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200106063 <br />10:00 a.m. on June 13, 2001. Publication of such notice was made for five consecutive weeks on <br />May 2, 2001, May 9, 2001, May 16, 2001, May 23, 2001 and May 30, 2001 the last publication <br />being at least ten (10) days but not more than thirty (3 0) days prior to the date of the sale. <br />A copy of such notice of the time and place of sale was thereafter mailed to all parties <br />entitled to notice pursuant to said Deed of Trust and in compliance with Section 76 -1008 R.R.S. <br />Nebraska. <br />Pursuant to said Notice of Trustee's Sale, Hunter Campbell, on behalf of Thomas J. Young, <br />Successor Trustee, did at the'time and place mention in said Notice of Trustee's Sale, offer said <br />property for sale at public auction, and sold the same to Grantee for the sum of FIFTY FOUR <br />THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT DOLLARS ($54,928.00), it being the highest <br />bidder therefor. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the sum of FIFTY FOUR <br />THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT DOLLARS ($54,928.00) so bid and paid as <br />aforesaid I, Thomas J. Young, Successor Trustee, do hereby grant and convey unto said Conseco <br />Finance Servicing Corporation all the estate, right, title and interest of which Clifford C. Pemberton <br />and Vera M. Pemberton, and their successors in interest, were seized or possessed at the time said <br />Deed of Trust was given or at any time thereafter in and to the premises sold as aforesaid to wit: <br />The South Ten (10) Feet of Lot One Hundred Twenty -Five (125) and all of Lot One <br />Hundred Twenty Six (126), Hawthorne Place, in the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />To have and to hold said real estate, with all <br />Finance Servicing Corporation. <br />IN WITNESS <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF DOUGLAS ) <br />, I have hereunto set <br />thereto belonging to Conseco <br />hand this 13 " day of June, 2001. <br />Thomas J. Young, <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 13' day of June, 2001 by <br />Thomas J. Young, Successor Trustee. <br />ENERAI. NOTARY - I Nebraska <br />OFF <br />KAREN M. . H ERHOFF <br />My Corn. EV. Apry 15, 2005 <br />Notary Public <br />-2- <br />