---- - � �� - . -- _-. -- . , . I ' . , � , - _ ; . �
<br /> " • , . � , .
<br /> � , � � � � 90-�.Q�34�� . _ � � .
<br /> rroN u�o�t cov�tRt�n�.Bomo�rana r.eaaa cwtir,a�a+►a�,nt.e�.�u eouo�vs: � � � � . `
<br /> , ' i!. Aeo�i�r�ti�A�iwi.YrwMr i�! �ire �e�ilee ta BarrowK�to�oef�tio�[dbwt�liaerowe�'s � ,
<br /> i�etia[aqeasMrtera/n�t IadilfS�e�iq►1astr�ttistrot�r[o�toao�daatta��du Mrs�ra�13 a�i 19 . .
<br /> � . �iiw a�1Te�i1s hw/eo�ali�ewi�e).1tie aotke�irli arci(�s(v ttie aefad�(b)tlre��cbi�at eq�hed to c�a+e tt�e , � \
<br /> , i�Gt)s�iot i�r t�r 30�lFo�t�e iNt tie�tke b�Ma to Borro+iar.tiY w�t�e defi�l�r.�r�t be cve$
<br /> � � ��1 tli�t�ta t�lie��t��fare t!e�e q�e�I�Nit wtice�qr raait i��cekrat,i6e of Hre sss • .� ` .
<br /> �'r b��1�f,L�trw�Mrt a�i�le d�le P�eet�Tl�e�otke�WI ilrt�er iitora Barr4Ra�tir�ri�t W 4 .. �
<br /> . , ni�Ma�ic�S�s�tk M�t 1Ds irt�a o�t aetie�to�wert tl�e a�d�a�ce at a dehrlt nc a�p otliee . �
<br /> , � irtw�e ot�w�t��a■i�If dit�t is�ot�1 w or tie[orc tt�e da+tc sp�cFfiei i�t�e�atke.Le�ier �
<br /> � � ��M���4 i��s i■�iiNe��e■t i li�it at��rs sec�n!iy tid�Seerjt�►.Lwtr�t.wldioul:f�d�a ' . �- ' •
<br /> � , ��ii�.iwt!fr!rll��[�1!aW Mt alie���ittei y�c�ie jlw I.l�Ie!�si1 b!qtttki t0 ' •
<br /> . � aMet a�al�s ittrrei i�/■i��0e e�i4s�raTli�i it ti3�t 1�ra��i I1.i�ehii�. i�it�ot liwftei ta, � ` '
<br /> , � rw�rYratt�esq�tiwaia�Is�Etkleetiilr■e� � .. ' �
<br /> � � If tl�e/�we�al a41s���icei,Tr�t�e i�il re�i i aatice ot�k�a�ooAt�b wl�ict uy Mtt ot tl� � ` .
<br /> • Pre�is leealed a�d�!du11 co�tes ots�ri�o�ct ia d�e a�er�cesc�iiei 6y�i�aije ian to Horru�er srt to tlwe �
<br /> � ��K�'�#�'��tiT�hw.Atte�tie!�e�trM h�!!�Isw,Trrtea siaU�a�ilie foticc�.a� . �
<br /> ; a�it b tie/er�s a■i L�t�e a�wer�ei�q�lialle law.Trdte�wiHo�t dea�i aw Boerowa,s1aiD seU tl�e
<br /> � _ �IeKY�tl�itic yctfoR to tl�t�t Niier at tl�use a��la¢e�i ti�ies tie ter�s ia�t�N f�tlie iot�a�sale it .
<br /> ` � . . �a or�re�eeels a�i i�o�ies ZrMee rel�iw.Trwtee�a��o�o�e sak otatl ar�ay p�rcel o[rie Pro�erty by � . �
<br /> . � , , . � �ta�w�■�se�t aR tie tb�e aM�4ee ot aa�1�e�toM17 sel�eidei�ak.I�e�ier br its dedpee�y�t�e :
<br /> . - U��c�eeei�t ot�a�t ot tie R�oe 1�1.Ti■�he dull�elirer to t�e Nn�t�urx Tra�eds aeed cosn�ia�t6e � � .
<br /> � ; � Pro�ertl.'�e redhl�i�tie Tr�tee's deea�MII 6e�rs iscie ertda�ce af.tlk tnt�ot t�e statemests a�aie tlkreia. . .
<br /> . ! TrMtee�iall sNiy tl�e�rooes�e ottit Mle is t�e fdlowLS aier;ts3 to�Il�of tlre sale,iaci�iia&�it nat ltmited .:. . .
<br /> ._ -. ! 1�3'r�te�s�ka as pa�itt�a!bT�t�6h hw�d rea�o�k Ytt4raaya'fee�(b�to aIt w�s sasc�i+id by tHis Sec�rltg.. :.- _
<br /> ' L�a�od(c)a�y exatato tk fer�os oe�enoas kplly ptitkd to i� � .
<br /> � �0.I�e�is Pa�tio�.Upoa acceleration under p�aas�aph 1�or abandonment of the Property, I�er,('u� ' '
<br /> , , prerson,by agent or by judicislly appointed.receiver)shall be eatitted to enter upoa,talce posses,�ion of and manage the � -
<br /> � �perty sad to collect the rents of the Propertyr iuclndir�g those pa�t du��ny rcnts coltected bg Lender or the receiver •
<br /> ! si�all be appliad first w payment_i�f the ca�ts of managemeat of tl�e Fraperty and collection of rents.including,but not ' , �
<br /> • tiinited W,raxiver's fas,premiums on receiver's honds and reasonable attorn�ys'fas,and then to the sums secured by
<br /> . . . thisSecurityI�strumen� , .
