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<br /> UNIFt)RMCUVIN.+1N1� Rc�rroWer�ndl.enderco��rnAntnndaFrcc�►+li�lf����. �O� �O�"O�
<br /> . 1. 1'ayne�t ot t'ttACi�al��1 Iritere�t;Prept�ya�ent�nd L�ts Chatges. 8urruNrr shnll prumptl} 4�aa wl�cn d�.�r
<br /> Ihe principal of�nd interest on the debt ovidenec�cl by thr tiate and any�irrp9xme���n��d latc chnrges dur u�cir��he Nr�tr.
<br /> s, r�ivr"ii:e�iaa'ir�uraace: 'suojerz m apptieai�te iaR°at ro a a-ritten a-�n�er t+�l.ende�,tk�naA��r�fiatt pay
<br /> � tn i.ender on the d�y m��n�hly p�ymcnta�r�due under�h�No�c,u�uil�he N��Ir i5���aid in full,a sum("Fund.r")cqual tu
<br /> os�c�tvaet4th o!: (�) y�exct} taxr*. anc3 acscsctnrnts whiclo msy a�iain preority cncr this Sr�urH� I��Erumefii: (bl }rarly
<br /> ksxhab p�►yment� or �r�una rents nn tloe Prope��y, if Any; (c) yearly hara�d i�i�ii�a�cc premiums; s�nd (d) �•carl9
<br /> � moctpjt inyunncr pretriiums,if any. Tltiese ieems are cailed•'escrow itcros." 4endrr may e�t�mate the Fund�due un thc
<br /> � buis oicuttrnt data and teasonable atim�►tes of futurc escrow�items.
<br /> The Fund:sfuoll be held in en institutian the deposits or acc�unis oiw�hich arr insurrd�r guaranteed by A federAt or
<br /> state yency(includin=Lender if Lcnile�is such an inslitution). Lender shal! apply the �'unds to pay the es�row items.
<br /> � l.enckr may nM cluir�e for haldin�snd applyin�the Funds,analyzing the accRUnt ar�erifying the e.;craw items,unlrss
<br /> � ; l.rnder puys BcxroNer ieterest on the Funds and applic�bk taw permits 4ender ro m�ke such a char6e. Bc�rrow•cr and
<br /> L,eader n�y a�tee in writin� that interat shall be p�id an the Funds. Unless an ag�ecment is made ar �pplicable law
<br /> : roquires inte�esl ta be p�id,Lender sF�all not be required tu pa�•Borrow•er 3ny�interest or earnings on the Fund�. Lertder
<br /> sha1)pve to 8onower,rvithout eharge,an annual secounting af'the F'unds shaw•ing credits and debitc to the Funds and�he
<br /> � put{w�e for which e�ch Aebit ta the Funds K�as made.The Fund�are pledged as additional securi�y for the cumc iecured h��
<br /> . this Security lnstrument.
<br /> If the amtwnt of the Funds held by Lendcr, togGthet with the future monthly payments oP Fundc�ayable prior to
<br /> � the due data oithe esc�ow items,shall eaceed the Amount requirai to pay�he escrow�items whcn duc,the excesc shall be,
<br /> �t Hcmo�ver's c�tion.tithor promptly rtpaid to Borrower or credited t�� Horr�w�er on monthl�paymen�s of hund�. If the
<br /> • . �mount oithe Fundf heki by Lende�is not sufficicn� to pay the eccrow itrms N•hen duc,Borrowcr shal!pay to Lcndcr any
<br /> ; amount nec�ssaryr to make up the deficiency in ane��r mnre pay�mentc av reyuued h��l.endc�`.
<br /> � Upon pwynxm in fu11 of all cumc secured by this Sc�curity Instrumcnt, Lender chall promptl�• refund to BarroM•er
<br /> . any Funds heM by l.endr�. IPunder�ana��ph 1Q�hc 1'ropcn}� ic sc�l�i or acqui�ecl hy� l.endc�,Lcader shali apply,n�I�te� �
<br /> � th�n immedi�tely prior ta the sale of the Propeny or i�s acqu�S�uon by!_ender,a�y f'unds hcld h� Lcnder a1 thc t�me of
<br /> •ppticatian ss x oredit��ainst the sumc cecu�ed by�h�c Scrunt}Inctrumrnt.
