---: �
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<br /> ' . � - ` ' ". . - _ � � .
<br /> � . � . _ _ , ; �
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<br /> . • ir r�r�e��ea mon�i��r.�oe���cioa or�ana�to.n�!a by ct�se�nri�y i�w��, � _ �
<br /> , , Barro�ra st�xU pay the premiunu reqaired t�t mai�tain tLe�a.*•*�in e�'ect uat�auc6 tume�the reguiremmt for the , , `
<br /> i � iasu�noe ta�mins�s ra ta;ordan�ce w�ith Bor�otret's and I,etjder'a�vtittdi sErennent orspp�iCabk tia`r.
<br /> ;; � Iar�eetio�. Lender or its a�mt maq maka reason�bk ertries apon aad inapections of the Property.I�eader �
<br /> � � , sbaU�ive,Horm�va notioeat tlie timeofor prior to an inspecti�n apecifyin6 rea�ooaWe canse fur the i�pactioa. .
<br /> � � _ !: C�ies�tlo�.- Tbe praoe�eds of sny swrud or cl�im for clsmsga,direct or consequeutial.ui connecqon pitl� . ,
<br /> . � � �nY condemnatia;►or other takina of any part of tfie Pmperty.or far canveyance in�ieu of condemnation,are hereby � . , .
<br /> _ . : .ymi�nad aad:La116e paid to Ireitda: . . , . ,
<br /> � •: i . � i�the eyent af a wtal t�1Cir+g of the Froperiy,tt�s praceeds sHaU be ap�fied to t6e sums secared by this SSoccurity �
<br /> . Insttuaid►t,�rheti�er ar not tbm�n��vitb any excess paid ta Borrower.In tbe eveat of a partial takiag of the P{operty, � _ .
<br /> _: ` �mle�Bormwer aad Leader other�vue s;ra in rvritin�the swns secured by,this Security tnstrume�nt shali be redncad by
<br /> �';;�<:' ; tbe amoant of tbr pracads muitiplie�6p tbe.folloMing fi�ction:(a)t�e wtat amount of the sams secured immedistdy ' � `
<br /> • : befa�s the t�Yin�di��idod 6Y(b}¢�e fi�ir market v�Iue of th�I'roperty itnroodiatelg 6eforc tlse taS�ng.Aay balance shall be '
<br /> i p�idt�Borro+rer. �
<br /> , � ; �.�f the Praperty is atnuidd�d by Bonoaer,or i�after noticr by I.ender to Snrrower that ttse cond�or offeis w
<br /> ; makaaii aNUd or settic a c1=im fat�dsm�ges,_Borrower faila to�espond to Lender�athi�t 30 days after the dai�tI�e no3ice is �
<br /> ; given,Lender i3 authoriud to wllect and apply the procads,at its aptio»,either to sestoration o;repair c�ft�ht PropeRy or '
<br /> �. � . 'W�CSW11SSi�8!lQI1j►Lb15SOCitT1L�Tinatn�men WbGL�1�CCOftIOit�(��iiC. . . '
<br /> . � Un2as Lender and Borrower otherR�se agree in writiag,any agpvcation of proceeds io ps�c"ipa!sl�a��ot extend or ' ,
<br /> � postpone the diu date of the monthly psyraents refened ca m paragraphs 1 and 2 ar cbange tY;e smount o€s�paymeats. ��
<br /> 10 Borruwe� Nat Relase�Facb�ani�te.By I�ader Nat s Wai�+er. �tension af the time fo=payment or ` '
<br /> � � modiflcation of amorti.zation of the sums s�iued by this Security Iaystr�meat granted by Le�d�r to any snccessor as�
<br /> � intercst of Horrowu shal!not operate to �' the lisbility of the or6�t Borrower or Borrav�tr's succ,essors in interes�
<br /> � Ltnder shsU not be required to cummepce psocadings against any successor in interest or refuse to exteud time far
<br /> p�ymeni or otherwise modify amartization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made
<br /> i � by the original Borrower or Borruwer's successois in interest.Any forbearasice by Lender in eaercising a�y rigbt or remedy � �
<br /> + sltsll not be a waiver of or preclude the eaercise of any right or remedy. _
<br /> � ii. S�cceaors and Aetips Hoond;Joiat aad Se�eral Liabilitq;Co-a�ipers. The covenants and agraments of :
<br /> this Security Instr�ment shall bind and bertefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subjxt to the provisions
<br /> f of puagraph 17.Borrower's covenants and agramentssl�all be jaint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Secoritjr �
<br /> � • Instrument bat das not execute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey �
<br /> ; . t�t Borrower•s interest in the Property under the terms of t1�is Secusity Instrumant;{b)is not personally obligated to pay � ; ' :;
<br /> ! the anms secared by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lendcr and any other Borrower ma3+agra to eatend.
