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<br /> � � lf Lsnder reqoir�d mart�a�e insurutce as a condition of mi�in6 tht loan secured by tAis Serurity Inslrument.
<br /> Bonower shall pay the premiums required to rnaintain 1he isnsurance in effect unti!such time as the rcquircment fo�the
<br /> insunncc terminata in accordance with Horrower's snd Lender's�vrinen sarammt ar applicable t�w.
<br /> •. l�pietio�. Lender or its atent msy mske reaonabk entries upon and iaspections oi the�roperty. Lender
<br /> thal)�ivc Borro�er aotice at the time Mor prior to an inspecti�n apocifying rcasoo�ble caux for the inspection.
<br /> f. Cv�i��tio�. Tlllt PfOC!!df OP itly a�ard or claim far dsmsEes,direct or cansequential,in cannootion with
<br /> �ny condemnstion or othe� t�kin�of any part af itt�Ptopaty,ar for com•eyance in lieu of condemnstion,�re hereby
<br /> auisned anci shall be paid to L�kr.
<br /> f�the eva�t oi'a tasl ulcinj of the Property. the prQCeeds�hall be spplied to the sums secuted�y this Security
<br /> lnstrumet�t. Mhether or not then due.Mith�ny excas paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial t�kinj oi the Ptoperty.
<br /> uele�Bor�o�ver and Lender oshetwise a�rce in�rritin�,the sums secured by th�s Security Instrument shall be reduced by
<br /> the anwunt of the ptoceeds multiptied by the folloxin�fnction: (�)the tot�l amount of the sum�secured immedistely
<br /> before ti�e talcin�.dividod by(b)�he[air market value of the Property immedistely before the takina.Any balance shall be
<br /> p�id to Horcawer.
<br /> lf the Property is ab*nd�d by Borrower,or if,aEter notice by l.ender to 8orrower that the cor►detnnor olfers to
<br /> make an aMard or attk a claim fur dam�aes.BorroMer�'ufs to rcspc�nd to l.endet w�athm 30 days after the date the not�cr is
<br /> • =ivtn,l�ender is autlarized to collrct and�pply the procaeds.st its option.eilher to Fcstorat�on a��epair of the Property or
<br /> to the tum�securod!+y ihis Socunty in�trurnrnt.whethe�ar nat then due.
<br /> Unku l.rnder and BonoMer aherwise��ra in wn�ina,�n}•a�►plica�ion of proceeds ta6►cincipal ahall not e�tmd or
<br /> poupone the due date of the monthly paymrnts referced to in p�r��r�phs 1�nd 2 er chan6e the amount of wch psyments.
<br /> 10. Borro+nr Not Reka�N; Forrsars�ee 8r f.enier Noe. wal•rr. Eatens�on af the time f�� paymrnt or
<br /> madi6cation of amoniution of the sums secured by thu Security I�strument 6nnted by Lender to anv successor in
<br /> inter�at o�Borrower thalt not oper�te to rekax the lialvl�ty of the on�ma!Borro�er or Borrower'�succtssors�n interpt.
<br /> I�ender sh�ll not be required to cammence proceed�np aaainst �ay succacc�r in �ntetest or refuse to�atend time for
<br /> p�ymmt o�otherw�ise madify�mvrtiaation of the sums secured by�hi�Securny 1 ns�rumeo�bv reason of sny demsnd made
<br /> by the oriltinal HorroMrer or Borraw�er's succason�n interas. Any forbeuance by Lender en exerc�sin�anp ri6ht or remedy
<br /> sh�1k�tot be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any rijht ur remedy.
<br /> ll. Srccwon�AMip�8ow/;Joi�t�M Serenl UaMBty;(:o�slpcn. The cc�+en�nt��nd aarerments of
<br /> this Security Instrumrnt ahall bind and benelh the successo�e and u.s,6na af Lcnder�ne Borrow�er.sub�ect tu the prov�swns
<br /> of p�r�ntph 17.8orro�vet's covGnants and a�roements shall be}omt md se��eral Any Horrower who ccwsiins this Se�urity
<br /> Instru�netst but doa not atcute the Nase: (a!�s ccz-seEning this Secanty lnsarusrrnt anly ta mortgsgr,=e�nt aad coavey
<br /> that 9orra+rer's inttrest in the Property under thc tcrms of this Socurity tnstrumrnt:(b1�s not perwnaliy oat�gsted ta p�y .