<br /> 3. A�lialioe of ihywt�h. Unlec�apph:able Is�w p•o�•idtv ntherw•�,c,all �aymentc rer��tieci by l.ender undei
<br /> . parajrsphs 1 and 2 sh�ll be�pplied:fit�t,to late chargec due undcr the N�.te,cccond,tr prepaymcnt chatges due undu the
<br /> Nc�tr;IRird.to rmounts{+ayable under paragra�+h?;f„urth.tu�ntere�t due,and laet,l�pnnL�pal due
<br /> , �. Cl�rr�ea;I.ie�s. Hc�rrower�hall�►ay�all ta�e�, acce,�ments,chargeE, finee dnci �m�xic�tiom attnhut;�hle to the
<br /> . Property which m�y attain priorit}� o�er �h�� Secunty lnatrument, and leacehuld paymrntc ��r ground rentc, if uny ,
<br /> l�nrrnwer shall�►ay Ihesr ot�bgat�onc�u�hr manner�+z�cided in parugraph 2.��r�f nnt paid m tha�manner, li��rrc�wer shAll
<br /> pay them�►n linne dircrll�•ti�thc perxm iiwrd paym�nl. Ekurc►w�t�haU p�i+mptl� furnnh to Lender all not�c�w uf am��intc
<br /> t�bc�aid under�hi��raa�aph. If�ir�N�c�mnkc�thc�c n�mc��ts ducttl�.Hurrnwcr st�all�romQUr furn�h ta Lendrr
<br /> _ --__ :c�ei�sseY:desecin�t'hr pa�ttunt�.. - - - - -- ,
<br /> Ho�toK�cr�hall ptomptly ctiu;hargt any hcn whicin ha�rr►or�ty u�cr�hi�G:eunt� in�trunu��t unlc�c 13��rrower.(�) .� �
<br /> . a�rees�n wrilin6 to the E+uxment of the„hlrg�ncro sccured h�thr lun�n c►man�ier accc�►tahic tn l.cnder,!h)c.�ntcs�c m g�x�d � ' :-
<br /> faith Iht I�en by,e+r ckferestx Agx�n�t rnfurcrmrnt uf the l�r.0���.tega!rri�eecden�rc v�h►ch ut thc 1_enuer'c upmton oprrate to �•
<br /> prevent the enfarcrmrnt oP the I�en�ir fort��turr ol sny�paz���f the 1'm�rrty,or tel se�ure�frnm the hn►drr��f'the lirn an
<br /> a�reentrat ssS:afACtory ta l.endtt�ul�cl:�ltnxt�nF thc ltrn ta tA�ti tierur�ty I:ss�rua�r»t !C lx;�d�r dcterm�n�c that in}�ati�tif -
<br /> the Ptopetty �suh�t tn s Iten which m���att�►n �tinruy c��cs ;Icr.� �:runt} In.trumcns, Lcndrr ma��g��c F�ur��Ker a �
<br /> nalice�dentifyin�t ehr I�en.Eior�owrt�hall s�h�1'y the hcn c�r talr�mc t�r r_�ure uf tltie;�c•t�an�cet fi�nh at+���e wnh�n t0�ia�� � Y�
<br /> of the�vin�uf noticc. ��
<br /> S. Ha�rd I�w�a�et, fiorrs�wer chall ker,r the�rnrra�t•mems nz�w exi�t�nF.�r h�re.�ftrr crecleA un Ihe�'rnperty
<br /> � tnsured sgainxt 1os�by�Cre,hatar.ia�iul�xiccl x uhin the icrm"ca�cudrei c�>rcr�gc"anc!an} ��thcr h:�rard�(«r whtch I.c��dcr
<br /> feqwres msursnce. TMti insuran�e R�all hr ma�rit:��ned m thr ,tim�imt� an�f t��r �he pe•n�xf� that t ender reyuirc� i'he
