� , � . . . . � � , '
<br /> .. _ .._. -----�; .— . ` . ' , � . � ' � . � � `i . . ��.
<br /> _ . ' . - . . . . . .E� ' ' ' ' ' . . . . _ ' _ _ . .
<br /> . t ,�.' � ` ', ` �` • � ` � � • ' �
<br /> �� ; - `� . . . . _ ��Q33 - � -
<br /> ` If I.enda n+qair�ed morc�e imsuianc�e�s oondiaon af m��he w.n secnred by thii Secanty��1�i�matt,
<br /> � � < --Bort+�w�tr sLall l�Y tl�premiums requirod to m�u[t�t�e insar�t�cc ia e�ec4 until snc6 time�s th�requiremeat for the � ` t
<br /> � . issurr.hoe it�minsta in aawrdance�vith Borcc�s�ad Lrnde�s arIttea a�reemeat or applicable Isw. � � • .
<br /> .. ` ' �. ?�cfi�, t.enckr or its a�eat�aay m�lct.iwonabk mtries upoa�ad�of the PropeRq.�I,endes �
<br /> . ' �all pve�HorroMtr notia at tLe time of oF w an' ; . �
<br /> Prior ��ioa apecifYinB rnsonabk cause far the inspxrion.
<br /> � ' ! Caispart�. The praccrds of any awnrd qt cWm for damasea.dircct or consequential,ia connectioa�vith
<br /> � � �.aaY o o e d e n m a ti o a or oH�e r l�I c i ns of any p�rt of tbe Propaiy,or fos_coa►veyatice in�iea of condcmnstioa,are heeeby .
<br /> � a�i�l and sbaU 6e pid to I.ender. �
<br /> �� � tn t6e tvent a€a tota!�taian=of tLe Property�tbe proceeds ahali 6e agplied to the sums sacared tsy this Security ' �
<br /> f It�struriaeat.�!hetber er aot then duR�ith any excaa paid w Horrowrer.Ia i8e event of s paRial tilcina af the Property,
<br /> � ; . ualqs Borrow�er aud�er othet�vise aga in�ritia�,tbe sums axttred by tLis Sec�rity Instrument al�ll be reduced by �
<br /> tbe ampunt ef tIu pracerds multiplied by the foltawing.fiaction:.ts)t6e t�tal amount o£th�sams secvrad immedaatety " ' .
<br /> � - � befoc�e the tvcin�divided bY(b)tbe fair tn�iri�d v�tueof t6e Propaty immr,diateiy before thrtakin�A:►y balance shall be
<br /> � paid tn Ho�sa�ra. . . .
<br /> � : � .. � Itthe Property is abiadoned by Bonowet.ot if.after notice by Lender to HarroNer t6st the.coademnor olFers ta --
<br /> . , . � miice aa s�vud or settk a cLi�n far damaae�,Botrowr�faib to re�pond to L.euder within 30 dsys after the date the c�otice is. .
<br /> � ; � aiven,Lendes!is authorized to collrct and aDply the pracecds,u its option,eithet to nstoration or repair of the Paa�eerty or
<br /> � ? to tlye sums sacurad by thia 5ocurity Inawraent,�vhetbdr or aot thrn due. � �
<br /> ' ° Unle�Let►�er artd Bomo�v�r othrnvise saroe in writiag,sny application of�rrocoods"to principal shall not extend or .. . ` .