<br /> the sums sa:ured by t�his Secunty Instrumem;and Ic!agrees th�t Lender and any ather Banaw�er m�y a��a t�extend. '-'
<br /> modify.forbesr or make�ny accommc�datans wuh re��rd to the term�of'th�s Secunty lnstrument or the Note w�thout
<br /> that�orrowtr's canxnt. „
<br /> 12. LoM(�r�a. If the laan secured b�th�s Secunty lnstrument�s subJe+ct to a!aw v�h�ch s�tx enuimum Iwn � —
<br /> chu�a. and that law �s 6nally mterpreted sa that the intereat or other Ic�an chu6a collected or ta Ge colkcted �n -_
<br /> conr�eeti�on with the (oan exreed the pennutrd I�mits, ehen ta)any such loan charge shall Me reduce+d by the amount
<br /> neeessary to reduce the char6e to the perm�tted l�mu;and(b)any sums alrady coUected from Hc►rrowet whtCh exceeded i
<br /> permitted limits wil)be refunde0 lo Bormwer. Lendct may chewse t��makr th�s refund by reducmg thc pnnc�pil ow�ed _'
<br /> under the Nae or by makin��duect psyment tc►Borrower lf a refund reduca�+nnc�pai,the redusuon will be tceated as a
<br /> partial prtp�yment without any ptepsyment ch�rge under the Nate.
<br /> 13. I,e�No� AR�etiy I.e�/er's Ridb. !f enactment ctir exp�rat�on of appl�cable la«`s has the eA'ect of
<br /> renderiea�ny ptovision of the Note or this 5erunty lns�rument unmfnrceable accordmR to it�term�,Ltnder,st its option, �
<br /> may roquire immediat�F+ayrr,rnt �n full af all sums secured by th�s Securn� Instrument and mati �ntioke any remedies
<br /> permitted by paraanph 19.If 1.ender eaerc�ses this opt�on,l.xndet sh�ll txke the�te�n sj+ecified in the ucon�paragraph of
<br /> p�n�raPh 17. . �
<br /> 1�. Notitts. Any notice to�now•er prnv�ded for�n this Se�unt� Inst�vmrnt shall tx g��en by dc�ircrmg n or by .�
<br /> muGn6 it by flrst clus mad unless appLcable law� tequues use of anothcr rnethod Th� rtaUce sh�ll tx duected tu thc
<br /> Property Address or sny othet address Borrowet des�gnata by nnt�ce tc� !cadcr Any not�ce to l.rnder Sh�lt be grvtii by
<br /> first c4ss mail to l.eadet's address stated herean or any ather address Lendu da�gn�tes by�ioticc to fiorrow rr Any no[ice
<br /> provided fmr in th�s 5ecunty lnstrument shall be detmM�o ha4�been g��er�io HnrrnKer or i.endec when g�ven us pra�idcd
<br /> in this pars�raph.
<br /> , 1S: C�je�sft►=l.�tr;fit�er�ltflity. Thas Srrunty ln�tt►�rn;nt�tia!!hr�t»•erscd h} f;��ra!!aw arid thr!aw�f'thr
<br /> juris�ie[10n in whteh tht Fro�+Cti't}tc lc�e�ted in tt�t etirnt that any ptctis�s�on��r clau�e i�! tha.�unty Instrumenl or the
<br /> Note conAicts wUh applieabfe law,such conA�ei sh�ll n�t aPf'ect other pr���iti�nt»nf eh��Sec:utity In��!sumtnt��r tht tio�e
<br /> wh�ch�an be given etfnt w�thaut the conAichng pro�xsrcn i�n thi�end thr pro��tiiom af th��Sc�uiuy lns�r ument and the
<br /> Note ure doclared ta be severalCe.