<br /> , msu�anct�arncr provuiing thc rns�erancc�hall he�huccn hy I�rrr��Mrr �uh�c�� t�� !end�r'�apprn�al wh�ch �hall �Rr1 t+r
<br /> unreaanrwbl�w��thhctd. �
<br /> Ail �nsurancc �xti�cicg and rerirv►ah.hal!tnc �.Yrptahle a� i.c°i�drr and �,haU u��ludc a �tand�rl mc�rtgage clauK
<br /> I.ender shall ha�c the nght to hi�ld tttr�vlictcl9t�d renewal. !f l endcr rcqu�rcw. li��rr��w�r�hall pn�mptly g►�e h>Lriidcr
<br /> ati rece�pts nf g+aid premiums;�nc!rtnev►al mti�icrr (n the c�ent�.��li�ti�. !i�•rrrwcr�hall �nt pr�trnpt nc>t��t tn the�r.s�^tentc s
<br /> � catricr And lxnder.lxndrr m•r�•makc prirf nf toas tf nnt madc�rnm�tl}h} 13��fc.�NCt
<br /> Unlesc I,cnder and[i�ur��wrr c��herN•i�e•rKrrr�n H ntu�F, in�urancc �+nkcc�i�tih.�ti hc a��tird t��pe:trratit�n��t rs•pa�r
<br /> i+f the 1'rop�erty elamaged,if thr resti�t�t�un or rc�a�r �ti ctnrnmu.alh fr,►��h;c:auc! (enuec �u-�on�} ��rn�1 te.�cnrd if thc
<br /> �CSIOCY�II�ti l't (Cj1iUC U ItUI lti�►11�J71114:11IY fCaSlCl�t 11S LCI1aSCt��tiC�l1f1L\ HitLlt�fiC �l'«Ctth�. fI:C i[t�!lF./I1lC�1i/k'CCllt 4I:�iJI(M,'
<br /> ap�lutit tu the�um�sc.:used h} th�+Sh:ure�} I�aStrumcnt. +�hcther,�r n��t tt�rn �lur, v►ith �+ny rK.c�ti r:�i�f t,,14��rr,�urr ff
<br /> Hc►tr��wcr aM�:�dt�n�thr!'roprrt�.rr�i'�at�ni�t an�wet w��hu< it)d:��� a n:�u;e ftc�rn 1 rni2cr t�st �hc i�i�uraauc�•ar��er hac
<br /> ��Cftd!a�rttic s cla:t::.:�':�:!�.C:4i�C!Ri:i}C:���^'c!T�SC st:tUf�1tiCi�t{1:,:Ci'v� ;.•;':'�•a=F t?'idi j�t+C t}]F.�F.ti:tEi'+iti�f_�'�4C:•r fc��t)E_
<br /> shc Pmpert��,r to psy c,;;rtti u:ur,.I h} rh�����E�iti In�trunict�t, w?iNh.t;s rc�c �h,:��dur Thr ?C►,Jati �:•ruK.i «�11 heg�n
<br /> whcn thc notice��k���ct� �
<br /> L'nl���lrt►tlrr artd[ic�tri.wrr.:if:cr��tic.,F�«�„N��t����..,►« .,rri�,.�tum��f prr,.c•�ti:,a��9nu�r�e.�t�htsll n�•�e•.::nd��s
<br />� postpr�su�hc�;ue Aatc rf�hc m��ci�hly ��,�}mc�i��:tcfrrrc�!t��in�+:�tagr:sph� i :�n��,�r�h:►uE:r the:,nu�ur�t rf�hc�+�}:r.cntti If
<br /> , unc!rr raragruph !y�Ite Pm�xr�� �r acq«irc�!h� Lsn�irr, Eit+rrr��c�'v r3Kht t��an� �i�tiur,ti;�c �x�licis:�.ir„3�+��•c;ce.f+rc.ult�n�;
<br /> from damage toti�e Wrnr+rrt}i�ri��r t���he acqui<:tc.�n.h:dl(�.t�r t.�1 r:t�tc► 'r+�tr retc��! .�f the�urnti,r_�_rc�f h� tiii�5crunl�
<br /> �nsltutnefit�tt�rnrdi�trly pr�nr Ir thr a.yt►�ti�;u,i�
<br /> 6. �'�e�er���tion�nd�tYinte��r+�c�of f�'roprvly;I�caWrhate�. tt��s r���c� �h�l! t:,��ilr,tr��ti.�i.�m.,�:c��r tiuh,t,,nt�.�lt.
