. '.c!.�•: ��� :�i �!L' l"r' - 'L}! 2:1" �r�.. ��' iA,"�� .1�9. •:I�r. r�J :i� �� •i, ;r!
<br /> I , n I" :�ii�4.d4'.�'� `)c,�� 1 !S r ''} �. il{�r�,.
<br /> �;4.<' ��r .�i .L',: '�.tr. �' - .4i't ,{7i^� :I .J,. �.,� �'J,�' f;l,�t� ;�'•. 1 � �,
<br /> .,i.,�r�: �� -i; .:r .,�%�:�. �rr ,t _ ,
<br /> ,:n. �q� ,n�' f. i.• '�I::i'.1'Y .J.ai , ,�. �f.% s P.�rii:� �•i:' :v..� .�,•-• r, -�e.�Fl, t•. :;.rv��':.:'�:�i:, i..•U.t' ,
<br /> .l::L.����.� _ _ J- �-. � :a -.�����1 ' u •�l+'-.tI•,,• _�uP— •Po�_u• ra� �
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<br /> � `'��3,�t�a.�f�1��.r�r-�.�.^ii. '•�n�• , - -- -r,. ..<.i,•,:,�r.. -- �l� ir: .r t, f;r 'iic.•" ,E r,.,.,�.( ;`iS^-�--..�� �ir,. �t�l�:._ .�;n-:,,�p�s .-.a�:
<br /> It� Cif� •.�.� -V' S�i'-��'t��•i7!„I F , . !-.��:::c,w.�•;.'�_.. _. r..�_._ Zy :��- .�1. ��.�F�!7'��r.,�i=::,.�.� C!6 ��S�7f.,��aa_5:��:�::�:'..�yS. o-�--�•..-- --�.�a.flc`,Y�-��j�?��;��.�-.e€:a�sf�ii�l•�li'��_ .xl•��
<br /> ":- . .
<br /> r L�1.�.S � _ i��.s: -;:4�.!��„�'�: � � ' ._=. .l.r���•o,:;.,. -�- . _ �...Yi . - ��a�t.,�,.,,i,,t,}�; �'1�,� a!p.J�!Y�c{F > � �4i 4�ere-�a�s:�tf��.ut�.,it v�-- ti1r�.. �3..,.;
<br /> tlr�F —t -� -r3 �; ,' - � ,�,r�-...,�,�n�Fi��-�'...s- — — - ._ . .._...1.�. ��M1.��7:�� - .��If�F4.�f�.--�"LSf��i� - � _ _ - _- ___
<br /> ,. �� 1,�87 „ �,� „ �� '` �;e�ft�''� '�f;��._— —_ — _ _
<br /> � �
<br /> � gp-� 10�60�
<br /> r !f�,roqui[�d mc►rlp�'ie�uranee a�a cenditinn af making thr lsssn secured hy� this Security l��strumrnt,
<br /> � &�rrower�hsll pay the premium��quirad ta ni�intain the insurance in effect until suc�i time as the requirement Po�the
<br /> insurana ter�i�+itcs ip acec►rdance vui��Borrower�and Lender's w�itten agrerment ar ap�slicable law.
<br /> 11: "I�ctioM. Lmder er it��=ent m�y m�ke reason�ble entries upan and inspcc�ions af the Preperty. Lendcr
<br /> s1ui11�ive Bartower notice�t the�ime af or prior to rn inspection specitying re�sonable cause far�he inspectinn.
<br /> !. Goir�ie�tlo�. The proceeds oP�tny an�rd or claim for damages,direct ur cflnsequrntial,i�co�nection with
<br /> any condemnation a���ther tiking ofiny part of ihe Property, or far conveyance in liea�oi condemnation,arr hereby
<br /> � usi�nad�nd shall be p�id ta L.tnder.
<br /> ; !n the evrn3 of a total takina of the P�operty. the praceed�shall t+e applied to thc sums secured by this Security
<br /> � Instrument,whother or not then due.wilh any eacess paid to Barrov►er. In the e��ent i�f a partial taking oP the Propeny.
<br /> , , unfess Bonawer and l.rnder c�therv�ise a�ree in K ritin�.the sums sc�:uerd by�his Sccurity instrument shall be reduced by
<br /> � the amount of the praceeds multiplied by the faltawin�t fnction:(�)the tatal amount nf the sums secured immediately
<br /> t�efore the takina�divided bJ;(b)the fair markd value of the Ptopcny immediately lxforc thc taking.Any balance shall be
<br /> p+�id to 8orrower.
