt3lMttd p�y01Mt3 Or Cfldit lh!!xCliS Ovlf OM•sUth of the atimated p�ymrnt:to subsequent
<br /> p�ytaens�Dy Bortower.al the optlon o!BoRawer. If the total of the wYments made by Bonower for item(a).(b).or(c)is
<br /> � inwttk3ent to par tlfe iteta when due.then Borrowtr shall pay to Lender tny amount ntcessary to make up the deficicncy on or
<br /> ; Oefore the d�te the item b�come:due.
<br /> � As wed in thi� Secudty Instrument. "Secrean_�"means ths Secrctary vf Housin�a�d Urban Development or his or her
<br /> dai�p�ee.Mast Securit�r fastrumrnts in�urtd by the Secretary art insured under prosrams Mhich require advance paymenl of the
<br /> entire mort�a�e in�ur�n.e premium,lf thi�Security Instrumertt i9 a�wa�insurcd under a projram which did nat require advance
<br /> ps�mxnt ai the entiremon�e insunnce premium,then each monthty payment shall�l.so include elther:(i)an instaliment of the
<br /> � annwl mort�e insurance premium to be paid by Lender to the Secretary.rr (ii)� monthly chsrRe instad of a monga�e
<br /> ` iruuranoe premium iP thi�Security Instrument is held by the Secretary. Each monthly instaliment of the mortp�e insurance
<br /> , premfuen�Mll be in se a�wunt:ufficlent to accun�r�late the fuil annual mort�are insuaance pamium with Lender one month
<br /> paior to the d�te lhe fuli annua!mort�t�e i�surance premium i�due tu the Secrotary.or if this Security Instrument is held by the
<br /> Secretary,each monthly charje shall be in an amount equai ta ane-twelfth of one-half percent af the outstandina principai
<br /> aal�nce due on the lVote.
<br /> It Honower trnders ta l.enAer the full p�yment of atl sums secured hy this Sccurity Instrument, Borrower's account�hall be
<br /> . xcedited with the b�lance remainin� for ul inst�llments for item� (a), �b) eod (c) and �ny mon��e insurance premium
<br /> inttaliment tlu�t l.ender hss not become ablijated ta p�y to the Secretary.and l.ender shall promptly refund any cxsess funds to
<br /> denower. tmteediateiy priot tv a forcclosure sak ot the �'�opecty or it�acquisition by L,ender, 8orruw•er's accaunt shall be
<br /> , credited�itlt sny bal�nce remalnirtR Ear�II instaltments fmi�tec�{a), (b)and(cl.
<br /> 3. A�lN�ot�s1�h.Atl paymenis under�wraaraphs 1 and 2 shall be apptied �y l.ende�As follows:
<br /> • j?j$�.to�he mon�ase insurance premium tn be�id by I.ender to the Secretary or to�he monthiy charee Ay the�ecretary
<br /> inftad of the monthty morteaje insura�re premium, u�kss Hanc�Ner p��d the entire mnrt�age insurance premium when thia
<br /> Secudty Instrun►ent was s�4ned;
<br />. .-- °�tr"-.a.vi:v;�v68i � ���--'►•_��V�j E' ia"� .�r» n.....a .� i....4..,...a............._.. -. . _- -
<br /> �irca.a��=3iicuuni�ib �cNCUVw in�ni5 vi Fvu� ia:�2v.wi�v�bv. ��varv ai�v vincr��rr.a.v a■au���tic
<br /> . ptanlums.a�rcqulrcd: ---
<br /> �jgj7,to intcrat due unaer the Note: •'
<br /> �Q�g�.to smortiration of the principal ot the Note: .
<br /> �.to late chir�es due under the Note. -
<br /> • �.�1re.i7e��Olber Nssae�I�wraaee.Borrower shall insure all impravements on Ihe Property,Mhether now in existenct
<br /> or suMequieedy erected.apinst�ny huard�,ca.�ualties,and cont�ngencia,includinj fire.tcr which I.ender requires insurance.
<br /> • ThL insuraact thatf be maintained in the amounts and far the periods that Lendet requires. Borrower shall also insure all
<br /> improveet�enu on the Pr�opetty,whether now in existrnce or su6sequently erected,a;,ainst loss by(ioods to tt�e ertent requutd by =
<br /> the Secreiacs.AO insursace st�all be carried with re:r:panies app�u��ed by Lender. The insurance paficic�and any renewal�sRap
<br /> be hetd 6y i.tnder sc�d shali include loss p�yable ciauus in f�.or oP, an�in a form acccp�a@3r tc�, Lender. �
<br /> In the c+ent at los�,Borrower s1u11�a�a Lender immediate notice by mad. [.ender may maAe proaf of loss it not made prompt-
<br /> ly by�attower.Eacfi insurufee com�tr►y eoncerne�t�s hereby awhoiized and Aireccecl to m�tr payment for such loss ciirectly to
<br /> l.endtr.instad of to Borcawes and ta LeRder jo►aeL'y.All or any pan of the insurancs praceeds rruy be aprl�ed by Lender,at�ts
<br /> option, either(�)to the reduetic�n ot the indebtedness under �he hute end tb�s Security Instrument, first to any delinquent
<br /> amounts ap�lied in the order in Pan�raph 7,and thrn to prepayment af pnncipal,or (bl to the rc.ctorat�on ur repaar c+f the
<br />' , dami�cd pro9eny. R�y spplicatioo oi the ptoceeds to Ihe prin�spai shall not e�trnd or pc�s�none the due date ot the m�nth�y
<br /> pa�ments w�hich ae referred to in Pu�saph 2,or thange the arnuunt of sueh psymems. qr.}exccss msutance procecda o�tr an �
<br /> nmount ttquitecl to My all ouutanditog�ndtbtrdnas under the Notr ar.d�h�s�t-�:rity Instrument shall bc pud to the cnt�ty legal• , �
<br /> ly eatilkd lheteto.
