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<br /> L�IvItllllM�.UVENAN75 t�orro�tr�rtd Lender cuvenant and ryree x�follov�s:
<br /> � 1. PtX�t o!PrtaNMf�d I�tesat�P�y�t�d I.�te C1Nr�ts, Rc�rr�w�cr sh�ll prom�tlyµ�y whcn Cue
<br /> the princ:ipai of and interat an the debt evidenced by�he Note�nd any prepayment and I�te ch�rges due under the Note.
<br /> 2. F�tvr 3'�xe�u�i�rsRee. Subject to appticabte faw or tu a wntten w��ve�by Lender,Bar�awet sh�ll�y
<br /> ta t.eader on the d�y manthly paymetsts are dua under the Note.until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Fund�")equal to
<br /> ane�t�vdfth d: (a�yarly tues Rnd usessmenta which msy attain priarity uver this Securily In��rumcnt; (b) yearly
<br /> leasehold payments or �round rtnts on the Prapeny, if any; (c) yearly hazard insurance prem�um9; snd (d) yrarly
<br /> mortp�e insunnce premiums,if�ny.Thae items u�called"esc�aw items." Lendcr may estimate the Funds due an Ihe
<br /> l+�sis oicurrent d�ts�nd rrasonabk atimates of future escraw items.
<br /> The Funds shall tx held in an institution ihe deposits or accounts of which are insured or guuanteed by�Pederal ar
<br /> � state yency(includin�I,rnder if Lender is such an institution). L.ender sh�ll apply�he Funds to p�y the escraw items.
<br /> Le�dtt msy not ch�r�e tor holdio6�tnd�pplYin�the Fuadt,�nalyzing thc�ccount or verifyina tha escrow items,unkss
<br /> Leader p�ys Bonower interat on the Funds and applicable la�v permits Lender to make such a ch�r�e. Borrower ancf
<br /> I.ender m�y a�rce in writina that interat shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an aereement is made or applicabte law
<br /> requira intereat to be p�id. Lender shal!not be required to p�y Horrower any interest or arninas on tbe Funds.I.ender
<br /> �l)�ive to BorroMer,without char�e.an annwl accounti�a of the�unds shawing credits and debits to the Funds�nd thr
<br /> purpae for Mhich each de!►it to ttie Funds was made.The Funds ue pledaod u additional security for the sums secured by
<br /> this Secnr�ity lnstrument. �
<br /> • If the amount of'the Fund�held by Lender.tasether with the future monthly payments of Funds payable priar to
<br /> tbe dur dsta of the escrow item�.shall e�ceed the amount requirod to psy the escrow items when due.the excas shall De.
<br /> •t 8ormaer's c�ption,either promptly repaid to Barrower o�credited to Borrower on mamhly payments o!Funds.lf the
<br /> �mount of the Funds held by l.ender is nat sufficient to pay the escrow items when due.Bonower shall pay to l.eader any
<br /> amount neoessary to truke up the deficiency in one or morc payments u reyuired by Lender. .
<br /> Upoa paymrnt in full of all sums secured by this Security lnstrume�t, Lender ahall promptly refund to Borrower
<br /> any Funds heW by Ltnder.If under pu�gr�ph 19 th=Property is sold or acquired by I.ende�.Lender shap apply.no later
<br /> than immediately pnor to the sale of'the Propeny or its acquisition by Lender,any Funds held by Lender at the time of
<br /> application as a credit sEainst the sums securod by this Security Instrumrnt.
<br /> 3, AMIiqNon ot Pay�ts. Unlas applicabl�tiw pravides otherwise.all payments received by Lender under
<br /> paasraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:flral,to late charges dne under the Note;second.to prepayment charga due under the
<br /> NaC chird�to amounts payable under psrsanph 2;fourth,ta interest due;and lut,to principal due.
<br /> 1• G�+r�eS 1.ie�s. Borrower sha11 pay�Il taaa.�ssessments,charses,fines snd impositions attribuubk to the
<br /> Property whicb may attain priority over this S�cunty Instrumen�. and lasehold payments ar ground rrnts. if any.
<br /> BoflYfflMr±thwU rw�t„�iw�w a��l;.a.l:.��::�v��:,P�c:p.v.�iuw in�;sasspn Z,ar ti nai paio in tilat manflti.ilOR6�Ylf Sh�ll _ -
<br /> piy them on time diroctly to the person owed payment. Bon�wer shall promptly furn�sh to Lender all notica of amounts
<br /> to be paid under this psraaraph. !f Borrower ma{ces ehese paymrnts diroctly,84rrower shal! promptly furnish to Lender
<br /> receipts evidmcina the pyments.
<br /> ' Borrow�er shall promptly discharae any!irn which his pnority over this Secunty Instrument unless Bprrower:(a) � -
<br /> ajtees in�vritin j to the p�yment of the nbliaatian secured by the lien m a manner acceptsble ta Lender:(b)cantests in good
<br /> , faith the tirn by,or defends a�ainst rnforcemeet of the lim in,leaal procecdin6s whKfi in the Lrnder's opinicm operate to
<br /> prtvent the enforcement of the lien or torfe�ture of any part of the Property;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an � t'i'
<br /> a�reement sRtistactory to Lrnder svbordinating the l�en to this Securit�Instrument. !f I.ender determines that�ny pan of �
<br /> the Property is subject to a lim which nsa}atain pnority over thu Secunty lnstrument, Lender may give Barrower a
<br /> notice idet�tiPyina the lien. Horrowet shail sausfy the lien or take one or more of the aclians set forth above within !0 days
<br /> of the 6iviaj of notice.
