,� ; � . T . ,_ . ;:,R — _ ____ _ __
<br /> . , . T.� _ .
<br /> - � � �
<br /> � , . . °� , `. , . .. . . • `. ` . � .. � . - � � _ . � ' ._ ,. ' ` . �:
<br /> . , << . . .
<br /> � .
<br /> � � � � , . � . ��o� , -- - _= - - - - - ;- - �
<br /> . . . . , � , . �Q=-- . 1033'73 � . 90-- Zd2938 � � ` .
<br /> . ` �!�M M�d�l•Ialeert a�d Ia1e(�e•Borro�sl�al!gay when due the ptincipal of.�ad interest aa.We debt �
<br /> < " ' . . evidea�ued•by the Nute and tate char�es due under the Note. � . ' . .
<br /> , . . <
<br /> , • Z„p��b���'i'aa.twn�ce dd Ot�er Q�a.Boaowu sliaU include in each monthlY PsYtnent,to�st6ea adW '
<br /> the �' intaa�t as�eet forth in the Note and aay lue c�,an installmeQit of�y(a)-tua and special acsesa�dents
<br /> �? kvied a�Eo bc krxd aPiast the pcop�tY.(h)teasehoW psyments or�rowM reets.on the Propeny,itnd(c)premiums far � ..
<br /> �iM��l►.�h i. � -
<br /> '� ` �Eacb moot5l�►�t for items(y.(b)and(c)shaU oqaa!une-t�rditL of the anawt unouats.as re�sonabty estianted by .
<br /> .. � Lead�r.O�s�a amouat safffcieat to m�intain aa additional t�lana of aot mon ilraa ane-sixth of We sstimata!amatuiu.The '
<br /> � � €W[aapral�naopat far each item si�W 6e�cc�m►uLted by Lend�er witbin a perioit endia�one month before aa item would
<br /> � ; . : becoAe de�mqaeat.L�si�Il bold tbe amcwnts.coOatN in trust to P�Y items Ea),tb)�ad(c)beforc they become deJ'inquent. ' �
<br /> ,FF � ' if��r�t tba total of the P�Y�ts�eid by Lender for heu�ia).(D).and(c).tuEett�er�vitb the future monthlY WY�snts ` �
<br /> :; , � far aucb ita�r,yaYabie ta I.eoder prior to the dua dua�of auch itenrs,exoeeds by more thaa oae-sSuh che e.ui�natcd amount of ' .
<br /> pa7mmts r�+qnired to pay sucb items wha�n doe.aa�d if p+ymenu aa the Note m aure�.Wen Leada sh�ll eIther r�tfund the
<br /> � e�ooers ova oae-su�tA of the sstimsted payma►ts or cradit the exoess over oae-sixth of the estunated payineats to snbsequeat
<br /> _ �; paYmenu bq Borta�ver,st the apdon of Sorrower.If thr totat of the payments m�de by Borrawer for item(aD.ib).�r(cl.is ' .
<br /> "` � ` �f�P;Y�ttem�un Qt�ttren Borr6�ver s�a�l pay to Lenda any amount nxasuy t�malct up t�e drlieIeacy on or -
<br /> ! befa+e ttx due the item bacama dur. .
<br /> , � . . , , ,
<br /> . . � V As nsed ia this See�riiy Instrumeni, �•Secrqary„means the Sa�retary of Haasing and Urban Devdopment or his or 6er
<br /> • j , da�nee.Maat Secvritg�SWments insared by the SeQebtry are u�si,tnd under pro�rams whtch require advazur PaYmcnt of the
<br /> t • �tntlra mo�ttase insura�prtaaium:If this Soeutity Iiuq�ameat is or was iasured uadu u Progcam wl�irh did ttot require advance ' "
<br /> { paymeaE of tIx entite mortpYe iaa�auc�e premiwn,t1x6 acb monthly paymeiit sha11 atso inclnde either:t7 aa installmmt of the �
<br /> • � aanwl moctf+f�in�rance premiuc�so 6e paid by Lender to We Secretary,or('n�a montDly chuae instead of a mortas;e
<br /> ` �Remium if this SecadtY Tiu�trumeat ia heid by the Secmary.'Each monttilY �r�++�^t of tlie mortgaae insuraace . `
<br /> ` F��sl�all be in u�amonnt sufficient to accumulate the fult annual mortgage msurancx premium with Lenda one month
<br /> � , ptior ta tl�se date the fiill annuat mortgage iasuranve preminm is due to the Secretary.or if tbis Security Instrument is hetd by the '
<br /> .. 3ertetary.,eacb'moathlY charSe s6a11 be ta an amouni oquat to ane-twelfth of one-half percent of!he oatstaadiag priacipat
<br /> . , balaacz d�,on the Note. ' • ,
<br /> � . If Boreswver trnders to Leader tfie full paymeat of all svma sec�ed by this Sec�uity Iastrument.Borrower's account shail be
<br /> ( credited Miith the batance remaining for aU Installments tor iEcns (a), (bD and (c) and any mortgage insurance prcmium ,
<br /> � instaWneat thu Lsader has not become obligated to pay to the Secretary,a�d.Lender shall promptIy refund any eacess funds to ' �
<br /> Borrowea.ImmedJately�ior to s foreclosure sata of the Property or its,�tion by Leader,Borcower's'account shall be
<br /> . I � . credited wLb anY balance remaintng for all insalimenta for items(a),(b3�vt:Cc)• ' .
