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<br /> � . : �. �� , � ' �� � _ �p::..1033461 � - �.�
<br /> ;t_ ' -- ' +�Aeor.�ls ttr+br R�ears,p o.a7 . , `. .
<br /> . ' . ' ` � F11A C�st N0. �
<br /> � � ; � �s�.��..:�,_ _ . ; . . , oEEa�o� �us�r , �•1�„��� , : � ��- - - .
<br /> < < �� j
<br /> . - ; . . . . , � - . . � . .
<br /> ' � ?tMS,a�.�F�t13T C�a�tj! tra�t�nw�t'?ts ri�l.on —.wnM 1� �..,., , t9�0 • � ` , �
<br /> f _ ' � . TM 1n�Mer k �ci�t S.'l1�ee�i�on aM t,�t J.Tl�omton ..i�sU■nd and wlfi • � - . . ,
<br /> - � � . . � t"BortowrS . _
<br /> ' f Zl1�rIMM .jf��C.����.���i w��.�N�TI� �
<br /> , . ' , i"itYifM"�• . - .
<br /> : . . 71w bww�e,i�y t� 1�w�■t�tk N�6�uka. N.l� zos w..�n�a �a ts�,�a. � � � ' `
<br /> � � , :�eeo� -. � � . � � . - � �
<br /> .. ; � "�`.wt�c�h is�nind�nd�i�ftrg a�.1l�li�wra d__Hii tN*�d��M�et�; .and wHos�adQn�s.ls . ° , .
<br /> ' �' . `.�_:�t ThiM 84�t Qr�,isYand. I�I�brs�ita�e�� � C'��9•�
<br /> ',
<br /> ,; . Borrow�r owu L�wMt qwe pi��Tpil sun d�wrMv EI�Tl�ussnd 7T�ei��Hund�a� Fi�i Y and�00/i00 ' � ' ' .
<br /> .. .. r. _ ... , . . ... . � . . -
<br /> � ' : Dolrs(U.S.�28.�50•00). '14�is deM ts erWenc�d by BamW�a nots�d�ted the a�me d�te aa this SacurKy Instrwnent . .
<br /> � .; • Q'Nat�'q.whleh Provld�s 1or monthN p�rinants.wkh the t�i debt,ff no!p�id.�r'irr.du�and pry�Dle on i-'l 20 ' . � , ' .
<br /> � This S�audly InsM�xnmt secvras to lenda: (a)the npayrtNnt ol�drbt wid�nad bY th�Noh. wNh iiK�nst. and r r�Nwds. .
<br /> : �chn�iorts�nd rtwd�atlons� lb)the PRYmen�ol Y otMr wnr�;with tntrat.�dvanC�d nnda prapaph 6 to protect tht s�axtly o/ � .
<br /> � '�.� thtt 5ro�1f�'9"nsbl�w�C aiM(c)tM perfornMnc�of 8omoww's oovww�ts and�ts un�this S�aaily Instiun�K�nd th�Not�. , - �t
<br /> , Far,tAir�D�irpa�Horrn�s�as h�raby mort�gant arsd cromry to Tru�wltt�porrK of S�i�.the kfawh� desabb propwly • � .
<br /> i . , fia+c�Mlyd b HaN �q� • . . . ;
<br /> s � : l.ot Sbc (a) 81ock On� Hundr�d Tiiw •(1�5.1et Ko�nl � .� , .:
<br />� � ��Wf�b�tis�Ad`dAd si�lon to th� City M O a td Is1� Hall g , .f�:<-��
<br /> �tY. ,
<br /> ,. -�=a
<br /> ; � :
<br /> �
<br /> ; �
<br /> � � � Thts M s Purchas�Mo�y ONd of Tru�t 1
<br /> ,, i �wMeh h�s tM addtiss of n r 1 n
<br /> • . [streatj .T £�Y1. iia�s:
<br /> • (5tate) . ,��. � �"��Y�dd�s��� ' ;�;t.
<br />� . TGQETHEA WITFI a1 th�Nprarwn�nts now or hars�Ra�ected on the praprty��nd Y e�sanmt�.d�hts, �PPurt�nricy� pnb,
<br /> � roy�IlNs, mfn�M. oM �rtd pis rtphts�nd profts.water rly�ts and stodc�nd r 16mura now a h�r�t�r a pr!a tM proprly. Iii1 �.