<br /> If the Property is�bandoned by 8arraM�er.or if. after noticc b� l.endcr to&�rraw•er tb�t�k.e ca�demnor oRct�s tc�
<br /> t maice�n award o�settk a claim tar d�mates,Bnrr�w•er fsils to�apond to Lender within�0 davvu€trr�hc date thc noticc�fi
<br /> . pvrn,L,endes i�authotiied ta calkct and apply�hc proceeds,at ets optiao,either ta restaratiun.�r rc�+ait af the Pro�eny or
<br /> � to the sums socured by this Seeurity Irestrumrnt.whether nr nat then due.
<br /> ! Unkss l.rnder and Boira�►•et atherwise pgra in wnting,any applicatwn c�f proceeds to principal shall not eatend or
<br /> pnstpone the due date of eh�monthly pa�mentx rete�red ta in pan�raphs! and 2 u�change the amount�f such�y meato.
<br /> 10. Borrower Nat RekrN; Fotbe��e 8y I,�de� Not a Wafrer. Eatens�on of the time far payment ar
<br /> , modi(icatiott of'amonization of the sum� secure� by thi� Securiier I�strument granted bv Lender ta any successor in
<br /> ' interest c►tBottawer shall nat operate ta rekase the lubiltity c�f�he origin�l HarntiMer or Fb�rn�w�r'o successc�n in intere.ct.
<br /> Lender shall t�at be requirtd to cnmmence proeeedin�s�ga�n�t any succescor m mterGS► or refuse tc► exlenc! time far
<br /> payt�mt cxotherwix mndify amortizat:on af Iht sums sc:.ured hy thic Secur�ty inct�umcnt hy rrAx�n c�f�ny dcmrnd made
<br /> , by the ori�inal Ebrcon�er or Bu�rower's sikcetsors�n interest.Any fnrl+rarrner b��l.endrr�n c�erc�s��R any nght or remedy
<br /> shall not be�waiver nf nr prcclude the exercn�e of any ngh�or remed} •
<br /> 11• S�ewers a�i A�Ips BoM�/;Jolnt a�i Sear�1 I.i�bility;Cwu�ers. The c�.��enantc and agrezments uf
<br /> this Security Instrumrn!shsll bind and hertefit Ihe succes..�and assians nf i_ender��d&�rrow•t�,�ubJect to�he provicianc
<br /> of panar�ph 17 8otrower's cc�venants an�a�treements�haf1�e��at�nd u�enl Any Horrow�er whn cc►_s�gns�his�ccurity _ .
<br /> — _ -
<br /> , mscromirtr euc vtxs R�ex�ult tne Nc,ee: (��is c��si�ni�g fbic�d�fy Instrument o�ly tc�me�rtRege,grsnt gad ctun•ty ' -,
<br /> that Bonower s intrrc�t�r�the Proneny under Ihe�erms uf th�s Srrurct� I�ititrurtaem;lts)ic nat perconally obhgated ta��y � ""`
<br /> the sums secured!+y this 5ecunty Insuumcnt;�nd(c)agr�es thal l,cndcr and.+n} c�ther Hc�rrc�NCr ma} agree to eatend. '
<br /> mc�dify, fart►rsr ar make sny accommodauons w�th regard t�+Ihe trrm�c�f thic Sn:ur�t} Instrumcnt ��r�he hute w�thout
<br /> that Aorrawer'sconsem.
<br /> 12. l�CMar�Nr. If thc toan stcured hy th��Srcunly In.t►t�rnrnt i«uh}c�t u�a law w�h�ch scts max�mum!�n �
<br /> chataes. �od that tawT i� flnally �nterpreted sc� th�t the �ntere�t nr other lo�n chasRcs c�dtrctn! �r t�. he colltctecf in
<br /> � eemneCticxf with the 1i�n exeeM Ihe pefmNted I�mtts. then� ty) nny tiuch l�+an charge shalt he rcducM by the amount
<br /> t�casaty to reduce t�e chu��to Ihe�+erm�ttcd hn�q;arcd Ib)an�•suma alrcady�ullrcted from Ha�rrciwcr wh�ch e�ceeded
<br /> permitted limits will be refunded tn Norrower. Lender ma. chnu�r tc�make th��refund by reduc�ng Ihr pnne�pal awed
<br /> under the Note or by makmA�direct paymeRt ta N�rrnwrr If a rcfund recluces pcincip:�l.�he rrduct�cm w�ll he�re�ted as a
<br /> pania)pre�yment without any�re{�ayrtKnt charge undcr the tirte
<br /> 13. l,e�i�l�tlow ARecti� I.e�t�'r R+�ts. If cn�r�ttunt ui ctp�rahnn ��f� ap��liceblc laws ha� the etfcct of
<br /> renderin�any�rovisic►n af�he Note or thir Sccunt} Instrumrnt uncnfruccah}e acrurdin�;tu��c temis. l.endct,ut uti antiiin, .
