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NORTMU AOEM M <br />M"• the following Ara addenda to the Mevt . Please check the <br />applicable addendum. The adden#n checked shall be Incorporated into, <br />aM recorded with the N4rtl4ga. The t9M "llertppm shall be deemed to <br />Includa •feed of with, it applicable. <br />X ACKM A <br />As 1 as the NOrtgagt is outstanding, the leidtr may declare all <br />suns seared by the Mortgage to be InWiateiy due and parable it: <br />a) all or Nrt of the prapartr it soul or otheswlse <br />trans rrad (otMr tb4an by dwisa, descent or op4ratloe of law) by <br />INIOM to a purcbaser en ether thasfarae: • <br />{i) who carnet reasonably be expected to occwpy the. <br />propartr as a principal resideeca wltbia a reasonable tier <br />after tM $ale or transfer, 411 as provided in Section 143(c) <br />and 1430)(2)�of the Internal Mason" Cede of 1906, as <br />ammWedi or <br />(ii) who has hod a present ownership interest in a <br />Intif:c /pal residence during any part of the three year period <br />easing on the dote of the sale or transfer, all as provided in <br />Section 143(d) and,143(i)(2) of the Internal Nov~ Coda <br />(except ti t;. the 1409"r "100 percent' shall be substituted <br />attaw- d9slperco t or sera where the latter appears in Section <br />(111) •at an UVItsitiorn cost which is greater than <br />90% of the average area se price (greater than 110% for <br />"tIld �m T"Ift s .�4,1��v�iin Section 143(a) or <br />(ir) whoAas am income in excess of that astablished <br />by the-Nebraska lwmtmnt FintaoeArthority under its <br />applfcam <br />0 regulations or program geidelimes in effect on -the ' <br />date of the sale or transfers or <br />- (b) Borrower fails to oeeupy the property described in the <br />Mortgage without lender's prior written consent; or <br />(c) Borrower omits or misrepresents a eateriai fact in man <br />application for the Mortgage. <br />References are to the Internal Rwenun Code in effect on the date <br />Of execution of the mortgage wA am deemed to include the. Implementing <br />VA MORTBAK AWVKMRI <br />If, so long as the Is setstanding, all or amy part of, the property ciosssat other than Borrower without Lender prfOr' <br />transfer by devise, descent ;Sr o <br />.operation Of law, the'Lander any, at lender's option, declare a1.1:• the <br />secured by the Nraitgage to be iwediatoly due and payable. "+{ <br />january 3. 1989 <br />vats <br />Frances E. I e fel *.�. <br />'n. <br />State of Nebraska <br />County of H� a� <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before no this Ird day <br />of AJ <br />y Ii aw T`Y• i , by FE df <br />_n es E. Nieelt. <br />ass +pr It and no r a seas at r a county, <br />the date aforesaid. <br />rYOaaui fao Aq, li lll2 Notary Public -_- <br />NIFA 1906 Series 9 <br />