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<br /> . , � ' . . ' • • . � •
<br /> +' . . • � � _ � " ` � ' . . ` � . . .___� ._ � �
<br /> , , � .
<br /> �- �
<br /> . • . ' • �
<br /> _--- -- ---- - - .TT__ — - -- - - ° � �90-10334C � ��
<br /> �����.� � ���a����a�a�� . . � .
<br /> � ' .MoM `�r' �Ns I�rws ey tl+.s«ierMry w tn«�nd u�r poa.n.wNa��.ar.noi p�yni�K a en..nYn.nKx�p. , •
<br /> . �` iwunr�oi pira�iwR (f fhTs Sia�y bNn��t ts a wi�tnMa�d�und�a poprn wAkl���!npif�dw�pryn�e�t d IM� � ' . . `
<br /> , nsal�i�MNM��a p�1r�, tMn�aolt�noMFyt p�ymn�t ohY Wo hcJuQ�MlNr:Q)�n h�WnNnl pt ths ww�t nio�l� �wntio� .
<br /> • � pwei+� b,�PW.bS► te�d�b tlM 9iarlry.ar(q a�no�dhlr cAr+�s iMM�d d a nartpp� M�w�na p�re If 1Ms 8��y `
<br /> � N twdblllM d�oe�we�t• �..�MhiY�iwit d 1fr n�oef�tnMranos ptin�Wrn a1W�M fn an aino�d wRot�rM b .
<br /> • �: . . �oRr�ii iM Ni aiwil �nalprN Nnx�na pnintt� wNf�L�ulr an� eweMh pior 10 th�drN 1M��trN�l niortpps�i�� , .
<br /> • . phiei�i�b tAi �y� a f tht�Siou��y In�IruniwR N Mld by iM�onhey.�tch monlNy�1w��h�/b�In �n��t , , �
<br /> � sqiN{b oniMNMh d o�h�pwant d�M ouhl�e�p pi4K,ipr b��dw on IM Nat� , .
<br /> , , ; �
<br /> - � . � R Aa�Mwd�s to L�►�thi�i p�y�wK d r w�ns�wund bY���fl�w.Barbw�ts a000aR N�bE Q�d � ' , ,
<br /> � < wM th�b�ii��iiiq 4or�t iwlrn�ib 1rx Mn�s W.lb) !nd(o} and anlf�4�P �wr+�noe prw�i�n i�wi! 1hM t�'�Q�r ° • ' '.
<br /> < ht no!b�eomr o�y�YQ b py b th�8�onl�ey.and Lr�dr tl�pon�My nl�nd�try reoM��ndt b 8onvw�t�N�rN�d�1/l►P�br a ' ` � •
<br /> a ionobw�ne� d tl�e Peq�wly a ia��Mon by Lw�dw.Baeow�s aoea�t�b�erbMd w�h any bina�NnriNrq ta ai . "
<br /> ' tn�l�wNs tot�(y.W)+nd(�• . , .
<br /> . � .s � , , . .. .
<br /> - . , 3./�ppqCatlon of Pay�nMltt. /{r pMn«�!a i�ndu p�rq�p�n 1 ane 2 sh�b�appMd by Lwidw�s 1o�tows: -
<br /> . � � � F:�fo 1M niorl�� tnM�M�a pr�w�b b�P� d'Y ���b!A� S�rM�ry or 10 tfN monthly clw� bll 1h� 3�a�'ry
<br /> ; ' YMIMd ot tlM mo�Nl�ly mo�iiqwranC� pr�Arq,u�s 8onnwrr i�1011N uM(rf mort� (nwranc�prwnh�n vrTtw�thit 8�ctR![y .
<br /> � ; .N��+wK wrs si� ` • .
<br /> _ �' �wC�lll�.1d�IY tiMMr�p�Cir�1!Alb.I/f�lfOtd p�y111wKf Of�Olfld nflts�afld�fM. �oOd afld dlNr hQ�fd hf{I�a11q
<br /> . , ' �NIM.Y 1��'. , . . _ ' ' �
<br /> . T�Ilf�d.b idw�t du�undw tM Notr; .
<br /> � � Falfdf,w amar�aYon a th.pdnctpN ot th.Na«. , � � ,
<br /> � . F'�!!h.b W dMr�s�ts iind�r fh�t+� - � _
<br /> 4. F7r�. Flood and OtlNr Hszs�d InwFanca. BorrowR s1�inwn al tmpravennnts on th�Prvpwty.whNh�r now in .
