.. .
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<br /> - ; . _ � . . .. , . 94-- 1Q33�a � ;.
<br /> . � . . . _ .
<br /> �s t If Lsndtr required mort,g�e i�surance as a condition af�uakiag the ioan secured by this Secu.�ty Instrum�t,
<br /> �Barrowes sbaU psy tlie premiums r�quired to xnaintain the insuiance in effect until sucb time as the requiremcnt for the � .
<br /> � , insur�ncx tenrtinata in�ccordance wit�Borrower's and Laida's written agrce�ent or applicable,taw: • � �• `
<br /> � , 8. _Lqecf3aa. ` Lender or_its aErnt may malce reasanabie entries upon and inspections of the Prcperty: �.ender � " �
<br /> � , shall�ive Borro�ver notice at the time of or prior to ei�inspection spec�ing rasonable caase for the irispeetibn. , � �
<br /> .. 9� Co�Wduatioa. The proceeds of any'award or claim for damaga.direct or ronscqurntial,in connection with.' ` ' , � � ' � .
<br /> . . ° any candannation or otber taicing of any part of the Ptaperty.Qr for conveyance In iieu of condemnatian,ax+e hereby
<br /> .i ':� assi�ned and shali be p�id to Lender. . . . .
<br /> . In thr eyent of a tatal.taicing of ttee Prope�ty,the procads shaU be appfied to the sums secured,by this SeCUrity , �
<br /> , . � . � tnstrument,whtther or not then du�wiih any excess paid w Borrower..In tht event uf a partia�taking oF the Property. ; .
<br /> { . u n l a s H o r r o�V e r:n d L e n d e r o t U e r w+i s e¢g r e e i n w r i t i n g,t he sum s s e c u r e d hp t his S e c uri t y In s trument s h a ll i x r e d u c o d hy ' .
<br /> ` the amount of the pracodds a[altipliad try the foltrnving fracduni(�)the tntal amount of the sums securld immodiatelyr
<br /> ` � . before thG takiria,divided bg(U)tbe fais mazket value of the Praperty immediately before the taking.My balance shaU be.
<br /> i p�id ta HurroKer. � � . � ' � � � . .
<br /> ' If the Propetty ia a6andoned by Borr4w�r,or if,after notire by Lender to Aorrowa fhai the condemnar offet�W ` �
<br /> � �a� ` , �� make ari award or settte s�ctaim for dunages,Hoirower fsits to respand to Lender within 30 days after thF date the notict is .
<br /> ' �; given,I�nder is author�zed to collect and stpply the proceeds,at its option,either to resforation or repair of the Pmperty or
<br /> ' �, . w the sums securod liy�r�is Security Inatrument,whether ar not then due. � � •
<br /> � ��' 'Ualsss Lend�rr,€�d Bonawer otherwise agra in wtiting;any appliration�of ptoceeds to principal shall nat aatatd or �
<br /> .i . , postpone the due dat±c%a�'the monthly payments referrcd to in paragraphs 1,aad 2 ar cbange the sunount of surh payments. . -
<br /> ' � � • 10. BarroRU Not Retesad; Forbeuaace By I.eadtr Not a Wai�er. Extension of the time for��vment or • �
<br /> � { madi8catian of amortization of the sums secured by this So�urity Instrument grantod by Ltnder to ang s:r�,-oes.wr in
<br /> � ,interest of Borrower�shall not operate to relr.�s�ibe liability of the original Borrower or BorcowePs successois in interes�•� ,
<br /> , { , ,Lcmder shall not be,rsquired to commencc p�ceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend tir;te far ,
<br /> ,, �payment or othetwise modi!'y amortization oft�a��svmS secur�t 6y ehis Security Instrument by reason af any de�and made .
<br /> ' by the originsl Bom�ver or Borrow-�'s saccessors±n inter€�r�Iny forbearance by I.ender in exercising any rigJlncer rcmedy
<br /> .,;.� shaU not bc a waiver of or preclude e.�z exercise of any rigtit�.��-�zrnedy. � � , ,
<br /> il. S�ce�on ard Atd�as Bo�ed;JoLit and Ser�s�Liability;Co�siperi. The covcnants and agreeme�lts of ,
<br /> i this Seeurity Instrumem shall bind and benefit the successars and as�igns of Lender and Borrower,subject to tht provisions . '. �
<br /> � of paragraph 17..Bonovrrer's cavenants and agreements sha11 be joint and several.Any Borrowtt who co-signs th's Ser�r"sty � �
<br /> i . Insmsment but does not execnte the Not�:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrument anly to mortgage,grant a��nvey � � .
<br /> + that Borrowcr's interest in the Property under the cerms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not personally obliga.�d to p�y . � �-'
<br /> ��;--
<br /> � the sums secured by this Security Instrument;and{c)agrees that Lendter and any other Borrower may agree to eatend, � --
<br /> modiPy.farbear or make any accommadations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Nate withoat
<br /> ' that Bonower's consent. ' �
<br /> ! 12. Lou C`araes. If the loan securod 6y this Security Instrument is s�ubject to a law ahich sets ma�cimum loan .
<br /> c6uges, and that taw is tinally interpreted so that the interest or'other loan charges coilected'or to be collected in
<br /> � connectian with the loan excecd the permitud limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount � —
<br /> { necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted timit�,and(b)any sums already coltected from Boccnwer which excaded
<br /> j ptrmitted limiis will be retunded to Borrower. Lender may chaose ta make this refund by reducing the principai awed
<br /> : under the Note or by mnking a direct payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces principal,the reduction wil!be treated as a
<br /> ' ; � partia!prepayment without any prepayment chargs under the Note. .
