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<br /> t�Prop�rt�I�so t1�k�n or dart►a�ed,L�nd�r�h�ll havs th�optlon,in it�soto and�bsolute di�cratton,to apply all such Proce�ds,
<br /> �1M►�iKJUCpnp uti�ii�fiv�i)wtl�0:4:o�d o��sn�N In=u••��Y I�in ca�Restton w{th such Proceeds.upen�n�IncMbt�dnaai s�cur�d
<br /> h��by�nd in�t,tch adK ss l�nda m�y determine,or tP�pP�Y all such Proceedl,etter euch deduCtiona,to tna resco�tio�oi in�
<br /> ��,M sanY paY�m�nb und�•r�th�Nots or cura any ddault the e nder o�hera�undr .c A�u�PPi��d������
<br /> Trustor.
<br /> a, �on�a�bY 6�Nr.Upon th�OCCUrre�cs of�n Ev�nt o1 Defaulthe�sunder.or i1 any act is ak�n ot Ipal proc np
<br /> comm�nCed whlch mabrially�ftecb L�nder's Int�roat i�ths Properry.Lender may in Its own discretian,but withou!obii�Non to do
<br /> � p,and without notic�to or d�mand upon Tru�tor and without rslsasiny T�ustor from any obllpation,
<br /> do eny act which Trustor has
<br /> j �,p►�,t but hlls to do and mIry al�o do�ny other�ct it daems nsceasary to protect the securiry hereof.Truator sMll,immedlRMry
<br /> �pon dMn��d th�nia by under.My to L�ndsr all costs and expenaa�Incurred and sums expended by Lender In conn�cUon wiM
<br /> � th��xKCis�by L�nd�r of the fore�oi�p ri9hb,topether with[ntereat thereon at the dstault rate provided in the Note,which shait be
<br /> j ��d�d b t�incl�bt�dn� f�cur�d hereby. LMd�r shall not incur any Uability beca��3e of enythin� It may do or omit to do
<br /> herwr�•
<br /> � g. N�anlpw MaNriaN.Trustor sheil kaep the Property in compliAnae with ail apppcable lawa,ordinances and rspulatlons
<br /> � �Natin�ta induttrial hyQiene ot envlronmantsl protection�collectivety rete►red to her��n as"Environmental l.awa").T�ustor ahall
<br /> . kMp tM prop�rty(�N irom ali auDstancea deemed to be hazardous or toxic under any Enviro�mantal Laws(colieattvely rate�:ed to
<br /> hKrin as"H�zardous Materlals").Trustor hereby warrents and reDresents to Lender that there are no HA=arAous Materials o�or
<br /> untl�1h�prOpety.Tru�tor hsreby a�rees to lndemniry and hold narmless Lende�,its directors,ofticer�,emptoyeea snd ayents,end
<br /> any suCC�siOrs to Lendes's interelf,from and a�ainst any and all ctalms,�3amagas.losses and Ilabilities arising in connectlon with
<br /> , th�prMenCe, uss, dtsposal o*transport af any Hszardous Meter�ats oh, under,fram or about the Properiy. tHE FORE�OINO
<br /> 1p. /��nnNM ol RM1b.Yru�tor here�y a�signa to Lender the rents.issues end profit�ot the Property:pro�ided that Trustor
<br /> shall,unti!ths ocCUrranCe ot an Evont a1 DeTault hereunder,have the r�9h1 to collect and retain such rents,issues artd protits as thsy
<br /> � become due and payebte.Upo�the occurrence of an Event of Detauit,Lender may,eithet�n person or by ag�nt,with o�without
<br /> ' brin�in��ny action or proceed:np.or by a receiver appo�n:ad by a court and without reyard to the adequacy�t its securiry,enter
<br /> upon and take possesslon of th�Property,or any part thereot.in its own name or in the name of the Truatee,And do any acts which it
<br /> dASms nlCetsar��desirabla to preserve tha velue,marketabllity or ren!,abildy o1 the Property,or any paA thereo!or interest therein,
<br /> � inCressO thE inC�►"5e the�etrOm or protect the seCUriry horeol and,w;h or nvithouf taking pOSSasaiOn of the PrOpe►ty.sus tor 0�
<br /> pthervri�e coltect the renta.�ssues and profit�thereol,mcluding those past due and unpa�d,er+d appiy the samo.Oesa costa end
<br /> exp�nses af operation and coi°eCtion Includin�attorn�ys fees.upon any indebtedress secured hareby,a11 in such order as le�der
<br /> may d�termine.The ente�inp upon and takiny possession of tha Property.the cottect�on of such rents.Issues and p�ofits and the
<br /> appBCition the�eof ae e►fote�ald,shall not Cure or waive any default or not�ce oi delault hereunder pr Inval�date any acf done in
<br /> � rssponse to tuch delault or pu►auont to such notice ol detauit and,notw�;hstand�ng the cont�nuance in possession o1 the P►operty or
<br /> ths coilectlon. receipt end app��catio�of�enta.iuues or prolits,an�Tsustae and Lender shall Ce entitted to exercise every right
<br /> provided for in any of the Loen InsVuments or by law upNo.n o�cc�pA�nrtwcath s naraaraQhtshall+bettumugla ve with a'na�n o eyna � �
<br /> � t06xercifbtlT6p�weraisain.rurii�v�.to�v8;'s:• . _ . _ . .-_-_.- _ _ _ . ' ' `
<br /> .y........._._...------ -- - ,
<br /> � Qmitation an,Lender'�rlghts and remediea unCer any assianment ut leases and rents recorded agalnst the Praperty.LentJer.Tru�tee _
<br /> � and the receiver shall be liable to account only tor those rents actuat►y recewed. �'-
<br /> ' 11. Ewnb o10M�uN.The tollaw�ng shall const�tute an Eve:�t of Det�ult unAer th�s Deed o:Trust
<br /> � (a) Pailure to pay any inatalime�t ot princ�pal or �nterest ot any other sum secured hereby when due.
<br /> i (b)A breach of or dafault under any provisian contained in the Note,th��Deed of Trust,any of the Loan lnstrume�ts.o►any
<br /> � other Ikn or encumbrancs upan the Property;
<br /> (c)A writ ot execution or attachment or any simdar process shall be entered aga�nst Trustor wh�ch shall became a I�Rn on
<br /> the Properry or any portion thereot or interest therein:
<br /> ; (d) These shall be filed by or against T�ustor or 8orrower a�act�on under any present ot tutu�e tederal,state or other
<br /> stetute,law or re9utation relatiny to bankruptcy.�nso►vency or c:�°r rel�ei for debtors:or t!^ece she��be aPPQlnted any truatee.
<br /> � 6eceiver or liquldator o1 Trustor or Barrower or of all or any part at tne Property.�►the rents.�ssues or prot�ts thereot.or Trustor �
<br /> or Borrower shalt make any general assignment tar the benet�t ot cred�tors.
<br /> � (e)The sal0,transte►,lease.assignment,canveyence or further encumbrance a1 all or any part ot or eny�nte�est in the
<br /> pern�i'ittod t 1 exec te a ease�of the Prope�rry t a't doestnot conta�3�pe o to purchase andthe term ot wh�ch does not ex Iceed
<br /> one yea►;
<br /> (� Abandonment of the Property:or J°-
<br /> (y) H Tru3tot is not an individual.the issuance,sa1e.tran�ter,ass�gnment,conveyance ar encumbrance o1 more than a total —
<br /> ' a} perceM of(it a corparetion)its isSUed and outstar�:ng stock or(il a partnership►a tota�ot percent o1 �
<br /> jpartnershiR interest�during the period this Deed of T►ust rema�ns a I�en on the Property :
<br /> � �2 q�rtf�d�p�ACCN�ration UpOn DNauN.In;he event ot any Event of Detault Lender may,w�thout not�ce except as�ec�wred by
<br /> lav►, �eclere all indebtedness secured hereby to be due and VaYabte and the samo sha�i thereupon become due ancf payable
<br /> ' without any presentmen�demend,prOtesl or nOtiCe of ar.y Kmd There�fter Lender may.
