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<br /> ``� .UNIFORM COVEIVAIV'IS. BOitOaliliid Lp1de[COvenBnt eIId Sgtee aS fOIIOwS: ��90-�p�3 3 4 0 � � .
<br /> � - , 1. Pay�t at Prlad�l�ud Iateres�Prepymtnt at�Late C6uges. Borrower shall promptlq pay when due
<br /> � the ps�incipal ofand interest on the debt evidmced by the Note and any prepaymmt and late ch�rges due under the Note. � �
<br /> _. F��toe T��t ae�t�u�aece. �Subjact to applicabte tave or to a writttn v�Yaiver by Lender.Barrower sha{I pay `
<br /> . �o Letcder oa the day monthlK.paymenu.ue due tu�da the Notc,until the Npte is,paid ia fuU,a surn("Funds'?equal ta,
<br /> � ` o�rt�tw�tlfth of: (aj�yesriy taxes artd assasmec►ts which msy attein priority over this Security instrume»t; (b) yearly .
<br /> � tra�ehold_p"aYmeAts or gFOUnd rent� oit tt�e Proper�, if any; i�� Ye�rly hazard insarartre premiums: and td) yeady ,
<br /> ' � � � mortssEe iasnrance premiums,if any.Th�items ue catled"escrow items."Lender may esrimate ehc Funds due on she i
<br /> ' . . b�sis of cutrent data and reasoaabk esuma[es t>f futnrt escr8w items. � � � '
<br /> � Tbe Funds slsa116e heid in an instituiion the deposits ar accounts of which are insured or guaranteet�by a federal as.: ' � _, ,
<br /> state sgency(ittcIudina I.a�der if I.eada is such an�i�stitut�on).Lmdec shall apply the Fuads to pay t�e escrow ittms. .' .
<br /> ` � ' � � i.ender may rzot chs�e for IwtdinE and apptying tLt Funds,anatyzing tht account or verifyimg th�eserow items,unless � -
<br /> „ L,pjdet p�yr�Horroarer interest.on the Funds and applicabk law permits L�►der to make such a ct�argc.Bonower and, ,
<br /> . • Lender may agree in writirig that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or applicabte la.w
<br /> � } roquires interest to be paid,Lender shalt not 6e required w pay Bonower any interest ar earnings on tlxe Funds.Ledder '
<br /> `shtl!6ive to Borro�rer,�vithouE charge.an aanuai accounting of thc Funds showing credits an�debits to the Funds and the �
<br /> ' ; , purpose for vvhich each debit tt�tht Funds was madt.The Fuads are pledged as additional security for tlte sums secured by �
<br /> ' ' this Security Instrumerit. � ::::: � - � " •
<br /> r . If the amount of the Fundt hdd by Lenda,togetber witb the!'utnre monthly payments of Funds payable prior to
<br /> � tbe dut'tlatts of t6e�srrow iieras,sha�l txtxed the amount required to pay the escrow items when due,the e�cc�ss shal!be, •
<br /> : .� � ;t Borrawu's option,`either prat�ptly repafd to Borcower or cre�ited�to Borrower un monthly pay�nents of Funds.If thc , `
<br /> � s�.nwunt af ihe Funds beld by Lender is not sufl�cient to pay the rscrow items when due,Borrowet shall pay ta Lender aay
<br /> ; ptnount neressary to make up.the deficie�cy i.r one or more payments as teguired by Lender. � ,
<br /> ; ! �� Upon pay��nt in full of all sums s�ed by this Security Instrument,Lender sha11 proiirptly refund to Borrower
<br /> _ . � • any Funds 6eld by t,eada.If undxr paragiapfi 19 the Property is sold or acquired by I.ender,Lender shall apply,no tates '
<br /> �:,`��; ������ tltan immodiateJy picor,to the�of'the Property ar its acquisition by Lender,any fiunds hetd by Lender at the time of
<br /> �.r�- . � . application as a erodst against r�Enesums secured by this Securiiy Instr�ment. , `
<br /> � 3. Apalkati�e ot Fs�ents. Untess applicabtt law pto��es�oiherwise,all payments received by L.ender under .
<br /> . � para$raphs 1 and 2 s'_:ai be a�iied:8rst,to late charges due under t?��Notr,seeond,to prepayment charges due under t1�cc�. ,
<br /> Note;third,to amouxi#s{�eya��e�:nder paragraph 2;fourth.to interesE du�and last,ta principat due. .�
<br /> 4. C�st/e�LieAS. ��+r'awtr shaU pay all tazes,assessmonts.charges,fines and impositions attrib�table to t�:� � , _ , . .
<br /> ' Properfy whieh may attain prority,over this Securi�q dnstrnment, and leasehold payments ar ground rents, if any. , ,
<br /> ! Borrower shall.pay these obligations in the manner pra�ided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in t6at manner,Borrower s�3 � - `
<br /> - . pay them an time derectly to the person owed payment.Borrower s�a!!promptly furnish to Ix:-.�ter aIl notices of amou:Y� , � `
<br /> � to be paid urtder tt�s paragraph. If Borcoa�r€makes these paymenrs c4grectly.Bonawer shalg�T�rnpily famish to Le�:: � .
<br /> ' reaipts evidenein$the payme�ts. i - .
