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<br /> gp� 1�3'��fi �. .
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<br /> i. A�additianal Mcudty.7'rtutor I�ereby�iv�to and confira u�wn 13enttklary tF►�rlQht,pawar pr►d autharity.during th8 eontinuanee
<br /> ot tM�e Trwta W ooilect the nnU,iMUe��nd protitw o�++►id piopaty.t�fvin�unto'11ru�th�rl�ht, p►ior W�ny det�ult by Trueto�
<br /> in p�ym�nt ot any indebt�dnMe �eeund hss�by or in p�rfonoancr of any yr«nr�u�t l+�reund�r, to coll�ct �nd ret+in auch r�ents, ineuee
<br /> and proAh� tl►�y Mcom� dt�e �ndp�rabk. Upon aqv �ueh e{�fiuit. H1MAtI�ry i11�y �l �Ry {IIYN without rwtice,eitht�in �er�c+n,by
<br /> s�e►t,or by R r�eoriwr W M appointed�y�eourt,Rrui witl+out e��rd to ehe dpuacy of�ny wecurity tor the ind�btdneN hereby aecurecl,
<br /> � �nter upat and t�k� poMe�rio�of wid pwp�rty w�r�y part tfN»d'. in hir o+rn n�m�ow tor or oll►�nrir colMet�ueh tenti. i�uett.n►x�d
<br /> • � prolk�.ineluiinr iho�wt dw�and u�p�id.�d�pply th�Mm�upon iny ind�btdn�Mtut�d h�t�by,aewl in weh a[d�r u Emtfici�ty
<br /> m�y d�t�nain�.The��tKinR upon and takinR pow�ion at wid prop�rty,the coll�ctian ot�uch renta,iMwr�nd proiita and tho appticatian
<br /> th�reot a�aforer�id,�1+�11 not curo o��+�ive Rny Mfinit o�notke of detaalt henued�r er invalidate Mny Mct don�punwnt W�uch notice. •
<br /> � 6. Upon det�uk by'i4ueto�in the{,�yment ef�ny indel�t�dne�rcu►bd hsrehv ot in th�p�rfor.nanee of any�RtMeme�t contained herein,
<br /> �ll runui�ecund heroby�hall immedi�telX Mcome duw�nd p,yaDle at el�e opdon of ths 1f�nefkiary.ln�ueh evane�nd upan�rritten requeet
<br /> oi'Hen�Aei�ry,'I�uKe+�hall�ell the truM property. in aocordwnee with the NeDnska 7'ru�t [�d�l�ct, �t pablic�uction to the highe�t
<br /> bwWrr. Any perwn sxeepl Teu�tee m�y bid �►t Tru�toe'� sak. 'I�uatae �lu�il�pply the prc+ce�d�o�lhe�1� ��follmrr. U►ta the e:penee
<br /> , ` of t}M+a�k,ir�eludin�a nruonrble Truetee'e fee;(21 to the ob!lption ebcured by thie[leed otTru�t;13►the�urpiw,if Any,�h�ll be df�tributed
<br /> to ths psno�u�ntitled theroto.
<br /> 6. 7lrwtee �hrli de4iv�r to the purcha�er at the�ak its deed,without w�rranty, �hich shall convey ta the puKha�r the interwt in
<br /> ' the pro{terty which 7'ru�tor h�d w had the po�w� to convey�t 2M time of hb execution ot thi� Ikrd of Trwt,�nd�uch��he tnay have
<br /> at+quitrd thenafler. Trwtee�. a«d.n.0 .�c��� r,�w ahowinR that the �te w�e conducted in eomplience wit� �Il the �ui�mertte
<br /> d'l�ru�rd ot thi�Dsed of'fru�t, whieh recital ehdl be prima fic�e evidertce af weh eompli�nce �nd conclu�ive rvidence tfKreof in fe�or
<br /> of boaR tids put�eharers and eneumDnncen for value.
<br /> T.The powe�aPeale wnfened by this 17eed olT�u�t ie nat en excius�ve remed�;fienefici�ry m�v c�uee ehie Iked of Tru�t ta be forecloxd
<br /> •�R mortgage.
