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<br /> 15« �iiscellaneov� Provisions.
<br /> ! �a) Boxrower Nat Rele�ssed. ExtensiQn of t�e t3me for
<br /> peyment or modi ca� on o amort zation of the sums aeaured by
<br /> th#,a Deed of Trust qrant�a by Len��r to any aucceasor in intereat
<br /> of Horrawer ahall nnt operate to release, in any mAnner, the
<br /> liability of the original Borxower ar�d eorrowex' s auccessora� in
<br /> interast. Lender shall not L+e required to carnmence proceedings
<br /> aqainst such eucceesor or r�fuee to extend time for payment or
<br /> otharwise �aadify an�ortization of 4he sums secured by this peed of
<br /> Trust by rea,son of any demands made by the oriqindl eorrower and
<br /> eorrower's sacaessors in interest.
<br /> (b1 Lender's Pawers. With�ut affECting the liability
<br /> o� any other person a e or the payment of any obligation
<br /> herein mentioned, and without affscting the �ien or charqe of
<br /> • ; thi• Deed of Trust uport any portion of the Property aot ehen or
<br /> theretofore relea��d ae aecurity for the full amount of all �
<br /> unpafd obliqations. Lender may, from time to time and without
<br /> nat3ca (31 release any pereon eo liable. (ii) extend the u�aturity
<br /> , or alter any of the terms of any such obligations, (iiil grant
<br /> other indulqences, (iv) rel�eaee or reconvey, or cause to be
<br /> released or zeconveyed at any t�me, at Lender's option, anyr
<br /> parcel, portfan or all of the Property, (v) take or r�lease an�o
<br /> other or additional security for any ob2igation herein m�:�tionec�, .
<br /> or Ivi� make compositions or other arrangements aith debtora in
<br /> relation thereto.
<br /> , (c) �orbearance b Lender Not a Wai�rer. Any forbear-
<br /> __ __ _ - aw^s I�a• �M/IAM � 6V�fMI� a�nA �v T�A !� Af TAl11 V �1AlAH1'f/�A1"� A! _ ----�-
<br /> _ __' .. .. .. . M����r wr1 .��0s �.��r�r.r�..'7 1 7'� ___.'__l
<br /> others+iae afforded by �pplicable laW, shal.l not be a waiver of or � ' �-
<br /> prac�ude the ex�rcise of any such rfqht or remedy. The procure- : �
<br /> ment of insurance or the paymont af taxes or ather 1 iena or
<br /> chsrqes by Lender shall not be a Wafver of Lender's riqht to __
<br /> a�celerate the meturfty of the indebted�e�a secured by this Deed _
<br /> of Truat.
<br /> td) Successozs and Assi ns Bound 3oint �nd Several
<br /> Liabilit Ca t ons. Th� covenants an agreementa ere n con-
<br /> � �na a a bfnd , ana the rights hereunder shall inure ta, the
<br /> � res�pective auccessors ar�d assigtts of Lender and 8orrower� subject
<br /> to the provisions of paragraph 20te1 hescof. All cover�nts and
<br /> . aqxeements of Hor.�awer shall be joint and several. The capt�ons �
<br /> and headings of the paraqrapha of this Ue�d of Trust are for
<br /> convenienae only and arc� not to be used to interpret ar d�fine
<br /> the provisions hereof. ��`
<br /> [e) Re uesC �or Notice::. Tt1e p�rties hereby requesC
<br /> ` that a capy of any nok.Tce o e ault hereund�a� and a copy of any
<br /> notic� of sale hcreunder be maile�l to each pax�.y to this UeeB of
<br /> Trust at thc address set forth abave in the mann�.•r �rescribec� by
<br /> app3.i�able law. �xcept far �ny �stizL•r ror�t3.ci► r�:iJuired •.�eider
<br /> app��.cable law to be givrn in another manncr, an�,r notice pravided
<br /> for in tihfs Deed �f Trust shall b� given by m�iling such not.£Ge
<br /> by certixied m�il addr�ssed to the other partics, at the address
<br /> set forth above.
<br /> 11ny notice provided �or in this Deed c�f Tr�st
<br /> shall be effective upon mailiny iri the ;���nner c4esignated herein.
<br /> If Barrower is mor� than one �orsnn andtor entity, notice sent to ,•- --.Y--_
<br /> the addzess set forth rsbove sha�l bp notice to aIl seach �eraons
<br /> andtor entities.
<br /> tf) Ins ection. I.�nder may make� ar c:�u�e t� tae nad�
<br /> re�sonable entries vapon �7nd inspections af thc proper�y , ��r.c�vi �lecl �";
<br /> th�st Lencier s}iall give F3orrawer notice priar to any suCh ins�F�c- ��`
<br /> � tivn s�E�ci�ying reasonable cause therefor r�.�l�Yted to 1.ender ' s �
<br /> int�r�:st in the l�ropc�rty. �.�
<br /> n
<br /> tqj Ft���o»L�� �ir�c��. Ur��F E>�,�mc�i,t. r�f .� I 1 :,+uns; rsrc�ur �.<' 1,�, "•
<br /> �
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