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<br /> i '•�i.. . .1 r.. . � •. 1.1. `` . . �S�.1:�,f��{, r 'SIF - J7.:'��:lt. S 1 . ' . .
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<br /> Nf)N•UNi�'t►RM Ct►v�N,�l�RS 9t►truwer and Lende�iurthsr cov�n�nt and agrcc as foil�wc• ��+'i�/J���'
<br /> i!. Accekrttiou: Re�ediM. iw�ier tiall �I�e Nutice Io BorroMer 'rlor to �ccslerAeto� toflowiag Sarro�sr•s
<br /> � �wel�01�y core�t or yr�e�t h tid�Se�wAty lwrtn�t(brt�ot�lor to aecelention M�de�pu�a�hs 13�nd 17
<br /> wri�wlieMle law �ra�otM�i�1. 'Itie Notice �W!Neeity: (�l tYe deh�lt:fb1 tAr�ctton �eq�ind to�ure tAe
<br /> i��wlt;tc/��MS,Mot f�tMM�G i�r�ftow dK i�t!��oNce i��i�to 8�rowcr.by wMkw lw!dl��Yl�111W1 S!CYIlA;
<br /> �4(il qwt hiiwe to ewe t!��hek a�or Irl�ore tMe i��oettl�i i�tre�wtke�ay rawit i�acaieru"to�ai ti�e ivaa
<br /> � s�e�i 1►y HM S�t�ulty i�t�a�M ot tw P'ro�tg.7'Y�■atiea sMa!!hrt�er i�ton� 9arro+rrr ot Ihe�Mt to
<br /> [rl�It�her�eeti�tNiu��1 tie�I/lt te M��eowt actla+� to wert tre noa�exbte�e of� dtt��it ar any otMe�
<br />— irt�e o��erro�r to seeei�r�tio�iM�1t.lt t�t rets�ll is�ot crref o�af�eiore tAc date�eclflad ia tA�ac+!lee.t.eadee
<br /> N i!s qitioM �ay rt�in iewMi�b My�e�t i�IWI d�11�r �w�N ey tMit Sstwrity I��t wttMowt /unGer
<br /> irwM�Mi�y i��elc.twe pwK ot��el Mr otMr nwMia�erwttki►y wlkabte uw.I.eNer sMUi re e�e�ekd to
<br /> colNet all �:�� i�cwwi Is �w�wi� t1e re�i�KotirN 1� tMb �yl� 19. i�cirdi�, �nt uot lia�ited to.
<br /> rwo..Me�r•'F•••�M e..a.raae..ti..c�
<br /> it Ne pwer ot ale M i�relc�l,Trwl�e�II recar+r a�otic�ot�etarit i�acM cowty I�wMici a�y Mrt of the
<br /> ' Pe+�uty i�Iveatei�i�MII�il��t ot we��wtice iN t��wer Keu�i�N Sy aMlitasle IaM to Betrowe��d to ti�e
<br /> ot��asw�aerliei�y aNlk�lt Irr►.After t1e ti�e�irei�y�lic�le bw,Trwtee�Ytl=1re w�lic�wti�e o[
<br /> ale ts trt�tos�Md i�tre�er�n�rNei�y a�litarle law.Trwtee.wit�ow rews�o�8o�rawer.sbll sell tUe
<br /> Pro�ty�►t�tk wetio�to tMe ME�te Mi1ef at t6e tiwe s��lace sad u�ier tre ter�as desipat�d i�tre�odce otswk ip
<br /> wie a�wo�e/�rcek eu�i i�a�r oNer Tn��ee ieten�i�es.Tnstee�ay pq�o�e sak ot all or�wy Mrcd of tMe Pro�eMY bY
<br /> �Ilk aMOr�ee�e�t at tre d�e a�d'taee of.�r Ks.io�aly �cYe�IN sde. Lender or ib de�tipce �y �rchau t4e
<br /> PraMrty�t a�y sve.
<br /> U� neei�t of M�at of tUe Kiee bw. Tnatee �M�II reltser to the wrcMa�T�tce's iee� co��eyinR t6e
<br /> Pro�erty. 71�e recltab i�tl�e Trwta's deed slqll 1e Kiias t�tie e�ide�ce ot t�e ttitM ot die sqte�e�ls�ude tMereie.
<br /> ' Trwt«slall aMly t6e Mae«i�t o�tt�e�ale i�t�e folbwiq aier.<a)to all e:�e�aa ot tMe sfle�i�cl�iy.brt�ot li�ited
<br /> to.Trrtee•s tees�r/ee�Itte/�r f�/1k�k law�eea�o�aMe sttor■eys•te�es:(b1 ta�11 wwt t�eiirN�y diis Sec�ty
<br /> t��s�l(cl swy exee�to t!e/er�ow or�eno�s kppy enHtk�to it.
<br /> Z0. Leeder is Parerio�. Upon accekration under psragraph 19 0� abandonment of the Propeny, Le�der (�n
<br /> petson,by a6mt or by judi�ially appointed receiver)sh�ll be rntitled to enter upon. take posaession aP and msnage thr
<br /> Property and to collect the rents of the Property includin6 those p��t due. Any rents collected by Lrnder or the rae�ver
<br /> sh�ll be spplied flrst to psyment of the costs of man�ement oi the Property and collection of rents, including. but not
<br /> limited to.receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bands�nd reasonable attorne�s'fees.and then to the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrrment.