<br /> ciiange Ihc F'�uprrt�•. all�,a tl�c Pm��crt� t�, dcccr�,•r.�te ��r ,,��rnrnit ��a,tc if i1ii+ �c�u��r� l��•truix:c��t �, ��n a tr.��ch��l��.
<br /> E3irrruwcr chall cem��+!}���:tl�tttc�+r���r�tr��t��f tftc lr.t4.•,and tl lii��r.�u rr.i..{,..�•r�fc��itt: t�� tl,c!'r,���rr::.Ih,•Ir.�•.,�h+�ltii.�:�c! •-•- _-- ---
<br /> !rc tnle shali u�t n�erge U�:Ic,�1 e�►dcr a►tec�t�+thc r�zerger���«i�UnE�
<br /> '1. P�otec�tion v! I.cndcr'c RiKhts in 1he i'ropert�; �tort{;a�;e Incu�enee. If H•.rr, ��c� rs�!� t�� {�:ri�.rr�c ihc
<br /> cn�ec�anl��xr,�1���cement�cvnt:nru�.)u�tfi�.l�.i�nh it�.Itunic•nt nr�i�rrr •ti.t {�,�.i1 ��r:.,.�.i�n�r ri�.�t rr�.:� �iF1F�f�:.uiUti .�r3c.t
<br /> �.Cp:�et�S ltf$�11�111 i�1P ��tU�Mt71 i��:i11 .i� d �'IE*tl'i+iing sr� �+s�fl.ru��i:.4. �'_s�h.it:•. !-.•r .. ::.!�anr:.:!:::e� .•r 'u;•:�fi�lt: �.itt� a ! �
<br /> rcFulaltt�tttil.thcr�[cudr► m.�r �t.�.�nc3��.1\ }I�TY�11JI4'1;:ri.ut•.c.•..�:y t�•j�n�t�,t �1;: ti.�i.;:•.•�:`t•�•!'i� ��;�t� .�r:.t ! en�;cr �r,t�ht�
<br /> in lhc Pt�+�cri� 1-cudct'�a�tt�,r�. n�:�� ni�luilr �.i��s�u ,�n. .utr�. �c�.�rr�t ��� .� i!:r� .til,�,t h.,. ��.r�• t�'� �,�:r tht, ti:,•,t�i� p�
<br /> � �t1tiR�ulztCtst.aj'�}?E'.itlll�;)II ll�lltl. ('.1\Itlt: !t',�<<�u.�Flr.,tf:�:tic�,'!r•:,.ir�l i�nt. s�+.�•�-•, !6c I't•�t•.r�� t. i�..,i.� .r� ,ir. �;th .u,•t: •
<br /> !e��ticr�n.ly fc��c:�:l�rn i����tr•r �ht,��.i�.�t•r,s��1: '. 1 cii�tc�r d<<;.n�,t I�.��r <<��1 , � ��
<br /> •1�i� ��t�t��tai�t�u:�t,�i�,c•iiht I c�e�t�ter iii,�ict �in.4�,.u.iat.!��h -,I .SfI I4'. 11...,.�.'.t!i�•5:.�{.i-.!.� . t ti �rt.•.�ri .�. .u�.� ���. �!., '�.'t
<br /> '�r:u��to In5l�unu•nt !.nic•,�IL•Ti��urr ,u�,E l ���.5��� .�p•�ci"� �.�h, : ccn:,.�! ;��.,� � • . .. . , , �, .• ��.�, �_-� � ,1: ct)
<br /> fhr �l.�Ie ��f iA�h�er�:'�t��'tiS ��t Ih� 1� i� t.�h .�� �1 �h.��i Iti ( i._:�•'•• .� ;1� .�: � � , � � . '�, � ,'I ��..I • • �t � ,.�.+ ��'�
<br /> ric�tic•,1n���(+.��fu���ii .
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