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<br /> �a. M�.n.�.�.'r��.�.. 9��- 103R e�� 1
<br /> (�1 �now�Nel l{�NaNd.Extenf4on of ths tima for payment or madl(�c�tian of�mortizetinn atti�e aums secur�q 6y"'thti
<br /> pwd of�rust prantad by LonWr to any�uccas�or�n Intpr��t of sprrawar Eh�tl nQt operete to raleaae,in�ny manrHr,the liabitiry
<br /> of tM ort�inal&.�rrower snd @orrower'e succeuoro in Interea�Lender�haH not ba requfred to commenCe p►oCSediny�p�in�l •
<br /> auch succuw�or�Nu�to oxt�nd Nms for payment or othanvise modiy amortizatlan ot ths sums aecured Dy this Oesd ol Tru�!
<br /> by nason ol�ny d�m�rtds mede by the orl�inel Borrower And 8orrowa�'s succesaors in intereaL �
<br /> (b) ��11dM'�rOwrn. Wlthout aftectirtp ths Uabtlity of any Ofh�r pe�son Ilabis tor the payment of any obli�atlan hereln
<br /> m�nHonW,and withoul�tftecNnp the Nen or charpe of thia Oeed of Truat upo�any ponlan of Me I'�operty no1 then or theretolore
<br /> ►N�es�d as s�curiry tor ths tull amount of ail unpatd oblipetlons,Lender may,from time to Nme and wfihout nodce(i)�slessa any
<br /> pNwn w liabis.(ii)sxtsnd the meturity or efter any of the terms of any auch obliqatlons,(ill)p�ant oMer lndut�nces,(Iv)rete�ae .
<br /> oi�econvey,o�cau�s to be�elsased or raconveyed et any tims at Lendet'�option any parcel,po�ion o�all of the Property,
<br /> (v)e�ks or►sls��e any otMr or additional securiry tor any oblipation he�ein mentionsd, or(vi)m�ks�ompotitlons or other
<br /> an�nQsmenh with debtors in rstation thereto.
<br /> (c) FabMr��by L�ndK tiot a Waiw►.Any iQrbearanca by Lender In exercistnp any riflht or remedy hereunder,or
<br /> ; otherwfse dforded by appUCable law,s�ell not be a waiver ol or prectude the exercise of any such rl�ht or remsdy. The
<br /> ; procurement of in:uranGe or the psyment of taxes or Ather Uens or charpes by Lender�hall not be a waiver p}Le�der'�rl�ht to
<br /> ' �ccelsr�ts the maturity of tt�e indebtsdneas�ecured by this Oeed of Trust.
<br /> (d) �eMSOn�nd A�na Qound;JoMI��d 8w�ra1�iabHlly;Caption�. The covenant�and a9reemenb herein con-
<br /> ' hln�d shall Dlnd,�nd the�iphts heraunder ahalt ioure to,the reapective succes�ors and aaai9ns of lender and Trustor.All
<br /> ' covenanb and epreements o1 Trustor ahail be Joint snd sovsral.The captione and headln��of the para�raphs of this Deed o1
<br /> � Trust ars tor convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or define the pravisfon�hereot.
<br /> (e) RpuMt lor NoMcN.The partiea hereby request that a copy alany notice o1 detaull hereunder and e cGpy oleny notice
<br /> of aale hereunder be melled to each party to this Oeed of Trust at the addres� aet forth above in the manner prescrlbed by
<br /> nppliCable�ew.Except tor any other notice required under epplicable law to be�iven in a�other manner,any notice provlded
<br /> for in thi�Deed o1 Tru�t shall be piven by meilinp�uch notice by certitied mail eddresaed to the other parties,at the address set
<br /> , torth above. Any notice provided fo� In this Oeed oi trust shall be eflective upon maiun��n the manner desipnated herein. If
<br /> ; Trustor Is more than one peraon,notice eent to the addresa set torth ebove shatl be notice to at1 such peraans.
<br /> (n IMp�elbn.Lendsr msy make or cauae to be made reasonabte ent��es upon and I�spect�un�of the Property,provided
<br /> that Lendsr she�l plve Trustor notice pripr to any such inspection specify�ng reasona�le cause theretor rel8ted to Lender's
<br /> interost In the Property.
<br /> (g) RlconwyanC�.�Jpon peyment ol all aums aecured by this Deed of Trust.Lender shall request Tru�tee to reconvey the
<br /> �ropesty and ehall surrender thi�peed of T�ust end all notes evidencing indebtedness secured by th�s Deed of 1'rust to Tru�tee.