<br /> (a) Qernand that Tt SG� ��and the p o�CWds to tre d st��.�edea I�n he ma ner pro ded�n tnef Nebraska T ust Deeds
<br /> ' interest�n t�e3 Property
<br /> � ACt;
<br /> � (b) ExerGise any and ali nghts prowded tor m any ot the Loan Ins;ruments or by law upon occurrenCS o1 an�Event ot
<br /> � Default; and
<br /> � (C) Commence an action to torectose th�s Deed of Trust as a mortgage,a�pant a rece�ver,or spec�t�cai►y entorce any of tAe
<br /> covenants t�ereot.
<br /> No remedy here�n conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender�s intended to be excb�s�ve ot any other remedy herem.in[he
<br /> he eunder,nehe loa YI strumentseor noweor�t�ereatte�ex sU g at iaw or n equ�ty or�by statuie.an�d may bE3 exe c�sed concu�ently.
<br /> �ndependently or succe5stvely. _____^__
<br /> 13. 7ru�tN. The Trustee may res�gn at any t�me wahaut cause, and Lpnder may at any Ur�ie and w�ttiout cause appomt a ,- _
<br /> successor or substitute Trustee Trustee shaN not be��able to any party.inclutimg without i�m�tatu�n Londer.Borrower,i rustor ar any .
<br /> • purchaser of the Property,lor any loss or damage unless due to re��'sss or v��INui m�sconduct,and shau not be requ�red to take any
<br /> aCtion in ConneCtiori with the enforCement Of thiS Dead ot Trust unless �ndemn�fied. �n wr�Ung, �or au costs. compensaUOn or
<br /> expenses+vh�Ch may be assoC�ated therewith.In additian.Trustee may beCOme a purChaser at 2ny sale ot the Pr�par4y�udicial or
<br /> undsr the�ower oi S�le granted hera�n};postpOne the sale ot all or any portion oi the Property,as p�ov�ded by taw.or sell the
<br /> � Properry as a whole,or in separate parce�s or lots at T�uslee's ct�sc�et�on �
<br /> 14. FQls and Exp�ns��.In the event T�ustee sells ine P�operty oy exerc�se ot power ot sale.T�usteo shail be ent�tled to appiy �
<br /> any sale pr4ceeds I�rst to paymont ol all costs and expQnses o�exerc�s�ng pov�er of sale.�nciu��nc�ail Trustee's fees.and Lender's
<br /> �nd Tru5lee's attorney's fees,actually mcurred to extent perm�tted by appi�cah;E�av+ In the ev�nt fSOnawe�or TruStOr exerCiSBS 8�y �
<br /> nght provlded by law to curo an Event of Oelault,Lencfer shall be ent�tied to�ecover trom Trustor au costs and expenses actua�iy �r
<br /> incurrurJ as 8 r6su�t �t Trustor's d°1aUls. �nrlud�ng w�thout I�m�tahon al� Truste2's and at:orney s tees. to tne e�tant perm�tted by �
<br /> applicable law. . ���
<br /> 15. Futu�e AdvanCe�. Upon request ot Borrov�er. Lender may. at �ts bpt�on, maKE add�t�o����� ��nd futu�e advences �i�+d re-
<br /> advances to Borrovre: Such ativanc�s and readvances.w�th�nterest tnereon sha��t�e secure�t�i th.s need of Trust At no t�me snan
<br /> the prmC�pal amount of the�ndebtednoss secured by th�s Deed o�T�ust �OI in�!u(J�r�g;,��,s ad�a��c.f•�to prutect tr,e secur�ty O�1hi5
<br /> U@fid Oi'(rust,CxCCCC�the Origin�tl pnn�ip�l ;1mUU��t stated here n. �,r rj
<br /> 20, 1 16.00 r���,,�:t�„!�� �4 3�t��tE��
<br /> �
<br />