<br /> � : nplrarnNnb and adddot�s ahM Wo b�oowr�d by thh 3�ctxtty In:trurrNnf. AN M th� Tarpoinp b r�l�erd W tn ihds SrauRy •
<br /> •.� InMn�n�nt as th�"Prop�l�: - . .. .
<br /> ,
<br /> � 9otlqowER cavewwrs tna eorrow.r h r.w�ay�.a a tn...Va n.nby canreyb ana h:s tr�t eF�r,e co n,ort�.y�,vane.r�
<br /> cawrY�th�Nop�ry urb thit tM R'oqrty h txwnourtib�t�0.�apt tor wwvmbranas M tlCOrO. Borrower wanantt�nd wAI O�lend
<br /> . q�r�Ijr Nt YIM to th�RopNty apr�t a�d�h�e and d�nw�d�.aubpd to any�qmb��nc�s ol�kord. • � .
<br /> . 1.Pa�n«M d Prtnc�psFy 1trtN'qt snd I.st� CI�. 8orrowv sfW pry wh�n due the Princ�ai c�L and lnt�t an. � •
<br /> ' th�_d�b��Ndmc�d by t�rs'NM�snd yt�ch�r�dw undu ths Nota.
<br /> Z•�Aatlthly Payn�nts Of TaxN. Inwnnc� arrdl btlN� Clar�s.Barra++rer ah�ll tnctude i�e�ch m�ihH D�Y�t.. .
<br /> . _' to�thr widt IM prtncipM and Int�riiqt as �M torlh tn tM t�ne rnd any Mts c�w�rs: �rt instalanent or�nY fo) t�xes �nd apecW
<br /> ss�s�s N+ri�d a to b�NvIM�'�inst the Ptoperty. (b)tysN�otd p�ynNnts or yround rents on ths Pra ---� --
<br /> ' hwr�na!'�quir�d bY Fara�r�Dr►4• ,W�Y.and(c)pren�iums tor r
<br /> '
<br /> . Ea�h moMhly tn�f�M iac�ems..#�?.(b)and��y sha�e�wl.o�t�1wNM ot th�annud amounts.�ts��tsonabty�stMn�t�!by L�nder. � ! ,
<br /> __._-._. _ . _ �..
<br /> �i�.�"H-5i�'icirnt to mdnfiiri an iQ�iflonii l�incs of r,ix i�on fhan onFatxth ot the estintited�unounty.The/uA annual�mount !
<br /> b►�A Nwn�hY b�qca�nwMied by t,endu wkhirs i��in�one nronth bdors an kem waRd bscar�ddhquenf. Lerxf�shaN '
<br /> � hotd thr ainounts eowcNd 9n trust to MY itsms(��;(��and(c)bdore thry b�coms de�r►quenL � � .
<br /> � � If �t �rty ttm�th4 toW of th�p�yrr�ent� hefd by�ertG►for itwns{a),(bj.and(c), together with the future monthy payments ta
<br /> such ibms piy�bM ta lendr prio►to ths dus d�tes at auch it�au, aceeeda by rrwre than an�sbdh tha estinuted amouM of `
<br /> � •WY�tr ���� P�Y�K�s wAen due, �nd if piyments ao tM Note ua Wrrent,ttien lcnder ahall either retund the excess ' �
<br /> , o'vM on�ti�Qf� W 1he sstim�ted payments w cte�t the excass ovet orte-sbAb at the esUrn[ted pa�ymenis to subseqtienf payme�nts by �
<br /> ' 8airowEr. af the apfan of Barower. `�t the lofat of the payments made by 9orrawer fnr item(a). {b).ar(c)is �sufflcient to pay the ,
<br /> Rem when due,th�n Borrower ahaN pay to Lender�any emount a�cessary to make up the deftdertcy on or bofote the date the item �,. w
<br /> bECOdtE3 dUb.
<br /> ��5013.Cri(W19D) F(�/90) U(4/.U�1) ott0049 Page t ot 5
<br /> �,_
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