<br /> 8. In the event of the death, inc�pacity, diaA6ility or reaignetion of Tsu+t�r. lknet�c�ary• m�y eppc�int en wntinR r eucceenor truetee.
<br /> end upon the �eco�ding of�uch appointrtknt in the mortRage recoed�ot thr county in wMch this Ikrd of'i`rurt ��recc�rdecf, the nucce�r
<br /> truMtee shall Ae ve�ted with ell powere ut the original tnirtee The truetee �n not ot►I��d to nohfy�nv party hrreto uf pend�nR enle under
<br /> any nther Deetl ot Truat ar of aoy action or px�cPed�nR �n wh�ch '1'ruetor. Truytee or Nenrfici�n ehrll M� a �ety unle�� nuch�rtion or
<br /> proceedina is broasht by t1te�Tn�stee. -
<br /> 9. Thi� Iked af T�v�t �ppliee to, inur�e tu the hene0t of,w�d �e A�ndmR not only un the pertiex herrto, but on the�r he�rs,devisre�. ,
<br /> legatees, adminittt�tore, executore, euccPS�re and ai+eign�. The term Iknr4c�ary e+hell meen �he hn1A�r and�wmer oP the n�to ercund '
<br /> hereby,whether or not n�med an Henefic�a►y here�n. •
<br /> 10. Iteque�t for Notiee of[kfAUlt or Nuticr of Sale It �+ �eque�trd thet a ropy oi nny Not�ce of 1lefeult or Notice of S�le I�r mn�led to
<br /> -- -� - � .�...Z_-----a' �.-T;• ^�-:::�'.�...o:;:r ..aa....__w....w _.�...�..�.....•_ -
<br />- _" . ..."p�cr��1{rtwwt�R��e..s.�t�.•wru�i.i w�i� uw �vd..�w�.�.• e.....*:�..�....r � . . . . . . . .. .
<br /> �.u-
<br /> � � NOTICE TO CONBUMER: 1. Da not si�n t6i� p�grr betore you read i� 2. You err enNtled to A copy t_�-
<br /> nf thl�paper.3. You msy prepay thc uopaid ba�lance at �ny time w►ithout penahy�nd ma� be cntided ,�-
<br /> to n�efve�re[u�d o!une�rned ch�r�e� in accord�RCe with law.
<br /> signea chid 27 ddy�t_ June .�_.., f�.n. �s�.�_.. -
<br /> SfATE OF NEARA5KA ► �- _ /S � - . �j . _ ,
<br /> ►� . .�, �1/ �.
<br /> _ 1'Irl�L COUNTY � - - -- -� -- - �- '�'<? �.. x..,,,.,•+�
<br /> On thie z� aay ot ._ June_�__,t�.�„ �g�0 �., �fpTC mt, the undrrn� ned, s+ Nntery �'Uhlic, duly
<br /> commieaio ed a d qu lified for and rteiding in Raid county, per�onaily came ��.X .G• �aV 15 and peprd H.. Oav i s,
<br /> husban� 8(1� W1�e� � me known to be the identical petson � who.4c nam�•S •dY"iKrA t�� thr fi�rr��;uin�;
<br /> inMrument as 7tuator S ._._.____...._ and acknuwledged the�nme ta tx . LhQI l" �„)
<br /> untary act aed deed.
<br /> Witne!u�my�and and Notarial Senl the dz�y and ycar In4 �'��'
<br /> 41� Commiseion expirey the ..____.._S d • �NTA11'�M 111qth ' •
<br /> og T_ �ebruarY___ . is_91 � _ r.wAT�o�+ r � < <�, ..°. '.�,,,,
<br /> ��.R�ot rv Puhlic•
<br /> S"I'ATE OF --- ----- -- - -- - - '
<br /> r sq.
<br /> _._..____ County �
<br /> �ntered in Numerical lndea und fileci for record�n the oft'ice of the Ftegiyt�•r of I�eda oP�:aid county, the•
<br /> d8yof_.__- -----.•-- -- ._ _.... ._. __..._ _ _. _ _ . ly _ . �►t , u'clock nnd ..
<br /> � minutcs __-----+._._... _ . _ ._ .. S7, �nd duly rc•cordPd an i3cak ��f
<br /> ',4ivrtg�ea page _
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