;;; _
<br />:�:
<br /> � w�
<br /> t
<br /> i
<br /> ; 90.... io�s���
<br /> ipy •�� saio, crana�er, assignment, aonv�y-
<br /> � anae �r further encwabxance o�E all ar any part af ar
<br /> eny interest in �he Property, either voluntarily or
<br /> �.nv�2,untA�ily, wi4hout the expreas written consent af
<br /> I,e�der.
<br /> 11. Remedie�t �c�celeration � on DePault. In Lh� event
<br /> �t any �►ent o De au t, Len er m�y, w 1c• outi noL cs, except as
<br /> • required by la�w, declare all indebtedness �eecured hereby to be
<br /> ' du• and payabl• ��nd the sa�s thall tha�reupon b�cou�e due and
<br /> pay�bl• Mithuut any pre���tMnt, de+a�snd, pro�e�t or notice of any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, 1[.ender isay:
<br /> (a) Demand that Trustee exercis� the POi�t�R
<br /> Ul� S1►LE qranted herain, and Tru�tee shall th�reaftsr
<br /> cause HorroWer's intereat in the Pxoperty to be aold
<br /> ; ancl the pz�ceeda to be distributed, all in the manner
<br /> �. provided in the Nebrask� Trust Oeeds Act;
<br /> � fb) Bxerci�e any and eli rights provided for
<br /> in any of the Loan Inatrumeato ar by laa upon accur-
<br /> rence of any Event of Defaultt �nd
<br /> 1c1 Commer�ce an action to foreciose this
<br /> D�ed ort Trust as a mortqaqs, appoint a rereiver, or
<br /> specif�caily enforce any ot the �ovenant� here�f.
<br /> NQ re�edy harein cvnferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender
<br /> f• intended �o be ax�luaive of any o�Mer remeQy herein fn the . '
<br /> Loan �nstruments or by law provided ar permittied, but e�ACh shall ~
<br /> -- - !u� �»���tl a«{_ra �h��l h� �n w.�,idi�iw.. •.. e....�,. f...� ......a.. i......
<br /> . .__._ . . . �� ��s.. vv w.v�� tila�ca w.vw�wr y�vcn . -L_ . ..
<br /> hereuhder in �he �oan Instruaients or n�M or hereaft4r existing at -z=
<br /> law or in equity or by st�tute o and may be exercis�ed concur- _
<br /> rently, independently ar surcessively.
<br /> 12. Truste�. The �'rus�ea may resiqn �t any time with-
<br /> out cau�e, and Len�er ana�y at any time and without causP appoint a
<br /> succea$or or se�bstitute Trustee. Trustee shall not be liable to
<br /> . a�y party, including. withaut lianitotion, Lender, eozrower or any
<br /> purcha�er af the Propc�rty, for any loss or damaqe nnless due to
<br /> , reckless or will�ul miscanduct, and shall not !�e reqUired to take
<br /> sny actfon in conriectian �rith �h� enforcement of th�s Deed of
<br /> � T�uat unles� indemnYfied� in wrxtins�, fnr all costs, compensation -
<br /> or expc�nses which �nay be assoc:iated th�re�+ith. In additkon,
<br /> Trustee may becorne a purchaser at any sale of the Properky �
<br /> ljudiciml or ur►d�r the �ower �f �ale� grantecl herefn3 ; pnstpone �
<br /> the sul� of al� or any portfan of ttle Aroperty, as provid�d by
<br /> ��'
<br /> laws ar sell the Pragezty as a whole, or in separate parcels or
<br /> lot�.
<br /> 13. Fe�s and Expenses. in the event Trv.sCee sells the
<br /> � Property by exc�rcise of pawer oF sale, .rustee shall b� er�tat2ed
<br /> to app3y any sa2e procecds €if:_.e ea� �ayrac��r.t c�f �il .r.�s�:,, ar�c�
<br /> . expeases of exPrci�ir.g poacr of :;a�l�r, inclvding a�.11 Trus�ee's
<br /> fee� ��tually incurre�d. tn the� event �tarrs�aer exercises any
<br /> , right provid�s3 by �aw L� cure an Ev�:3t af D�fault, Lcr.der shall
<br /> be entitled tc� r�*caver �rosn �arrawer all ��sts and expenses
<br /> actually inc:urre.c� as a r�sult of florrower's clefault, i�icludfnc�,
<br /> withauC Yimi�ation, all Tru�ter�'F �:�d attorney' s fees, in the
<br /> maximum ainount ��allowe�3 by l�w. In ar3c3ition, in the event of eacn �__ _...,...._.-
<br /> sucn cure, Lender �ha12 t�e cntl�lF�d to � rein��atetnent fce of One
<br /> tiundred �nd ti'oJ100 �ollars tSZ00.�p) .
<br /> 14. i'�iC�:xe Advanc��s. Upc,i� rcy�es� c�f ncsrrowr_•r , L���dcr
<br /> mag►, ,�t it� o�tion, make •additiaa�al �nd f�sturc• adv�ances �7nc1 �
<br /> re—advances L•o Horro�aer. 5uc}t ac�vanc�s �nd read�•ar:ces, with �
<br /> � int_c.•rest ther��n, �h�Il bc.• �cr.��red hy thi; I�er�3 c�f Trust. At no
<br /> timc sh��1.1 ttte pranGipal �mnunt �f thr i su3��htE�clr.E��:s �:c�cured hy ,�
<br /> thia DE�ec3 of Trust, not iticluc3.ir.c� sums c�c3v��ncf�d ta protc�ct thf• r-
<br /> securxty of thi� F�c�ec3 of, Tru�t. e�cc•ed the o:ic�in�l nrincinal ��1
<br /> amou►�� �tatec� h�.•rz�in. r . . ���
<br /> -- . � —
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