<br /> postpone t�e dne date of the monthly piyrmnts tderred to in pusarapbs 1 and 2 or cdange the amount o�sucb pnyments. �
<br /> � 10. Bore�ower Na Relwre� Foriara.ee Bf �.�der iva a WaiTer. Eatensias�of the time for psymwt or
<br /> s. modiScation of Amortizition of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any succeasor in �� �
<br />. j mterest of Horro�er shall not aperate to relase the liability af the oriEinal�Sonower ar Borrower's succ�ssorc in interesi. �
<br /> � Ler�cfer shaU uot 6t raquired to commence Praceedings tg�linst a»Y sucaasor in interest or reFuse to.eatend time for . ' :`....,
<br /> � payinent or ahtnvise modify amortization uf the Saies secured by this Secvsity Instrument hy reason of any demand raade ;� � �
<br /> � by t}x or�gina!8onow�er or Borrower's successara ir�interest.Any forbearanct by Lender in eaercising any right or r�medy ` ' „�;:�` �
<br /> s6s13 not be s aaivrr of or prxiude the txercise of any rig6t ur remedy. . . � � :,
<br /> � 11. Siceawe�s a�d Aslp�a Boo�JoVt s�d S��errl I.i�ltlltq;C.o�t�en, The cavenants aad agramers�s of ;,� -�::-
<br /> � this Security tnstrument shall bind and 6enefit the succ�essa:s and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisions •��"' '
<br /> ' af p�ragraph 17.Borro�er•s covenants and agreemrnts shall be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Security ` �
<br /> : Instrumrnt but daes not execute the Note:(s)is co-signing this Security Instrument onty to mortgage,graat and convey `'' `�:
<br /> that Borrowet's interest in the Proptity under the terms of this Securisy Instruraent;(b)is Rot personally abligatod to pay ;� .�
<br /> ti the sums secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agtees that Lender and any other Barrower may agra co extend "
<br /> modify,for6ear or make any accommodations with regsrd to the terms of this Secprity lastrument or the Note without
<br /> { tHat Borrawer'sconsent. �
<br /> �
<br /> ' 12. Lo�u(.liar�es. U the toan secured by this Security Instrumcnt is subjoct to a law which seu maximum toan
<br /> charges, and that ta�r is�naUy interpreted so ths►t the interest or other loan charges collected or to be cullectod in '=�
<br /> connecrion with the loan exc+eed the permitted iimits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be red�ced by the amo�int
<br /> � necessary to reduce the charge ta the permitted timit;and(b)any sums already ce�llectcd from Borrower which eacooded
<br /> j Permitted limits will be cePunded to Borrower. F.�a.der may chc�osato mske this refund by roducing the principal owed
<br /> • 4 . F�nder,the Note or by making a direct payment ic 8orrower.if a refund reduces principal.the reduction will be trrated as a
<br /> � ' partial prepsynunt withost any prepaymtnt charge under the Note.
<br /> ' 13. I�W�do� A![ecHa� t,esrer's Rigib. lf enactment ar eapiratian of applicabte laws has the effect of ,
<br /> � rendering any ptovision of the No[e c�c rhis Security Instrument unenforceable accarding to its terms,Lender,at its option,
<br /> _ i msy require immediate p�y,�nent in;uli of all sums secured by this Security Instrument and may involce any remedies .
<br /> permittod by paragraph l9.If I.ertder exercises tltis option.L.ender shaU take the steps specified in the second paragreph af - �
<br /> 'f paragratih 17. ;,��.
<br /> ,. 14. !Yotkq. Any noticc to Borrower provided for in this Sxvrity Instrument shal!be given by deli�er�z$it or by
<br /> � mailin6 it N�; Rrst ciass maii unkss applicabie lsw requires c:se nf snother method. The n�tice shaS1 be directed ta the �
<br /> �'r'operty Address or ar�y other address Borrower designates by notice to l.ende�.Any notice to l.e;��t�shal!be given by
<br /> �:st class mail to L,endtr`s eddress�;ated hcrein ar any other address I,er.��designat�v by rtotice ta F�:.nower.Any notice
<br /> ptovided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have 6een givcn t��Darrower ar l.ender when given as pmvided - -�--- � : � �
<br /> . in this para�aph. •
<br /> 1S. Goretd��Ltrr,Setetai�ixty. 7'his Security Instrumtnt shall be govemet��y federal taw and tho law af thc
<br /> gutisdiction in which the Property is locatcd.In the event that any provisicz ar clause of this Secur�y Instrument nr the
<br /> , l'�ote conflicts with applicabte taw.such con0ict shaU nct affert othrr Qror�sions of this 5ecuniy tr��r�mrnE or the Npte
<br /> . ; �#�ieh ean br given aQ'ret withoat the cc�mmtlictiag provision.To this end the provisions af Rhis Security �nstrument and the
<br /> . Nnte ere dec�rtd to be severable. � • , .