<br /> �. . . .. �
<br /> ;'`� 3.A�iiaMb�ot�a�ab.AD pzp�rents under paragraPhs f and 2 shall'ix appliM s�L,xnder as foUows: "� "
<br /> . �.,iashe mortgaga instrrAnce premium ta be paid by Lender to the Secretary or to the manthiy charge by the Seeretary `
<br /> ' inscead CFt�ie monthly mortgage insurance premium,unless Bonower paid ths eadre mortgage insura��premium when this •
<br /> ( 3avrtt9 Is4trument was signed; .,-
<br /> � SE�DI�'�,to any taxes,sptcial ass�,smenu;tcasehold payments or ground rents,and fire,flood and oiher hazard insurance � , �
<br /> premina�.�required; ! ,��
<br /> ,.,
<br /> i �,t�intaest due uader the Notr, , �
<br /> , FOURTH.to amorti�on of the pr�acip�l of tZse Notr, ! �
<br /> i �,to lau char�ss,dae under the Note. � • , •
<br /> � �•F1e'e+I�7aod�ud Ot1k'r H�ard Iwn�oa Borrower sha11 insure all improveasents on t�:Property,wdether now in existence �
<br /> � or subse�iattly erected,a�gainst any hazazds.casualt�es,and cortiagencies,including fire,fe�which Lender requires lnsurance. ;,
<br /> ' 'Tlii�i�t�ace shall be mainiaiaed in the amouats and fos t�e�ods tbat Lender«q�s. Bqriower shall also insure all
<br /> . ; imprez�ents on the Property.whether now in existence or subsequenily erected,against tqss by�7uods to the eacteat required by ��
<br /> j the Secretuy.All insurance shaU be carried with companies aDproved by Lender.The insurance policies 2..d any renewals shall '
<br /> � be hetd by Lender and shall include[oss payable clauses it�favor of,and in a form acceptabfe to,Ltr:d�. , "
<br /> � Ia t6e a�of los�.Bonower shall give Lendec immodiate notice by mail.Lendtr may ma�e proof of tc>ss if not made�cumpi-
<br /> E.SS
<br /> ; ly by BarrawCr.Each insurance company concemed is hereby a¢c.�oriud and directcd to makepaymont�ur such toss direcdy to
<br /> : Lender,instead of to Borrower aad to Leader}ointly.A11 or any gart of the iasurance proceecs may be app�ied by l.ender,at iu
<br /> 1 • opHon, dtha(s)to the reductlon of the indebtedness under the Nofe and this Security instrument, fix�to any delinquent �
<br /> � �d��sDDlied in the order ln PAtagraDh 3.and then to prepayment of princiDal,or(b)to the restaration or repair of the ,
<br /> dama;ed pcoperty.Any applieation of the procecds to the Drincipal shall not eatend or postpone the due date of the monthty
<br /> payments which sire referred to in Paragrapb 2,or change ihe amount of such paymeats.Are�excess insurance proceeds over an ���'�
<br /> amount requjred to pay all outstanding indebtedness under the Note and this 5ecurity Instrument sha11 be paid to the entity 1ega1- �,.�
<br /> IY entitled theroto. • .
<br /> I In the event of forecl�osure of this Security Instrument or other transfer of titfe to the Property t[s^at extinguishes the in-
<br /> . � debtedrtes�,all riYht,title aAd interest of Borrower in u�d to insurance policies in force shail pass to the purchaser. �
<br /> ` 3 presemtlo�a�d Md�tenece of Hie Property,I,eauioW.gorrower shall not c�miE waste or destroy, da�cage or �
<br /> � aubstantiaIlp cfiange the Property or allow the Property to daeriaxate,re�sonabk wear ar.d tear ezceptcd.Lender may inspect- ---- �-- ------- ` •
<br /> • the property if the propesty is vacant ar abandona!or the loan is in defauit.Lender may ca;c:reasonabte action co protect and
<br /> , preserve sueh vaeant vr ab�ndoned property.If this 5ecurity Instrumsnt is on a t:asehold.Berrower shalI comply with the provi-
<br /> , sions of the loase.If Scs:�ower acquires fa title to ti�e Properly,the leasehold and fee titte s'iall not bc tnerged untess I.ender �
<br /> ± agees to the meraer in writing. -
<br /> ' ��� , : ' f.CYtnei to Eorrower aad ProtecUoa ot LeMer's Ri��s i�ttie.Property.Horrdwer shali�ay all governmental or municipal
<br /> . charaa,fioes and lmposltions tivt ue not inctuded in Paraaraph 2.Bonower shall Day these obligations on tlme directty to the �
<br /> entity which is owcd ihe payment.If failure to pay�vould advetsely affect Leader's interest ia the P:openy�upon Lender's re-
<br /> ; quest$orrower shall promytly furnish to'Lender receipts evidencing these psyments. �
<br /> f a Ii Borrower fails to make these payments or the payments required by Paragraph Z,or falis to 9erform any other cavenants and
<br /> � agament�cvntained in this Sectuitg Instrument�or there is a legal procetding thaE may si�iGcantiy affect Lender's rights in � �
<br />