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<br /> ,. , . . ... , _ , _ _ __ __ _
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<br /> ' . � . � �� ���t.���...�-�,� 90-� 10337� ` �, 10293$ , . , . .
<br /> ., � , ' . . (s)Detwk.T.eader may.eucept as Umited by�resuIatioas issued by the Secresary in tht c+ue of paY�eac defautts.m�uire, � .
<br /> , . immedifte ipaYment in fuD of aII aupt�securtd by this Sec�rity Instmment if . , :
<br /> � � . (�j 8orrv�ra defautis Isy fiilin�to pay fin fuD any moathly DaYmeili required 6y this Savrity Instnsment prior to or oa • .
<br /> tLe due.date oi i�e aeat moati�lY psYment.or
<br /> � . . . �t. defaul�by fiitit�,fo=a paiod ot thirty dsys..tn perfosm any other ob6gatio�s concained in thisSecurIt9, .- � � - -
<br /> - r , ` (y S�ie�Yll�nt Gieit A�e+M1L Isader sbsil.i�peimiqed bY�pplic�bte isw and w�th We prio[�Ipp�wai af the Se�x�at�r,� . .
<br /> ., , �P�in fug of al�d�e�ms�acaner�by tho Secvrit�+Iasaumeat i� , �
<br /> `; (i?i1II or p�ct of @�e Fi�apaty's a1ba�traa�rced(aQ�er t�m by devi�e a�desce�)[�y the Bortow�a,�d .
<br /> � ? � C��}'�Fmperty is noc oocupied by tbe p�a�r.gi�otee a4 fiis ar 6er uc . "
<br /> � `` � pa�e doet so ooc�ipy drc Fropettx bat bes or Lerczed'iE htt mt beea a�pnNrd m�a000nf�aoe w�i�t5e ee�'qonand�s'���or .
<br /> _ �. . Sacitt�y. . ,
<br /> � � . tc)N�Wiira.If c�ramstaaces occur that�vonW permit Leadec to sequirc immediata psyment in full,but L.enda does not .
<br /> . ,.� . ieqatnt suca��3��rats,Isisdet dcxs not waive Its rF�6ts�vitb reapect to subsequent tvents.
<br /> ,, � (i)�e�M11or�l BIJD 9eer�ede�.Ia many circamstances reaulations issaed by tIK Secretary w71 lsmit Lender's tiShts.in •
<br /> . � , the aae of qpment defiults.to roquire im�nediate payment in full and foreclose if not paid This Sscurity Instrumeat das ' .
<br /> ± • ' not,aut6nrSr��xelaation or foredosure if not permitted by regulatioas of the�ary. .
<br /> . � . . .
<br /> � � �.�iii�EMu�e�t. Bocroneer baa a ti¢t to be reitutatetl if Lender has reqtsited iamntdiue paymeni iA fu11 baca!�se aF
<br /> � •� Bortaxer's taiture to p�y an amount due under the Note or this � �
<br /> ' f SocurltY Iaununea�This ri�6t applia even after foraclasuce
<br /> � pcooeedinp sre�ted.To rdnstate t}�e Security Instrumeat,Boaov�r aSaD tender ia s�Iwnp sum aU ama�mta requtred t� '
<br /> . i. br�Borra�s scxount carreat includi�. to the aueat thty are obliptions of Senower under this Securitq Iastrument. .
<br /> . foreclosure c�ts and re�ona[rte and customarY aaorney's fas and txpeaus tr�periY auociated witb t6e fonclosure �
<br /> 0�ETDoA reiastatemm�bY Borrower,this Security Iastrument and,the obligatioas that it sativa shaii remain ia effect as
<br /> ' • � � ii Leader 6ad not rag�ired�te paymenE in full.Howrever.�.encter is not reqaired to pemIt reiastatemeai if:(7 Lender 6as • .
<br /> � �ocepted teinatatement after the caa�meacemmt of forxiosure proceedings vrfthin two years immtdiatety preceding the
<br /> commeaament of a curtent foreclosun pm�ecodIag�('u) reinstatement will proclude foreclosure on different grour�ds in the
<br /> . '� - fuwre.or('w'�reiastatanent wlll adverseIy affxt the pdority of the lien created by this Sea�rity InstrumSAt. .
<br /> i
<br /> i II./orrowee Nat Sdened;Far6eayc�B�Le�dsr Not s Wi[res Extension of the time of payment�r m�dification of •
<br /> i �mort�Zadon of the sum�soc�ued by t6is Stcurity Inswment granted by Leada to aay successor In intecrst of B��,'"rz�aer shall not
<br /> � opuate to rekase tfie 1labIlity of the odgInal Bprrower or&inower's�v�cessor in interest. Lender shall n¢t€ie required to • �
<br /> � �� ��D�a�ainst any successor in interat or refuse to extead 6me for payment or ot6erwise raodif�amortizatIon • • ; �
<br /> ' of the aums secur�d by this Security Insin�mcnt by reason of any dcmaad inade by the ariginal Bonower cir Bonower's �
<br /> ! saccessots in interest.My forbearance by Lender in eaercising any right or remedy shaU not be a waiver of or�reclnde the .._
<br /> � exertise of aAy rigt�t or remady. . ,
<br /> ,
<br /> � .j�.