<br /> , In the event of foreriosure of this Security lnstsument or �ther transfer ot �iUc to �hc Propeny that ex�ingu�shes the in•
<br /> debtedne�ss,all riaht,title and intuest of Borrower in and ta�rrs�r�nce{+oluies m fnree sh;c:R piss �o thr purchaser.
<br /> S. Cndre�v�Uo� aM Msf�leiu�ce af IMe �rooerty, I.ene�oNs. Fiorrower �halt nut commrt wiste cr destroy, dYmage or
<br /> svMtantially chan�s the�ropeny or allow the Pra{xrty to dacrioraie, reasarahle Mear and cear excepted. lxndrr may inspcc�
<br /> t�t¢ropd'ty if the ptopeny is var,tnt or aD�adontc;ot the loan ic in default.l.cndtr may t�ke reunnable act►on to protect and
<br /> prts�s astrls Yscsns os�bsndosus!pra�riy.!f tlsi��usitr lnssr Jmrat ss c�n s lrr;ehald.fic�r:ourr shml!cvmpl��::th shr arn_:.
<br /> aions of thc Itsse. If Bonowet acquira fa atle to the Propeny. :he lcaschold�nd fce t�tte shall not be mcrgcd unless t.endcr
<br /> u�rets t�1t�e rtftr6er in writina.
<br /> �.CMr�ea to Sorrower�N lroteetb�ui LeNet'�WiMU IN tbe Propeny.BnrsuMer chall p3y all goti�ernmenta!or munic�pal
<br /> chuses,finGe and impositions that are not irtclude�i:n Puegrarh 2.Borrowu shall pay thcst obhgat�ons on�ime d�re.-tly ta ehc
<br /> emity which is oNed the payment. If failure to pay woulA zdversely n[fect !ender'!,�nterec� in the Nropeity,upc�n 1 ender'�re-
<br /> quest Borrowet shall promptly turnish to l.ender reccipts e�idcr.��ng�hcse payrraents
<br /> If Bortower fuls lo mi►ke these payments ot the payments tequued by Patagt�ph 2,or fa�ls to,perfcy�m any uther co+enants anJ •
<br /> r�treemeMs contain�rd in tMs Security(restrument,ar there is a Icgal prureccling tha�may c,6n,f�caiotly affcrt Ccniler'c nght��n
<br /> tht Propctty(such asa procteding in hanAruptcy,for rnndemnat�on or to enfone lax,or rcgulat�onsl,then 1 eridcr may du arsd r � �'-
<br /> pay wtute�•er is ne�rssisy to pruiect the vatue of Ihe Protxrty and 1 ender'�nghtti�n the F'rc�nerty. �n�ludin�psyment«f taxrs,
<br /> httxsd insurance and other items mencioned ►n Paragriph 2.
<br /> Any uma�unts dssbursed by fendtr under th„6'ar;►graph shalt br�umc an addi�w��al deM c�f iiur�uµer an�{h:�e.ureJ hy tP��
<br /> Security lnstniment.These amounts shall bear itsterest from the date ut d�sbur�,:n�cnt, st the Nute rate, and.0 thr��ption ��t
<br /> Lrndet, shaN tx immcdiatcly duc�nd pay�ablc. �,
<br /> � 9.GOMtN�a�tbr.TAe prviceeds of eny award o� claim for damages,due:t rr cc�n�eq�trnual, in���nnc.t�nn u�th any:nr,:lem �
<br /> aatian or other taking ot t�ny pnrt vf the F'tuperty,or Par rnnveyan:c in placr��(�vndemriatu�n,arc hereby a�.igneJ.�n�3 •halt f+e
<br /> paid to I.ender to threxteut of the fuil amour.t of the indebtcdnesc rt��t�emam.unp:i�d�rrder the'e�n�end rh„tir�un�. lu.uu .,�
<br /> rnrnt. I.eadrr shall appty au.t�pr�,;eedc ta the re�uctum nf trte�ndrt�teJness unde:ttre h��ee��nd�h�• Se.ur��� In.r:un:cn;, t��.e s�� �t..�
<br /> any dclinqurnt amounjs aPplirsi ia�hc i•r�cr prnr���ca m Par:►grapn 3.and thcn tc��rcp:,�r„�r�<<�t rr��,_���u •ti�,� ,,r�i�,.,�:,,�:,�r Rsi�x
<br /> tne pro�crct� to ih� pr�n,ipal Shail nut excend nr (Xitl(Y.TIC 111C c�uC �1dTC �•f t11C li.��tilhi� (•.f��t�c��t•, .h6r:h .uC i('f['Ilt'd fn ;;i iu)�
<br /> Para ►a�h l.ur chance the asni�uo�t i�f�u�h , tirt��•�t�. /1n� cx�c,� r�a,ec:1�.�5�er an.�ir.,•..n; re �•�..1• . ..il,� ,:.ia,�.h�, , �
<br /> B L I�. i` �I• .��•.:� ��,.
<br /> �t^_btrdnetis an�4er t►se�u:e.in�t ii,�.1e.��n�� In.riun�rur ;I�alf h� r�c�1 r�,t'�c�n! �� ',���i.. ,�,�.�.-,i ,�,,•,,..
<br /> e. Fers. l rr,i^.i ,-i.�. ���Ile�t +rc. en,t �h.nf�c.�uc����:veJ h. ��:c �c.�e u.
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