<br /> � , � Borrower shalf promptty discharge any lien which has priority over thls Security lnstrumene unless Borrower.(a) ' `
<br /> � agrees ia writing to the payment otthe obtigation secured by the litn in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)coniests in good .- �
<br /> ; faith the lien by,of defends against enforceraient of the lien in,2ega1 proceedings whicA in the Exnder's opinion operate to � -=
<br /> prevent the enforce�ent of the tien or forfeiture of any part of the Property;or(c)secures Srom the holder of the lien a�n .
<br /> i agrament satisfactory ta Lendcr subordinating the lien to this Security lnstrument.Ii Lender determines that any part of
<br /> ' the Property is subject to a Hen which may attain priar¢y aver this Security Instrumcnt. Lender rrtay�k�Borrower a �
<br /> � noCsce identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of'the actions set forth abo��s��ihin IO day s ,
<br /> f of the giving of note� +_
<br /> i S. Haz�rd IawrAnca 8otrower s�.:I!keep the improvemer..s naw existing as herezP�n erected on the Propeszy�
<br /> insured against toss by Rre,haTards included within the tenn"extended coverage"and any other fiazards for whicb Lender
<br /> � requires insuranee. This insurance shall b� maintained in the amounts and for the periads that I,ender requires. The .
<br /> . � insurana carrier�S�icSing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrawer subject ta Lender's appraval which shall not be
<br /> j uareasonably withf�eEd.
<br /> � � � All insurar.� policies and renewals s:�all be acceptable to Lender and shall include a srandard mortga,ge ctaus�. +.
<br /> � Lcn�cr shall have the right ta hofd the policies aad rert�als.If Lender rcquires,Banowcr st�a;t promptl}give ta I.ender
<br /> � all receipts af paid premiums and renewal notices.in thc event of loss,Borrower shall give prnmpt notice to the insurance
<br />, I carrier and Lender.Lender may mnke proof af loss iPnot made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless l.ercder and 8orrower atherwiseagree in wri�ing,in9urance proceeds shall be aF�l:ed to restoration or reFair '�s�
<br /> � of the Property daz:�aged,if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's sewrity is rtot tessened.I6 e:.e �
<br /> ; � restoration or tepair is not economically feasible or Lender's security woutd be lessened.the insurance proceeds sha:r'r�e : .
<br /> j appliac�to the sums secured by this Security lnstru�ec�t>whether or not shen due.with any excess paid to Borrower. If
<br /> � Bdtrower abandons the Property,or does not answ�er w��ehln 30 days a notire from Lender that the incurarece carrier has �
<br /> , , offered to stttle a claim,then Lender may coltect the insurance proceeds.Lender may use tite�roceeds ta repair or restcre ��- �- - � - ��
<br /> the Property nr ta pay sums secured hy thia Securiiy tnstrument.whether�r not then due. �I:e 30-day period will beg:� �
<br /> r when the notice is given,
<br />, . � Unless Lender�nd Barrower otherwise agree in writing,any application of proceeds ta principai shal)not extertd ar�
<br /> ' ; postpone the duc date of the monthly paymea��referred to in parpgraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of t�-e payments.If �
<br /> , � under paragraph 19 the Property is a�quired by L.ender.Bonowei s right t�any insurance pc>ticies and proceeds resulting
<br /> . , frum damage tv the Property prfor to the acquisition shall pass to tender tn the extent of the sums secured by this Security -
<br /> . � tnstrument immsdiatcly priar ta the acc�uisiticm. � �
<br /> '. 6. Presetv�tion�nd Nfaiatenance o!Propetty;t.e�seholds. Borrawcr shall not destroy,damage or substantially ' �
<br />� ,change the Property, allow the Property to de(etiorate or commit waste. if'this Se.c:urity ]nstruntent is on a leasehald,
<br /> � Bnrrower shalf comply with the pmvisions�t'the lease,and if Horrower xcquires fee title to the Property.the leasehold and ------
<br /> � fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees tothe merger in�vriting. ;
<br /> • 7. Protertion ot i.ender'a Rights.in the Property; ltorfgage lnsur�nce. If Borrower faits to perform the . .
<br />-- -- - ��e�stsand�grcc:sst�tsrosta;�cd'e�t6is�ecur�ty tnstrussc-�e.isr thcrc i�;a kga!#�rc�esig sh:ee�s,ay�'sgnil3e:sntl;s�'� - ;. - .
<br /> t.ender's rights in the ProDerty (sueh as a proceeding in bankruptey, probate.for condemnation�r to enforce laws or ! •
<br /> . regulations),then Leiider may do and pay for whatever is ncv:essary tu prutect the value af tire I'roperty arrd Lender'ti rights �
<br /> , in the Properl�+. Leridet's actians may include paying any sums secured by a lien whirh has priority o�•cr this Security
<br />: tnstrument.appearing in court,paying reasonable attarneys'fees and entering on fhe Yr��pe�ty to make rcpairs.Althnugh
<br /> !„�, l.ender may take action under this paragraph 7.t,e.nder daes nnt have to dci�o.
<br /> ' ' Any nmounts disbursed by Lencier under this paragraph 7 shall become sdditional debt of Bdrre�wer secured by Ihis �
<br /> : Security lnstrument.Unless Borrower And Lender agree tp other termc bP payment.th:se amounts shall bear inter�st ftom qp .
<br /> � , the.date of disburseznent aE the Note rate and shaR!t+e payable: with interess, u�na� nE�tiec frnm I.eisdeo tc: Ac�rruwer �
<br /> reqttesling payment. " , � � � , ' ,. �' " `�;
<br />. i
<br /> -- _ . �.
<br />