<br /> !6. $arrowrr's Co�y. �C:T�wer shall be given une ean.formed copy of ihe tictr and of thic 4ecur::y Er:u.-urnent.
<br /> . . �7. Traaster o�l,1�e Pro/erEy or a Beae6cial leterest fn $orra�re�. If al!or ar�y part<.`,'a:��proj►�rty or any
<br /> dr�terest in it is sold or tsae�s„°erred(or ii'a beneficia)intcres�t in�rrac�er is*�u�or transferred and&T�_:ver is not a natural �
<br /> ' person)wethout Lender"s prior wtitten.c�nsent. I,ender may.at its optina,reyuire immed�ate payment in full of�U sums ' -_---
<br /> . secured 6y thig Seeurity Instrument. Hnwever, thts vpti�n shal! nut be exe�rixed by L=�:.der sf eaercise i�: prokc'�ited by � �
<br /> federaltnwasofthedateofihisSecuritylnstrument. •
<br /> if Lender,eaetcises this aption,Lcnder shgll give I3atr��v►er notice�f a�c�celerat�on.7�he uattce�..hall,grovide a Qericx! � �
<br /> �- - - ofmrt�esstiran 3f��ays ffOfi the dafe the nutice is deTivered or maited within whirh$orruwer must p�y all sum�hrcured by
<br /> , this Sreuriry!nslrument.IPBorruwer fails to pay thc�se sums.priar tE►the rx�iratron ot�h�s�reriu�d.Lender may intinke atiy ' ' -
<br /> remedies permi¢ted by this Security lestrument without further notice nr ctemand on B�rrauer.
<br /> 18.8osrower's RlgMt to Relestatt. ii'Horrawer metts certain conditi�+ns,$oruywes thbll havr she nght t�ti havr
<br /> cnforcement qf this Security Inslrument discontmued at auy time priur t��Ihe carlier of(uy 5 day�(nr such uther periixl a�
<br /> L applicuble taw tnay specify far reinstatemetit?liefute s�le of the Yrnperty pursuant t«any pi>w�r of�ale cont��ned in�hi�
<br /> Stcutit} Itisttument;���(b)entry of�e jud�ment enforring th�s 5ecar�tv tu�trument Tito�e rcirrdttions arc th�t licrrr�wer. �"r
<br /> . (a)pays l.ender a1! sutns which then wcfuld be due utuler this Secunty tnctrum�t�i and the ;�nte hsei Ru s�cctrration ' ' �
<br /> � �°curtet3;(fij cares eny defaptt c►f�vy.atltei covenanf.s.nr bgreements, fc)f�ay4 all expen�e.tr+�,u�rcy3�n cirfc,rcm�this , � �.
<br /> Secunty Insirwtient,ineluding,hut �ivi iimitesf tv,reasanable attorneys'ree�. ilf�a��ir�d��� ���n accion a. l.et�cler mati ,�.
<br /> reasc�nably requirr to assurc thaf the lien �,f this 5eiarity ]mtri�ment. l.cn�irr'ti ri��t4.�r� tF�c Pri�}*erty au�i B�,rROKCr'� � •
<br /> . abligatic�i� tef ray tNc +urric sccureJ b}� th�s 5ecurit}�Instrurt:eat�ch�S! «�s�E�„ii;• wi�ha���;etf !'r.�rr rrii�aat�Rient hc
<br /> HarruKer.tht:5ec;unt} Iastrumrnt and!he c�bl►gaiiuns�ccvred hereby�haU teuwu,fui{y cifect�tic��tf nn er�cicr��tr�u h,��f
<br /> - c�ecutred Ili�weccf,thi�nghttc�te�nstatcstialipct��p�,tyirrtfrccutiet,far�rlcr�tutrrui�dcr�:,,r�i�;�e��h� i�s,r�" . .
<br /> � �1-
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