<br /> m�y require�mmedi�te payment ��� full uf al! �um�srcurcd hy thi+ 5c.unt} In�iruntcnt and ma} intinke a�iy tcmedirr
<br /> permitted by�►raaraph ly.If t.c�uier cxerciscs th�s optinn.l,ender shall take thc titeM ti�•�fied�n the serc�n�i�aragraph��f
<br /> pa�a��sph 1T.
<br /> l�. Notitts. Any noh�c ti�Fic�trowci pr�t��dcd ti�r in this Sc:�rtit} In�trumrnt�hall he�:��rri hy dcl��crmg u or h� ��
<br /> matlina it hy fitst class ma�l ur�lexs a�phc�hlc l�w� rc��u�rr� u�c �+f ani�thcr mcthn.i 1 hc n�+ticc.hall ht; drrcrtcd to ths
<br /> Property Address c�r any other at�dretis[3orrrw�cr.tes�gnatc�hy nut�cc tt,l.raTder A�i� i�uhrc t�►l.rtider tihall bc g��cn h}
<br /> fi�st elass m�il to I_endtr'�addr�s stated hete�r�or any c�thcr ar.tdcecti Len�lrr de���natr,h� ne�l�ce t��fiurr�+wrr Any nutice
<br /> provideciforin this�Stx:uttty Instrurncnt,halC hcdcrnccd a:h:��cheen F�+c�i a�I��rruNrr��r I.r.n.lrr whcn�nrn,�e pr�nidcd
<br /> in this paragraph.
<br /> 13. (io*traill�I.ft►:St�trabUity. Thn Srcu�it� (nctr�irt�en�•.���!!t+e kt�trrnNt! hti ICtiCf:ll I344$Sti�ltlL:I�L! Rt lFlt
<br /> )tsti�sct�..ss tts wlsi�h ilsa�'rc������a4 i�3i,,,t�t i'ri t7�r c.-ct�f th�t any prn4-tston or ci�vse �f ch�t Stcutity inctsumcnf �r thc
<br /> Note conAicts w�ih applicable law,tiuch umflict�hall ri��t a!Fcr�nthcr pr�i�i�um�of th�� Srcunt} Inssrument ��r the '`nte
<br /> w�hi�h c»n be g��ri1 etfect w�tb�ou:the cnnfliitmg�ri,�i��s:r� r{�ihs;cii�S t he�+rn�t�tc�;�,��f'Irii:+��,uris� :n.,Tniiient.cn�i tt�e
<br /> Nntc are decl:�rcd tc+�tx sccrrahlr.