<br /> 16. Borrower's CoNy. $orto�ver shall bt Fi�en c�ne canfornteti ce,py ut the tiote and��f thic 5ecur..�y 1n5trument
<br /> ' 17. T�ansfer ot thr pro�erty or • Heneficial interest in iiortowrr. 1f ali c�t an� �art of the Nruperty <<i any
<br /> inurtst in it is sold or transferrcd(or�f a beneficial interc5t m HorroNCr�s ti��ld ur trnntifcrrrd and bcrrmuer<<not a naturat
<br /> persc�n)withaut l.ender's pncr wntten consent, Lendec may, at its upuun, rcyu�re�r�imediate p�ymeni in �ruU uf alt eums
<br /> secured by th�s Security lx�stn;ment. 3�owevcr, �h�s c*.�tc,�n shall nut tx exerci.ed f+� Lender �f e�eruse �s ptohiAited by
<br /> � federallaw es of the dbte of ih�s Secunty Insttument `"- °—=T
<br /> If L.ender exerr�ses tls�s aptivn,Le�t�i:�shall gne Bnrrourr ne�Uce cif a�crleratu�n Thr nonre ehall proti�de a peru�d
<br /> of not less than 30 dYys from the date the n.:i�cs as del��ered or mailed��th�n atu.:h k3orrc�ucr muyt pay al!�ums cecured by
<br /> this Secunry lnstrument.If Sorrower fa�ls ta pa} these Qums�nor tu ihe c.�p�ra��on�f thiti per���d. 1_cndr�may u��oke ar�y
<br /> remedta perm�tttd by th�s Secunry lnstrumcnt witho;:�4'urther noticeor demar�d nn Horruwer
<br /> 18.Bor�ower's RigAt to Rtinstate. 1f Florrov�er mcetti ccrta�n cnnd,tu�n,, 6inrrnHCr�h;,ll ha�e Ihe nFht tr� hare �
<br /> enfotcement oEthts Secunry Instrument dis.^��tttinutd at�n�•t�tne pru�r t���F�c carticr �+f 1a)� dar�(ur tiuch c��her pen��d a� �
<br /> L applicable law may specif�•f��r rrinst�temensi before cale of�he Prnperty �ursu�nt u�<�m p:�ucr �d�ale�c��uained �n this ��
<br /> Secunty Instruanent,vt(b)enlry of a�udgment enforcinR tla�ti Securny Intittumrnt 1 hrne r�mcl�n�mti arr t hat 13��nnwe�
<br /> (a) pays Lender ali s�ms wh�rh �hcn would be due under this 5ccur:ty lutitrumcnt aud the '�car had ni� nccelerauun :�
<br /> cx:CUtted, (b) cu�e� �nv default nf any other coLCnantti or agrcernents. tc� p�y, �,11 capen.c� ir�.urred +n enfr�r��n� thiti �,u�
<br /> Sttunly lnstrument, �nciuci�ng, bui nut hmitrd t��. rra�nnab3e atlntnr.�ti' lrr�. and �c1� lflkc� +u�t� �r,n��r� �;� !cndc� rr�ay �!��
<br /> rcasanably require tn a�sure that the lien c�f thi� Secur�ty Instrument. t cn�er . nrht� ��� ;he t'<<�pr+�� nr�d it��rr��urr �
<br /> obligahon ta pa� the Wtr�� �ecured hy thiti SCCUnty It�tiltutnetii �h.�ll .�mliti�:; tni.t,iuPriS � p••�- rr.r.����trmt•nI ►�y
<br /> Hnrrower.th��5e�urit} Ir��Uutnetit and Ihr i�b1iE;�tu�nti�e��rcd hcrehy �h,+ll rc•rn.e,u tull�, rflr.��.c �,.�I ��.•,��.�Irr.,[n�rf 1i,ui
<br /> (1l'CUffC(9 HO�!C�fT.lhll flg�l! f(%re�nseate shalt nur fl��I) ttt Illt'i���C���d..Cl'_'I,tI� �'�ur�ih'} [�.�t.s.:i,�(•ti. 1 �� . � '
<br /> ._�
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