<br /> � 13. LegNlatlos AReetieg I.eeder's Rigbta. If enactment or espiraaon of applicable�aws has the effect os
<br /> renderir�g any,provision of the Note or this Security lnstrumeat unenfnrccabte accarding ta its terms,l.ender.at its oplion, ry
<br /> � may roquire immtdiate payment in fuU of a1)sums securcd by Ihis Security lnstrument and may invake nny remedies •�
<br /> . permitted by paragraph 19.If Lender exercises this opiion.Lendc:shal!take the stc�s speci6ed in the second paragraph of �
<br /> paragraph 17. • :�r�.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any noti:.�r�r!Borrower providtd for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by . ,��
<br /> � mailing it by first claas*:�ai! uniess appiieable law requires use oP another methad. The notice Shall be directed to�he •
<br /> �i Praperty Address ar arry�oihet address Borra�er designates by natice ta l.ender. Any natice to[xnder shaU 6e given b� ,
<br /> � flrst class m�il to Lencies's address stated herci.or any othcr address Lender designates by notice ta Horrower.Any natice '
<br /> � . , provided for in this Security Instrclrr�ent sha111x dcemed ta have been given to�orro�kNr��r Lender wheri given as provided
<br /> in this paragraph. �
<br /> ls. Co�erni�g Ii�;Setenbility. �'hc�s$ecurity lnstrument sriall be�goverr.eG by federaE aaw:,nd the law of the � � �
<br /> jurisdiction in which ihG Prt►perty is loeuted. 1n the event thvt any pro4�y'nn ar clause af this�:.urity Instrument or the
<br /> Note ranftiets with applic�able 1aw,such conSiCt sha11 not affect nther�rczisions of il�is Security�Jnstrument or the Note
<br /> whieh can be given efftct without the confticting pravisio».To�his enc!s?��}�rovisi�::�.sof t6is 5eeurity Instrame�t and the
<br /> . . ' Nofe are dcclared to be severable..�
<br /> � . . 16. Borrowet'm Copy. Borrower shall bc given one conPorme4�+�py of t6e tii�te and�1'lhic 5ecurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> 17. 'Triasirr af the Property or a Derte�cial interat in Borrct«��er. , lf all c�r any part c>f the Property or any
<br /> int�rest in it issold nr transferred(c�r if a beneficia�interest in�orrower is scrld�r transferreci and�3urruwer iti tiat e natural
<br /> person)without Lender's priar written consent.Y.�ncier may,�!its optinn.reyuire immediate payment in full c�P al)sums
<br /> secured dy this Stcutit� Instrument. However, this option shall nut be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by .
<br /> federellawasoPihedateoflhisSecuritylnstrument. • - T
<br />_ If i.ender exerciSec this option,I.ender shall give Horrower natice of acceteration."The^r,¢;�e shall pr�vidc a periud ' �
<br /> ' of ttot t'ess than 30days fr�m the date the notice is delivered or maited within which Horrowerm:.,�t Qay all sums secured by
<br /> -.-. _. , . th�Secstcitg I�srstmes►s.If�asrgtis�r€sil�sg psj the�€s�r�s priar tQ sl�c cx�s'sration�E:his�r�:ci�I.EitE��F ifiSj iiii�f�i�e aay , � .
<br /> remedic5 permitted by this Security lnstrument withnui funher npticc or demaucl an Bort�wer. ! �
<br /> • �' , 18.Borrower's Al�ht to Reinsta�t. If Hortower meets cert:iin c�nditinns. Borrower shall have ttie right tc>have '
<br /> . enfbrcement of this Security Instrument discont�nued at any time prior to the earlier of:(a)5 days(or such�ther period as �
<br /> L applicnble law may speril'y fvt rcinstatement)before sale of the Property pursuant to any power�►P salc a,ntained in this ' '
<br /> Secunly Instrument;or('b)entty Uf a judgmertt enfarcing this 5ecurity Instrument. �'hose conditions:�re that Br�rr�iwer:
<br /> (n) pays l.endes afl sums which then woutd be due under this Security L�strumcnt and the Note had no ucccleration �..
<br /> oc:rurretl: (b)cutes any def�ult of any other cdvettants or agte�:ments: (c)pays all cxpemr� incurreci in enforcmg this �
<br /> _ - 5e�:t�rity lnstrument.including.hut nvt limited ta.reasonable attorncys'fec.�:ai�c!€d)take4;ctch aeticn�as l.en�ier m:�y �
<br /> rcasvnabty'rcquire ta assure th�t th�lien of this 5ec.urity tnctrument. I.rnder'c n�ht� �n the Pro�rrly and Burruwer'v I 4
<br /> obligahon to pay the sums se.ured by this Seeurity instrument �hall canti»ue unchaaged. l�pun remttatement by p
<br /> � � $e�rrowcs;this Security in�trument artd the c,blig.�tions secured hereby sh�ll rernarrr f ully�efTect��e as�f nr►a.cetera�ruri Ir:�ci � ��
<br /> ��crurred.Hoa•even this nght to re�nstate shall n<�t apply in the ca�e of acceleraunn orzdcr p,ir�graph�1?or 17
<br /> ' • �
<br /> i .
<br /> �
<br />