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<br /> N��3�tA8K�1 �EED OF TRUST
<br /> (Witi�Powrer of i�le)
<br /> A�aMnt etllt�c in�tqwwt s 181�Q Amount of(klwr;nttalmenh! 1Rt_00 '
<br /> ; 7bt�)dlM�nts� 8688'DO Fir�t Irat�ImMt Dus Drt�� 1 S „� „19gQ.
<br /> ; Nwa�bK of�io�thty uwt.la`n,ta__��_.._ Fiaa�In�lm«,t Dus Dat��lLy .1 ____,19s4..
<br /> i TH19 I)EF.I!OF TRUST. m+�d�thi�.�_ day of __ 7�itE . 19�,,
<br /> b�hr«n
<br /> i .rho.. mailiu��dd�w,. l� _339 S Pl�& Crand Ictan��� (Agry� •
<br /> � r�7�uton. �1�Q n -��ML�ftB� �' �, ,
<br /> ; M'6so�n m.il:.y�,ddn.s ir ? ? �1 f.edar 6rand 1c g�.�, �a_ 6gg01 �
<br /> • �u T^�t«� �"►�N°^'°�t E�"�n�i�l�'►tb�a�k�, �nc., whae nuilina�ddrsa� ie _..��7 Nnr?h irwhh Rd, •
<br /> � G�-1 c`��• � 6�—' ,ae Benetieiary,
<br /> � ���+ T���n��bY+��eaDly,gr�nt,barRain, eell,and convey ¢u,Trustee in truat,with poxer of eale, the follo�riog ds•
<br /> ierib�d PropKtY i� .Hal� __.._.�_____.. CouetY� Nebns�cr.
<br /> �
<br /> Lot Eighteen �18), 81ock One (1), Koet���r Place. Gity �f Gran� Island, Hal 1 County
<br /> � Nebraska
<br /> ; ,
<br /> � � �4[l�t�I�[1L�t!fllIDleRti hw.ewlilw�swnt� wn.l-......• • __"'_ ♦ • . ' ' _ _ -. �_
<br /> -- - - -------,......,.�,,,...ri.�r.:;�.!�„,,....�G,.,ew�y�.n�or m�+7w►�e appe`rca�i�ltf� rnd the rente.ireues arid - �
<br /> —_ - -pee�litat�eieet ; .-•_--
<br /> 17it�conv�yanoe ie intend�tl for tht purpp�e o(�ecurii� the p�ymen� to Eiencficf�ry ot Trwtoni promiwory note of evea date in the '�
<br /> �mount�t�ted above u 'Toeal oP P�ymrnta".9aid 'Total of Y�yments"ie re ' �-
<br /> Tt�e amouat of the inataiment p�Y�ble in the numher of monthly in�talmenb etated �bove • .
<br /> payrtxnta due on�aid Man i� etated above The Qret rnd Pnal instalment due dacM on wid lo�n�rc stated
<br /> �6ove. Paymtnt rtu�y be msde in advance in any amnz►ni oc a7y t�me. Ikfault in m�icin�anq p�yment �hall,st the Ikrufieiary'e optton
<br /> and v►ithou!�wtice o�demand,render the enin+e unp�!�Bwitance of�aid tan at once clue pnd payable,leee any rcquired reEate of ehar�. ,
<br /> To Protect tl�securtty of thi�Deed of 7'cu�t,TrWtor corenants rnd�grete:
<br /> ; 1. To keep the prot•Krt�, inqood conditinn�nd re�ir. W permit na iraerte thereof:to comptete any buildinp,etructpre or itnpravemient
<br /> � 6eins built or about to be �31t thereon: W re�tarr prumptly any building,atructure or improvemtnt t�ereon wfiich mey tx damaRed or
<br /> S �froyed:and toeomply w�th:A lawa,ordinances,negulationr,coaenenta,wnd�tion,and reetrictione alfecting thr property
<br /> j� 2.To pay be(brt de��nquent ail Isw�('u)ta:es and a+Keswmenta upon the propeety;to keep tt.e property free and clear of nil other char�e.