<br /> S. Harard I�wr�ce. BorroweT shall keep the improvements now ea�sting or hereatter erxted on the Property �
<br /> insurod apinst loss by fire,ha,nrds included withm thc term"extendod cover�ge"�nd any ather ha.urds for whtch L.ender
<br /> rcquircs insurance. This insurince shall be munta�nal in the unounts and for the peciods ahat t.ender tequues. The
<br /> inst�rsnee carrier providing the�nsurance shall be chosen by Bonower subject to Lendet's approval wh�ch sh�ll not be
<br /> unreasonably withheld. ,�
<br /> AU insursnce policies and renewals sAall be accept�ble to l.ertder and shall include a standArd mortgage clause. *
<br /> Lender shal)have the right to hold the policies and renewals. IP L.ender requues, Borrower shall prumptly g�ve tn Lender
<br /> all receipts oFpaid premiums and renewa)nonces.l�the event of loss,Borrower shall g�ve prompt not�ct to tAe�nsuraare
<br /> carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of loss if Rat made promptly by Borrowtr -
<br /> Unlas Lender and Borrower otherw�se agree in wnting,insurance proceed�shall be applied to restoration or repair
<br /> of the Ftoperty damaged, if ehe restoration or rep�ir is rconom�cally feasible and Lender's secunty is not lessened. If the
<br /> ratontion or repa�r is not economically feasible or Lender's secu�ty would be lessened, the insunna:prnceeds chall bt
<br /> spptied to the sums secured by lhis Security lnstrurnent.u:hrthes or r.at thcss due,�ish any e.rc�es��>s,ic#tu 8urrower. if
<br /> Borrower abandons the Property,or does not answer w�th�n 30 days a natice fram Lender that�he insurance carner has
<br /> ot!'ered to settle a claim.then Lender msy collect the�ns�rance proceeds.Lender rstay use the procetds to repanr or restore
<br /> the Property or to pay sums secured by th�s Secunt� Instrrlment, whrther or nai then due Thr 30-day penod wiU beg�n
<br /> when the noti�ee is gi�en.
<br /> Unless I,tnder and 8orrower otherw�se agree m wntmg,any apFiica��on�f procecds to prroc�pal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments re(erred to�n paragrap�s 1 and 2 or changr the amount of tht payments. �F
<br /> under paragr�ph 19 the Proptrty is acqu�rM by Lender.Botrower's nght to any �nsuran�e nolicies and procreds result�ng
<br /> from damage to the Properiy pnor to ihe acquisiuon shal!pass to Lender to the eatent oFthe sum�secured by this Secunty - - - _
<br /> lnstrument immediately pnor ta!hracquisinvn. " � T�
<br /> 6. Pneservation and Matntenanee ot Praper�y;Leateholds. Sorrowec�hall not dtstroy�,damage ar substantially
<br /> change the f+roperty,allow the Propeny ta detenorAte or commit waste If th�s Secanty lnstrument �s on a Ieasehold.
<br /> Borrower sha11 comply with the prov�stons of'the lease,and if Borrower acquires fec title to thc�roprrty.the Ica.rrhold aad
<br /> fee titleshail not merge unless Lender agrecs to the merger in wruing
<br /> a, Protection ot Lender's qights in the Property: 1lartgage Insur�nce. lf Borrow•er fa�ls to perform the �Mf
<br /> covenants and agteements contamed�n this Secunty fnstrument,or there is a legal proceed�ng that may signifi�amly affec► ��
<br /> LLe.ndtr's rights in rl:e Properry (such as a procerdmg m bankruptry. ,robate. fc�r condemna::on or to enforce law� ,�r
<br /> regulations),then LendermAy d�and pay for whatever�s necessary to prorec� the�alue of the Property and l.ender's nght. �.,r�
<br /> in the Property. L.ender's act�nns may inclucfe paying any sums sccured by a I�en which has ��noruy e��er thit 5ecunty �
<br /> lnstrument,app�:aring�r,ct.uei,��yir�g reasonable attorneys'fres and entcnng rni the Property to make repair� Althi�ugh �'
<br /> t[:�
<br /> Lender may take action under this paragraph 7,i ender dc►es nut ha�c to d���� .
<br /> Any amounts disbutsed by Lenuer undet th�s�aragraph 7 shall becnmr addinun�l dehe��t liur rc�wer�e�ured hti �hi.
<br /> Seeunty Instrument Unless Borrnµ•er��nci i ender agree tc►other terms�t pa�meP�t. the�e am��un�ti tih.�l) hear interest fn�m
<br /> the date of disbursement ��t thr Tintc rate and shali he ��ayahle. �ti�lh intcre�t, up��r� n��t��c (r��m I er��trr t�� H��rr.�wcr
<br /> requesting payment
<br /> {
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