<br /> 16. $o►rorrer's Cep}•. Iiurrouer tihall be gi�en�me rn�if�rmcd�c��� ��f thc+�n:e antl��f th�.Sci��sr.ti in�trumcni
<br /> #7. Transft►o!the Pro�erty or a tkneficiAl interest in liarruwer, ti ,�;; ��r ��riy �:,rt r: thc 1'r�r�c��y ��r cu��
<br /> ialcrest s:��t is sold e�r trantiferre�9�i�r if a heitcG��a1�nle�rtt in fi��rr��wer i�ti{d.f��r tran�fcr rcai ar�:1 N„l7�:HCT 1�ft�1(:�r�at�ra;
<br /> j+erst►n)withnut I.ent�tr's pri�>r +�ntten con�ent. I.rnAr.r nir�}.at ir���r►trn. rryuirc irmnc.l�ak,��.rnent ir� ful! uf a31 �un;•
<br /> cerured 1Sy th�s Src::nty Instrumcnt. 11„we.cr. ihi�i+�t�:�n�i��ll nnt hr s�cru.et7 ht 1 emirr •` �:rr►cia: ►� prs+luhttci} '�;
<br /> fe�icrai la�►a�i�f the d�tc��f thi.�cti;une► instrument ''"`� `
<br /> If L.ettder etc�ctsCti lhtv t�pt?ivt. Le�idcr�ha!!g��e Hc�rra�ucr nuti.•e„{.,..elrr,�ti,�r� f hc n,�u�c.t�eil t r,,:�:�ic a�rruKt
<br /> nfnot leti��han?Oda��irortii thrdate the nntue i,deliticred or ma;lect uilhin whi�f�k�un,«cr mu�t��,�� all.urn.,e.ured h�
<br /> tlntiSc�urityin�,trumcill IfI;t1�Tt�NCP�:lII�(t+��.l� Ilil"+PtilllllG(�ill�t Ihlflt'tii�ifdll�ttll!�E�it.(tt't1��iI.ICitLICf 11�:1� 11l����(':f'}'•
<br /> remed�e�perni�tted hv this Securtty In�u��men[t�ithout turther i���sicr or clen�an,f�•n fi.�rs�,ac�
<br /> 18. Iiorroerer's ItiKht tn iteinstatc. if�Hnrrc�HCr �ricc��ccrt.u�s �n:uitlinn�. li;�rr::arr rh:�li h,,�c rf�i�u�;ht t�: h:,.e �
<br /> enfc�tzeme��t c�f ch�,Sccunty Omtrumeijt d���:�mtu�ur,t;�t :�n��t��nr��nur t���hr�•.irlirr��f (�it�el;i�.(�.r �u�t:��thrr �,rr��4i,�� �
<br /> I t4�,�,s«.�nt� i.�a may sprc�(y t�,r re�nctatrmentl I�cf�,rr �a:c t,f tV�<• t'r��4,�rt� �,ur�u�:�� t•�.,s�� �, ,,�er� } �.�1;�••nle+nid :n �hi. �
<br /> '. tiece�niy In�uun�ent.��r Ih�e►��r► �,f a �ud��tneut rtit��r��ti€t Iht. 4:•�uril� In.tri�ntcn� I h ,�;•.,,r,.liva c:�..ur Ih et I;:,rc��«r�
<br /> (a) pa�s 1-cniftr ali �urn� Hh�:h then s��,ul�! hi��tuc w�clrr ttti� ti:iurst•. Ir,.truru��,t ,����.I sh� ti„tc h.�it s��� ��.rlcr,�ti�m y�
<br /> ��:curr�d, �h) e.tire� ,my det;lttl ��f ariy ��th��r �u� �i.�utr ,�r ��,rrrrrner.i� �, ,. ; � �
<br /> � e � � il� �l �•�;�:t,.�. ..�.!�rtc'cJ ;•� r���� t,iu�' Ih�� ���
<br /> Seiunit I�i�tr�ii��cnt. in�lutiin�;. hat n�+t I�nnicd t�:, ic.��.�riahlc .i�t•,rnc« tcr� ,ite�l ��I� •.�4c� �•�,h .c��i:�,. .�� ( :i.,la� rn.��
<br /> �tJtiS�IC:t��) it;l�lll[C ��� .{��IITt' t�l:l� 1fIC Slffl �t�1�11♦ �i'�Ufi�} �I!'.((Ui11C111. ( Cf1:3Cf � IIF'FI�� It, Ili. ]'1� �•• !�� cli�� �{.,r�. µ�� �
<br /> U�l�l[!�f11i�I1 1tt F�J� IfIC �IllSl� �:'.Iltl'l1 �9y 1�11� `C.l1f1I� �f��If�tlLi-iil •.�I_Ill .••t�hlit�: tll�� I'.eh,'� v � (. ti I n � ,t. �i , . •
<br /> I{(�I'1'Ul►Cf. lI11AtiC�lft11� ��1�111+111:�11.1I1�� 1�1P��h�IF,'.Itl•-����!�Utc•t �i:•.-I.,. ��. .I� t��rit'�i' .�i. �. .� ti.; n., t +. . �,' ' ."� .,r�.'..�
<br /> �qf Ultt-t: ����53�'�,I.lfllh tf('�tI t��ri"Ii�1Jtt'�h:f�{L�.t �F,���, ir, �lil ..r ., r.. � � �*„ �. .i��.�� i , .• �.�r �-1., ' . � _ .
<br /> .�..�
<br />