<br /> liena or encueaEr�nce�itnpairing the�ecuritv of thia be�vi of Trust. �
<br /> � � 3. To kee all buildi
<br /> p t►q� now or hereaRer erected on the profxrty deecri6ed hrrein cont�nuouely mau�ed agalnst In�s by fre or other
<br /> hasarde in�n unount not lerr than the to+tal deb! aecured Ay th�s I)eed of Tru�t. Ali poLc,ee AhAll be held Ey che Iiene6c��ry,and 6e
<br /> � in tuch cbmp�nil� as ehe Bene6ciary may approve an+3 have lo� pryabk firat to the Heneficiary aa iU interrst may appear and then
<br /> to the 74uaWe'.The Rmount mllect�d under any ineuranrcx policy�ay be appl�ed upon •ny indehtevinets hereby �tcurrd in auch orde►se
<br /> ' the Benefiti�ry�hsl1 determ�ne. Such applicahon by ihe Aencficiary shall not cau+�e dixons�nuencr of any proceed�n� Lo forectoee thie
<br /> Ueed of Truet or cure or wa�ve any defeult or nohce of default or�nva[idate eny att done purotant to such noticr.In the event cR forecloeurc, �'�
<br /> all righte of the'ItuaWr in i�aur�nce y�ol iciee then in fonr eh�ll paen to t�e purrhaser at the forecloeure sale 9�
<br /> 4.To oDtain the written coneent of Cienefirury before aelling,cam•e�nng or otherwiee transfer►mg tAr pmperty or eny part thereof and
<br /> nay�uch eale,conveyance or tcsn�fer without the Benrf ctary's writttn ctxteent ehell rcr.st�tute a default under the term�hereoL
<br /> 6.To deiend any action oc prtx�erding purporting to atl'ert the eecunty lMrsat or the nghte o�powe►a of Neneficrary or 7'rustee
<br /> 8. Should Truetor fail to pay when due any tt+xea, asseaemant�a,ins;:rance prem�wne. henv, encuc-cbranec�or other chn�;,e�ugnmst the
<br /> property hereinabove descri6ed, BcneGc�ary rnay pay the same, and t►:e amount so pa�d, w�th ir.��:rsf at the rate set f„rtL• c� !he note
<br /> secured hereby,ehall be added to and become a part�f the dcAt xeca�re�i�n thi9 Ueea of'Crur:n�t,r,n„�tt�d t,4 io�
<br /> t�t�s�u�-a:,t.��c���:ts•�t�s: -
<br /> 1. In the eve�t any portion of the property io taken or d�maRrd �n nn em�nent dom�ro procec��ng, the entare amount of the aword
<br /> • or euch portion thereoP ns may be neeeeeary to fully Rat��fy the obl�gat�on Aecured herrby. 5ho11 �e patd to Benrfictnry to br� up�ieed to
<br /> said oEligation.
<br /> 2. I3y fleCepting payment of any aum secured hereby aftet�ts due date,F3enefic�on•does rtot µa�cF �tQ ng`�t w requ�re psompt payment
<br /> when due aFt�E!other aumc eo secured ur to declare default fot failurc to 90 pay
<br /> 3.'I'he'i'ruatee shail recomey all or .�ny Qart of the propertv cocered by thtA Ihed uf Trust to the persoo entitled thereto, on written
<br /> request oF the 7,rustor attd the [3eneficiary, p�U�OA sah�fact�an of ihe �bl�getion ReCUTff� pTi(� 0."!1«Fh rrquest for rcronvFynnce mndc fly
<br /> the E3eneficixry or the pen;on cntitled thereto
<br /> 991 G84(NE) � • - -- -
<br /> M�
<br /> � � J •
<br />, �
<br /> t.
<br /> ��, tA
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