<br /> � �t�a a auAspwnly ar�wd. �U+at+nY h�rds.casuMfes.and oongng�nd�s.hdud�n� 1�re. tor vrhlch Lw�oer �quirsa �
<br /> , iaurae�ot Thts fnwrana��/b�m�tnt�inad In the�rnounts md 1br ths p�bds tl�t l�tdv nqufns. Baroww shY�ko hwn d.
<br /> � � inp+�Ms on tAt P1np�ty,wlNths now b a�dstana or su6�q��t+�cl�d,�Inat losa by tloods to ttte s�RaM requir�d by tM� .
<br /> . . 3�arlry. N�a sM/6�crtMd wNh e�ompmNs approv�d,by Lwdr. Th�itwranc�po/cks�nA any nn�w�ts:hd 6�hNd by
<br /> : I.�nd�r�nd sh�M tnclud�bis payrbM dwsa tn iavor oR+�nd in a brtn acapfabl�ta Lw�QR �
<br /> . i b 1fN�wnt of tors,8arowir stW plv�Undu irtr�t�notky by m�f. L�r�d�r may m�k�Droo1 of bu N not mrd�prartpty by . � ..
<br /> � Baroww Eact�in�xsnc�compe�y�conamed is heneby autNatzad�nd dr�cNd to rtrke paynnent/or aucN bss drecyt to Lenda. • •
<br /> � • tnstMd d to Borrower and to Lender jo�lyr. A1 a any put ot the i�r.c•arice praceeds maY��PD�d bY Landar.�t its opti�on.dther ;
<br /> (�)W th�nduction W th�indebtedne�s under tM Note�nd thts Seourd��ns0um�tt,lirat ta any dafnQu�nt unounts�ppl�d in tM order . � =
<br /> ' b Paw�aph 9,and lhen to prep�yment of WincJpd,or(b)to the reataatbn a r�p�ir ot the drria ? �.
<br /> �P�tY• �Y+PD�ot the
<br /> proc�ds ta th�pinelp�l' �hY not mQ�nd a pottpons t3ee�lw d�t�of th�monthy poynNnts whlcb are r�ferred W h Prra�raph 2.a ..
<br /> . � clwg�tM anourd W stuh paynMnts. /4ry �xwss inwr�ra prcc«ds ov�r�n•arnasnt r�qukad to pay�1 auqf�nt�n�tnd�bt�dn�ss _
<br /> undw th�Nob arxl thts�xKy fn�lrum�nt shai M pvd to the�ntiity Na1y�nUq�d thw�to. .
<br /> � , � In u�..v.nt a 1or.dow�.a ft�Is secu�ty tnsaum.m or ottNr tran�.a tin.to tt�.Rov«ty uwc.�an�tn.rnaebtean�ss.a1 �,;.,
<br /> . rt�tltl�and Intwst a Bq�rorr�r h and to in�u�w poida in fatw shr pss�to the puccMaer. -
<br /> ; , •
<br /> 5. P��rvatbn and ��tM�nanc� af th� Prop�rty, 1.�as�hWds. Bortorver st�ll not conrNt waste a destroy. �
<br /> � d�� ar wM�ntivj►chrKN fh�Properry or Yaw 3he PropeRy to�t�rlorat�.nasonable we�r ind terr�occept�d. l�ndr may
<br /> � ' imp�d th�pnp�rry M th�prop�rty Is vacant or aban�bned or the Ioa�is in d�ult. Lender nay hks re�aonabN�ctton to protsct and
<br /> . �vn�.rv auch vac.m or ae.r�o+�.a prop�ty. n ehts secu�ity Ustrument h on•t.�s.Iso�a, eorrower snsll compy wlth th. pro,ri�ions .
<br /> • j W th�i�w M 8ortahra aoquirp te�titla to the Ropery;�e te�sehotd and te�tiW ehal not be mer�ed unbss Lendrr a�nss to tA�
<br /> . � tINf�1�1 WIN�IQ. , � t .