<br /> ��' modify,farbear or malce any accommodations with ragard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without
<br /> that Bonower's cansent. ' -
<br /> ;� � � iZ. Lo�s Crarges. If the loan secured 6y this Secwity Instrument is st��y:ct to a!aw which sets ma�simum loan � ',
<br /> charges;and that law is 8nally interpretod so that the interest or other loara �targes collected or to be callected in
<br /> . j connection with the loan eaceed the permittod limits, then: (a)any such 2oan charge shall be rednced by the amount �
<br /> , , ne�eessary to roduce the eharge to the permitted Jimit;attd(b)any su�.s alrcady collected from Borrower which exceoded
<br /> � � permitted timits will be refundcd to Borrower. Lender may choose to makt this refund by reducing the gciII�ipal owed
<br /> - � under the Note or by making a direct psyment to Borrower.If a refund redaces Rri�cipai,the reduction v�il1�treated as a
<br /> � parti�l pre�syment without any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 13. Le6islatlo� Alta�tlAg Lender's Rigbp. If enactment cs eapiration oF applicable laws has the effcct�,f'.c
<br /> 1 rendering any provision of the Note or this Security Instrumcnt unenforceable according to its tem�s,Lender,at its option, �
<br /> - may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument and may invoke any nmedies '
<br /> permitted by pazagraph 19.If Lender exercises this option,I.ender shall take the�teps spocified in the secorcc�paragraph o�' ,:
<br /> ParaBraPh 17. . ;�.
<br /> ` 14. NoHcea. Any notice to Bortowgr pravided for in this Socurity Instrument shall be given by delivering h or�� �
<br /> � mail�ng it by flrst class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The natice shall be directed to tfi�
<br />• � Property Adctress or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shaf!be given by �
<br /> j first cla�ss mai!to Lender'sadflt�stated herein or any ot�er address Lertder desisnates by notice to Borra�er.Any aotice . --..---.. .-- �
<br /> , � Qrovidod for in this Securlty Instrument shall be damcd to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided
<br /> .� �n this parsgraph. ,
<br /> � � iS. Goreretag Lw;Siwerability. ,This Security lnstrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> , . jurisdietion in which the Property is loeatod.ln the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the
<br />� . , � Note coaflicts with applicaltle law,such con9ict sha11 nQt affxt ather provisions of'this Security lnstrument or the Note �
<br /> which can be given effect without the con8icting provision.To this end the pravisions of this Security instrument and the
<br /> Note are declared b be severable,
<br /> ; f6. gorrowtr's Copy. $orrower shall be given one conformed copy of'the Note and of'this Security Instrument.
<br /> l7. Tr�nster of t6e Peoperty or s�8eneflcial Interest in Borrower. lf all or any patt of the Pro�erty�or any
<br /> interest in it is soId or transfened{or if a benefirial interest in Horrower is.sold or transferred and Qarrower is not a natural
<br /> , person)withont Lender's prior wsitten consent,Lender may,,at its optinn,require immediate payment in full of all sums ---- -
<br /> secured by this Security Instrun�ent. However, this option shall not be eaercised by ixnder if exercise is prohibited by �
<br /> � federal law as of t?ie date af this Security lnsirument. �.
<br />-- ' if�nGet�xttficises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.7'he natice shall provide a�period � �
<br /> . of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivued or maited within whicta Batrower must pay all sums secured by �
<br /> '. ' this Secnrity Instrument.I�Borrower fails to pay these snms prior to the expiration of this p�eriod.Lender may invoke any '
<br /> � ' remedies permiited by this Secerity Instrument withoui further rtotice or demand on Barrawer.
<br /> ' 18.Borto�e►'s Rtght to Retnstate. If Boaower meets certain cnndi�ians,Borrower sha1)have thr right to have 7
<br /> eaforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the esrlier df:(a)5 days(or snch other pedod as
<br /> � applicable law may specify for reinstatement)6efore sale af the Property pursuant to any pnwer of,�ale contained in this -
<br /> - Secntiry Instrument;or(b)entry of�judgment enfareing this 5eeurity lnstruriient.Thase conditions are that Horrower: tti
<br /> (a) pays Lender a1t sums w�icH then woutd be due iu�der this Securiey lnstrumen!a�d the Note had ttn aeceferation �
<br /> dccurred;(b}cures.any defa�utt of any other cavenants ar�greements; (c)pays all expenses inrurred i»enfarcin$ t6is � �
<br /> � - �� -
<br /> Security Instrument�including,but not.limited.to,reasonabl�.�ttnmeys.:.fees;and(d) takes such.action as.Lender.mag - - �.- .�...
<br /> � _ reasonably require to assure that the tien of th'ts Security lnstrument, tender s nghts in the Property and Aonower's
<br /> obligation to pay the sums.secured by Ihis 5ecutity lns rument shali continue unchanged. Upua reinstatement by
<br /> Aorrower,tbis Security Instrurrtent and,the obligations sec�red hereby shall remain fully effectiveas if nn acceleration had
<br /> bccurred.Hawever,this right tu�einstate sh�ll noi apply in tfte case of aceeteration under paragraphs 13 ar 17. �
<br />