<br /> . ; 2y.R�eo��eyaace.Upon pay�tnent�tf all stims securod by this Security Instromeat,Lender shall request Trustee to ;.:
<br /> • - � raaosveq tl�e Property snd shall surrrnder tlus Security Insuument and all notes evidcncing debt secused by thi.5 Securitq
<br /> In rument to Ttustea Trustee shall rocanvey tlte Property without warraraty atid without charge to the person or persons �
<br /> ` k�UY enritled to it:Sucb person or persons sball pay any recordation costs. t :.._;
<br /> � M.Sibrtltate Tra�e.I,euder,at its opnon,may from tune to time remove Trusta and appoint a successor trustet ' ��
<br /> w�ny Trustee sppcfinted hereunder by an instrumtni recordod'm the eounty in which this Security Instrument is recorded.
<br /> Withont conveyanee of the Property,the succ�ssor trusta shall succeed to all the titte,power and dufies confened upon
<br /> � Trusta herein and by applicable 1aM. .
<br /> . � 23.Re+4oat tor Notiai.Baaowcr requeats that copies of tbe nouc�e:s af defantt and sale be sent to Borrower's -
<br /> ; sddress aMch is the Property Address. � �
<br /> ' 1A.Aiderf to t�ii Saarttq INStromen�If one or more riders are eaecuted by Horroaes and recorded together witb ' '` �
<br /> this Securtty Instrwneat,the coveaants and agraments of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> . supplement the covenants and ageemeats af this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security
<br /> Iastrumere�(Checic applic�ble boa(es)l
<br /> � Adj.ustabk Rate Rider � Condominium Rider ❑ 2-4 Famity Rider
<br /> � ❑.C�radwted Payment Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider �
<br /> ❑ Other(s) [slxcifY�
<br /> ,
<br /> BY $IdNINO BELOW. Borrar�er accepts and agras to the terms ar�d covenants wntained in this Security . �F.�r
<br /> , Iastrument and in any rider(s)exavted by Borrower and recorded with it. ,
<br /> : y�
<br /> COPIES OF THE NOTICE OF QEfAULT ��%:./.�!�.'.!::�....��..�...��.. .�._. .^ .(5ea1) .
<br /> ................. .
<br /> . _ . .._.. • . ..
<br /> d► NOTICE OF SA�E 8E� SENT FO EACH� � � l�fARVIN J OaYLE , "$0f6M"'
<br /> PERSON WliO IS A PARTY HERETO AT /J� j� � �
<br /> ttlE ADORESS Of SUCH PERSONS SE T ��. �.�:�r!K:�r.n.re. `.f!,e��..................{Seal) '
<br /> ..... .... .
<br /> FORTH WEREIN. � � ARLENE DOYLE .... .. �� �0"O"`°' ..
<br />, ;. — (so�ct �.bw n�a Lr+. Far JkJcne,d.�,,,,el
<br /> � srArE or ....��tasxa......:......... , � .� .
<br /> - _ ��: -
<br /> , � �OUMY OF .....l�ALi....................... ,
<br /> t,....RO�A.L.6F�D.......................a Notary�ublte in a:��or said connty aad state,da hereby cenify ehu %---Y—-.
<br /> � - ,
<br /> .tlARV�N•�•�Yt.E•AINI•�•AR1,EN6•QOYL�..,....-�i4l��BAA1t3•R4',A•W�F�.................,personailly appcattd �
<br /> - -�-- � i�rfvre me�ncf�s iare}i�sawn orproved ta me ta be thc pErs�js��:§a,b�ir�g informed of the cci�fenfs of fhe foregoing::^.;iiument. � :j
<br /> have executed same,aud acknowledged satd instrumeru to be...��e�,n..:.........free and votuntary act anG c.�and that � I
<br /> � (his.her,th�ir) ' . � � :
<br /> • • ..tt�B�c........:......exeeuted safd instroment for tbe purposes and us`s therein set fortb. ' , �_
<br /> �� � (he,she,they) - ,
<br /> � Wttness my hand and of�cial seal t6ts._.......l 3t h...............day of...�une.......................,19...`��. . .
<br /> . � t�:
<br /> - My Commission F.xDi�es: . - / r 7 , . id
<br /> �4
<br /> ' G�tK�Ph1.k�lA� St�t..1I ti.5ia:�a ' ` ,p � � "�<
<br /> . -.' °� / ,
<br /> .... . .... .... .._.. .. ., . ... ...._�, .
<br /> , .
<br /> .,� A�3�EiYt��..f�cED . :........ � .4.�..S�`�
<br /> , . � ...�..1.:.... .....�.........fSFAL� �: ,s
<br /> c�j:� I�;►f�:r�r.ExD.lyly 3�i� Nocary Pub c
<br /> Tf�is tnstrument �vas prepareci by::...�Q�UM�C►S.��D�RRt,SAVItyG�.�A�ytc...................................... r,
<br /> 44771 •
<br /> . , �_
<br /> .,; �,A—�, ` 3 .. `._� ,, .��_- - " - — _ �����WW�.�.. -- -
<br /> ,� . ��3.�,f_'^��,.-'i :�.n, .-,�.-ve �._._ z ��?���,_,.._.,K,�,,, _�_„LP i�i"_..- - . . . .� ..�i-. :�3`�L��"�7'� _
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