<br /> � Truatee ahall reconvey thA Property without warranry and without char�e to the peraon or person� Iegally entitled thereto
<br /> T�ustor ahall pay all coats o1 recordation,If any.
<br /> (h) PKaonN Prop�rty; Slcu�lt�l A�rNnNnt. Aa additional secur�ry for thes payment of the Note. Trustor hereby yranta
<br /> l.endev under the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code a secur�ry intarest In ell hxtures,eqwpment,and othe►personal properry � �
<br />� -� � = i,iaov i�i�f'ii�i�irLuvi�wi�1i i io istiti et�ipieJ vi lntprpvpitietii�iOCaivo}nercon,anci noi oti�rwise oeCiareO or dgem8d TO DA 8 p8R Of � � � __
<br /> the►sat estate seCUred hereby.This instrument dhell be construed as e SeCUnty Agreement under said Code,and the Lender �
<br /> shall h�ve atl the riyhts and romed�ea ol a secured parry under said Code�n addrton to the nghts end remedies c►eated under �(:
<br /> an�1 eccordsd the Lender purauanl to th�s Deed of Trust;prpviCed that Lender'e nghts and remea�es under this paragraph Ahall
<br /> , be cumulative wi1h,end In no way e llmitation on.LenQer's nghts and remedies under any other s.,•�cuniy agreement sipned by
<br /> , Borrower or Tfustor.
<br /> (i) Ll�n�and EncuMfrr��cq,Trustor hereby warrants and roprosents that there�s no deiault under the prov►s�ons of any
<br /> monQags,deed o1 trust,leasa o►purchase contract deeCnbing all or eny part ot the Property,oe otner contract,�nstrumem or
<br /> agreement conatitutiny a lien or encumDrance aga�nst atl or any pa►t�t the Property(collectfvely,"Uens"),exlstinp as ot the
<br /> date of this Deed oE Trust,and that any and a:�ex�st�ng L�ens rema�n unmoddied except as disclosed to Lender in Trustor's
<br /> wrltten dlscto�ure vt liens and encumbrences prowded for here�n Trustor shall t�mely peHorm all of Trustor's obligat�ons.
<br /> Covenants,representetions and warranties under any ana ail ex�sit�ng and tuture L�ert�,s�all promptty forward to E.ender cop�es =
<br /> , of all nottces Of detault sent in connection w�th any and a:.ex�sting or future L�ens,a^d shall not w�thout lende�s pnor wntten
<br /> consent In any manner modity the provis�ons o}or allow any future advances under eny ex�sUng or future Liens
<br /> U) Applk�tbn o1 PaYm�nb.6Jntess otherwiso requ�red by taw,sums pa�d fo lender hereunder,�ncludmg w�t�aut 11m�tat�on
<br /> peyme�ts ot prinCipel end interest.�nsura�ce proceeds.condemnat�on proceeda and rents a�a�rof�te.shall be applied by
<br /> Lender to the emounts due and owmg irom Trustor and 8orrower m su�h order as Lender�n�ts sote d�scret�on deems desirabte.
<br /> �k) Sw�abillty. If any provision ot this Dee�i ot Trust conft�cts w�th apphcabte Iaw or �s doclar�d mval�d or oiherw�se y--
<br /> unentorceable,sucn ConfliCt or inval�dity shall not aftect ihe other prov�sons of th�s Deed of Trust or the NO.e whiCh Can be
<br /> Qiven efluCt without the cdnfl�ct�ng provis�on,and to th�s end the prov�s�ons o1 th�s Deed af Trust and the Noto are declared to be � �'=
<br /> saverabte. � �`
<br /> �
<br /> • (I) TN'tns.The terms"Trustor"and"Barrower"shall mclude botM s+r�gular and plural,and when tne Trustor and Borrower
<br /> � are the seme person(s),those terms as uSed m fh�s Oeed ot Trust sha�f be�ntereha:�geable.
<br /> (m) Qov�nlln�Law.This Oeed of Trust sha0 Be gove�ned by the{�ir8 ot the 5�ate of Nebraska
<br /> Trustor has executed thls Deed o1 Trust as of the date wr�tten above , ; !
<br /> � . - •,_���- _::.���
<br /> . {f=----�-� -
<br /> (� Daryl K� , Truscci' �gband)
<br /> .��,�l..;�f-,�=c— �� __._._—.-- -----�-- --
<br /> A , u�tor
<br /> ( rlene J. King. wifd)
<br /> .-- ---
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