<br /> • � Instcument�ahali�ad anA d�eti�Wbe su aecesso�and aui�La6tUty.Co-3ipe�s.The covenanu and agreements of this Secarity _..
<br /> Borrarver'a covenants aad B�of Lender and�orrower,subject to the provisions of paragraph 9.b. •� �
<br /> agaments sfiall be Joint and sevaal.Any Borrower who co-signs this Secudty Instruracnt but does � -
<br /> not ascute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Secarity Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey that Borrower's interest in -
<br /> :s the P�apMy uader the terms of thts Secudty Instrument;(b)is not personalJ/obligaied to pay the sums secured lry this Secudry
<br /> ` Instrument; aad (c) agras that Lender,and any other Borrower may agree ta extend, modify, forbear or. make any � �
<br /> � accommodatioas�i�regard to the term of this Securiry Instrument or[he Note without•that 8orrowtr's consen� '
<br /> � �#�
<br /> t _ L1.NWi�a.Aag��xotice to Bosrower provided for in this Security Instr�ent shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by . �
<br /> . , firat elass mdi unkss aDylicabk G�w raqnires use of anotl►er method.The riotice shall be d'uected to the Property A�dress ar any
<br /> othet address Borrower designstes by notice to Leader.Any¢otice to Len�er shall be given by fust class mail to Leadr.i's address
<br /> .. stated herein or aay addras Lender destgnates by notice to�onuwer.Aa�notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall �
<br /> , be damed W ba�z ban glven to Borrower as L�nder whrn given as provided in this paragraph. �
<br /> , ,
<br /> , ' � . , i4.Ganr�i�I,sw;Se�enbWty.'Y'hia Security Instrumer_:shall be govemed by Federa!law aad the law of the jurtsdiction in
<br /> • which r.�e Property is located.ln the event that any provisiaa ar cisuse of this Security Castrnment or the Note conflicts with ap- '
<br /> � �lica6Jr 3aw,aucb conflict shAll not affect other provistons of this Security Instrumeric�or the Note whlcb can be given effect ' .
<br /> withbQi the conflicting provision. To this end tfie provisions of�his Security Instrument and the Note are deciared to be � � ;;�
<br /> I . severable.
<br /> ; �'
<br /> ; LS.aorrow�'s Copg.Borrower shal!ba given one conformed copy of this Security lnstrument.
<br /> . .j ,
<br /> . � � jf•A�1P�t o1 Rnb.Bonower unconditionaUy assigns and transfers to Lender a:t the rents and revenues of the Propeny. •
<br /> : •1 Bonower authorizes Lender or Lender's agents to collect the rents and reF:cnues and hereby directs each tenant of the Property
<br /> � to psr the rems to�L�ader or l.eader's agents.However,prios to Lendtr's catice to Bonower of Borrower's breach of any cove-
<br /> � nant or aareemeat���.he Secu»ty lnsuumerit�Borrower shali colttct and receive aU rents and revenues of tht PropertY as trustce�- --� - ---- � �
<br /> i fot the benefit af Lender and Borrower.This assignment of reau constitutes an absolute assignment and not an assignmenc for
<br /> ! additson�►1 security oNy.
<br /> � If I.ender gives notice of bteaeh to Borrower:(a)a11 ronts received by Borrc�.r shall be held by Barrower as trustee for benefit
<br /> • o}Leader only,ta be apptled to the sums secured by the Security Instrumer,.i;t�)Lendtr shall be entitted ro coUect and tecel ve all
<br /> . , of the•rents ot the Property;artd(c)each tenant of the Property shall p2�aI1 ronts dus and unpaid to Lender or Lender's agent
<br /> on Lendet'a writtta de:putd ta the trnant. �
<br /> ��� �; Borrower has not ezecuted any prior assignmcnt of the rents and has not and will nas perform any act that woWd prevent
<br /> � Lendes from txetcisittg its rights under this paragraph f6. � '
<br /> ; Lender shall not be requlred to enter upan.take control of or maint2in c[x property before or aftcr giving notice of breach to �
<br /> Honower.However��.ender or.a 9ndiciaUy appolnted receiver may do sa at any time there is a breach.Any apnlication of rents ' -
<br /> ahall nat cure or c�wis+e any defaWt ot invalidate any otAer rigtit or remedy of Lendet,This assignment of rents of the Property • '
<br /> •shall terailnate when.the debi secured by the Secnrity Instru..�:ent is pa�d in full. ' , �
<br /> 1
<br /> � �
<br /> � � •
<br /> , �
<br /> � � • � �
<br /> . . � , �
<br /> � .
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