<br /> 21.Reco�reyaace.Upon payment of�I!sums secured by Ehis Sesunty lnstrument. Lender shall requcst Trustee to
<br /> recanvey the Property and shsll surrender this Secunty Instrument and a!I nates evidencing debt secured by this Secunty
<br /> instrumrnt to Trustee.Trustee shall�econvey the Propehy witt�out warranty and w�uhouc charge to the person or persons
<br /> Itatlly entitled tu it.Such persan ar persons shall pay any recordation cast�. � �
<br /> 22.SrMtiMte Tn�tee.L.ender,at�ts opt�on.may Gam time to time rem�ove Trustee and appoint a succcssor trustee
<br /> toany Trustee appeinted hereunder by an ir�tnimrnt recorded in tIu cc+unty in wh"ich thic Secunty T�strumeM ic recarde�i. : �
<br /> Withaut convey�nce of the Pro�+eny.the successor t�usta shali succeed to aU the tide.power and ciutia conferred upon �-'��
<br /> Trusta hetein and by applicable law.
<br />• 23. Rewest tar NMfea. Borrower requats that copies of the notues af default and sale be sent to Borrowtr's
<br /> • addra�which�s the Property Addras. _
<br /> Zi.Ri�ets to tYi�Seewity Iattr�w�e�t.if one or more nclers are executed by Borrower and recordeif tosether w�th
<br /> this Security instrument.the covenanu and��ramertts of ach sush nder shall be incorpor�ted�nto and shall amend and '.
<br /> suppttnwrnt the covenu►ts and aareements of this Serunty lastrument as �f the nder(s) were a part of th�s Secunty �
<br /> InscsuaKnt.[Check appticable box(a)J
<br /> _. � Adjustable Rate Rider y Condom�n�um Rider � 2-4 Family R�der ____
<br /> � Graduated Paymrnt Rider J Planned Unit Devetopmrnt Rider
<br /> �
<br /> � Other(s) (speciiyJ Acknowledgment
<br /> 8Y SIGNIN(3 8�1.4W. Borrower arax�ts and agrees to the terms and covrnants conta�ned �n this Secunty
<br /> [nstrument and�n any nder(s)executed by Burrawer and rccorded w�th�t. ��
<br /> � � '
<br /> ........................................................... . . . . _. .����:�'.:�`�-���.�rr . 'r':,�.:-.�... .. .(Se�i)
<br /> --8or•c.v
<br /> �:
<br /> �1��urlce A. Nutten ,
<br /> .................................................._........... .. ... . . .. .............. ...... .
<br /> . .. .{Seah
<br /> —�etor�o+w
<br /> STATE OF NEBR.hSK 4. I-F�3�3 �.uullty ��.
<br /> d�n this 21 da► of Jutte . 19 yp. before �-t, thr un�ler,�gncJ, a tiutary F'uhl�:
<br /> duly commissioned and quai�fc��d fur tiai.l ,:ounty,perwnally camc `•taur:ce .1. Rut t en, an
<br /> utlmereied widower � , to mc known ta be [hc
<br /> identical petsonl4) �vhose nam�1�� as.• �ubscnbed ro the lorerr._�::�g �n.trumeat .�nd <�.knowledKed .he c+����:'.,�n _ __
<br /> ,___..�
<br /> thereof to be his ti�lun�an a�� and cicrd. �
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial�ral at Grand Islc�ncl, :�'E�braSk� m Sa�.: �r,un�ti. �t,;
<br /> datr aforesaid. '
<br /> ,
<br /> 4 Cammi�sson ex !Ef): j•����t�L, .j', Ka.��.�'.�,;t_ «t�
<br />' ��+*M�M iM�r ..` ,., ,. ,,:. , . . . �
<br /> L. ����;� kt�U����T €��K kE��t������ .,,� E �
<br /> T� TRl ytEf ��
<br /> �;;-
<br /> � �hC IICIC�Cf•iRned » i�le �Il1�l�Cf ��) fht'll�e[� s'f i"t��ll". ��,tifi.l h� Illi. �)al'.1 ��I Iru•r \.�_..1 fti�lt' ��I :i� 't. - � ;:!•�•
<br /> «nh t�ll nthrr �nilc•htc.lnr•••��.urcd h� tt��•. I)t•c�.l��t ! :u,i. �is-r 1•;�n ;•.��,! n •.�.� 1,� : .�,. �: -�.•.. .1 �, i•.,� � . .. ���
<br /> ,.nt,� G�t !�ntr• .t'�i9 t1c:. 1).•��1 ��1 {I�I,t. .ti! ,.�� .u: tl: ..r�_. 1 � :��.•t. ,�i��l � .. �u.� ,.•I , �.ir� .�. . �
<br /> rii+t� ,`trlit h� ���u nr.�#:. rri,. �)���� ��t 1 �u-i � �' , , . ,��s , �•i'• �n ,...�.. � �'� . � . ��' ,
<br /> I)�te
<br /> ��
<br />