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r <br />e9- 10005 <br />Rider to Mortgage /Deed of Trust <br />This rider supplements and amends the Mortgage /Deed of Trust of even date <br />herewith by and between Home Federal Savings and loan Association of Grand <br />Island as Mortgage /Beneficiary and <br />and <br />husband and wife, and Frances E. <br />Niedfelt a single person, and , a single <br />person as Pbrtgagors /Grantors, and this rider is incorporated in and by re- <br />ference made a part of the aforesaid Mortgage /geed of Trust, as follows: <br />The Mortgagee shall, with the prior approval of the Federal <br />Housing Commissioner, or his designee, declare all sums se- <br />cured by this mortgage to be immediately due and payable if <br />all or part of the property is sold or otherwise transferred' <br />(other than by devise, descent or operation of law) by the <br />mortgagor, pursuant to a contract of sale executed not later <br />than-12 months after the date on <br />,which the mortgage is en- <br />dorsed for insurance to a purchaser whose credit has not been <br />approved in accordance with the requirements of the commissioner. <br />In witness whereof, Mortgagars /Grantors have executed this rider this j <br />3rd Day of January 19 <br />January 3. 1989 <br />DATE rances L. lViedrelt <br />DATE <br />