<br /> a. CIw�Q�s to Borrow�r and Prat�ctlon of L�nd�r's Ri�hts In th�Proporty. BorrowK atw pay aA � ,; `
<br />. � pa►�nwn�ntd or Mutacipd e�rqa�1�n�s and irnpo�Mlons t�hat sn twt indud�d In P+r��raph 2. Borrow�r shY puy tha�oWp�lions on ��'
<br /> tlnw drMl.�tly to tM�tWly whlch h ow�d th�p�ym�nL N�1un to pry wouW advars�y alhd I.mdevy Int�ntt U th� Prop�rty.upon
<br /> • , L�ndr'a nquKt Borraw�r ah�M prompUy f�xnah to Lender reoetpt��Wd�ncirp tha�p�yments. ,
<br /> , � If Bortowa A�iM ta mrce thae paymanEs a 1h�pyn�HS ra4u'k+rd bY Pa�paPA 2.or t�b to peAonn any oth�r co+r��n�s and
<br /> j q�nwKs oontaUwd In thi� Seaxity InsOtixnent,ar tha�e is a tepN P►�p���Y�VY aM�ct LenOer's �hts �n the-. ... ..__ .
<br /> i ptepwy (woh as a procNdin9 tn l�nlwptay,tor condwnnafton or to enbrce kws a rpulatlons). then len� mty do tnd pay
<br /> wlNterw is n�sry to protact the value ot the Property and Lerxkr'a�iyMa in the Propaty, inctudtng payment of taxea, har�rcf
<br /> • Insurance�nd otfwt.k«ns mrntlon�d in P'ara�ph 2.
<br /> , � My rriax�b dbburs�d by lander under thb Paraqr�ph ahW beCOme�n addiNond debt af Barower and b�s�curad by th1�
<br /> � S�ax�jr In�nent 7hra�amounts ahd beu Inierest tro�ra the Q�te of dsburaernent,�t the Note ate,and at t4�e opUon ot Lender,aha11
<br /> bs Mn�rNdi�tdy dw.and pty�bts. • , � '
<br /> , 7. Cand�mn�tbn. Tns procesQs or any aw.rd a ddm for d�m.�a. dwce or canseyu.nud, tn cann.cuon w�A any � .
<br /> ca�A�Yot►ar an�r�or any .p.n a tt�a�roperty. or tor oomeyan�.e�fn pt�ce oi condermation.ue hefeby�sslpned�nd ahaN -----
<br /> b�p�id to L�ndn ta tM�d�rsE o1 ths NM amo�Mt Qt th�tndebt�Qness th�t rer�hs unpdd under the Note•and this S�curky MsWment. � �
<br />. L�nd�r sh�N �ppty wch proceada to th�roducUon df 85e ind�btednaa under ths Nots�nd this Secudty Inatrumen� firrat to any , �
<br /> � P����P���Y�ot the procee�s .. � . ( �
<br /> ,. _ �t s�rus�tc sp�kd�tha arder�rovfded i�P� '����f�r to
<br /> to th� prfndpN shN noe�ct�nd or postpone th�dw Q�te ot the rrionthN p�yments.which ue rolerred to h Paragraph 2,or chanye :
<br /> tM arrwun! ot such p�ytnents. My�ceess proceeds ova an amount roqu�ed to pay aM outst�nding irtdebtednems under the Nota�nd •
<br /> fMs S�ax(ly fnstrummt ah�ll bs pvd to the entiry IepaNy entifkd thereto. � ' • .
<br /> , • 8.'FHl. � �ander mry coYcct fees and chersea authorixe8 by the Secretary.
<br /> � L . -
<br /> 9.�6ronrtds tor Acafl�rANon of�n6f. ' � �,,
<br /> � - . (s) Ds�a1�1E, • tender nyy.exeept as Hmited by�egui�fions isaued by ttre.Se�areh�iy.in the cass o1 payment deFautts. tequire . �
<br /> Mrt�edl�ta�pryrnent tn fnN oi aM aums securcd Dy thll�Security Inatrument K: ri
<br />. � .
<br /> �5813.C11(01/90) 4110p69 Paqo 2 oi 5
<br /> ' �
<br /> � �--: � �:a,c� 3.Z7: d" ...:.a�'�d .s�ie:...YS'.iu*��. r!s:nu.t�c �oca�;�,¢; �+a�� . _
<br /> �s 9�v t ��-�u�- _ .s:wec=t .� � ,� r..�,,...,, . . } . . , .,.. -, �_ j—,
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